Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 162 Death Guard, Golden Meteor

"****! (Everything is empty!)"


"I don't understand! Let someone with a good tongue speak next time!"

Calvin chopped the Chaos Space Marine in front of him into pieces together with his rusty chainsword, then strung them up with a halberd and burned them clean with psychic energy. Calvin responded casually. I wonder if the Death Guard heard him before he completely dissipated. …

Smelly! How stinky! Even when burned to ashes, it stinks!

Looking at the blade of the halberd in his hand with some disgust, Calvin finally understood why these Mortarion cubs were rarely seen on the Chaos battlefield.

The stench on their bodies is something that even a stasis force field may not be able to stop, and even the allies of Chaos probably can't tolerate it for a long time.

Whenever Calvin thinks of them appearing in a large-scale Chaos coalition, he sympathizes with those Chaos Space Marines from the bottom of his heart:

When these green-armored abscess giants appear on the battlefield, their attacks on both the enemy and ourselves are obviously simultaneous.

The Imperial side will accept the threat of their contagious disease and will use all means to try to eliminate them before they get close.

In contrast, the devil's side, which Calvin had never thought about in another's shoes, seemed even more miserable...

As soon as he thought of these guys standing next to him, the nature of the entire battlefield changed.

The morale of the entire Chaos side is increasing rapidly, and they will angrily rush towards all enemies in front of them in an attempt to resolve the battle as quickly as possible;

And if the goal cannot be achieved, then be solved as soon as possible and then return to the subspace. Thinking about it, it is actually a good choice...

The sweep of the frontal battlefield has been completed, and Gavins behind him sent a message through the psychic channel:

+The target has been cleared, there are no new sources of chaos pollution nearby, please ask for next instructions+

+Have they found their core base? +

Calvin asked back. Under his spiritual power were ten Gray Knight squads scattered across dozens of square kilometers.

+No! +

+No! +

+No valid information yet! +

The voices of various teams came one after another from the message channel, and more were the exchanges of various images and consciousness fluids.

The champion swordsmen dispersed to each squad successfully served as the communication node for the entire team, transmitting their respective situations to their comrades deployed on the entire battlefield in real time.

Well, Calvin didn't expect to find the real owner as soon as he landed, but the expected lack of intelligence still made him a little disappointed.

With no other choice, Calvin pinched his nose and picked up the fragment of the chain sword on the ground, and then tried to touch it with his own spirit wrapped in a thick layer of psychic energy...

The hand of knowledge!

With a buzzing sound, Calvin's vision began to blur, and everything around him began to go back in time with the derivation of spiritual energy:

The broken stone slab was restored to its untrodden integrity, and the broken sword blade was reunited with the burned body;

The figure of the Death Guard reappeared in front of him and retreated strangely into the distance until he disappeared somewhere at the end of his field of vision.

There is still more information being gathered in pieces, but as Nurgle believers, they are also blessed by the same gods. Calvin cannot risk exploring deeper on the river of time, which is likely to lead to an ambush by the other party.

"East!" His voice came from the psychic channel.

Golden, who was more than ten kilometers away, stopped exploring when he heard the sound, turned around and led the team in the direction indicated by Calvin.

The other teams also marched behind him in tacit understanding, supporting the flanking barriers for the advancing team several kilometers away.

This is the first time that Calvin has run "legion mode" on such a large scale. Judging from the current feedback, the effect is not bad.

From his mental perspective, this company-sized group of Gray Knights was not a simple accumulation of numbers, or a scattered distribution.

Their wills were united under Calvin's hook, like a giant beast with teeth and claws, patrolling the surroundings with cold eyes, straddling the entire team.

In another brief encounter, ten Death Guards met Golden on the ruins of a hospital.

They were both Astartes and didn't say much after meeting. They attacked each other with their own tactics.

The head filled with disease and curse was thrown as a grenade by the defenders, and then exploded in the air under the precise shot of the Gray Knights who had expected it.

The long-range weapons of both sides began to roar at the first time, and while the violent missiles sent "cordial and friendly" greetings to each other, the characteristics of the two teams also revealed obvious differences through their respective tactics.

Nurgle's lackeys obviously have some stereotypes about these gray knights. They are still staying put based on past experience, trying to rely on the evil god's blessing to endure this round of damage.

But the fleeting reinforcements from both sides gave them no time to regret, and they fell into a hail of bullets surrounded on three sides.

