Warhammer: In the Name of Nirvana

Chapter 460 The sleepless night over Macragge

On that day, everyone saw Ms. Euton’s eyes shining.

Guilliman's sweat was felt by all that day.

On that day, everyone could hear the faint scream of certain respiratory organs echoing in Conrad's heavy breathing.

on that day……

Nothing happened.

...that's right! Nothing happened!

What? rumor? What rumor?

No rumors!

Macragge, no rumors!

Ultramarines, no secrets!


[Yes, that’s it. 】

[This is the kind of record we need. 】

Morgan's voice was lazy.

"...But, mother."

"Do we really want to conclude this visit to Macragge with Ms. Yotun and this... rumor with gleaming eyes... This needs to be recorded in official documents."

【if not? Should we use Conrad's eight-ripened liver? 】

"...It's seven mature, mother: his two lungs are the one that's eight mature."

[Whatever, regardless of whether it is his liver or his lungs, even if I pulled them all out, this kid is still alive and kicking, and he can still wander around on my boat: like an agile Ulster hunter. Rabbit dog. 】

"Perhaps this is the biological magic of the Primarch."

Virgo narrowed her eyes and used a meaningless sigh to deal with the resentment in the Lord of Avalon's voice. Her slender fingers grasped the pen in her palm, writing and drawing on another electronic board, outlining this. The last part of Macragge's journey.

Generally speaking, things settled smoothly: although there were some shocking words from a certain midnight ghost, both Ms. Euton and Guilliman, and even the mortal dignitaries present, were used to it. A man who has experienced strong winds and waves can still remain calm in the face of such explosive speeches.

However, the welcome dinner, which was originally planned to last for six or seven hours, had to end hastily in the fifth hour, because both the guests and the host seemed a little uninterested: the master of the Ultramarines and his adoptive mother fell into a low voice. During the debate, both sides insisted on their own opinions and refused to take a step back. As for the Ultramar bureaucrats scattered around the square, they were also trapped in the rumors induced by the whispers between each other.

On the contrary, the location of the two remaining Primarchs seemed particularly quiet, because the Lord of Avalon spent the rest of the banquet observing his delicious Nostramo brothers: where is Conrad's? A thigh is suitable as a main meal on the table. Which of his liver and lungs is more nutritious when fried? Is his eyeball suitable for cooking a pot of clear soup as a pre-dinner snack? Everything is really interesting. The Spider Queen can't decide.

However, compared to the pica inspired by the overwhelming anger, family affection and reason finally gained the upper hand in the heart of the primarch: after Conrad pointed to the Emperor's conscience and explained what he had done, the Bodhisattva's heart-felt The Lord of Avalon still let him go.

In the end, it was only Conrad's liver and lungs that were being fried on the grill in the small kitchen attached to the throne room, making people move their index fingers and instinctively want to sprinkle them on it. A handful of cumin.

[Tell me, if we put these two bunches of things in the legion canteen as today's legion specialties, will they be very popular: I think they will be very popular, Aniya. 】

Amidst the strange fragrance, the original body's lazy and whimsical thoughts did not surprise her baby daughter: Virgo just sighed inaudibly, and then recorded the information on the electronic board into her brain through the data cable. In the memory array, while looking for an excuse that at least sounds reasonable in the existing thinking logic.


"They won't pass the safety inspection, mother: no one knows what kind of meat they are."

【...This is true...】

Morgan was silent for a moment, curling his lips with a frustrated expression.

Just like what Virgo said just now: From a biological point of view, the Primarchs are miraculous creations that can be called "horrible". Any inch of space in their bodies can subvert the empire's existing biotechnology and allow Countless most knowledgeable pharmacists or scientists fell into a whirlpool of confusion.

Back then, when Morgan and the Dawnbreaker Legion had just reunited, the pharmacists in the legion also wanted to check their genetic mother for safety reasons: the result was that the original image captured by the projection instrument was The internal organ components of the human body are completely beyond the scope of these Terran veterans' cognition.

As one of the oldest legions with the most complete heritage, there is no shortage of miraculous doctors among the Dawnbreakers, but these old scholars can only barely recognize organs such as the heart, liver, lungs, intestines and stomach, and these parts are on the original body's body. It only occupies a very small part of the body: in addition, there are a lot of [things] that are so creepy that pharmacists actively choose to undergo memory erasure surgery.

