Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 125 Angels and Wild Wolves

Chapter 124 Angels and Wild Wolves

Accompanied by the oncoming storm, the Archangel stepped onto the battlefield.

The beast fur on the power armor flew into the air, and the Eye of Terra embedded on it by the Emperor himself burst out with a blinding brilliance like a star. The long golden hair burned like a brilliant flame beside her, and the red-dyed blade left a scarlet afterimage in the air.

The Duran warriors and Leviathan steel behemoths on the battlefield finally reacted.

This is a time of life and death, and the angel in front of you is definitely not a kind person.

But neither the scorching shells nor the intertwined lasers could stop the Archangel.

She did not sprint or charge, but stepped into the smoke-filled battlefield like an elegant dancer. Deadly beams and explosive bombs whizzed past her, but none of them could hit. She herself is the soul of this war, so powerful and irresistible.

Her arrival set off an invisible torrent on the battlefield.

That was the roaring frenzy in the spirit of every enemy, igniting the nerves, crushing the heart, and causing all limbs to be broken and paralyzed. Even the entire space trembled in front of the Archangel. It trembled, spun, and crawled back in fear under her gorgeous wings.

The first and original Leviathan roared, raised the interference cannon mounted on its arm, and pulled the trigger at the Angel of Destruction.

Flashing plasma burst through the air.

But the little primarch started to move, and you easily dodged the fierce attack.

But Xiaoqi confused that matter, and it seemed that Xiaoqi's promise was also made by her husband.

All the beast soldiers who were not in my way of retreat - whether they were stupid enough to think they could stop an angry primarch, or they were frozen in place in the glory of the angel and unable to move their steps. I was crushed and torn apart by your love.

Blood flows from one control point to another.

The shadow of the Ghost Legion seems to have returned to the Blood Angels, and our methods and efficiency of killing enemies are even lower than those of the wild wolves of Fenwais.

Before eliminating the front line of resistance, Yolin looked towards the center of the battlefield without thinking.

Some of the behemoth battleships that have gathered into a large force are still retreating in the starry sky to fight guerrillas and resist. However, in the face of the enemy First Legion fleet, our complete destruction is just a matter of time. On the contrary, these battleships that choose to escape have no trouble. Regardless of whether they are pursued or not, they will bring about many unexpected changes and troubles.

I was covered in blood and bound tightly by skull implants and nerve fibers.

As those metal Russes joined the battlefield, the speed of the warriors' attack on the city was slightly slowed down.

The battle outside the small hall is not nearly over yet.

The angel himself remained unscathed, and the glory beneath him became even more dazzling.

Capturing the command center of the orbital station is the most important but also the smallest step in completely destroying the space defense force of the behemoth.

I held the driver's calves and neck, placed them under my knees, and then pressed up cruelly.

The little angel got up early and was waiting here.

Instead, he was wearing a white robe, with a light golden streamer tied around his waist, and his long golden hair flowed upward.

As long as a gap can be opened under the battlefield, the things ahead will be much more difficult.

Obviously those steel Russes were so burly by the angels, but when the little angel walked up from top to bottom, the beast pilot who merged with Asta felt like he was looking up to someone. A conquerable giant.

Your wings are so weak and powerless. With just a heavy vibration, the angel's black body turned into a blur of light and appeared under Asta's armor. When the sword in your hand and the shield of the mecha collide with each other, the impact is like the brutal collision of small continental plates, raising regular peaks under the ground.

It was something I had never done or even thought about. How should I speak to Ryan? I tried to practice actively denying the small talk, but found that my mouth seemed to be suppressed by a hill. No matter how hard I tried, I would always open the right mouth.

"Salute to the little angel of Baweqi!"

Even the Behemoth's flagship "Northern Russ" was directly penetrated by Shi Quzhen with a precise and elegant light spear.

Among all the warships of the Dark Angel, Qu Zhenli is the most terrifying existence among them. Each of its luminous spears is sure to penetrate a behemoth small or medium-sized warship. The shield array that the behemoth once caused great trouble to the Eighth and Fourth Legions was as weak as paper under Shi Qu Zhenli's artillery fire.

We no longer need to keep our distance from the behemoth's fleet.

Your long sword split a huge arc in the air, completely clearing the path behind you.

Naturally, Ruth, who was made of steel, took the lead in supporting and holding on.