In just the first round of blows, at least half of the Death Guard lost the ability to fight, and the remaining ones also became fish on the sword in the eyes of the oncoming Gray Knights, waiting for their execution.

The psionic Fury's halberd crackled and charged towards the Death Guard, wielded by the leading Arbiter and Champion Swordsman.

The leader of the Death Guard sergeant's weapon was easily chopped into pieces. Before he could react, the blade of the Nemesis Halberd bit deeply into the rotten and twisted Mark III power armor.

The fight took less than a minute from start to finish.

Hidden behind the seemingly smooth battle are high-intensity, high-precision and inescapable fire exchanges and bloody melee combat with psychic strikes.

These extremely specialized killing effects would not be possible even if the number of mortal troops were increased hundreds of times.

Their weak bodies cannot even withstand the aura of disease that comes with them, not to mention the reaction speed of those bulky weapons, which may even be difficult for them to touch the corners of their clothes.

This is a war between Astartes. The absolute number of firepower projections is meaningless here. Only the ultimate effective killing can stop the existence of armor and firepower, agility and strength.

And this is also the main meaning of the Gray Knight's existence.

Five minutes later, as the entire team continued to move forward, Calvin's team on the other side of the army also arrived here.

With the increase of the group will he led, he could clearly see that the other party had noticed the abnormality here.

A force of no less than 30 Death Guards has begun to assemble directly in front of the advancing team.

More countless zombies slowly gathered around them at their call.

Behind these walking corpses, Calvin could vaguely see some figures wearing uniforms of the local defense forces. The sound of tracks of tanks and heavy artillery made Calvin understand that the opponent's main force had arrived.

"Forward troops retreat!"

"The two wing teams begin to intersect!"

"The second-line troops move forward, cut through the encirclement and then retreat directly!"

"The core team is ready for stroller teleportation, and scalpel strike mode is on standby!"

The silent spiritual energy is transmitted to the node in front and returns quickly.

The Gray Knights on the battlefield also continued to intersperse in a tacit understanding, taking advantage of the fact that the enemy in the distance had not arrived to clean up the corpses on both wings.

The enemy's clumsiness and slow response were particularly obvious at this moment. They clearly had dozens of times the strength advantage but were completely unable to use it.

This is the advantage of "legion mode".

With the blessing of "legion mode", they can completely ignore the pressure of the opponent's large group of troops, often jumping repeatedly on the boundary of the enemy's main force of fire, and continue to use their flexibility to hinder the opponent's pace.

With the blessing of "Legion Will", the friendly troops on the wings and rear can accurately take advantage of the enemy's unstable foothold to cut up the opponent's team trying to outflank them with sharp surprise attacks, and then, with the blessing of information from the entire front line, they can leave with one blow. Not willing to fight.

If the entire battlefield is observed from a macro perspective, the asymmetry between the two sides is fully reflected at this moment.

This is the first time that the Gray Knights have appeared on the frontal battlefield against Chaos in a complete "legion mode". It is also the epitome of the unique combat mode in the eyes of enemy and friendly forces for a long time to come.

"The silent blade always cuts accurately from the gaps between the opponent's bones." said an Astartes Chapter Leader who had seen the complete process of the Gray Knights' combat.


Zaratul, the commander of the Death Guard, smashed the table in front of him for an unknown number of times, and anger erupted uncontrollably from his heart.

Ever since he took refuge in his loving father, who was known for his calm mind, losing control of his emotions was a distant and unfamiliar thing.

But today, under the teasing of the enemy in front of him, he experienced the feeling of anger for the first time in a long time.

Fortunately, everything was worth it. The outflanking on both sides was already in place. Under the swarm charge of armored tanks, the inevitable powerful sweep was about to take place.

"These jumping bugs!"

He thought bitterly, imagining how the opponent would resist the charge of Leman Russ heavy tanks under the attack of ground cannons. For a moment, he even recalled the glory of the Great Expedition era... Buzz!

A huge psychic stance appeared under his feet, and the powerful shock wave caused the remaining mortal officers around him, except for the Death Guard, to be instantly torn into pieces.

Before he could figure out the situation in front of him, twelve tall figures appeared in the middle of this dazzling spiritual light.

A total of twelve Holy Shield Terminators, driven by Gray Knight veterans, had just teleported over and started a devastating killing spree in all directions!

"Decapitation strike!"

