Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 613 War on the Gothic Starry Sky (Seventeen) Hatred is the Hammer


After regaining consciousness from the dizziness, Jia Luo felt that every cell was screaming at him in protest.

"Can I just say that it's him?" Jia Luo groped and found the free hilt of the sword in the ruins. He held the broad sword on the ground with his broken fist armor and tried to push away the gravel on his chest with his other hand.

The breastplate had been shattered. Under the blow of Nirvana, Jialuo could see that only half of the Imperial Golden Eagle was left on his chest, and even the Tao Gang armor and the power cables inside were completely destroyed.

The heaviness in his body told Jia Luo that at least half of the electromagnetic muscles in his body had failed.

As for more malfunctions, he could no longer fully perceive them because the matching helmet was missing. Although the servo of the power armor was still operating, it was transmitting signals only by the implanted neurons in the back of the brain, and there were still too many details that could not be conveyed.

However, this is only an external problem. In Jia Luo's view, the internal soul fusion is far more serious than these.

Consciousnesses collide every moment, and memories are reshaped in a crazy blend. Jialuo even once lost his self-doubt because of the confusion of this information.

But at this moment, the strange comrade-in-arms who had been silent all this time, while suffering greater pain, spoke to him for the first time because of Jia Luo's hesitation:

"Can I still fight?"

This was obviously a question without any emotion, but it made Gara Ti's consciousness suddenly wake up, and then a huge rage burst out from his heart!

Fighting is their vocation given to them by the Emperor, and their will is their only wealth besides this body!

And what is he questioning?

He is questioning whether Jialuo's will is strong enough!

He is even questioning whether his dedication is worth it!

He was silently asking Garro, do you cherish this opportunity to take revenge on Mortarion!

He was using a distance that was closer to Jialuo's soul than anyone else to ask him silently:

"No, just let me do it!"


"Of course!" Gallo roared, throwing off the rubble on his body, holding his freedom high and charging towards Mortarion!

The broken armor was running on the same devastated land! The sharp blade with scars left by the annihilation of the sword's spine is reflecting cold light!


In the eyes of hundreds of imperial soldiers and under the gaze of thousands of death guards, he was just like the Lord of Mankind and the hero in all human civilization myths that he believed in, challenging the demigod with wings hanging in the sky!

"I'll help you!"

Mortarion gritted his teeth and roared. As the broken insect wings swung, his tall body was enveloped by inhuman kinetic energy!

Layers of afterimages appeared behind him as he dived to the ground, but the Nirvana in his hand had torn the air apart and struck at Jialuo again!


Nirvana was scratched countless times, and a black steel storm rolled up on Jialuo's body!

The suffocating pressure between life and death made him forget everything, and even thinking became a luxury!

Flashing, turning, leaping, moving, Jia Luo swore that this was a battle he had never experienced before!

The sickle blade required him to use all his strength to resist every blow, so that he could only maintain his balance in motion!

The roar of metal! The shattering of armor!

Superman's organs, which seemed to have no limits, were whining to him together with his bones and muscles at this moment!

But that seemingly endless offensive was still like the face of death, continuing to squeeze his shriveled lungs with malice that made him tremble instinctively!

Soul fusion? The reshaping of memory?

Damn it!

Gallo's brain was under Mortarion's offensive, and he didn't even have time to think about who he was. As for the connection with Calvin and Keele, who were guarding him, they were even ignored the moment the battle started!

In a confrontation that lasted as long as seconds, Gallo gave up counterattack in the final confrontation, and even the awareness of self-preservation proved unrealistic!

He was waving freedom crazily, but not to resist the destruction that violated the laws of physics!

He used all his strength while striding back, smashing the pillars that could only be seen in the peripheral vision into pieces while blocking and resisting;

All he wanted was to delay the collapse of the building for a few milliseconds so that he could breathe!


The sound of metal clashing with a long tail finally came from the air.

And Jialuo, who was even more embarrassed than before, was finally knocked back to his original path by a powerful and heavy slash from Nirvana like a bowling ball.

After struggling to get up from the ruins again, Jialuo looked at the almost broken freedom. For the first time, he felt heartbroken for the long sword that followed him in the battle.

What's more, he was shocked that he could survive after being confused for a lifetime!

"Kill him!" Typhons finally couldn't stand it anymore and shouted to Mortarion who was standing on the battleship.

Didn't he see that the old problem of his own Primarch had happened again?

The personality of being hesitant and hesitant was a flaw that ran through Mortarion's entire life starting from Barbarus.

It was this flaw that allowed Typhons to occupy rights that did not belong to him. It also allowed Mortarion to spare a hand in the strangulation just now, even if he was furious.

"Are you stupid?" Calvin looked at Jialuo's confused eyes and couldn't help but remind him.

At this moment, Jialuo finally realized that he had actually survived a head-on strangulation by a original body;

It was also at this time that he discovered that Calvin, who had been mocking him in his heart, had completely disappeared from his perception in a fusion that he could not care about.

"He... left?" Jia Luo asked, but gave his own answer before anyone could answer.

"he's gone."

Feeling his body, Jialuo put down the giant sword he was holding with both hands and easily pulled out a sword flower with one hand.

The strange feeling of coexistence of surge and coldness made him couldn't help but look at Calvin from the perspective of his soul again.

"Is this your power?"

"As you can see," Calvin replied.

"Are you against him?"

"Are you scared?" This time he answered with a smile that could not be concealed.

Scared? How can it be!

Jialuo raised his brows, and there was unprecedented confidence gathering on his sculpture-like handsome face!

Communication between veterans is sometimes so simple. The simplest sentence "Xigou, are you okay?" is often more effective than the most violent hormones.

The most difficult moment has been borne by him with his inhuman will;

And when this strange and sacred power condensed on him at the same time as Qile's power, he suddenly felt that he had the possibility of defeating that demigod!


Garro roared in a low voice, charging towards the original body outside the ruins, accelerating crazily with the frequency of his footsteps!

Mortarion in the distance was surprised at first, then raised his scythe in mockery, and faced Garro again!

And when the distance between the two reached the edge of the sword, he suddenly laughed wildly and spread his wings. At the moment when his figure paused, he took out the "underworld lamp" at his waist and struck a fatal blow at Jialuo. hit!


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