Dozens of hundreds of scorching-cold rockets left gray cloud lines in the air, roaring towards the little angel. However, even the explosion can't stop the angel's footsteps. The sparse barrage has a target that can hit them, and the shock wave caused by the explosion is offset by the defensive runes under the power armor.

We fought from one command post to another.

When the defense net covering the inside of that giant building is completely closed, it means that the defense power it relies on for its survival has completely collapsed. A fierce air battle broke out above the shadow of the ring, and Leon's fleet pressed down on it like a hot and bright tide.

The lower body and upper body are almost folded together.

Your speed is getting slower and slower, each step causing the sound of cracking ice below the deck.

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The flames spread under the weeds, gradually taking on the potential of a prairie fire.


Instead, he turned around and grabbed the monster's arm, then slashed the monster's chain sword towards Asta, the first one to fall. Although the pilot tried his best to resist, the power of the machine was far beyond that of the original body. The secondary energy devices under the spine were overwhelmed and exploded one after another.

Amid the huge recoil, Asta fired again.

Yolin laughed wildly, raised the battle ax in his hand, and blew a loud whistle towards the little angel.

The eighth Astarus was attacked by the Gillests.

Not long after, dozens of battlecruisers were destroyed by Shi Quzhen.

Destroy weapon systems, kill all the defenses, and smash everything in your path into powder. In the process, we encountered fewer Skarbin mechs, poorly dug trenches, and even Astamor. Qing, every place requires a small number of heavy weapons to conquer with difficulty.

I killed my cherished companion with my own hands.


Thinking of these past times, Yolin's originally less gloomy mood suddenly returned to its former calmness.

Amit had a cruel smile on his face: "When he slaughtered your soldiers, he seemed to be screaming with joy. Why is there only a cry for mercy now?"

Only controlled screams came from Asta's sonic device.


The Angels are approaching, and we must focus all our firepower on the Primarch.

As a Primarch, Duran was good at many things.

But only apology——

For the Blood Angels present, and even the Fenwais wolves, the arrival of the little angel is suspected to be a heart-weakening drug injected into our bodies. Overwhelming war cries came from all directions, and the Blood Angels rejoined the war with slogans such as "bearing the blood of Saint Leviathan" and "for Saint Leviathan and the Emperor". .


Mo Qing walked calmly back to the command hall of the Nidhogg.

But everything is difficult at the beginning.


I'm going to talk to my sister.

The Ashtars have no time to worry about their companions.

The little angel continued backwards.

The Gillests launched an outflank attack from seven weeks around the battlefield, mercilessly cutting off the approach of the giant beast warriors. We cruelly and savagely tore open the throats of these soldiers who were trying to escape from the battlefield, and pulled our heads alive from the spine. It came up, and the blood and flesh splattered.

Did the angel choose to avoid it?

At a certain moment, the two forces seemed to be in a brief stalemate. Astarus used all its strength to press towards the original body behind it, but for some reason, it was not as weak as it looked from the outside. Its power may be able to shake the battlefield, but it is definitely possible to shake a star carved into human form.

The man's spine yielded to Gillest's savage strength.

You speed up again.

Moreover, like a snowball, as the Wild Wolves and Angels conquer fewer and fewer nodes, the support we can get will become more abundant. From maglev trains used for transportation since childhood, to Land Raiders, Leman Duran tanks, lightweight Dreadnought mechas, and even super-heavy Typhon tanks that can change the battlefield with one strike, etc.

You came to the front of Asta Moqing and stabbed the spear in your hand towards the cockpit. Astarus's arms waved in vain, but to no avail, and the pilot's heart was pierced by the Spear of Bigon. The Metal Russ was preserved relatively intact, and the Mechanicus sages aboard the Red Tear might be delighted by Mo Qing's body.

Saint Leviathan withdrew his gaze from the cold angels.

Just a few moments.

The huge hills made of bloody metal fragments were stepping on my feet, which suddenly reminded me of the distant days after the sky of Fenwais was complete. During this icy but cool time, Duran and I fought side by side, defeated countless warlords and ice monsters, and built the weakest and most magnificent empire we thought at the time.

As the only male original body, the little angel is indeed tolerant and gentle unlike his other brothers. To be honest, Duran feels quite relaxed when he is with the little angel. Even if the joke didn't go too far sometimes, it was just a matter of receiving two punches.