As the Primarch, Morgan naturally knows her own body structure better than the unlucky ones under her: Even if she didn't know it before, in so many years of close relationship, she has successively torn off Conrad's heart, liver, After removing lungs or other fragmentary organs, the Spider Queen had to passively become an expert in the biology of the original organism.

In other words, at least so far, no one knows how to effectively kill another Primarch better than Morgan: those injuries that would be fatal in the eyes of mortals, such as breaking the heart or tearing out the lungs. The damage caused is not even faster than the self-healing ability of the Primarch itself. If you really want to make a final decision, you may have to cut off the head, smash it into powder, or simply break the spine.

But then again, is there really a primarch that is so bad that someone can have his spine broken? Even for a mortal, it is not easy to break his spine in a scuffle.

Morgan smacked his lips and thought about it in his mind for a while.

[However, maybe we can say it is Glocks meat, or dog meat? If I had my warrant, no one would care about such a small thing: Perfect~]


Virgo's eyes darkened.

Don't use your authority on such strange things!

At that moment, some thoughts that sounded very unfilial flashed through Virgo's mind: In the end, the maid of the original body chose to turn her head to the side so that her rude expression would not Being seen by the Primarch, in order to divert his attention, he did not forget to smell the strange burnt aroma in the air.

Well, it smells ripe. In another three minutes and twenty-two seconds, it will be the best time to plate it: Virgo’s various bionic organs are loyally calculating all this for her, although she doesn’t want to know at all. Why bake something like this in your own little kitchen.

And the person who ordered this dish was actually Conrad himself: However, if it was the midnight ghost, it would not be unusual for him to do this.

After all, he is a [madman].

In the indifferent mother and the strangely scented air, the maid of the original body could only entertain herself in this way. When she closed her eyes and waited quietly, the Asian girl placed in her heart The space clock is recording the continuous passage of time minute by minute at a speed that is absolutely impossible to make mistakes.

Minute after minute, following the pace on the sacred Terra thousands of miles away, Virgo drew a scale in the void, witnessing the pace of time getting closer and closer to the scale: midnight is coming, after crossing the scale , tomorrow will be the last day that the Dawnbreaker fleet will be anchored above Macragge, and it will be the day they set off.

The old day is about to pass, and the new day is about to come. Virgo opened her eyes, raised her head, smelled the burnt fragrance beside her nose, and witnessed her mother seizing the leisure time at midnight and enjoying a moment of laziness on the throne. Lazy, her ears caught the sound of whispers that seemed far away in the silence, as well as the footsteps of another Primarch slowly approaching from the end of the corridor.

The inquiries from the Dawnbreakers guarding the door of the throne room immediately rang out, always so timely, and their subsequent inspections and reviews were always meticulous, accompanied by respect that was neither humble nor overbearing. The visitor to Telamo ditty was allowed to push open the throne room door with his hands.

Time is ticking.

It was midnight.

The ghost is here to visit.

"Yo, good morning."

Midnight Ghost's smile was like a dying pale sun, and he greeted his little niece enthusiastically: Just looking at this smile, you would never have imagined that this guy was coughing up blood less than two hours ago. Out of this door.

"Good morning, Lord Conrad."

Virgo nodded in respect to the Primarch.

Then, she stood there, counting the time, while witnessing the midnight ghost's careless movements in the throne room after closing the door: the casual action of choosing a wine glass on the counter, causing the pinging of glass to shatter. In the quiet of the midnight, the table dragged on the ground made a harsh sound, like two pieces of iron fighting, and the heavy chair he was sitting on moved on the ground. Just listening to it made him feel... Just imagine how many giveaway scratches that would leave on the floor.


Virgo watched all this with cold eyes. She did not care about Conrad, but just glanced at the lazy plush ball on the throne that was obviously gathering clouds. Apparently, the Midnight Ghost had recovered from the pain: no blood was shed. No more pain in my head, and my desire to be beaten once again occupied the high ground in my heart.

But this time, Conrad's luck was pretty good. Perhaps because Morgan was too tired, he actually managed to survive long enough to arrange the tables and chairs, pour some delicious wine, sit in front of Virgo, and pat his cheek. table.

"Where's my order?"


