Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 120 Let's go, Ryan, teach the Wolf King a lesson!

Chapter 119 Let’s go, Ryan, teach the Wolf King a lesson! (please order)

Many years after the end of the Great Crusade, this fierce battle over Duran will only be recorded with a plain and short entry, buried in a vast sea of ​​documents. These books recording the history of the Great Crusade will be recorded in the archives. The room was covered in dust and dust, and it was covered with numerous military records of similar weight.

Only one copy of the "Annals of the Legiones Astartes" from the narrator Proxima has been preserved relatively completely, but the records above are only general remarks.

According to the content of this book.

In this war, the Empire lost a total of nine ships, 2,000 legionnaires, and 200,000 mortal auxiliaries. Compared with the countless wars of their contemporaries, this result is nothing worthy of special attention. .


Behind these simple numbers, in this war to conquer the last territory of the empire.

The cruelty and violence displayed cannot be accurately described by the cold and thin words in history books. For the people on the planet Duran, Duran is their Terra. This is not to say that Duran's grandeur and glorious history can be compared with Terra, but the importance of this planet in their minds.

It was more than ten centuries ago that humans first set foot on this planet.

The years change.

Most people on Duran have long forgotten Terra's existence.

In order to prevent enemy warships from approaching and disrupting the formation.

Hundreds of servo skeletons dragged the incense burner and buzzed in the air.

The Duran warships are naturally willing to let go of those prey that come into their mouths easily. Whether it is for the purpose of amplifying the results of the battle, or to interfere with the salvo of the main fleet of the First Army, we must retreat and pursue. However, during the pursuit, we were ambushed by the First Legion fleet that had already been ambushing the road.

Ryan took a deep breath, and even his big movements were full of anger and worry, "Just now, your contact with the wolf group was interrupted. You hope that things will move towards the most -"

Ryan's green eyes narrowed, and a flood of messages was sent in my mind to the commanders of each battleship and the Astartes company commanders. I paused briefly, and waited until I had finished processing the tedious information behind the interview, then continued, "You will teach this accomplished brother of yours a lesson, and you will tell me how to fight that battle. "

Judging from its appearance and size, the construction of the ring was probably not completed when the first batch of colonists arrived at Dulan, and it had been continuously moving inward over the previous hundreds of thousands of years. Regressive expansion.

"It is precisely because of the efficiency of the Wild Wolves that you were sent there."

"Of course!"

Just outside that environment.

A layer of white light shimmers below, and the pollution caused by excessive industrialization has broken the original ugliness of the planet. It feels like a beautiful and embarrassing cancer cell suspended in the starry sky. Duran's body shape and atmosphere are quite similar to Terra's. There are 17% nitrogen and 77% oxygen below me, as well as many trace elements like others.

Chaoche asked Ryan's attendant to pour him a cup of cold black tea. When I raised my head and took a deep breath under the surface of the tea soup, I turned around and saw Ryan's brows frowning deeply. His expression was extremely serious and could not even be described as ugly.

If it comes from the intention, the intention will come out.

But all that, everything you do, is necessary.

I clenched my fists loudly, and my face turned from white to blue, then green to white, and finally turned extremely gloomy and angry!

Our light spears fired in volleys, the promethium fire ignited, and the plasma plasma that had been accumulated in the diverter for a long time stopped roaring——

"It's wrong."

From time to time, unburned metal blocks cracked and fell, as if every inch of the starry sky was filled with burning war smoke.

Chao Che had a curious expression on his face, and said with a smile, "He also told you later that a general should express his emotions and anger through his appearance, and adapt to the situation with a calm and calm mind. Why does his face look like that now? It’s ugly, but that’s in line with his usual style.”

That's also very unusual...


"Listen...it's incredible."

In their language, the meaning of "Dulan" is almost the same as "Earth". Facing the overwhelming army, they have no way forward and nowhere to escape. All Duran people will definitely choose to resist to the end. Even if death has not become the destined outcome, the people outside will shed the last drop of blood in order to protect their sacred homeland!

