Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 95 Unkind Invitation


As the footsteps of three Terminator power armors sounded, Calvin and his two companions appeared outside the bridge of the black ship "The Noble and the Nasty".

The two people on the high platform also stopped their conversation after hearing the footsteps and turned their attention to the three people walking in the distance.

"Is there something wrong with this height?" Ma Wei asked the priest next to him in a low voice.

Based on his long-term experience in interacting with various Astartes of the Death Watch, height is in a sense synonymous with combat power and a reliable external manifestation among these angels.

And Calvin's height, which is obviously higher than that of ordinary veterans and big guys, really makes Ma Wei a little confused.

"Based on common sense, it's really not right."

Father Constantine looked at the approaching figure of Calvin and replied thoughtfully.

Mars, where he was born, is the birthplace of the entire Mechanicum, and its knowledge system and corresponding promotion paths are extremely complex.

However, among the initial technical information that Constantine chose, or that was randomly injected into him when he was born in an artificial test tube, there was no information related to the path of the biological system.

Therefore, in the future growth path, he will have no chance to transfer to the biological system.

In the endless ocean of knowledge within the Cult of Mechanicus, no amount of lines can describe the cognitive differences between priests of different paths.

The result of this difference is that the Mechanic Priests and Forging Sages are extremely cautious about areas with which they are unfamiliar and do not easily express any opinions.

Because of this, Constantine, who is now called the "Lord of the Forge" from Mars, can only make common sense judgments about the external data displayed by Calvin.

While they were still surprised by Calvin's height, the psychic field on the opponent's body slowly began to cover the entire bridge with distance.

The two of them headed towards Calvin, preparing to have a polite chat with him.

Ma Wei himself didn't even realize that he had subconsciously ignored Calvin's appearance.

In other words, even if he didn't ignore it, what he could see under deliberate observation could not be retained in his memory.

Mechanicus Constantine is more sensitive.

His consciousness also failed to escape the coverage of Calvin's aura, but the logic engine on his body had detected a huge error between the imaging in his brain and his observations.

The difference between the two data packets used for comparison triggered the extreme value allowed by the protocol in a short time, and the alarm began to sound in Constantine's head:

"Warning! The observation protocol is invalid! It is interfered by unknown forces, there are errors, there are errors..."

Father Constantine woke up from his confusion instantly. He thought he was being invaded by some kind of data virus.

So he stopped following Ma Wei's footsteps, held his scepter tightly, and started the self-examination process of his whole body.

However, after quickly passing through each item of data during a quick self-check, the final result showed that he had not been intruded in any way.

He looked at his palms in confusion, and then followed Ma Wei's footsteps.

Ma Wei in the front has already made initial contact with Calvin.

"In the name of...the throne, I welcome you. I... am Marvel Austin, the resident inquisitor of the Ordo Alien in the Rust Belt. This..."

Ma Wei turned around and looked at Constantine who was walking slowly behind and continued:

"This... is the Mechanical Priest from Mars—Lord Constantine, the Lord of the Forge."

Mechanic Priest had just walked behind Mavey at this time. After hearing the former's introduction to him, he also leaned slightly towards Calvin to show respect.

Calvin stopped and looked down at the two of them. Out of procedure and courtesy, he responded in kind:

"Gray Knight, Arbiter Calvin. Leader of this operation team. You can call me by my rank."

After the three of them stared at each other for less than a second, Calvin was the first to break the calm.

"The rescue signal received by the warship we are on was incomplete, so this cross-system response seems to me to be a misunderstanding. If there are no other problems, I hope you can take us to the nearest assembly point. Let us return to our base."


The two people who heard Calvin's words looked at each other, as if they were repeatedly confirming whether their previous discussion was effective.

After receiving the confirmation look from the Mechanic Priest, Mavey turned back to look at the giant in front of him:

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, I dare... to ask you, noble angel, do you have a predetermined mission?"

"Not really."

Calvin's brows furrowed slightly, and he had a premonition that there might be some unexpected news next.

"The Emperor's blessing! So, are you willing to provide us with some help? Due to some reasons, the nearby Death Watch and Astartes failed to respond to our call for help in time. At present, the interests of the Empire are being lost, and we are in urgent need of help. your help."

"This does not comply with the rules! We have not had any agreement with the Alien Tribunal." Golden joined the conversation from one side.

"But the interests of the empire cannot be lost, and we are all humble servants serving the emperor. And we really can't leave here before the incident is over." Ma Wei's speech became more fluent.

"..." Calvin stopped talking and looked at the two people in front of him.

The other party's attitude showed that they really wanted Calvin's team, but it also showed that the specific mission here must have some kind of specialness.

Calvin carefully examined the two people in front of him and considered whether it was necessary to involve himself and his soldiers in this unplanned mission.

Allies are untrustworthy, the environment is unfamiliar, and the background of the mission is completely unclear. This has almost satisfied all the disadvantages imaginable.

If Calvin takes over such a task rashly, it will really be a crime against the precious lives of his comrades.

Calvin had made up his mind and decided to reject the two people in front of him.

As for how to leave, the worst they can do is head to the nearest planet and then send a signal to the nearby Demonic Tribunal.

Although it will take a lot of time to come and go, it is undoubtedly a hundred times better than throwing yourself and your comrades into this unknown whirlpool.

Just as he was about to speak, Father Constantine, who had not participated in the conversation, spoke.

"We know your difficulties. Although it is very untimely, I do have a heavy responsibility to come here this time, and the interests of Mars cannot be damaged. Please look at Demos and help us. I would like to represent the Foundry Thank you for your generosity.”

Calvin's eyebrows raised again:

Yes, the distinctive bright red robe on the other party and the symbol of the skull wrapped with golden gears on the top of his head all prove that the other party is a member of the Mechanicus from Mars.

This outfit is not a popular item in the distant Storm Star Territory.

And considering that not far away is the forging world of Grea, known as the "Crown of Miracles", then think about Reza who has been playing against Mars half a star field away.

The appearance of this priest here is even more intriguing.

As for Titan, that is, the miniature forging world Deimos flying next to the mother star Titan, he has a certain understanding.

After all, the Terminator power armor he is currently wearing and the weapons he is holding do not meet his needs, and the set of equipment and weapons customized for him were made on Demos by a senior casting priest who came specially from Mars. Build.

During the initial ordering process, Calvin went back and forth between Titan and Deimos at least twenty times before fully explaining the specific dimensions of his body and personal needs for the weapon to the forging master there.

The other party did indeed maintain a very professional and dedicated attitude throughout the entire process.

During three long years, Calvin's personal needs were confirmed over and over again, and at least hundreds of experiments were produced to confirm the feasibility of Calvin's hypothesis.

Others may refuse to accept this favor, but it was hard for him, Calvin, to refuse.

He turned to look at the two people beside him, asking their opinions with his eyes.

The two brothers also understood Calvin's difficulty, and they gave Calvin a definite reply through the spiritual channel.

"No problem, special circumstances can be treated specially."

Confirmed, Calvin no longer worried. However, out of responsibility for his comrades, he decided to understand as much as possible the background of the mission before deciding whether to participate in the mission.

He said to the priest in front of him:

"Okay, tell me about the specific mission situation. You can't hide anything. I will consider whether to participate."

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