Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 165: Short Trips and Eternal Life in the Clouds

If a plan is a precise measuring instrument, then its links are like a scale. The more links it has, the more accurate it will be. But it is also unavoidable that the more links there are, the less room for error the plan will have and the more fragile its feasibility will be.

Especially when you try to put a plan to the test over a long period of time, you never know which tomorrow or accident will come first.

There is a high probability that it is the latter, and the great demons of the Lord of Usurpers have enough say on this point.

But fortunately, Tzeentch is also a god full of black humor, and accidental failures can also make him happy.

So throughout the long history, this group of subspace fun-lovers with bird heads have always been happy to perform their funny and cruel shows.

But the Fear of the Dead is different. As a race in this universe that has reached the extreme level of technology, they still cannot escape the barriers of mortal things.

Every mechanism they left behind to avoid natural disasters cannot be allowed to go wrong, because it involves the life and death of a sleeping undead dynasty.

The same is true of the Tomb Gate, the building in which Calvin was previously located.

This technological creation of the Necrontyr from the ancient "War in Heaven" era was loaded with too much unnecessary sophistication when it was secretly placed in the twin stars of Korakor under heavy protection.

It was the first accident that a disciple of Nurgle found one of the teleporters where it was originally placed and used the device to transport the virus;

The second surprise was that the teleportation device was successfully activated, and that a "precious thing" like Calvin, who had super psychic powers, was transmitted there.

It's only three things. The King of Silence who originally installed this device probably didn't expect the story that happened here.

The awakening device it left behind for this undead dynasty named Menak could not leave such redundant fault-tolerant space.

All in all, this device, which was planned to be activated in 990.M41 two thousand years later, was accidentally activated ahead of schedule due to the dual "cooperation" of Chaos and the Empire.

The energy provided by the Korakol twin stars that had not yet reached the end of their lives and were forcibly ignited was far from enough to awaken the undead cemetery located on the dark side of Orps in the distance.

The twin stars of Korakor exploded, but not quite.

Among the two stars that have not yet competed in the gravitational entanglement, there is still too much material that cannot be included in the fusion reaction at the first time, and there is no chance to participate in subsequent fission.

The explosion of the supernova lit up the nearby cosmic space, and the violent escape of high-energy rays could even be observed in the Pacific star field next door.

The violent energy fluctuations were centered on the black hole formed by the entanglement of the twin stars. They briefly and violently spread to the entire star region, and then just dissipated outside the tomb world of the Menak Dynasty.

This powerful dynasty, which is ranked among the top three among the Necrontyr, continues to sleep like this.

If nothing else happens, they will forever lose the chance to wake up again in ignorance.

This is also a variable brought about by Calvin as an outsider:

Two thousand years from now, the final day that originally belonged to Orpheus - the revival of the dynasty represented by the famous "Hundred Days of Blood" and the fall of the entire Orpheus sector will never have the chance to return. happened.

At this point, the Necrontyr, as the victims, did not know, and Calvin, as one of the instigators, also did not know.

He didn't have time to think about what impact he had in this series of accidents.

On the contrary, he was tormented by a battle between his shame and his biological hunger.

"How many times has this been watched?"

In the noisy tribal market, Calvin, who was wrapped in a piece of homespun cloth, thought with his fingers in his mouth.

He summarized his not-too-long life and found that every time he accidentally lost consciousness, there was a high probability that he would be watched by others when he woke up...

The first was Sister Silence on Black Ship;

The second time was a pharmacist in the medical department of the home planet Titan;

The third time was the pharmacist on Titan II in the Federman system;

And now for the fourth time, it’s the human women in front of me who don’t know what language they speak...

Different people witnessed the coma at different moments, but the same thing was that Calvin never had a chance to put on his clothes.

Well, Calvin used his baby-like sensitive skin to carefully feel the rough texture of the homespun cloth, comforting himself that this was at least an improvement.

