Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 1 The Angel Comes

Many years later, as Chapter Master Kano Young fought for a Dark Imperium he did not understand, he would think back to that distant afternoon on Baal moon when he saw the Angel.


Baal (the second satellite of the planet Baal), on the endless desert.

Kano took a deep breath and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

The promethium engine of the old military pickup truck made a deafening roar. Under the violent bumps, the pickup truck narrowly avoided an attack. As a price, Kano smelled the pungent burnt smell coming from the engine.


The danger has just begun.

With the help of the rearview mirrors on both sides, Kano could see what kind of terrifying and ferocious monsters were chasing behind him.

It was a mutated monster called the Foot-Wrapped Jaw. "It" might have once been a human being, but under the constant radiation pollution of Baobao, it was tortured by the horror of mutation to the point where it could no longer recognize its original form.

This evil creature is as big as a tank, its body is covered with bubbling necrotic wounds, and its large mouths filled with sharp fangs open and close from time to time, spitting out murmurs and snickers that are similar to human arrogance without interruption. Huge claws capable of shredding the heaviest armor.

Its body temperature is extremely high, like a burning furnace.

Coupled with the terrifying radiation naturally emitted from the body, the surrounding air is distorted.

Just looking at such a terrifying monster will make you feel incurable blasphemy, and you would like to dig your eyes out of your head alive.

The attack just now came from this mutant beast.

There are still clearly visible deep pits on the ground. There is no doubt that if it had failed to avoid the fatal attack just now, this military pickup truck would have been easily torn apart like a worn-out wooden plank. He, Kano, and the sniper O'Kelly sitting in the passenger seat next to him will be eaten alive without any resistance like pieces of meat in a can.

They are lucky.

But another desert truck behind him was in bad luck.

Another even larger Foot-Binding Jaw struck from a blind spot and overturned a huge truck weighing dozens of tons to the ground. The glass of the truck was ruthlessly torn to pieces, and Langdon, an experienced hunter from the pure-blood tribe, was dragged out of the torn truck alive. Two mutant beasts bit his thighs respectively and moved towards the opposite direction. Directional force.


In the sound of tearing flesh and blood that makes one's teeth feel sore.

Langdon was split into two alive, scarlet blood and sticky internal organs flowing on the ground, and was devoured by two greedy beasts.


The death of his companion caused O'Kelly indescribable pain.

But she did not miss such a rare opportunity. Half of her body leaned out of the speeding pickup truck and she aimed the gun. Although there was only a rudimentary auxiliary aiming facility, the bullet that escaped from the gun still hit accurately. The monster's eyes exploded into blood-red flowers on the rotting body.

This kind of injury is not enough to severely damage the foot-binding palate.

It was a deformed monster as big as a tank, a devil climbing out of hell, and a terrifying existence that was difficult for mortals to defeat.

The pain completely irritated the foot-bound palate.

It gave up the remaining pieces of flesh under its feet and began to run wildly in the direction away from the pickup truck.

Although its body is bloated, its speed is not much worse than that of a full-speed military pickup truck, or even better. In the image shown in the rearview mirror, the shadow of the monster is getting bigger and bigger. Fortunately, Cano's driving skills are skilled enough - even though he is only fourteen years old this year, he can still live in a world where the average life expectancy is only thirty years old. Above, Kano is already a quite experienced hunter.

"What do we do now?"

Even though O'Kelly tried his best to make his voice sound calm and steady, Cano was still keenly aware of the trembling tone. The promethium engine of this military pickup truck was already running overload, and an unsettling burnt smell was coming from under the seat.

Maybe it's ten minutes, maybe it's in the next second.

In short, it won’t take too long for the vehicle’s engine to be forced to stall due to high temperatures. At that time, the only outcome waiting for the two of them is death.

"Once those greedy mutant beasts set their sights on their prey, they will never give up."

"We can't just go back to the tribes," Cano said.

He turned the steering wheel fiercely, and the vehicle turned around with a harsh grinding sound. A wide red mountain cliff appeared in O'Kelly's field of vision through the car window filled with yellow sand.

"That's where the Baal Fire Scorpions live."

O'Kelly exclaimed.

The Baal Fire Scorpion is a terrifying beast that has been mutated by radiation. Their size is not much worse than that of the Foot-Wrapped Jaw.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that in most cases, this kind of beast appears in groups. Even the notorious mutant tribes in Bawei II do not dare to easily provoke such beasts.

Baal Fire Scorpions are extremely territorial.

If the Foot-Binding Jaw can be introduced to that cliff, then maybe we can find a chance to escape from the chaos.

"Angels bless us!"

O'Kelly clasped his hands together and stared at the silver pendant hanging from the top with his dark eyes.

It was a human figure with its wings spread out, showing a holy appearance.

There is belief in angels on Baobab. Such belief seems to have existed a long time ago. At that time, human colonists had not even arrived on this planet, and the alien indigenous people living in it were already there. Worship the angels.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

And now——

Countless time passed.

The indigenous people who once lived here have long since disappeared. The once prosperous human colonists were destroyed in the war with each other. The paradise-like world has now become a cruel purgatory filled with radioactive beasts and ferocious mutants.

But the people who survived still maintained their belief in angels.

Today, angels have become a spiritual symbol of pure-blood tribes.

People place their hopes on such an illusory image.

I hope that one day, just as described in mythical stories, a real angel can walk among the crowd, bringing salvation and hope.

"Angel bless you!"

Kano repeated something in a low voice, and then the vehicle stalled with a harsh friction sound.

"Damn it!" He slammed the steering wheel hard. Fortunately, they had arrived at the place where the Baal Fire Scorpions lived, and the situation was not particularly bad: "We have to get out of here quickly."

Kano opened the car door.

Glancing back, I saw the figures of the beasts lingering like ghosts.

"But what about the car?" O'Kelly asked.

"Don't worry so much." Kano took her hand and dragged her out of the car without any explanation. "As long as we can survive, there will always be a way to solve it."

They ran forward wildly.

Passing by a huge crimson stone on the cliff, we soon came to the lair where the Baal Fire Scorpions lived.


What happened before them was beyond their ultimate imagination.

There were corpses everywhere on the ground, and the Baal Fire Scorpions, who even the most brutal mutants would avoid when they saw them, were lying on the ground in a mess, like rats that had been trampled.

The red reinforced carapace, which was comparable to steel and invulnerable to artillery fire, was dented and shattered by unimaginable violence. Hot blood gurgled from the gaps in the carapace, and the air was filled with a hot smell of rust. .

On the corpse of the largest and most vicious fire scorpion.

A slender girl with long golden hair and white wings on her back was watching them.

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