Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 262 The high ground of publicity

"Morgan, our sister."

"Second Legion, our comrades."


"I have to confess to you, Horus, I really don't seem to think much about these things."

"I seem to... lack attention to her."


"It doesn't matter, Sanguinius, it's not too late. I think you still have enough time to get to know her before you can officially meet her."

"By what?"

"Through a book, her book."


On the flagship of the Luna Wolf Legion: the ancient and great [Spirit of Vengeance], countless magnificent rituals and great ceremonies passed down from ancient times are recorded. They are recorded in great detail, and each one is rich in history. The steps of precipitation are carved stroke by stroke on the stone slab that will never rot to welcome those distinguished guests.

As the first returning descendant of the Lord of Mankind and the eldest brother of the Primarch, the Wolf God possesses this honor and special status, which allows him to have more access to these ancient relics that symbolize honor and trust. He is probably also the genius among all the Primarchs who knows how to use these grand rituals best.

Being as inner as the sun and born with exquisite calculations, Horus can accurately arrange these spectacular rituals, bringing just the right respect and kindness to each of his guests. Anyone visiting the "Venging Spirit" Regardless of their character, purpose, and inner desire, when they finally leave, they will become friends, confidants, or followers of the Wolf God.

But despite this, some of the grandest rituals will almost never be used, because they only belong to the two individuals who hold the most weight in Horus's heart.

One is his father.

The other is an angel for everyone.

The Emperor, and Sanguinius.

Although the Shepherd God has always longed to be worthy of the admiration in the eyes of everyone, to truly become the Horus who treats everyone equally and is never wrong or violent, he also has to admit that in the galaxy, in his In my heart, these two people have a unique and unshakable status.

Only they can make the entire [Vengeance Spirit] launch the greatest and most solemn welcoming ceremony, which will be the most noisy moment of the entire Glory Queen-class battleship: and today is such a day.

"They were discussing [Warmaster], a fresh word, but like Venus that has not yet washed away the turmoil of the sea, it is full of a destined charm."

"Everyone: the Primarchs, the Astartes, the mortal officers, the noisy tax collectors, the chattering narrators and artists, even the mechanical priests and navigators, everyone is concerned about this topic, fearing and anticipating it."

"Who can replace our father, who can carry the banner of all this?"

"Could that man be you, Horus?"

"I would rather it was you, Sanguinius."

The Wolf Shepherd smiled, his face full of wholehearted sincerity, which was an extremely rare noble quality.

The Primarch of the Luna Wolves Legion is accompanying his blood relative who has come from afar, the noblest of all Primarchs. They are walking and chatting side by side in the glory corridor of the Glorious Queen-class battleship, just like each other. It was just like the first few years when we met, relaxed and comfortable.

Behind them, two teams of elite Honor Guard warriors in shining armor maintained a suitable distance from their own Primarchs. These Imperial Guards who needed to be vigilant at all times could also maintain a relative distance at this time. Relaxed posture: No one will doubt that the fighting brothers around him will harm themselves, just like no one can doubt the sincere friendship between the Wolf Shepherd and the Archangel. This is a unique truth.

"Me? Horus, my brother, stop joking. I will not be the Warmaster. No one will want me to be the Warmaster, including myself."

The angel laughed. His figure in golden battle armor and fur cape was as breathtaking as ever. His noble face was surrounded by bright blond hair, and his giant snow-white wings made an unreserved declaration. A mythical creature.

"But I support you, Sanguinius."

"I support you too, Horus, and more brothers will support you too."

"Not that much actually."

The Wolf Shepherd laughed, and one could not tell whether his smile was bitter or relieved.

"Ten Optimus Pillars are enough to beat a million wastelands: Horus, my brother, you don't have to worry so much. Among all our blood relatives, few people care about the title of Warmaster." , not everyone is willing to bear the responsibility that glory brings.”

"You are always so formal, my angel brother, as if you really come from a better heaven, a place where sharp tools are not needed."

"I am happy to do this in front of you, Horus. Since the Wolf Shepherd has taken the initiative to become the vanguard to crush all opponents, then why don't I take the opportunity to relax a little. After all, I still have a softness in my heart that is not suitable for war. "

"I can see that."

"That's perfect."

The archangel of Baal smiled, a smile that was enough to turn the terrible ruins into a sacred heaven. It was a radiant light that no one could resist: not even the Wolf Shepherd.

The two Primarchs continued to talk, and they turned down a corridor, passing a group of noisy narrators and artists. Sanguinius stood in front of two distant paintings from Holy Terra, his fleeting core. The smile made all the artists write furiously, allowing the two Primarchs to escape.

The Wolf Shepherd spoke again.

"You just said that not all brothers will be obsessed with the Warmaster."

"Can you imagine Leman Russ, Jaghatai or Vulkan leaving their countries and reaching out for status and power? Even if the crown is placed in front of them, their hearts will only be thousands of miles away. Hometown beyond."

"Indeed: what about Fulgrim?"

"Our Phoenix is ​​a little more complicated: if you ask him about the Warmaster's great honor, you'll be cordially grabbed by the hand and told the story of Proxima Centauri and the Imperial Aquila. "

"Give me a break: I've heard it no less than twenty times."

"I am thirty times."

The two Primarchs laughed again.

"I won't talk about Fulgrim. His vote must belong to Ferus."

"Be generous, Horus. If you cannot win without an opponent, then it is not called victory, because it does not have the sweetness of tempering."

"You are right, and Ferus is indeed the best among our brothers: whether it is his strength, the strength of the Iron Hand, or those brothers who are close to him: Fu Grim, Vulkan, even Perturabo.”

