Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 150 Tingus Sector! Sudden separation.

"Confirm the source of the signal!"

Calvin reacted first and asked the navigator.

"Coming from three time units ahead, high frequency fixed frequency signal, time undetermined, range 15 subspace navigation units."

Navigator Samar opened his eyes and turned his attention to the real space maintained by Geiger's stance inside the ship.

"What's the specific time?" Gavins asked.

"The information is incomplete and the specific time cannot be shown."

Samar turned his head. There was not much white in his pale eyeballs. His skinny body could only survive in the life-support cabin for a long time due to the mutation in his flesh and blood.

He responded to the direction of Calvin and others: "The information in subspace itself has no time attribute. What we receive may be the echo of messages from the past, or it may be a warning from the future."

"Then Astropath..."

Calvin turned his gaze to the seat on the other side, where the Astropath's seat was located on the Revenant Redeemer. But before he could say anything, Samar's next words interrupted the order he had in his mouth.

"Can't use Astropath!"

"Why?" Tabos did not care about the other party's transgression, but asked Samar's reason for stopping Calvin.

"Because the last sentence in the fixed-frequency signal's request for help is, don't use astropaths! Don't use astropaths!"


"God of All Opportunities! We are in big trouble!" said Bishop Klein, who had walked under the holographic screen at some point.

She used her authority to click on the scheduled voyage locations in the subspace for four complete Terra days, and the specific galaxy map was unfolded on the holographic screen.

A fan-shaped area dominated by a single galaxy and composed of a dozen small galaxies is directly below the route of the Redeemer of the Dead.

Tingus sector!

A large-scale administrative node with a registered population of more than 10 billion in the empire was promoted by the empire's special policy to serve as the administrative center of the empire that governs nearly a hundred surrounding planetary worlds!

If there is a problem with the Xingyuting communication network node here, it means that there may be a problem with the planetary world in the entire sector special administrative region!

The Tribunal organization here is definitely stronger than that of ordinary galaxies or even ordinary star regions.

Based on everyone present’s understanding of the Tribunal, they would not be surprised if a Tribunal Lord was stationed here and a permanent Tribunal Council was established here!

But in this configuration, where at least dozens or at most hundreds of judges gather and work, such a problem occurred.

Moreover, the arrangement of this high-frequency fixed-point signal generator itself illustrates another thing:

That is, the attempts of this group of judges to purify and save this place have all failed!

Only in this case will they give up asking for help from outside the world and instead send the help beacon into the subspace in the hope of being rescued by the passing imperial friendly forces!

More than a dozen galaxies! Hundreds of worlds! Up to hundreds of billions of empire citizens!

Everyone present had just escaped from a fierce battle, and the state of the Revenant Redeemer was far from perfect. Are they really capable of participating in such a mission?

"The previous subspace state here?" Calvin asked on a core point.

"The local reports are all normal, but the surrounding ships passing by have registered and reported. There was a short-term subspace storm here that lasted about three years." The navigator said to Calvin after looking down at the information.

"Three years!"

Everyone fell silent for a moment, heavy pressure came to their minds, but no one held the responsibility for this negligence.

Subspace is originally a chaotic and disorderly existence. Such subspace storms, which can last from days to years, have never stopped in the empire. If it is not blocking important waterway hubs, then no one usually cares about this kind of thing.

It’s not that I don’t want to take care of it, it’s that I simply can’t.

In an empire with such a vast territory, the communication efficiency between galaxies is inherently low; coupled with the low efficiency brought about by the bloated administrative organization.

Three years is just enough time for the imperial government to react. By the time the people sent to deal with it arrive at their destination, the storm will usually be over long ago...

But if you cry wolf too often, it will eventually become true one day, and that is the case here.

When they thought about the worst possibility here, that the entire sector was corrupted by the Astropath node, causing systemic pollution, everyone present was speechless.

Once this conjecture came true, for three full years, the words "a thousand miles of corruption" were not enough to describe the specific tragic situation there.

Are they able to save this crisis?

It's understandable to be eager to rescue, but it's not a smart move to fight the fire without paying a salary.

"Ask for help!" Calvin raised his head and said decisively.

He pointed his gaze at Jin and his comrades, who had been silent, and then said:

"Brothers, your help is needed here. Please take this ship and return to Orpheus immediately. Inform the Inquisition! Inform the Order of the Hammer! Report to the Imperial Star Government! Inform all nearby Astartes Chapters! In short, let as many people as possible know what is happening here! ”

"What about you? Where are you going?" King asked.

He smelled an ominous flavor in Calvin's words. The other party seemed to have another destination, but at this critical moment, he sent these imperial guards out.

"We stay, our presence is needed here!" Calvin looked worriedly at the galaxy groups floating in the universe, and said in a heavy tone:

"We need to get to the surface and know what happened there. If it does happen, then we need to delay it as much as possible and wait for your arrival."

"This is not in line with our mission! Our orders are to be with you! You can send others back!" Jin refused without thinking.

"But this meets the needs of the war situation! Only when you go back can the military strength here be mobilized to the greatest extent!"

Before King could finish speaking, Calvin interrupted him and explained to him.

As if he was still worried that Jin would be stubborn again, after he finished speaking, he looked at Jin sincerely and said:

"The Emperor taught us not to retreat due to danger, didn't he? Your mission is equally important! Only you can do it best!"

Jin was silent. After he and his colleagues looked at each other again, he performed an eagle salute to Calvin and lowered his head deeply:

"Then before I return, please ensure your own safety..."

Calvin did not respond to Jin's request. He just took the time to take a deep look at everyone present, then turned around and threw off the silver cloak behind him, and walked towards the flight deck.

The same was true for Gavins behind him. He stared at the people present without saying a word, as if he wanted to remember the faces of these comrades at the last moment of his life.

He silently performed the aquila salute, then turned around and caught up with Calvin as he left.

First update, please vote.

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