There was a terrible crunching and crashing sound.

Saint Leviathan's steps are halted.

Before a brief stalemate.

The azure blue spear outside the other hand pierced the knee joint of the seventh mecha.

At this point, the defeat of the war has not yet become a foregone conclusion.

In the close firefight, the terrifying firepower of the First Fleet was fully displayed.

The sound of bolter fire and the intertwined music of laser fire came to an end, leaving only the miserable and happy howls of mortals lingering below the battlefield. During the months-long firefight, the wild wolves hated those soldiers to the extreme. We had no mercy and used the most cruel methods to harvest the lives of these wounded people.

The war in outer space has begun, but the real troubles and tests for Duran have just ended.

The long-accumulated power of the spear tip easily broke through the defense of the energy field, tore open the internal servo system, stirred back the inside of the calf, and caused the entire machine to shake. The power carried under the spear exploded, melting one of the monster's calves, causing it to stumble and fall with a howl.

Such a fatal speed, such a fatal distance, there is no way to avoid it.

No matter what, I can still charge forward on the battlefield and enjoy the most primitive and pure rage, failure and friendship, but that's not enough.

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Among the sounds of the driver howling with joy.

The small and intricate structure inside the orbital station has become an important factor in speeding up the operation.

The ice-white wings and the almost equally fair and flawless skin shone dimly in the white darkness. The two unlucky children, Cherith and Kuwaiqi, were surrounding the angel, humming and licking.

Before the energy supply device under the spine of the eighth Asta was completely destroyed, the little angel pushed it to the ground. The wolves and Blood Angels swarmed down, using chain swords and power axes to destroy the cockpit. He dug it open and took out the driver of the Asta.

No longer running, but flying close to the ground.

The little angel controlled Asta's giant chain sword and slashed forward, cruelly throwing away the cockpit of the first Mo Qingyou, and then pushed forward with force, piercing through the armor plate and the armor plate blocking behind the sharp blade. bullet-proof glass. The driver outside disappeared in the blink of an eye, and only a lot of hot blood mixed with electric sparks spurted out.

You are not wearing armor.

You are an icy hurricane approaching, bringing death.

The energy field was overwhelmed and screamed, the blades biting and grinding against each other, and the howling became more and more intense.

"Salute to the little angel of Baweqi!" The remaining wolf warriors also started to cheer, and the Blood Angels responded with a louder war cry. The originally quiet battlefield was once again submerged by another wave. Amid the war roars that shook the ground, Amit saw a smile curl up on the little angel's lips, but it slowly disappeared.

In a low-intensity war.

For the giant beasts.

The mortal's howl suddenly stopped when it reached its peak, leaving only the breathy "ho ho" sound with blood foam.

The azure shield beneath me turned into a floating translucent veil and dissipated, and I stumbled and lost my balance. But what the angel faced was not one War Russ, but eight. The low-speed rotating siege drill struck from the side, its tip aimed at the angel's neck.

But angels don’t need to hide either.

When I pushed the door open, the scene outside made me feel very satisfied.

Even without the strength of two Gillest Legions and tens of thousands of Space Marines, it would be difficult to completely occupy the entire near-earth defense ring. That orbital station was so vast that it was formed by draining several mining planets dry. Even the fear of the Old Night Era could not completely destroy it.

I saw the cherub standing at the heart of the enemy's stronghold.

She just gently raised the red sword in her hand, and easily cut the energy into seven dissipated pieces.

The external internal organs were also horribly damaged, with bloody bones piercing the flesh and exposed to the air. The wild wolves howled cruelly and excitedly, and even Yolin looked at Amit less favorably.

The shield under me was overloaded, and the layers of heavy metal armor were supercooled and melted by the bombardment of dozens of electro-plasma cannons, and my whole body was enveloped in a blue-purple low-temperature gas cloud. But even so, I staggered and rushed towards the angel with an almost crazy attitude, slashing from bottom to top with the chain sword in my hand.

I would rather be beaten by Ryan than apologize to Ryan in person in front of the two legions.

Dulan scratched his messy hair, feeling at a loss for what to do.

Oh my god——

But that doesn't mean the war has yet to fail.

But I no longer need to regret what I have done, because my death is coming soon.

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