Facing the shining pupils of the Midnight Ghost, the original maid felt a drop of sweat slipping behind her earlobe. Before turning around to get the meal, she hesitated for a moment, and finally asked.

"With all due respect, Lord Conrad: Those things you want are..."

"Of course not for food, my dear little idiot niece."

Conrad shook his finger, and then took out a small box from a secret compartment on the armor. When he opened it, he found that there was an exquisite thermal insulation system inside, and one of the only two spaces had been occupied. , inside is a fresh... lung?

"Now, I need a mature one that is symmetrical to this one to form a group."

Conrad pointed to another space.

"Trust me, this is collectible."


[And liver, Conrad. 】

"Yes, and liver."

The Nostramo chuckled.


The two siblings are somewhat seriously ill.

With this realization, the maid of the original body turned around and walked into the small kitchen.

And in the sound of her footsteps, time slowly passed the first minute of the new day.

That's it, a day in the life of a Virgo.

Start by picking up Conrad's perfectly cooked liver from the grill.


[How are the rumors outside? 】

"It's okay: although it's expected, it's also reasonable."

[Is it reasonable? 】

Morgan asked back, with a hint of sarcasm in his cold voice: After saying that, before Conrad could reply, perhaps provoked by this unintentional joke, the genetic mother of the Dawnbreaker Legion snorted softly, speaking in her silvery white color. He adjusted his posture on the throne.

She was originally lying on the throne, leaning sideways, facing the direction of the hall, her right arm bent, and the exposed white muscles were tightly stretched like a bowstring, supporting her lazy lips and the tip of her nose. , on it, the long and thick eyebrows are only a moment away from being completely closed, but there is always a cunning light that can slip out, letting people know that she is actually staring at you quietly.

The original body's legs were entangled absentmindedly, one on top of the other, but it was not stable, because the small throne could not accommodate their movements, so she simply kicked her boots away and let the two The long legs were bent and rested on the armrest on that side. The thighs and calves were stuck on the silver edges on both sides of the armrest. The lines outlined by the metal squeezed out a narrow triangle, and the two knees served as arches. The rising peaks are shoulder to shoulder with each other.

This is not a posture filled with a sense of vigilance, but the Spider Queen is really too tired at this time. On Macragge, the long diplomatic negotiations and frequent attendance at events, public speeches and social drinking parties are no more than a Legion Level wars are easier: As a brother and partner, Guilliman is undoubtedly good, but when he sits on the opposite side of the negotiating table with you and agonizes over the textual loopholes in the treaty, he is enough to make a person like Morgan Feeling tired and overwhelmed with fatigue.

But even so, when Conrad walked up to her, took the wine bottle, and handed her the wine glass, Morgan still smacked his lips with dissatisfaction and twisted his body on the throne: the two originally casual and wanton people The obese dolphin was pressed on the soft cushion, making an unwilling squeaking sound. The arm entrenched on the armrest of the throne also changed from rubbing the Primarch's cheek to a firm foundation supporting the right lower jaw.

Morgan stretched out her hand, took the cup, waited for Conrad to pour half of the cup for her, shook it carefully, and then began to take sips.

[Tell me, what specific derivative versions are there? 】

While the wine was still in her mouth, the original body narrowed her eyes and spoke with a smile. A trace of the wine slipped from the corner of her lips, making her look like the one who had stolen the grapes and was chewing the juice in her mouth in secret joy. snow fox

"There are countless small versions, but I can summarize the mainstream ones for you."

[Well, tell me. 】

Morgan nodded, her attention focused on the wrist of her left hand. A drop of wine flowed down her cheek and landed at the junction of her palm and wrist. The original body stretched out her tongue, picked up the naughty water droplets, and rolled them. Back to the lips.

[Say something interesting. 】


Conrad glanced at his sister casually: Perhaps to outsiders, every move of the Spider Queen is under the influence of her special spiritual power, reflecting her extraordinary charm, and her subconscious laziness can even seduce people. He has the most intuitive concept of "beauty" in his heart, but Conrad is not that vulgar.

After all, as Morgan's biological brother, Conrad knows his biological sister very well: even though Morgan is so lazy now, if he messes with her, the Lord of Avalon will get up neatly in the next second. Lift an ax blade larger than Conrad's head and let the offender experience what pain is.

