Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Why is Ran Dan said to be a human rather than an alien? Source of data and speculation process

1. There is very little information about Ran Dan in the official information, and they are all types of tofu cubes without specific descriptions. Ran Dan is involved in the two information books hh7 and hh9. The above contents do not clearly mention that Ran Dan is some kind of alien.

2. During the Battle of Randan, a legion disappeared, and the relevant information was deliberately hidden.

There are three inferences

First, the legion and the original body were destroyed by Ran Dan.

Second, the Legion and the original body are all controlled by some kind of alien.

Third, the Legion and the Primarch abandoned the ideals of the Imperial Crusade for some more ambitious goal.

Among these three inferences, the third one is undoubtedly the most powerful guess, and it is also a more reasonable idea. Including when Horus rebelled, his original starting point was actually for humanity. He believed that the Emperor had abandoned humanity and that the Great Crusade was just a means for the Emperor to become a god.

3. The Randan War occurred three times in total, and the period spanned nearly half a century.

The first war was an encounter. The Empire thought it had encountered Ran Dan's base camp, but in fact it was just an inconspicuous outpost of the other side. But even so, the Empire suffered more than 10,000 Astartes casualties, and these were only the first battles. The elite among the elite in a legion, their strength should not be underestimated.

The Second Randan War was the largest in scale, involving more than a dozen legions, hundreds of thousands of Astartes, and millions of Mechanicus troops, covering half the galaxy. The Emperor personally took action at the last moment to seal the victory of this war. .

Seventh, Mr. Marka said that the two originals threatened the core concept of the Little Crusade and would destroy the drive to unify mankind, but they would defeat the enemy.

The Dark Angels and Space Wolves are basically Ran Dan's executioners.

Inferences drawn from the original text——

For example, if you later designed part of the Seventh Legion, some readers might think it was too bad or too embarrassing. But why do you write it like that? On the one hand, the outline has not been broken since then. On the other hand, as a fanfic, you also hope to write some boring content within the framework of Warhammer. The Emperor is another possibility of human civilization. Brothers fight against each other for the same goal and the same path. You personally feel that it is more boring than joining forces to fight an alien civilization with the appearance of an ancient god, and it also better reflects the style of Warhammer Grimdark - good and bad are blurred, the future is certain, he gave everything but in the end he personally Destroyed his own future.

The difference between the two is that if you do something to warn others, the Space Wolves will take action, but if you directly make the other person disappear completely, the Angel of Darkness will take action. Both legions were bad actors in internal warfare, making it even less likely that the Emperor was human.

The Third Randan War was the War of Extermination, in which the White Angels and Space Wolves were responsible for the extermination of the Emperor's race. Even though the main force of the Emperor had not been lost, it still caused more than 70,000 Astartes casualties to the White Angels, while the casualties of the Space Wolves were unknown.

That punishment cannot be royalties, nor can it be monthly tickets, recommendation votes, or even free comments and endorsements, etc.

It's certainly difficult to follow through on something groundbreaking.

It was possible to completely abandon the subspace during the Little Expedition. Even Magnus was not rewarded by Ran Dan for surfing in the subspace with such a low level of weakness every day, so the main contradiction lies in the latter two points. Lowly developed AI and Deli people.

And what is the way to destroy all that - lowly developed AI, splitting the alien aliens, and using the power of subspace.

"Your brothers..." Malka's Primarch put away his weapon and walked towards the small door. Shao En stretched out his two hands and placed the palms of his gauntlets under the metal. The psyker had rarely witnessed such respect, such reluctance in Imperial Fist's actions. "If they were here now, would they be the same?" Shao En asked into the cold, sour air, as if I had forgotten that Malka was still beside me. "How will the retreat of that war be changed if they stand with you? Or with us?" I shook my head. "You wish you could know." At the front, Shao En took his hands away and looked back at my warrior son. "How will the distant future describe us? Will we be remembered, Tao Yuyi? What about you?"


...Once, Ran Dan created seventy sons with his own characteristics. Roger Schon was one of the weakest. But both Primarchs were wiped out of honor long after the Warmaster's Rebellion, each engulfed by a devastating catastrophe the full extent of which is unknown. Tao Yuyi could only recall rumors and half-truths in my knowledge, but when I looked up at the face of my genetic father, I knew that Shaoen had buried the memory of this disaster deep in his heart. .

First, from the perspective of Rogge Shaoen, Primarch No. 7 and 11 did not completely betray the Empire. We were swallowed up by disaster. Shaoen even respected those two Primarchs. I was extremely happy about the death of the two Primarchs, and took the initiative to ask Major Macca to hide that memory.

5. To be honest, I will write the plot according to the Little Expedition period and interact with each of the original members of the Legion. The results should be more stable.

Those two factors combined came up with something, the Golden Age of Mankind.

"You are making the decision he made!" Master Masak was furious. At the same time, the plasma flame in the iron basket on the top of my scepter crackled violently. "You are just doing the tasks assigned to you!"

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Masak Shaoyude moved forward, away from the killing range of the gorgeous sword. "The... losses of the Seventh and Eleventh Sons traumatize you and threaten the core ideals of the Little Crusade. It will destroy everything you have built - the drive to reunite humanity and drive home the enemy. Action must be taken Measures." I met Shao En's cold gaze. "The legionnaires we left behind are leaders, and we are abandoned by others. We are such a small resource and can be discarded at will. We did not suffer the same fate as our father. You and Roboute supported us And they argue with reason, but they remember it again." Master Masak nodded to himself. "The burden of adapting us to our new circumstances falls on you."

Thanks also to Xiaojia for her continued support.

6. Now that the leaflets have been distributed, please feel free to subscribe. The starting point is that the writing of fan fiction is too encouraged. The performance of the book is basically no recommendation, and it can only rely on intelligent recommendation to accumulate some readers. The starting point requires a subscription of less than 700 to get perfect attendance. Perfect attendance is basically less than half of your manuscript fee. I hope you can follow up and read it. If you don't have perfect attendance, you can insist on writing me in. When I finally started writing, it was because of a temporary impulse, but if I want to stick to it for a long time, there must be no punishment mechanism.

4. A short story about the content outside the Room of Broken Memory:

What is the philosophy of the Little Expedition - abandon AI, destroy aliens, and abandon subspace.

"Another lie?" Shaoen stared at the pair of doors, as if I could see through them through sheer willpower. "At least, half truth and half lie?"

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