Then he fell into another dilemma:

"Stop! Mortal! Do you know the crime of blasphemy! The majesty of the Emperor's Angels cannot be violated by you!"

This is the biggest voice of Calvin who is drifting in the turbulent flow of time and space at the center of the black hole and arriving in the unknown world.

It is a pity that adults will not pay attention to the baby's babbling.

He returned to his childlike, immature and short hands and waved his hands, but he could not stop the approach of the mortal woman's breast-feeding organ in front of him.

"Hmm...it smells so good!"

Things have come to this, and things must be done. Calvin, lamenting the unpredictability of the world, obeyed his hunger in humiliation, and then fell into a deep sleep again after vomiting a milk burp...

As the largest known celestial body, stars have such a long life cycle and are so huge.

Correspondingly, the moment they become supernovae, they burst into indescribable and spectacular brilliance at the end of their lives.

When a huge amount of energy is concentrated on the stone shed tomb door under the entanglement of gravity, the rules of time and space here are distorted.

With the support of this absolute power, Calvin is like an awl driven hard into the curtain of time, squeezing and twisting the fibers of time. Calvin has only a few tiny but tough time fibers that have not yet been broken. Binding his existence.

Perhaps as the power he carries dissipates, or his own strength recovers, time will eventually repel him as a foreign object that should not exist here.

But at least now, he has successfully broken through the gap in time and has a chance to stay with the distant past.

"*****!" (Okay, return it to you.)

The young woman spoke softly in the original Aboriginal language and handed the Calvin in her hands back to the woman who had originally discovered him and brought him back to the tribe.

The latter had a faint smile on his purple face that was soaked by the wind and frost of the plateau. After bowing slightly to express his gratitude, he carried Calvin and walked to the next tent.

There is no way, the vitality of the Primarch is so strong. The huge amount of energy and material intake is the foundation for maintaining his metabolism that far exceeds that of ordinary people.

When the woman picked up this baby, who was white all over and had tattoos like silver veins, she immediately noticed that this child was different.

Without him, it is really delicious...

On just the first night, the sheep she was grazing ran out of extra milk. In the next few days, in order to fill this bottomless pit of appetite, the woman carried him to every tent with newborns in the tribe.

But this is far from enough, at least not enough for a Primarch.

The energy required for high-energy cell growth is so huge that it has almost touched the extreme of chemical energy conversion. Relying only on this inefficient eating, Calvin would only face a slow death.

Every moment, energy was consumed beyond his means, causing Calvin's body to visibly lose weight. Even his consciousness could not stay awake, and he only woke up intermittently and then fell into sleep.

This situation made the woman who adopted him anxious. This woman named "Mu" had never been married in her life. In her eyes, the unexpected child in front of her was a gift from God.

Her hair turned pale in a few days, and in her anxiety, she finally decided to brave the terrible snow and wind in the plateau winter and embark on the journey to the tribal royal court alone.

Presumably those priests with knowledge can give this child a chance to survive.

Needless to mention the hardships along the way, the woman who almost died in the wolf's kiss several times still relied on her courage to reach the royal residence after three days and three nights.

The priests did not disappoint her.

In the eyes of the herdsmen, these people, dressed in noble red robes and covered with precious metals, are truly beings from the sky. They are the messengers of the gods and the hope of the herdsmen in this wilderness.

The red-robed priest walked out of the mysterious tower holding a golden staff amidst her pleas.

He looked at the child on her knees with her hands raised in the air with a strange look. The sacred Gothic language was a language that women were not qualified to learn, but the veiled gestures let her know that the other party was willing to show mercy to the child. Helping hand.

"You are a lucky woman, and you should be honored by your actions. The Emperor's bloodline was saved in your hands, and this planet will be proud of you."

This is the voice of the Mechanical Monk belonging to the Order of Omen, the leader of the 300 escort mechas under the psychic Titan Worldburner, and the Sage of Mechanical Control - Octar Ursulad Constantine.