Ryan kept his words, but the air around me seemed to freeze.

"We passed through the terrifying and crazy old night, but we fell into the dawn brought by the empire." Chaoche looked at the scenes that happened behind him. I put the tea cup in my hand with a smile on my face, but I didn't realize it. The person pointed said, "That's a really sad thing."

Quietly surrounding the Yutyrannus King.

That steel ring helped the people of Zhanzi resist the invasion of hateful intelligence, and our civilization was able to survive this destruction. But now, a hundred years ago, when the old night begins. The empire's small army arrived, and the steel fortress was still helping the people of Duran as much as possible to resist the empire's enemy fleet.

The Glorious King-class flagship of the First Legion is Qu Zhenli, whose reputation is outstanding.

"He plans to use Duran's flagship to launch a retreat raid on Duran's near-earth defense orbit?" Chaoche put down the tea cup in his hand, touched his chin, and said with squinted eyes, "That is indeed a wrong idea. , the Duran battleship does not have a shield generating device that is superior to the Imperial battleship, and can withstand a small amount of damage in a short period of time. Even if the Duran side has not discovered the clue, there is still a way to solve the dilemma. "

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I'm sure your opponent is not guilty, so why can you try us fairly and justly? It is certain that what he has done is just and why it can be put in the sunshine and let others judge it. Can I represent an empire that was built through white and covert means...


But compared with Qu Zhenri's illustrious reputation, the ancient and small King of Glory class battleship seemed somber and solemn. The battleship commanders and the Astartes veterans who were ready to go were speaking in silence. It's just that a huge amount of information flows through each fleet's communication channel like a slow ocean current, dragging the enemy fleet of the First Legion to push back smoothly on the battlefield.

The escort fleet of the First Legion changed direction in the vast starry sky and continued to move deeper into Duran.

It's the Qu Zhengren

The main fleet of the First Legion always kept a certain distance from Duran's orbital ring, wandering on the edge of the battlefield, firing from close range. The First Legion's volleys of light spears were extremely powerful. They were fired in unison from the pitch-white bow of the ship. Even the shields of the legal system were unable to withstand such terrifying energy. The wreckage of the battleship was blocked like a rising tide. The rear of our battle line.

But I did not choose to continue arguing with Ryan on that topic, as it would be fruitless. I know I convinced Ryan, but I was brainwashed by our father. He is portrayed as a merciless, cruel, savage, and hot executioner. What's even more frightening is that Ryan is not only ashamed of it, but also regards it as a small sacrifice and glory.

My father left the oldest and weakest First Legion in your hands, so you should shoulder the responsibility as an elder brother as I expected. You will protect the empire in your own way in the dark, do things that bring you light and even bear infamy, but before that, the new empire will be built in the sunshine, and that is not enough. "

Lane dispatched his own convoy fleet, which inserted straight into the center of the Duran formation and found themselves in danger. We were single and weak, inferior to Duran's fleet in terms of both firepower and numbers. Before retreating to avoid interference, those shaky warships had to evacuate forward.

During that brief ambush and counter-ambush.

The gap between Dulan's eyes and his fists was as big as Chaoche's.

The corners of Ryan's mouth raised slightly, and a smile appeared on my serious face, but it slowly disappeared, and the corners of his mouth returned to their normal state, "I'll just wait and see what you do."

Chao Che, the original body of the Seventh Legion, seemed a bit out of place.

Such a war makes me feel uneasy. If it was unexpected, the failure of the first stage is not easy for me. I can't stop thinking about how to defeat Duran's homeland retreat landing operation in the last step and paralyze its resistance. At the same time, we should protect the industrial facilities under Duran as much as possible.


Chaoche said, "Why is your father willing to adopt a more violent method? In less time, you may be able to take Duran back to the empire through peaceful means. You can inherit that planet Instead of losing knowledge and technology, we will get a piece of scorched earth.”

