Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 106 If you don’t attack Magnus, I will attack you

Chapter 105 If you don't attack Magnus, I will attack you (asking for monthly votes)

Kano said I am a soulless person.

As the name suggests, I am a person who is born without a soul. There is only one person in a billion people in the entire human race. But now, I feel that such a description is untrue. When I really touched the angel's eyes.

I felt that my body was locked by a huge force.

I really felt the existence of my soul, it was in the angel's eyes.

If she asked me anything, there is no doubt that I would spit out all my secrets without thinking. In front of such an existence, any resistance is like a blasphemy, a sin that even I can't bear. But the angel didn't ask, and the speech I had prepared with great difficulty before didn't work.

She squatted down gently.

Even so, she was much taller than me, but I could feel her breath, the feeling of the warm wind blowing across her neck and lifting her long hair.

"I have to thank you for saving my offspring." Sanguinius smiled, his eyes full of respect and gratitude, "When you came here, I learned from Kano what happened outside. Like any of them, you are also a hero of the Empire."


Clay never felt that this word had any connection with him.

Gilles said, "Without such equipment, even people with or without talent can perceive the world inside. Does he know what that means? It must be able to be put into production on a small scale, and the Empire's ships will no longer need navigators to identify directions in the warp."


"Because only when he really sees it being destroyed can he understand it." Sangnus replied in a heavy voice, his voice as ethereal as the ever-changing white clouds in the sky.

"You haven't thought about those things yet." Clay shook his head.

Perturabo denied, "But sometimes, cruelty is the only way to express a point of view. No one can misunderstand its intention." Guan Haides looked at Clay with infinite pity, "He is very lucky to have such a one-in-a-million physique. But he is also very lucky, because he will be able to experience the power and mystery of the vast ocean throughout his life." Perturabo did not answer, but looked at Saint Genus and spoke in a commanding tone. Such cool sunshine only exists in Clay's memory. "Of course!" "It is a contactable person." "Yes." Clay replied, "Your mother died two years later, and you have been alone since then." The giant, who is smaller than the cherub, has one eye, a red body, and golden armor, just like the barbaric body of the Cyclops in ancient Greek legends. But under me, I exude the gentle and slow temperament of a scholar, as if everything in the world is under my control. "You hope he can think more comprehensively."

"You believed that too." I sighed, turned around and picked up a heavy iron ingot from under the workbench. "Does he remember what I said to you outside your father's palace? When I talked about the vast ocean and the safety of going too deep."

You thought in your heart.

"Why did he blame Gilles for his brother's face? You should blame him. No matter how dim the flowers are, you should have watched your brother run to the cliff to pick them instead of stopping him." Perturabo looked at Saint Guanhaide and accused him mercilessly.

...But it's not too late.

Guanhaide looked at the fragments scattered on the ground and under the workbench in disbelief.

The light hammer smashed the precision instrument called Antikythera.

Guan Haides looked at Saint Gnus, "Sister, where did he find him from?"

"Brother, yes!"

"He did make a fatal mistake." The eighth Primarch, Lord of Steel Perturabo, walked out of my workshop in small steps. I smelled of cold steel, steam and flames under me, and my appearance seemed to make the temperature of the entire reception hall rise.

A giant.

Perturabo nodded calmly and put down the periscope in his hand.

"Humility doesn't suit him." Perturabo didn't care about the nastiness in Gilles's words.

I realized that there was something unusual about that incident, and I also saw the gloomy light in the angel's eyes. The originally harmonious atmosphere gradually became awkward and unpredictable. Gilles tried to ask: "Did you make any mistakes before that?"

"But he succeeded in making it."

"He has a tendency to be cruel, brother." Gilles panted, and my anger was obvious.


"You hope he can join the Fourth Legion, but that is not a difficult choice to make." Sangnus sighed heavily, but the smile on his face remained unchanged, "In fact, that choice means a lot in addition to honor and wealth. He will take a completely opposite path. That is a choice that should not be easy to make."

What does my Astartes think.

Clay nodded as if he understood.

When the fragments fell to the ground, making a crisp and pleasant sound of impact.

"The vast ocean."

"Tell me the answer."

Sangnus saw that the halo under Gilles was bright, like blood in the water.

"Doesn't he have a family yet?" the little angel asked again.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

"But it is not difficult for those with souls."

"Kano should have told him that he doesn't have any great potential."

"You have long thought that it takes a huge amount of strength to kill one of you." Perturabo looked at his brother and said in a safe and serious tone, "But did you think that he would regard it as a challenge."

And you, a mediocre big shot, actually saw two primarchs in a row within ten minutes.

But Clay, who is just a special person, felt so happy that it was over. Your face turned red, beads of sweat appeared under your forehead, and you couldn't even breathe.

Saint Genus said, "Moreover, it is necessary to slow down on that matter. He has not had much time to think about it. As for what he needs to do before joining the Fourth Army, you will also let Kano explain his regression." ”

"You suspect it is some kind of navigation instrument." Perturabo said, raising the instrument and looking out of one of its eyepieces: "It looks like an octant used by sailors, but its size Much smaller. What kind of ocean will he be sailing in, and he will need that kind of equipment."

That is natural, because no matter how small a person is, they will remain humble and even feel ashamed when facing the Primarch. What's more, in the past ten or seventy years, Clay has always been just a busy person.

"You know," Guan Haidesi said, "but that has something to do with this."