He ignored whether the woman really understood his words, but carefully took Calvin over, turned around and walked into the tower.

This time he came to this exclusive recruitment world for the Bad Omen Order, which was originally caused by his whim; coming to inspect this lower-level site was even more unintentional.

But now it seems that all this is already doomed.

The Almighty Om Messiah was clearly guiding his steps. It was by following His guidance that he was lucky enough to meet this unrecorded emperor's son in this remote and desolate world.

The bloodline and tattoos on Calvin's body may be just anomalies in the eyes of ignorant mortals, but in the eyes of Mars, a loyal servant of the Emperor and a traitor, they are indeed obvious signs.

This is a Primarch! A Primarch never recorded by the Imperium!

He took the baby back to the tower where he was stationed and prepared the supplies Calvin needed.

As one of the scholars involved in the transformation rituals of psykers on Titan, he has as much knowledge of biology as the Genetic Order on Mars.

He may not be able to study or copy a genetic product that comes from the Emperor himself, but he can still provide the materials needed in the growth process of this miraculous life.

For ten days, Constantine stayed with Calvin in the genetic modulation cabin in the tower for ten days before he regained consciousness and opened his eyes.

During this period, with sufficient nutrients, Calvin's body had grown rapidly to the size of a human teenager.

Calvin regained consciousness and made Constantine take a long breath.

But before he could relax, Calvin, who saw the person in front of him for the first time, also said his first words here in surprise.

The high-pitched Gothic language came out from his fully developed vocal cords, but the vocabulary he revealed made the ruling sage look stiff and stood on the spot:

"Emperor's blessing! Father Constantine! Why is it you!"

"You ever met me?"

This was the answer of Constantine, who had received some important information from Calvin.

Such reactions and answers also made Calvin realize that he might have recognized the wrong person.

"No... I think I made a mistake. You are not the priest I know."

Calvin was slightly stunned when he realized the mistake.

From the moment he woke up, he discovered that his spiritual energy was blocked by some kind of power. This was the price of his traveling through time.

A brain with sufficient energy supply allowed him to understand the current situation. He could not bear the price of rashly offending the priest in front of him.

Although he didn't know why the person in front of him had a stiff expression, he couldn't swallow his words at this point, so he explained like this.

"No, maybe you didn't admit your mistake..."

In Calvin's eyes, the red-robed mechanical priest obviously had some unspeakable secrets, but he still decided to explain the situation to Calvin after careful consideration.

"What you see may not be me now, but part of me in the future..."

Constantine observed Calvin's expression carefully, and then said to the man who was obviously at a loss:

"The dangerous boundary between flesh and machine has long been stipulated in the "Scarlet Pact" signed by the Emperor himself and Mars. This is an ironclad commandment that no one below Mars may violate.

However, the Mechanicum's research on the human body will eventually lead to the path of uploading consciousness to the machine after life declines. The so-called Scarlet Protocol's constraints only prohibit the use of others as guinea pigs.

And recently I am hesitating whether to cross the threshold of this technology in order to seek a longer-term existence. After all, 500 years have passed since my birth. Errors in my system are inevitably accumulating, and redundant data accumulation is increasing. Overall, there isn't much time left for me. "

"So?" Calvin asked subconsciously, obviously frightened by the information Constantine said.

"So..." Constantine looked at the young man in the cabin and said:

"Your arrival proves some of my choices and the correctness of these choices. As a thank you, I can explain the mysteries to you."

"What mystery?"

Calvin asked, if the man in front of him was indeed the Constantine he knew, it meant that he could have the most basic trust in the priest. With his mood relaxed, he also had room for curiosity.

Constantine was also in a very good mood. He was no longer struggling to advance or retreat. He even humorously answered Calvin's question with a rhetorical question:

"Young man of noble blood, have you ever heard of such a term - eternal life in the clouds?"

Two-in-one, it’s a bit impatient, let’s launch it first and change it later. Routinely asking for votes.

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