Midnight Ghost even sneered at the flattery from the outside world. Why do those idiots always think that Morgan is a quiet beauty? She is obviously neither peaceful nor particularly beautiful: from an artistic point of view, the human skin cloak Conrad weaved on Nostramo is more ornamental than his superficial biological sister. value.

That's what I thought in my heart. But on the surface, the Nostramo still reported the situation to his sister honestly: Midnight Ghost simply sat down and crossed his legs in front of Morgan's throne.

"In order to collect first-hand intelligence, when I patrolled the territory in the ventilation ducts, I deliberately made a few more circuits, passing those large public places and those more private company lounges."

...Inspecting the territory?

When did she sign a land-ceding treaty with Conrad that was humiliating and humiliating the country?

Morgan's brows twitched, but she finally said nothing.

"To put it simply, at the apron, the Dawnbreaker Legion was originally gathering troops. There were probably several companies. They planned to go down and talk to Guilliman about the seniority issue, but they were suppressed by the team led by Lord Bayar.

"In the areas where I often hang out, there are about three and a half dozen Le Fay Knights squatting here and there. Even the newly opened foreign office of the Eighth Legion on the Dawn Goddess was blocked by their sit-ins. ”

[There was no conflict, right? 】

"Don't worry, your heirs still know the importance: apart from the fact that more than 200 of the first 500 reservations in the Legion Arena are occupied by the Night Lords, there is no big deal."

[What about the remaining three hundred games? 】

"It belongs to the Ultramarines, but some of them cannot come for the time being: those Sons of Guilliman who just boarded the ship from Macragge not long ago as diplomats, under your Captain Hector's With enthusiastic advice, I hid in the back kitchen of [Catachan Green Hell Restaurant] in time, and I haven’t come out yet.”


[Okay, what about the rumors? How far have the rumors come? 】


Conrad took a sip of his drink.

"According to the latest version: At that banquet, Guilliman appointed me, Conrad, as the next regent of Macragge, who was co-ruling Augustus, and invited me to become Jotun. The lady’s adopted son.”

[...Conrad, the Lord of Five Hundred Worlds. 】


[Take a note, Anya: this is a very good idea for the future. 】

"...Okay, mother."

Not far away, Virgo, who was arranging a plate of Conrad's lungs and liver with lemon slices and cherry tomatoes, was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then nodded.

Then, the eldest daughter of the Lord of Avalon meekly lowered her head, rigorously imprinted the ridiculous entry "Conrad, Lord of Five Hundred Worlds" into her memory array, and was always listening to her. The conversation between the mother and her eighth uncle: In the first few minutes, most of them were meaningless jokes, but after a few minutes, the two primarchs gradually got down to business.

"After leaving Five Hundred Worlds, where do you plan to go next?"

Conrad raised his glass and clinked it briefly with his sister.

[I didn’t think about it at first, but now, someone has thought about it for me. 】

Morgan laughed, and so did her blood brother.

"So, our Gene Father also contacted you separately and asked you to lead the fleet to Nukedia: It's really interesting. He clearly knows that the two of us are together now, but he actually wants to separate and notify us separately."

[That’s good. Look at our poor Robert. He still doesn’t know anything: Nukedia is obviously on the border of the Five Hundred Worlds. Strictly speaking, our brother who has never met , even considered to be Guilliman’s people. 】

"Soon it won't be."

Conrad drained his glass.

"After the banquet, I asked some of my descendants to board the ship first and go to Nucadia for recruitment: Sevita and his teammates will be directly responsible for the recruitment work on that gladiator planet. This is I give him his first assignment, and I believe he will do his best."

[Yes, yes, I think so too: after all, his genetic father trusted and valued him so much, and even after causing great trouble for him, he didn’t forget to transfer him away in a hurry. Who could not trust him? Do your best to repay the favor? 】

Morgan responded lazily, with danger written in her pupils.

"Come on, Morgan, that's just some damn tacos. I've already ordered double for you at the restaurant. If you're really not satisfied, can I order more?"

[The problem is not here...]

"Your Dawnbreaker ate it too."

Midnight Ghost simply answered and smiled brightly.

"Especially Rana, he ate the most, almost enough for thirteen people."


"However, when it comes to this, I am quite curious: obviously the three legions only have the same ten people, but the Dawnbreakers consume more food than the Night Lords and Ultramarines combined, and they occupy almost the same amount of food. Three-quarters of the weight, did they inherit this aspect from you, Morgan?"