"He's perfect, isn't he."

"That's true: but you can't ignore others because of it."

The archangel's wings fluttered as he stared at the dim sun outside the porthole.

"Others? Who else?"

For a moment, the Shepherd God couldn't think of the answer to this question.

Sanguinius smiled.


"You have to understand, Horus, you have to understand the temptation and attraction of the title Warmaster to a knight: after all, Jonson does not have his own Imperial Sky Eagle."

"……indeed so."

The Shepherd God nodded solemnly.

"Ferrus and Jonson."

"Ferrus possesses Fulgrim, and possibly Vulkan and Perturabo."

"Zhuang Sen has..."



"The Dark Angels are undoubtedly a powerful legion, and they still have confidence."

The Archangel of Baal added this sentence at the right time, causing the Wolf Shepherd God to nod his head and pretend to cough twice to cover up his hesitation and pause.

But it was at this time that he remembered something.

"Jonson might have Morgan."

"They were close: maybe."

The words of the Wolf God made Sanguinius pause for a rare moment. He thought for a moment and then shook his head very honestly.

"I don't know her well, Horus. I don't know much about our blood relative."

"After all, you haven't met yet, but she is indeed a trustworthy person. I think you can get to know our sister first through other methods."

The Shepherd God took a few steps quickly, opened a door, and quickly took out a beautifully wrapped book from inside.

"Fulgrim lent it to me. He said that I could read the contents, but I feel that the content and description of this book may be more useful to your legion."

Sanguinius raised a brow.

"a book?"

"Yes, Morgan wrote it."

"…Another Book of Holy Words?"


"No, it's not that bad, trust me."

The archangel nodded doubtfully, caressing the cover casually, and glanced at the name that was a bit too long.

"Basic tutorials on think tank professionalism and reference solutions to various common problems with out-of-control psychic abilities"

The Primarch's brow relaxed slightly, and in his ear, Horus enthusiastically introduced what he knew.

"I have read this book, Sanguinius. Although I have not done much research on psychic powers and think tanks, I can still feel that this is a very cautious book, and it gives more advice than encouragement. , it has more practical cases than false reasoning. It does not boast about the power of psychic powers like other psychic books, but reveals a darker and more real side."

"Perhaps you should read it, Sanguinius, I know that your Legion, like the White Scars of Jaghatai, is experimenting with the idea of ​​a think tank system: it might be helpful to you."

The angel didn't reply. He just stroked the cover of the book, was quiet for a while, and then turned to look at the Wolf Shepherd God.

"Actually, I don't want to read this book now, Horus. After all, I haven't officially met Morgan yet. Reading this book written by her prematurely may affect my feelings towards her. impression."

"I can assure you that Morgan is a trustworthy blood relative."

The Wolf God took a step forward and patted Sanguinius on the shoulder. His smile was the kind of sincerity that no one could question or guess, even Sanguinius.

"Look at it, you should learn about our blood kinship sooner rather than later."

"This is not necessary..."

The archangel of Baal muttered these words in a low voice. He squinted his eyes and carefully opened the first page. He quickly scanned the preface and scattered remarks, and then followed the table of contents and flipped through it randomly. A few pages of those that interested him most.

He read very quickly and very little, less than ten pages in total, just a few seconds.

But when he closed the book, a smile appeared on Sanguinius's lips. He looked at Horus and apologized gently in the unsurprising sight of the Wolf God.

"You are right, Horus, this book will indeed be of great benefit to my legion, and it will be good news for any scribe and psionic novice: I am even looking forward to meeting our sister. "

"Do you have a good impression of her?"

Horus asked with a smile, while the archangel held the book under his arm and showed a shy and emotional smile. His eyes were shining, like a joke or an unintentional sentence. of persuasion.

"If this is the means our Morgan blood relative uses to promote her own image and export her own views, then she is really a terrifying figure: Frankly speaking, Horus, I only glanced at this book a few times , I can no longer completely dislike her."

"This is the first time I have seen such a cautious attitude towards the Warp in this galaxy, and it is unlike anything I have ever read about the power of the psionic: especially those from Prospero... You understandable."

"Ah, of course."

"So, you wouldn't mind if I borrowed it temporarily, would you?"

"Of course not. Fulgrim got back many copies, and I even gave one of them to Mortarion."

"...He didn't throw it away?"

"At least you didn't throw it away in front of me."



"Deal with it, Karas."

The Primarch of the Death Guard returned to his flagship. He had just finished a visit to the Luna Wolves Legion and had a pretty good time.

Except for that terrible gift.

A psychic book from his wizard blood relative...

Mortarion took a deep breath, and the atmosphere in the whole room became more Barbarian: out of respect and love for Horus, the Lord of the Death Guard could barely support himself to take this filthy book. to the battleship, but after that, he didn't want to see it again.

"give it to me."

Following the primarch's wave, a figure walked out from the side of the throne room. Karas-Typhon, a close friend of the primarch, casually glanced at the book, and his body trembled slightly unconsciously.

"Deal with it, that's all."

The Primarch rubbed the corners of his brows and quickly immersed himself in other things. He didn't notice at all that when Typhon left with the book in his arms, his pace was so hurried that it was a little messy.

Surprised and out of breath, Karas ran all the way back to his room. He looked around carefully, then hurriedly hid in the corner, opening the contents of the book with a nervous attitude like opening a treasure box. One page.

At this moment, the second-in-command of the legion, who had hidden his psychic talent and had never received formal psychic education, and the head of the psykers of the Death Guard legion, was even so excited that his fingers were trembling.


"So that's it!"

"Mortarion, you fool! You lost a treasure!"

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