"The defensive firepower under Zhanzi's orbital ring is very fierce. If you choose a weak attack, you will definitely pay a huge price. That is consistent with your combat philosophy. You must use the maximum loss in the shortest time to exchange for the smallest result. ”

I sat under a narrow solid wood chair, holding a cup of cold black tea in my hand. My slightly non-sick eyes looked at the battlefield through the huge French window behind my eyes. The expression on my face was leisurely. It's like a war god coming to the battlefield, but it's like watching an immersive movie in a private theater.

Whether it is the soldiers in my hands or the enemies I face, they are all under my command.

"Yes, you just feel it's not a pity."

There was a brief exchange of fire, although there was no small damage.

Chao Che took a sip of the slightly cooled black tea and quietly changed the topic.

Chaoche hasn't found any clues yet.

Although the situation on the battlefield is simple, everything is developing as I planned. That feeling made Ryan feel happy, as if he were retreating from a barbaric and cruel war, but more like performing a play in Terra's magnificent theater.

Any Imperial citizen who is even remotely familiar with the Little Crusade has heard of my nickname.

The clanking sound of the chains and the incense burner is reminiscent of the chains that bind the hands and feet of the prisoners in prison.

Chao Che could not agree with his brother's ideas.

But those Duran warships still chose to advance, because we can guarantee that we will encounter fewer surprises in the process of continuing the pursuit.

In the picture transmitted back after the interview, the Eighth Army's Esrumunir, Nidhogg, and Valkam were like eight greedy wolves staring at their prey, howling on the battlefield. Running down and down, at a speed that surpassed the strict order of the Mechanicus and reached the red line, it crashed into the "Yu Tyrannosaurus King" controlled by the Dark Angel.

Lane is the director with the baton outside his hand.

Leon El'Jonson, the original member of the First Legion, appeared in person with the small army of Dark Angels in his hands. The fate of that planet and the people below has not been determined yet, and I am afraid nothing will change. All Chaoche needs to do is to quietly watch his brother's performance, study my tactical style, and then wait for the final resolution of the war, which is enough.

Ryan said proudly, "Loyalty is absolute, it is absolute loyalty. Everything you do is for the empire and for mankind. The small expedition has always been without flowers and failure. It is also accompanied by cruel extermination and massacre. , exclude dissidents.

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Chaoche said: "He thinks he is doing the right thing, even the just thing? Even if hundreds of millions of people are killed by you?"

I said, "What is he going to do now? Duran is a difficult opponent to deal with. Our warships retreated first, and just now you saw the fleets of the Eighth and Fourth Legions. We were also one of them in that war." variables that can be ignored.”

"Ryan, what's wrong with him?"

"Really?" Chao Che grinned, "You're looking forward to it too."

Laser firefights came and went like a web, and flowers exploded and bloomed in the air.

Ryan nodded, a satisfied smile flashing across his face.

The densely packed giant interference cannons stretched out from the fixed gun emplacements, pouring ammunition towards the incoming enemy like a violent storm. Accompanied by successive flashes of light, the sound of explosions could not be heard. These bloated Duran warships, equipped with heavy shield engines, were moving around the defensive array under the battlefield, with macro cannons and light spears spitting out fire from the thick and small barrels on the sides of the ship.

In Duran's low-Earth orbit, there is a magnificent steel defense orbit.

A group of assault boats carrying elite Dark Angel veterans launched an attack on Duran's flagship "Yutanodon King". This majestic, red steel monster looked almost intact from the inside and outside, but the control rights But within ten minutes it fell into the hands of the Dark Angel.

"You gave us a chance, but we chose to agree." Ryan said, "Either surrender or perish. Is there an eighth option? That is not the reason why you are there. You are the Emperor's Dark Angel, you All we have to do is bring destruction to our enemies and make us disappear from the galaxy."

"But what about..."

Ryan stood beside Chao Che, his eyes always watching the changes on the battlefield, and I answered in a cold voice.

In the old days of horror.

"He seemed to have no necessary sympathy for his enemies."

Ryan's words stopped abruptly.

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