Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 116 Angel VS Wolf King (please order)

Chapter 115 Angel VS Wolf King (please order)

Time goes back a few minutes.

While the Blood Angels were engaging in gang-hopping operations against the Predator-class battleships of the Duran Civilization, the Thirteenth Legion of the Space Wolves also began their own operations. Compared to the Blood Angels' assault gunships, the Space Wolves' gang-hopping operations are more brutal.

They maneuvered the Falcon-class subspace battleship and directly collided with Duran's battleship.

It's like being in the sea.

Like a shark biting the belly of a giant whale, the collision angle of the Falcon-class battleship and the armor of the Duran battleship rubbed against each other. The shell made of plastic steel was twisted and deformed in the collision with huge force, and the sparks and electrolytic clouds formed The halo is like the tail of a meteorite dragging thousands of kilometers across the empty void.

The wolves howled.

The enemy's body poured into the body from the torn wounds, destroying everything in sight.

The Blood Angels' target was the Warp Engine Room.

The Space Wolves positioned their target in the central command room of the Duran battleship.

Captain Yolin of the Thirteenth Company led his soldiers to destroy the resistance on the battleship with astonishing efficiency. They rushed into the enemy's command room, like ferocious wolves entering a flock of sheep, showing no mercy. Slaughtering those Duran Scapine mechanically transformed warriors.

He rushed directly into the fire curtain and sped towards the position marked by the pharmacist.

Like the Seventh Legion, the Wolf Regiment's transformation surgery does not include a common implantation step called the Canis Spiral. That step will allow the recruits to mutate into real wild wolves, wandering in the ice and snow of Fenwais. They must be strong enough, cunning enough, and tough enough to overcome the wind and snow, overcome these giant predators in the dead world, and return to the Wolf Fang to accept the formal transformation of the Astartes.

"Isn't anyone else aware of that matter?" Yolin asked again.

Command deck of the Red Tear.

"Of course it is the same." Yolin squinted his eyes and said, "We are human beings, just like you. Thousands of years later, you were all born on Terra, but now we believe in and even laugh at the grand vision of the empire. . You gave us a chance to live in peace, but we agreed and even used it to ridicule you."

When did I become like that? Forget it, Bu Liang'eguang was too lazy to continue thinking about it. I heard the sound of bolt gun firing coming from the command room. Although they have not lost their heads and hearts, the giant wolf soldiers under the battleship are still resisting and launching a counterattack out of desperation.

Is it a competition for military success?

"Damn it!"

I'm not worried that the other party will choose to kill people and silence them.

Liang E stood sideways in front of Saint Soster and said in an almost pleading tone. I stared into the little angel's eyes, hoping to impress my sister with my sincerity.

Yolin looked at the head lying on his feet, which was many years old.

"what happened?"

He was probably only eleven or fourteen years old, with a layer of childishness still lingering on his face, and his eyes were closed with fear fixed in his eyes. Yolin's joy at failure disappeared at that moment, and an annoyance that could not be described in words surged down the wolf's heart.

As if struck by lightning, Yue Lin's deep brows gradually swelled.


Wait until all enemies turn into corpses.

Saint Sost's serious expression softened slightly, and we boarded the Stormbird together. Fortunately, the Red Tears was too far away from the Giant Wolf's Hunter battleship. The Blood Angel Stormbird is a modified type that sacrifices space in exchange for speed, so we didn't spend too long on the road.

Dulan was surprised at first, then raised his hands to show whether he was hostile, and laughed dryly to relieve his embarrassment.

"Everyone can understand the Emperor's diminutive vision..." Bugiles shrugged.

Dulan breathed a sigh of relief, and I grinned. Just as I was about to say thank you, I saw the fist covered with golden gauntlets quickly shrinking behind me.

As I ran, the space behind me suddenly opened up. A large command platform was supported by an eight-meter-high pillar in the middle. The top of my head was arched glass, reinforced with dark red spokes. There were complete corpses scattered under the ground, which was very unusual, but what was unusual was that the corpses looked like they had been killed by sharp blades and explosive bombs, but they looked like strips of skin fragments before being bitten by wild beasts. .

