Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 168 The Beginning of Integration and Change

The days passed by.

The secret conversation between father and son that took place in the big tent was like a pebble sinking to the bottom of a lake. It only caused a little ripple at the beginning and then became silent again.

Calvin also continued to maintain the family life with Mu during the hunt.

Material conditions are improving, and interpersonal relationships are also quietly changing.

Since returning from that hunt, news about Calvin has spread vaguely among the tribe.

They all knew directly or indirectly about the achievements of this white-haired boy:

During the coldest period of the cold season, a Kraken was hunted alone from the snowy forest and sea, and then dragged back intact while surrounded by a group of beasts.

Such behavior is somewhat legendary by any standard.

After this battle, both adults and young people in the tribe re-understood the significance of Calvin's existence.

The women of the tribe were talking about Mu's luck, and the male-dominated hunters and warriors would also talk about how the woman named Mu picked up a white thread in the snow at the wine table. The wolf cub is back...

The initial distrust and skepticism faded over time.

On the basis that his abilities have been proven, the invitations coming one after another from the hunter team seem to be natural.

Mu was extremely happy with this change.

She is not happy about her change in status, but simply hopes that if one day she is no longer around, this tribe will have a reason for Calvin to stay...

Calvin, who saw all this in his eyes, did not refuse. He just joined one of the teams after careful consideration:

This is the team that the former tribal leader's daughter, Qiao, belongs to.

The team was not large, with less than ten people including Calvin. Except for Joe, the remaining members of the team are elite members from other hunting teams.

The experienced but generally less than middle-aged people, as well as the steel knives and pure metal arrowheads they all carry, all show that this team is capable.

Of course, such an elite team was not formed spontaneously, but was due to Joe's identity.

The tribal leader, Lucas Sr., was not good at force. The biggest reason why he could take over the heavy responsibility from the previous leader was that he could hold a bowl of water flat enough.

He has been known for his fairness all his life and has won the trust of the warriors of the tribe. It is really not a big deal to invest resources in the safety of his daughter.

Calvin's joining was also authorized by the tribal leader. His powerful martial arts are the last guarantee for Joe's personal safety.

Joe objected, of course, but only in a symbolic way.

Calvin didn't pay attention, after all, women's memories always lasted unexpectedly long in certain details.

From his perspective, this is completely understandable:

This is due to their physiological structure, and it is also their basic need for a stable environment and corresponding emotions as the bearers of the continuation of the race...

The initial run-in was not smooth. After all, with a proud guy like Joe around, everyone could not have the same tacit understanding as before.

But fortunately, Calvin's individual qualities made up for these gaps.

The skills of the Court of Assassins are very useful here:

Whether it is tracking prey in a complex environment or violently attacking a single large target, Calvin's training experience at the Iverson Temple allowed him to fully utilize his physical fitness to its maximum lethality.

An iron drill, a piece of rope, a dagger, and a short arrow can all become deadly weapons in his hands.

The members of the team were even a little scared. They were afraid of Calvin's obviously mature martial arts and the logic behind it.

Although their cultural education is not enough to understand the meaning, they who have been fighting wild beasts all year round can still instinctively appreciate the anti-human cruelty that belongs to the essence of human assassination.

Calvin was also aware of this situation and didn't even want to know.

The members of the team who remained silent after the hunt looked extremely ugly, obviously frightened by his murderous intent.

In the days that followed, he gradually reduced the use of Iverson's assassin martial arts and began to use other martial arts that he remembered as belonging to legionnaires.

The absolute upper limit of these skills is actually not low, but under the cover of the use of conventional weapons, they appear not as extreme as the skills of the Assassin's Court.

In the days that followed, Calvin spent most of his time hunting with this team.

The team members are stable and have good average quality. The most important thing is that they can be trusted.

Calvin was also happy to carry his prey on such a long mountain road alone after getting rid of the basic food and clothing problems.