"The greedy gene brought by my greedy mother?"


"Or, the gene seeds of your Dawnbreakers are actually the same as those of the Space Wolves..."



After an earth-shattering sound, Virgo raised his head, glanced at the floor, then turned around calmly, picked up the mop that had been placed aside, and started additional cleaning work.

The whole process was uneventful.

To Morgan's daughter, what she saw in front of her was just a small scene of gentle breeze and drizzle. It was the daily intense sibling relationship between her mother and this midnight ghost.

Otherwise, why do you think Morgan knows that breaking the heart or tearing out the lungs will cause damage that is not even faster than the self-healing ability of the Primarch itself?

Only through practice can the truth come true.

But unfortunately, because Morgan has never been able to completely subdue the midnight ghost who screamed in the struggle, he has never had the opportunity to try the damage that breaking the spine would cause to a Primarch.

What a shame.

Conrad is so unloving.


"It seems that Conrad does value his descendant named Sevita, and even when faced with your possible anger, he would rather transfer his anger to himself than let Sevita be harmed. The risk of contagion.”

【Who says it’s not? 】

The Lord of Avalon's tone was somewhat resentful.

[The child has grown up and has his own ideas and things he wants to protect: sometimes, I become the villain he racks his brains to deal with. 】


Virgo didn't respond. She would never tell her mother: When Morgan pulled Conrad's lungs out of his throat with blood on his hands and a grin on his face, there was indeed a bit of an Avalon child. The image of the devil in the bedtime reading book.

What if this had anything to do with her: she was just a maid standing next to the original body, making tea for her mother, and occasionally building a few new coffins for Konrad.

"So, have you decided to leave for Nucadia today?"

[This is something that has been discussed, my Aniya, there is no need to ask anymore. 】


Virgo nodded.

The Midnight Ghost stayed in Morgan's throne room for about half a standard hour. During this period, the two Primarchs chatted and joked, but also decided on their next itinerary.

In a few hours, when the sun rises over the city of Macragge, Morgan and Conrad will return to the surface and say a formal farewell to their brother Guilliman: I believe this period of time will be enough to The Lord of Ultramar, with his hands and eyes as bright as the sky, settled the small rumors at the banquet. In comparison, it might be more difficult to deal with his adoptive mother.

Then, the two sons of the emperor counted the size of the fleet that was about to go to Nucadia with them: at Conrad's insistence, both legions sent more people, and the total number was more than 20,000 warriors. , the size of the fleet is enough to carry out a galaxy-level war.

Considering that the purpose of this trip is only to welcome a newly returned Primarch, such a level of military power is somewhat overblown: but considering that the previous Primarchs returned, it was the Lord of Humanity who brought many A brother went to give a warm welcome, but now facing this brother who was angry with Cadia, the emperor only summoned Morgan and Conrad...

The information contained in such differential treatment is indeed worthy of the Lord of Avalon's careful preparation.

What's more: although for his own consideration, Conrad rarely showed his prophetic ability in front of Morgan, and Morgan never wanted to force him to do so, but when the Midnight Ghost took the initiative to speak and made strong suggestions, Spider The Queen will often adopt it according to the situation after careful consideration.

Morgan once asked Conrad, what exactly is there in Nucadia?

After all, as early as more than ten years ago, Morgan's sight was attracted to that world by the intuition in her mind: Although the envoy team sent by Morgan found nothing in that world, and she did not station any surveillance on Nucadia subsequently. and strength, but she always felt that her original idea was not groundless.

Faced with this problem, Midnight Ghost just shook his head sadly after a long silence, saying that now was not the time to reveal the truth: and regarding Morgan's original intuition, the Nostramo just showed a bitter smile. to respond.

"Your intuition was right, Morgan: but it's useless."

“We’ll never get there until the story ends.”

"Remember this: in most cases, time is the home of the Warp."

The original body left these three words, and then said goodbye and left. He also needed a period of rest to prepare for the long journey ahead, leaving only the Spider Queen sitting on her throne, thinking quietly. .

"Are you thinking about what Conrad just said, Mother?"