This idea just appeared in the mind of this veteran of the legion era, and the same teleportation light behind him began to shine:

He even had time to look back, and his eyes were filled with three giants as tall as Knight Titans, wielding swords that were three meters long and half a meter wide and as big as door panels...

The Dread Knight of Heavenly Punishment makes his debut!

The giant sword slashed through, leaving behind the lower half of the bodies of the Death Guards who were still standing. As for the upper half? Well, it's still where it is...

More than ten kilometers away, Calvin put down the war hammer "Mission" in his hand.

Just now, under his leadership, all the Gray Knights, backed by their collective will, jointly undertook this ultra-long-distance precise teleportation strike.

And he himself later raised his war hammer, and the psychic energy gathered around him was ready to teleport into the field again at any time to deal with the opponent's possible backhand.

This is also the advantage of the Gray Knights in the legion era. With the blessing of the group will, the Gray Knights who teleport over do not need to bear too much burden and can fully exert the ultimate killing effect.

Even under extreme conditions, they can teleport away again within a short time after completing the beheading, leaving the target's guard group sitting there...

But obviously, this is no longer necessary.

The core strength of the frontal defense line has been destroyed. Calvin does not have much to do. He is just leading his troops to take advantage of the sluggishness of the rebels on both sides and rush directly through the fragile defense line in front of him...

The strike cruiser in orbit was already in place. Standing next to the body of the Death Guard sergeant who had just died in the battle, Calvin smiled with satisfaction as he looked at the huge shock wave caused by the macrocannon shell in the distance.

The main force of the enemy here has been wiped out. Before the altar used by the opponent to summon the evil god of subspace has been found, there is little point in staying here.

He picked up the opponent's scattered armor and injected Calvin's will into it.

Under the cover of the power of order, his spirit pushed back from the opponent's weapon through the power of the "hand of knowledge", looking for the location of the altar.

Memories began to flow backwards, and everything this weapon had ever touched appeared in Calvin's eyes in a strange black and white image.

Killing... marching... killing... marching... contamination... penetration... coming...

Fragmentary images continued to appear in Calvin's eyes, until they arrived from the subspace. In his memory, Calvin saw the tall figure of the Chosen Nurgle who led all the Death Guards, and the other party also happened to be a little suspicious. looked at Calvin...

Calvin made a prompt decision and cut off the process of retracement. The details in his memory were enough. He knew the location of the other party on the ribbon formed by the magnetic field behind him.


Going back in time along the memory of the weapon, he finally found what he wanted.

The silhouette of the Thunderhawk appeared at the end of the horizon amidst the roar of the engine. After gathering his troops, Calvin quickly walked towards the intended landing site.

This is an interlocking conspiracy. The troops spread out by the Death Guard now seem to be bait, and the real goal is to delay time.

The leader of the war gang is currently sitting underground in the North Pole, where the alien ruins are their target.

The "Prolific People" who somehow knew the existence of the ruins here and how to use them were at a critical moment in the ceremony.

Unsurprisingly, according to their old rules, these "scientists" in the Death Guard are using the lives of seven entire planets as sacrifices in an attempt to pray to their loving father.

They prayed to the Father to fish out a little juice from His artifact, the Crucible of Disease, to add their own color to the real universe.

These viruses from Nurgle will be spread throughout the Orpheus sector through the teleportation function of that ruin.

They are close to success. The seeds of the virus have been dropped. They only need to wait for the equipment in the ruins to be warmed up before they can spread the seeds of the curse in an instant.

There is not much time left for Calvin, but the cards in his hand have been exhausted.

Who else? Calvin thought about the available maneuvering power at hand, and then finally set his sights on the imperial guards responsible for liaison on the fleet.

"Call the Revenant Redeemer."

"Please speak when you receive it."

"Who is the Imperial Guard guarding this ship?"

Calvin held his breath, hoping someone trustworthy would show up.

"I am Nicholas, Lord Calvin. Please tell me something."

When this familiar voice came from the phone, Calvin subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. Then he immediately revealed his intentions to the other person.

"Please go to the North Pole of the planet Tavala immediately! Stop the Chaos Ritual there at all costs! I will be there soon!"


The trajectory of the Thunder Eagle gradually disappeared into the sky, and as the distance increased, only the blue tail flame was faintly visible.

At the same time, a golden meteor was sliding down from an orbit 10,000 meters above the sky.

Two in one, update please vote.

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