The members of the team also gradually accepted Calvin's existence under Joe's forgetfulness.

With the cultural background of the nomadic people, they naturally admired Calvin's strength and the skills condensed in him. Calvin's own strong personal charm was also the reason why they were attracted.

So without Joe as an obstacle, these young warriors couldn't wait to surround him, asking him about those amazing skills and the philosophy behind them...

In addition to his hunting life, he would occasionally go out alone and disappear in the mountains for a few days. But with the guarantee of his strength, no one cares about his whereabouts.

The cold season is gradually coming to an end, and the royal court of the tribe also moves with the transfer of hunting grounds.

The place where the ancestral court is located has also returned to its former peace. Only the wild animals that accidentally intruded fled in a hurry after smelling the dense "human smell" here.

In the empty royal city, only the tower left by the angels from the sky exists here like a guard of gods.

In the underground warehouse in the central tower of the royal court, Calvin sat at the dining table, chewing the tasteless nutritious porridge in his mouth slowly.

As the Omen Order was approaching shutdown, they gradually gave up their rule here without the need for manpower.

In order to maintain long-term survival, the mechas and defense agencies stationed here fell into a long hibernation.

In the empty tower, only Calvin's figure appeared in the passage leading to the storage area.

Calvin's goal was clear, which was the supplies left by Constantine for him here.

Among them, the special food for the Astartes was the most precious, and it was also a precious resource that he could not obtain locally.

The tribe's diet was too primitive, and if he wanted to ensure the normal development of his organs, he had to return here regularly.

Although the tasteless nutritious porridge was unpalatable, the ceramic steel powder that strengthened bones and other trace elements that stimulated the growth of superhuman organs were substances he had to ingest.

It has been half a year since Constantine left, and Calvin is now an adult man over six feet tall.

The further growth of the body is a welcome progress, which further unlocks many skills that Calvin could not perform before.

But unfortunately, the use of psychic power is still not possible.

In the past, Calvin tried more than once to restore his connection with the core of his soul.

Under the constraints of the power of time and space, the cosmic defense mechanism of this time segment is extremely stubborn.

It firmly binds Calvin's soul with a thin but powerful force, refusing him to use this power to interfere with the development of any local things.

Every time he tries, he is fighting against the constraints of time and space.

And every time he is about to succeed, he stops in time before touching his soul.

It's not that he can't do it, but he instinctively has a hunch that as long as he forcibly uses psychic power, the time he stays here will be greatly shortened.

Activating his soul and awakening the entire psychic power means that he will completely end this time travel here.

This simple choice is obviously not in his latest plan.

Putting aside the initial panic and helplessness, after meeting Constantine, he had already keenly realized the preciousness of this unexpected trip.

Being able to go back to the past and actually understand and change the direction of some things, how many people think this is an opportunity that they can't get?

Such an opportunity is now in front of Calvin. If he returns home so easily, it will be a waste of this opportunity that can't be sought.

If you don't take what God gives, you will be blamed.

Calvin, who recognizes the current situation, is no longer in a hurry to return, but chooses to be patient and try to change the current situation here.

He hopes to use his power, with the help of the power of the Omen Order at this point in time, to make an attempt to make a layout across time.

In the tower, he talked with Constantine for a long time.

The latter accepted Calvin's plan and then set off to return to Terra to bring Calvin the resources he wanted.

Calvin quietly waited here, while trying to slowly change the people here, and waiting for Constantine to return.

This may be an unexpected trip.

But it did not prevent him from taking advantage of the situation and making long-term plans at an earlier time.

He hoped to solve the waste of resources caused by the suspension of the Omen Order, and then solve the seemingly unsolvable and doomsday war in the Orpheus Star Region.

After finishing today's quota of nutritious meals, Calvin put down the tin box in his hand and walked out the door.

Under the control of the highest authority, the contemplative servo in the tower silently opened all the doors along the way for him, and then quietly closed them one by one after he left.