Half an hour later, when Virgo brought the tea to her, Morgan walked out of the ocean of thought. She raised her head, moved her aching arms a little, and then held the throne on that side. The armrest propped up the body, and with the help of gravity, it fell on the back of the throne. Although he stood up, he could not sit down lazily.

The original body stretched her limbs, her bones crackled, and her legs also exchanged postures. The left leg that was originally pressed underneath squeezed the right leg to her side, and her feet moved forward, trying to When he reached the boots, he quickly lost patience and lazily trampled them to the ground.

[I didn’t think too much. 】

The primarch smiled weakly and took the tea from her daughter.

[Why do you sound dissatisfied with Conrad? Anya? 】

"...I can't say I'm dissatisfied."

Virgo hesitated for a moment, but the angry expression on her lips still managed to bring a smile to the Primarch's face.

"I just think that what Conrad said at the banquet will have a very bad impact on you: Think about the rumors that spread, mother, you punished Conrad too much. It’s mild.”

【Slightly? 】

Morgan asked rhetorically.

[Didn’t I do this before, teaching this guy a lesson? 】

"That's different."

Virgo's voice rose slightly.

"In the past, it took me five minutes to clean the blood stains left by that guy, but after you taught him a lesson this time, the blood stains left behind were only enough for me to clean for three minutes."


Morgan blinked.

[Ahem, okay: Although the cause of this trouble can be blamed on Conrad, after he realized the mistake he made, wasn't it too late to make amends? At the very least, he was the one who came to the rescue in the end. 】

[We must pay attention to fairness: Conrad made up for the merits, although he did not make up for it. 】

"That crazy talk about marriage doesn't sound like a qualified rescue."

Virgo frowned: as Morgan's closest daughter and the administrative secretary reserved for herself by the original body, Virgo knows the underlying rules of mortal politics better than her sisters, and she also understands Conrad's saving words better, How rough it is.

"That would have a very bad impact."

[If someone else said it, maybe it would. 】

Morgan took a sip of tea.

[But Conrad, no. 】

"...Why do you say that, mother? Are you trying to excuse him: with all due respect, you cannot favor him in this kind of thing just because he is your brother."


Morgan narrowed his eyes: I wonder if it was her illusion. In recent years, with the passage of time, her eldest daughter has become particularly troubled when it comes to even the smallest issues about her. Sensitive, especially radical, he is always like an enraged lynx, guarding those marginal territories that even Morgan himself doesn't care much about.

...However, this is not a bad thing.

The original body licked his lips, and the warm tea caressed the dry corners of his lips, leaving them even more dry after a moment.

[Listen, Anya. 】

Morgan explained patiently.

[We all know that Conrad’s words were meant to save the day. Although the so-called marriage was just a vulgar excuse, it did have an explosive effect: at least at that moment, the attention of everyone present was They were all attracted to him, and it was at this time that he told me the problem in his mind, and I can inform you that pushing the damn delivery truck away did not cause a big disaster. 】

"But the subsequent impact..."

[Subsequent impact? 】

The original body's eyebrows arched, and she let the tea pass over her lips again.

[Tell me, Ania: In your eyes, or in the eyes of most people you know, what is my brother Nostramo like? 】


[Yes, madman. 】

Morgan nodded.

[Although we all know that Conrad's madness is just some kind of disguise, in the eyes of the public, the Primarch of the Eighth Legion is a madman. 】

[Then, here comes the question. 】

[The crazy words of a madman: are they worth taking seriously? 】


[Marriage is indeed a humble excuse, but in terms of results, Conrad completed his task perfectly. He attracted all the attention at the time with explosive words, and when the tide of explosion receded, any normal thinking person could People who think about it for a moment will not care about the words of Conrad, a madman. 】

Virgo hesitated.

"But no matter what, this is also a kind of..."

【make trouble? 】


"It will look uneducated and make people think your education has failed."

【Do I care about this? 】

Morgan snorted.