The distance between the two was not even eight meters. Kano's vision was very vague. I saw that there were still human traces under Liang E's elongated face, and it was not as clear and irrational as a beast. Eyes, and bits of mucus stained under the nose and teeth.

Only then did Yolin gasp, smashing the control system in his sight to pieces, and hovering Duran's hunter-killer battleship in the endless starry sky.

The further back you go.


Yolin came to the keel corridor on the upper floor of the battleship. It was gloomy outside, with the wind generated by the gas leak roaring past, and the white-red flames like a demon with teeth and claws. The blood-red Liang E battle flag swayed in the flames and gradually burned out.

A sudden premonition suddenly arose in Yolin's heart, "Where is Ladoron? Why is Ladoron outside?"

But I was also silenced.

Blood thirsty?

And without opening his bloody mouth, he rushed towards him fiercely.

Passing through a small hall covered with giant wolf war flags, passing through a complete glass conference room.

Bugiles pulled the head of a Scapin mechanical warrior alive from the spine. My rain-grey armor was covered with fresh blood, and the blood was dried by the lingering flames, forming regular traces. Bugiles looked at his wolf master and said with a smile, "Do you think we are all inferior?"

Azkelon shook his head and said, "I hope you can go back with you."

Saint Sost finally arrived in the subspace engine room of the Hunter-Killer battleship, but what you expected was that a giant like you was blocking your way.

He took the Wolf Guards in his hands and rushed towards the direction of the Blood Angel.

The power of those wild wolves is surprisingly small, as if they can shake the machinery of God. And when it comes to determining the opponent's condition, Amit dares to use lethal weapons, so he doesn't feel restrained in the fight. Arcana rushed down and hit the wolf under the head with a weak stick.

"Get out of the way." Sheng Liang Eguang didn't respond, but said coldly.

Saint Soster walked slowly through the keel corridor filled with the smell of burning corpses. You even spread your wings and flew in the spacious space, passing by slowly, leaving the members of the Holy Blood Guard beside you far away. in front of me.

I blinked and Ruth was still there.

Kano was caught in the trap for a moment, and that short moment of determination cost Kano his life. A huge and resistible force rushed towards me. Kano was pushed to the ground without any resistance. The wolf's sharp claws tore under Kano's armor, leaving deep marks. scratches.

"Don't waste time outside." Bugiles punched Yolin's head. "That matter involves the Blood Angels. It is no longer an internal matter within your legion. Haval did nothing. Wrong."

Amit, who was wearing Terminator power armor, was knocked down and rolled to the ground with the wild wolf.

"What the hell is that?"

We successfully boarded the Giant Wolf's Hunter-class battleship, where we again received news from Chief Company Commander Ravie, and marked the opponent's position in the full battlefield awareness module. St. Soster's hanging heart was finally relieved a little, and the situation had not yet developed to the most desperate situation.

Radolon raised his hand with all his strength and pointed in the direction of the subspace engine room.

But it has no fear and knows pain.

"I really thought that you would meet for the first time outside. Then, hahaha, it's quite memorable."

"That's right!"


Calling on his other two companions, he continued to launch a retreat attack against the Blood Angels.

"You said, get out of the way!" Saint Sostre repeated, taking small steps back.


before wiping out the remaining enemies.

"Where are we now?" Yolin held Ladoron's arm and asked in a slow tone.

Yolin said angrily, "I must let Liang E know what happened there. How will I treat you!"

Almost face to face, Duran could even smell the faint fragrance under the little angel.


"You go."

——There is no way we can overcome the darkness in our genes.

I ordered a brigade to be stationed in that corridor to prevent me from going deep alone and falling into a situation where I was surrounded by enemies from both sides. Although such a situation has not happened, the team defending here has also disappeared.

The Katniss Spiral makes the wild wolves tough and cunning, and gives us sharp teeth that are strong enough to bite through, but it also brings a hidden danger.

In this way, we will become a real wolf.

The razor-sharp teeth bit into Kano's neck, and Kano even heard a heavy crunching sound coming from under his helmet.

Along the gap made by the assault boat.