The warrior recruitment meeting held once every fifteen years in the tribe is in full swing at this time.

It is a festival for the entire tribe and an opportunity he has been waiting for for a long time.

As long as he wins in this recruitment selection, he can get more rights with the recognition of more people.

A few tents, a few warriors, dozens of mounts, and even a tribe of hundreds of people.

These rewards are there waiting for him to get, and the people here are also waiting for his arrival, and under his leadership, they will get out of the barbaric and ignorant era hundreds of years ahead of schedule.

The cold wind outside the tower is still howling, and the last charm of the winter goddess remains.

Under the blowing of the wind and snow, Calvin's figure became smaller and smaller in the white wasteland...


As the dirty sword (a half-hand sword, that is, the length of the sword body is one and a half hands. Because it is neither a one-handed sword nor a two-handed sword, it is called a dirty sword because of its specifications) in the hand of Mars, the son of the tribal leader, was picked up and flew away, the battle witnessed by the leaders of the tribal alliance also came to an end.

Calvin held the sword with one hand, his face calm. It was as if the person who just killed Mars was not him.

But the fact is the fact, the silent herdsmen around and the solemn faces of the leaders on the high platform are true evidence.

This is in line with Calvin's expectations and is also part of his plan.

In the primitive and barbaric tribal culture, whoever controls violence has everything.

This is Calvin's plan. He will defeat the opponents along the way as much as possible with thunder, so that the people watching the battle can understand his martial arts and strength to the greatest extent.

Strength is violence, and violence is power.

This is the unchanging truth that people of this era have proven to be unchangeable after going through the test of iron and blood.

It is also the original reason for the birth of rights in the context of this era.

Under such violent suppression, Calvin did not need to pin his hopes on the rulers on the high platform, he was enough to use his prestige to win over a group of people.

Of course, he didn't want to get to that point either.

The leaders on the high platform remained silent.

Their gazes subtly converged on the old Lucas, who had remained silent in the center right.

And the old man didn't give them a chance to watch the fun. He immediately stood up and took the lead in confirming the legitimacy of Calvin's victory in the context of his eldest son's defeat.

Everyone on the sidelines cheered when they heard the sound, unaware of the details and background.

Their noisy voices spread from the audience to the stage. Against the background of the somewhat distorted sounds, everyone looked at Lucas strangely.

The chief of the Stormrage tribe in the wasteland next door was the first to stand up.

The voice coming from his burly body covered in Kraken fur was so rich that it was too loud to ask the old man, making the leader next to him frown.

"Old man, are you confused? Or are you saying you don't want your son to take over?"

In fact, he also understood that in such an occasion, the results obtained so easily were extremely difficult to deny.

But after all, if the matter falls on his head, it is really hard to say whether he can admit defeat so simply...

"if not?"

Under the strange atmosphere, Old Lucas slowly picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip of the steaming tea.

Then he responded to the chief of Stormrage under the gaze of everyone:

"Otherwise? Deny the result of this sacred competition? And then, against the suspicion of the entire tribe, hand the power to a loser who can't keep it, just because he is my son?"

This water seemed not enough to moisten his throat. He took another sip of hot water and said:

"And then make the entire tribe uneasy? Then give you guys an opportunity to rob my hunting grounds and annex my tribe?"

"Shit! Don't even think about it!"

The old man put the water glass on the table. The amiable disguise finally faded away, and the dangerous eyes of an old wolf patrolled the surrounding neighbors:

"Immortality is in the sky! Even if I am buried in the ground, I won't be able to give you guys a chance!"......

Under the subtle attitude of everyone, the tribal celebration and selection finally came to an end.

Calvin himself, accompanied by the leaders, raised the Sulu ingot symbolizing his authority and bravery under the stone pillar symbolizing the Immortal Sky (Emperor).

Updated, 2-in-1. Asking for votes.

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