[Besides, although Conrad’s behavior does seem to be a very uneducated and troublesome behavior, in the final analysis, he is such a person: Conrad is very well-educated on the inside, but he does not need to show it openly It was shown all the time, and his inseparable and troublesome behavior was not exactly the position the Emperor gave Conrad when he created him? 】

[From the beginning, my brother Nostramo has been positioned as a disruptor. He is destined not to be a character that everyone likes, and he is destined not to make things develop in an orderly manner. 】

[He was born for surprises and turns. 】

[Though, think about this: when Konrad first met Guilliman, he would knock out my heirs, disrupt my legions, and nearly end the war between Dawnbreaker and It broke out among the Ultramarines, and his trouble at that time was naturally unpardonable. 】

[And now, what is the reason for Conrad to start making trouble: to take the initiative to make up for the mistakes he made before, to protect my interests in the shadows, and to prevent the bad blood between the two legions from taking off. table, thus triggering new disputes. 】

[In a word, it is for the benefit of others, not for his own benefit: especially his own bad taste. 】

The original body shook the teacup, and her proud pupils were reflected in the light yellow tea.

[In the past, Conrad became a spoiler for his own malice, but now he becomes a spoiler for the benefit of others: the difference in motivation is the biggest difference, and this is the meaning of my education. 】

[Besides, I don’t care what other people think about it. 】

[I am the original gene. 】

[Only I can evaluate them. Who among ordinary people is qualified to evaluate me? 】

The primarch's tirade ended with an arrogant snort. She raised her neck and drank all the tea in the cup.

【Any questions? 】

"...Those rumors."

[Rumor? What rumor? 】

"It's the rumors that are about to be spread by those mortal bureaucrats on Macragge: Although there are not many signs yet, in time, there will always be all kinds of weird rumors spread from Macragge to Holy Terra .”

【Oh, that's how it is. 】

The original body nodded, and then she looked at her daughter with extremely pure eyes, full of confusion.

[What does that have to do with us? 】


Virgo was stunned.

"The rumors are about your marriage with Guilliman..."

[Isn’t that a pavement for the ambitious Lord of Macragge to be deliberately released to facilitate his further encroachment in the future, and even to devour the entire Far Eastern Frontier: That damn Ultramar man wants a mere fight A formal aristocratic marriage gave him the entire Far Eastern frontier, thousands of miles of fertile land, to fuel the fire of ambition in his heart. 】


Looking at his somewhat stunned daughter, Morgan chuckled.

[Is there any problem, Anya? 】

"...No, mother."

【That's good. 】

Morgan laughed, she put down her empty teacup, and finally yawned lazily, tears streaming from her eyes.

[After drinking tea, I always feel a little sleepy. 】

"This is obviously a wake-up call..."

[Sleep with me for a while, Anya. 】

The pupils of the original body reflected a little bit of arrogance caused by his own spontaneity.


Before Virgo could recover, Morgan stretched out her hand and hugged her favorite daughter arrogantly: Virgo was not a tall girl. Her soft body, which was less than 1.5 meters tall, was full of years of cardamom. The delicate skin that only comes with age makes her look like a priceless soft treasure in the galaxy when she is picked up, making people pity her.

There is one thing that the Spider Queen will not tell anyone: in fact, when she designed Virgo, one of her first design goals was to create the best pillow in the galaxy for herself.

What could be more suitable to hold in your arms and sleep with than an obedient, soft, docile and quiet daughter?

In this way, the Primarch rubbed her daughter's face affectionately, and did not forget to kiss her. Then, while stroking Virgo's soft hair, she placed her daughter's little head on her chest. On top of the two fat dolphins in front.

[Sleep, my daughter. 】

[Don’t think so much, don’t be too tired, think carefully in my arms: Remember, I am your mother, you can always rely on my arms like you are now. 】

[Being that person’s child, I’m tired enough. 】

[So as a mother, I don’t want my children to make the same mistakes I did...]

【Do you know? 】

"...I know, mother."

【That's good~Good night~】

Before falling into a slumber, Morgan even glanced with satisfaction at Virgo, who was lying on her chest and quietly closing her eyes: Although during these days, she always felt that there was something wrong with her Aniya, but look Now that she is clinging to him so docilely, everything must have gone beyond her expectations.

Morgan is not a dull mother.

When her daughter desires, even if it is unintentional, she will respond to make up for her insecurity and prevent things from getting out of control.

Because she believes in one thing: even the most abrupt and blunt response is always better than the silence of saying nothing.

After all, how difficult can it be for blood relatives to interact and be intimate with one another?


Virgo was silent.

There didn't seem to be much more she could do.

She doesn't need to have any more options.


In this way, Virgo's day, at least the first few hours of the day, ended while sleeping with her mother.

For her, this was a wonderful ending.

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