I don’t think my wolf master is too extreme.

"You have no more work to do!"

"Please wait a moment." Dulan scratched his messy blond hair, "What did you want to say just now, and you forgot..."

"Yes, you're all going to die."

Yolin glanced at his brother, looking past the complete remains of the giant wolf soldier and the blood on the ground.

Saint Sost nodded and took a step forward.

Radolon was dying and sitting under a narrow chair. My abdomen was completely thrown away. The pharmacist was trying to sew up the broken intestines and stuff them back into the warrior's body.

The feeling of safety in Yuolin's heart became stronger and stronger.

Kano subconsciously wanted to shoot.

A pharmacist named Hafu delivered a message through the sizzling communication channel, "Lord Wolf, I am on your left hand side, about 800 meters away. I am fine now and slightly injured."

"Is he following your orders?" said Saint-Soest.

At the very least, Raviye and we should have no small problems now.

The scene suddenly became extremely chaotic, with the bloody howls of the wolves and the roars of the Blood Angels mixed together, swarming in like a cold wave. Raviye frowned. Those eight wild wolves are nothing, but I haven't guessed that there is some kind of secret behind it that may be involved in the Eighth Legion.

Did I continue to speak.

"There is no time when you even wish that you were facing these cruel and savage aliens." Yolin said to my deputy Bugiles. Bugiles is also the brother of the Wolf King after his return. I am short and thin, and I always have a good smile on my face. You will always be deceived by the smile on my face, because I will give him a hard blow from the back when he lets his guard down, and then take that opportunity to drink up all his treasured Fenwais mead. .


But at that time, I saw the logo of the Eighth Legion under Liang E's armor.

"Would you mind giving you a little more time?"

Meet the little angel.

"If you remember correctly, this direction should be the target of the Blood Angels' mission." Yolin's face turned pale, and there was even a sense of confusion and fear in his tone. I would rather take off my pants and run naked under Terra than expose the genetic flaws of my legion.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading!

Azkelon frowned and said, "The situation under the Giant Wolf Hunter battleship is very safe, and there is no possibility of jumping into subspace at any time."


But why do the Wolves clash with the Blood Angels?

My teeth bared, and I kicked the girl's head away with my first kick. She hit the nearby wall hard and smashed it into a ball of mud. "But we died without honor. We couldn't have served the emperor." He died gloriously on the road of a small expedition, but now he is like a rat fighting for garbage outside the gutter, worthless and despicable. "

"You reported what happened outside to Duran." Pharmacist Harvard replied.

Yolin hissed angrily, and my cheeks swelled.

"You're so unhappy that you still remember that incident. No matter what, you have to settle it completely after it becomes a minor issue." Bugiles sighed, "I hope it's not too late now."

"You have been attacked by the Space Wolves, requesting support... Zizzi..." Amidst a burst of white noise, the communication was interrupted by interference. The little angel's perfect but rough face became less ugly. Out of absolute trust in the chief company commander, the little angel gave the order with almost no thought, "Prepare the assault boat!"

"Out there!"

"It's Harald, Orric and Valgam." Radolon said happily, "We have lost control."

That would bring shame to the entire legion as well as Liang E.

Kano looked at the Russ running towards him and almost believed that he was hallucinating.

Raviye decisively chose to inform the little angel of what happened outside.

Yolin said hastily, took off his helmet, held his chain ax and rushed out of the hall.

Or some other reason.

The two of them were very close.

"You were all humans once. Even if you are brothers from the same tribe, your methods and perspectives of thinking about problems are completely different. What's more, you have been without your hands for thousands of years. Time is very scary. Something that changes everything.”

Just in case.

Amit took advantage of the situation and kicked the wild wolf to the ground. The wild wolf howled and bright red blood seeped out of its teeth.

We went back along the way we came, and there were corpses everywhere along the way. A small part of the corpses belonged to Liang E's mechanized infantry, but not many of the corpses belonged to the wolf regiment. The giant wolf's technology is indeed quite superb, and even in the entire small expedition, it is a very difficult opponent.

I set the wrong time. I set it for tomorrow. Sorry.

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