Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 13 Guardian Angel and Destroying Angel

They were several stone pillars of different heights, standing in the windy sand at the end of the field of vision. Because they are so far apart, they look like a few straight pencil lines, shadows deeply rooted in the sand, constantly swaying.

Sanguinius paused.

Then he strode quickly towards the direction of the stone pillar.

She left a long series of footprints on the ancient and loose desert, and the warm wind and sand soon smoothed out the shallow potholes.

There is very little oxygen here, and the air is dry and full of weird radiation. It is a harsh climate that is fatal to ordinary people, but it is nothing to the superhuman physical fitness of the original body.

She kept moving forward, time passing quickly on her fingertips. In an eternity, the sky with rolling dark clouds was suddenly torn apart by a vast force. Two crimson stars flew side by side hand in hand. Sanguinius realized that they were the two moons of Baal, and the location of this illusion was not on Baal Moon, but in Baal Prime. a special location.

The steps did not stop, the light and shadow were changing.

The vast galaxy appeared above Sanguinius's head at a certain moment, and red scars scattered the crimson auroras like curtains.

It was as if a glorious symphony was ringing in my ears, and a majestic force that transcended time rippled through the environment. Finally, when Sanguinius' bare feet stepped on the stone platform, the magnificent and brilliant music disappeared, and everything was silent.

She arrived at the destination of her trip and observed the stone platform in front of her.

Nine stone pillars stand in a circle on the ancient stone platform. Each pillar is extremely tall, as if reaching into the starry sky with no end in sight. They were shaped by some unknown force and thrust out from the cold earth. Some weathered and gray alien skulls were dotted on the stone pillars.

There are five pairs of stone pillars as tall as one person on the inside of the ring. Compared with the nine stone pillars on the outside that were severely corroded by wind and sand, these pillars on the inside can be said to be exquisitely carved.

The stone pillar on the left hand side of Sanguinius has an ivory-like color and material, and the top is decorated with a statue of the goddess forged in gold. The stone pillar on the right is made of sparkling obsidian, with a black stone base covered with thorns placed on the top. The thorns are stained with dark brown blood stains, which makes people feel inexplicably uneasy.

As Sanguinius tried to reach out and touch the stone pillar.


There was thunder and lightning in an instant.

She was clearly standing on the same spot, but she felt a strong sense of weightlessness.

She is falling, falling!

The vast and pitch-black sky became dark and turbid, transformed from a flat surface into a circular dome, and began to rotate around the altar.

The rotation speed became faster and faster, and two angels who were ten thousand meters tall jumped out from the deep darkness, drew their swords and struck each other, making a loud noise like the beginning of the world. A series of sparks fell from the place where the sword blade collided, just like falling meteors, causing a patch of ominous light.

The angel on the left is wearing a golden helmet and a solemn eagle gold mask on his face. The angel on the right wears a hood, and his wings are pitch black without any impurities from the root to the end.

Both were as fast as the wind, and every sword move was exquisite. Even with the reaction speed of the original body, it feels difficult to keep up with their battle.

But even so——

Sanguinius still noticed certain details.

The body of the golden angel was slightly smaller than that of the black angel. He fell downwind, his armor was damaged, and his white wings were stained with small blood stains.


After a meteorite-like collision.

The two separated, and the golden angel spoke from a distance, and a voice older than the galaxy reached Sanguinius's ears, "Angel, I need your help."

"Who are you?" Sanguinius did not act rashly.

Moreover, the battlefield between the two was too far away, and she didn't know what she could do to help.

"I am a guardian angel."

The golden angel held his sword across his chest and blocked a fierce thrust from the dark angel. "I was born to protect the order. We have been fighting here for several eternities. But now, the power of destruction is penetrating. out."


The two swords collided again.

The dark sword left a scratch on the guardian angel's body. Blood overflowed from the wound and then fell from the sky like rain. It looked extremely miserable.

"Once His power exceeds balance, the real universe will cause unprecedented catastrophe. The power of chaos will swallow reality, and you will become the last intellectual beings in the universe." The guardian angel's voice was urging.

"Don't take his word for it."

The voice of the black angel came from the hood, "Facts are subjective, and so are lies. The judgment you make is everything."

He attacked with more ferocity, each move carrying the determination to shatter the guardian angel into pieces.

But every attack was blocked.

"The power of chaos is a mirror of the real universe." Black Angel said, "If it stretches out its fangs to us, we can only blame ourselves. The subspace does not distinguish between good and evil, it is just contaminated by extreme emotions. If If you are willing to accept my gift, you will have the opportunity to end all this."


The golden guardian angel and the black destroying angel collided and were in a stalemate.

In the moment of brilliant starlight, they spoke at the same time. It was like there were thousands of voices reverberating in this space, overlapping and shocking, "Sanguinius, tell us your choice. To protect or to destroy!?"

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"You are one."

Sanguinius frowned and she said,

"You are two sides of a silver coin. No matter what choice you make, you will inevitably get into trouble. I will not make a choice here, nor will I choose to accept your gifts. The power that can be controlled by oneself is the real power. Strength, anything more than that is a burden and a curse.”

"When you appeared here, the gears of fate had already started turning, and everything was too late." The voice of the guardian angel sounded, with compassion in his tone.

“He who was once born immortal is born again as the lord of all darkness.

Xuan Mo's corpse sheds, and Peter ascends.

In the eternal time, he was promoted to the position of the gods, and he was crowned as the king of black crown. "The Angel of Destruction recited psalms in an ancient language that Sanguinius had never heard before, and the meaning he wanted to express was clearly presented in her consciousness.

"The Dark Lord..." Sanguinius thought.

Her body became blurry, and she was about to break away from this real illusion.


at the same time.

The confrontation between the Guardian Angel and the Destroying Angel also briefly ended in a draw.

The majestic visor covering the guardian angel's face cracked and then broke. The hood on the Destroying Angel was also torn apart by this huge force.

Two perfect faces appeared, like a person standing in front of a mirror.

The faces of these two angels are almost identical to Sanguinius, but they are more mature.


Before seeing the true appearance of these two angels.

Sanguinius had already disappeared from this illusion long ago. The two angels paid no attention and continued their eternal war with each other.

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