I said in an almost hot voice: "Death is only one step away from him. It must be Saint Genus. He should not be dead now. And your father's expeditionary force will lose my most advanced one." Son, even more foolish than dear Horus."

You found that some of the mechanical devices under the instrument were not too coordinated. "And, what is that device used for?"

"Accusation? You are definitely just accusing him." Perturabo said indifferently.

The little angel was silent for a moment, with a bitter smile on his face. You replied loudly, "He is right, Gilles should be blamed."

"You hope that he will join the Fourth Legion and fight for the glory of the Emperor. You will ensure his danger and give him glory, wealth, or anything else he desires." Saint Genus invited.

Saint Genus was silent for a moment.

Clay also looked in the direction of the sound.

"You have to do something."

You only feel another wave of dizziness appearing in your consciousness. Your intense life is completely broken and becomes exciting, lacking some incredible experiences. Countless planetary governors, dignitaries, and traveling merchants all found it extremely difficult to meet the original body.

Your eyes were lowered, with a gloomy light shining in your platinum-gold pupils, "You mean, does he still remember what happened before this?"

"The Dawn Star is about to be destroyed. It is on an irreversible countdown. I promise to take you away from this planet." Sanguinius stroked Clay's long hair, her skin was soft and warm. , like spring sunshine.

Gilles roared with a ferocious face, "What on earth is he doing? Is he crazy?"

Perturabo put the iron ingot under the workbench and replied indifferently: "Because you are willing to help him delve into things that others told him to touch. Your father knows far less than you, and I know less than you." You see further. I am sure I tell you that there is no place in the vast ocean that I dare not see less, so you don’t have to accept that.”


Gilles smiled and said, "But it is the origin of civilization. Even if you just explore it out of fear, your tribe will stay behind."

Petuguan Haire laughed out loud, and I bent my muscular arm, quickly lifted the light iron ingot, and slammed it forward.

Clay was filled with a huge feeling of joy, pride, or something similar.


Clay nodded.

"Yes, it's not that matter..."

"But before that." Little Angel asked in a stern tone, "What does he want to do before that? Go to the nest where Dawn Star refugees are resettled? Or do something else."

The arrival of Petu Guanhai immediately relieved the awkward atmosphere in the small hall. Gilles shrugged his shoulders, "How can you stand by and watch so few people die? If I doubt you, I will definitely let him be in charge of you instead." position, he would make the same choice.”

I came to my workbench and took out a set of periscopes with simple metal curved devices, winding devices and adjustable lenses from outside the box.


Part of St. Gwenhaide's attention had always been on that special but cowardly young man. You immediately said something loudly to Kano. Kano nodded and came to Clay's side, and the two chatted loudly. Kano took Clay and left from the narrow hall.

Looking at his brother, Saint Genus sighed slightly.

Do you think that even if the angel asked you to jump directly from the Samarius Fortress and sacrifice your life, you would not make any progress. Kleihao nodded firmly, "Promise him and I'll take you away."

Guan Haidesi thought casually and shook her head, "You remember."

The sound of footsteps came from the other end of the small hall. The curtain made of white pearls was opened by two Astartes warriors, and light and exaggerated footsteps came from the front of the arched small door. Saint Gnus nodded to Clay without any apology, and stood up hurriedly.

What surprised Clay even more was that the Cyclops who came to the reception hall cast his eyes on Clay as if he was real, looked him up and down carelessly, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Another Primarch, Clay, instantly realized what happened.

"For special people, the power of the warp is safe and crazy." Saint Gnus argued.

"You know his belief. He can't leave the work aside and ignore me, nor can he destroy it at any time before completing it." Gilles said with calm and restrained anger, "But he waited for you to come there and watch him do it. Why?" Such a work was made by a master, which should have brought infinite hope and change to the empire, but now it has become a worthwhile garbage. Are you willing to continue arguing with your brother on that topic, "Does he remember what happened before the fall of Dawn Light?" "Yeah." Clay nodded, not a little timid. "It was one of your descendants who encountered it when evacuating refugees." Sangnus smiled and replied, "You are cowardly and saved your descendants from the hands of the mob. It is very advanced for a special person who has not undergone military training." Gilles came over and narrowed his eyes: "He actually made it, it's incredible. There is nothing he can't do, Perturabo?" Since the magnetic field of Dawn Star has been disturbed. Gilles said, "So, what does he think it is used for?"

"Hey, brother, don't be like that, I'll give you some face." Gilles looked at Petu Guanhai, his face full of bitter smile, and said at a loss: "At least that thing has nothing to do with Saint Genus, he should blame you."

Gilles said in a heavy tone, "You have to thank him, if he hadn't helped you in time, you can't imagine what the situation would be like now. Your power is closely integrated in the vast ocean, you are sure that you can accomplish any great cause together."

"The entire empire The expedition of the country will be greatly changed because of this. "Gilles's face became more and more red because of the excitement. "Its significance is great. It is the first time that the ancestors of the ancient countries in the East discovered the compass." "For humans, fire is also difficult to harm themselves." "You are too vague." Perturabo replied: "Gilles gave you the design drawings, and then you spent a long time and energy to make it. But you have never deeply understood its original design intention, nor how it works." That is... What incredible luck. The metal of the device bent and cracked, and the precision-ground lens shattered into thousands of fragments. The efforts of Gilles and Perturabo for several months were burned. No matter what, you can survive that terrible natural disaster. The little angel is personally inviting you... "Can I work normally?" Saint Genus also came over. Ask for monthly tickets at the beginning of the month!

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