Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 132 Fighting Side by Side, Echoes of Darkness

Chapter 131 Fighting Side by Side, Echoes of Darkness


Accompanied by a crisp war cry.

The Archangel has charged forward, and the space here is vast enough for her to spread her wings and soar on the battlefield.

The ice-white wings behind her trembled slightly, and she stepped into the forefront of the battlefield at a speed that was difficult for even the Astartes to distinguish. The Ranchi Blade and the Bi Gong Spear were held in her hands respectively, spinning in the air and crisscrossing towards nearby enemies.


The hot blade sliced ​​through the shield and the metal beneath.

When the upper half of the body fell to the ground, the explosion caused by high temperature overload occurred on the incomplete body.

Thick smoke burned on the corpses, and half of the battlefield was shrouded in black mist.

The laser turret on the ceiling is still rotating.

Even if the black fog shrouded them, it did not affect the shooting progress of these creations at all. The black muzzles were aimed at the archangel from a distance.

This reduces the lethality of these automatic laser turrets to the minimum. Considering the physical quality of the original body, it should be a small problem to resist hard.


It was only Chaocheru, but also Little Angel, Arcana, Garnet - every Levitanate present received the same communication, and played it back at the lowest priority frequency.

On the other side of the battlefield, the Angels killed seven infantry combat mechas with lightning speed, and the remaining reinforcements, including the remaining mechanical infantry of Yuan Taishi, were all attacked one by one by the regrouped Blood Angels. fall.

Even Saint Asta would deliberately stand in the back of the room.


A regular cylinder appeared in front of everyone.


"Really..." A smile appeared on Chao Che's face.

Accompanied by heavy fire from Azkai's spears.

Chao Che showed my martial arts skills, even among the original bodies, he was ranked second.

Relying on the original body's astonishing battlefield perception, Saint Asta was also able to mistakenly observe that the artificial canopy covering his head was rapidly fading, distorting, and finally disappearing.

"The essence of war." Chao Che looked at the rough and white profile of the little angel and continued to ask, "Is it revenge or simply a means to achieve the goal?"

Looking to the west.

"Your communication channel has been compromised." Scarbinron frowned, but still didn't take it seriously.

The firepower was enough to completely destroy a Typhon heavy tank, but it was able to harm the Seventh Primarch at all.

The steel twisted, torn, and was crushed into a ball in the wail.

You join the battlefield again, rushing towards these giant infantry combat mechas.

The Death Angels of the Empire are no longer on the retreating side, but on the defensive side occupying unfavorable terrain. Even though Duran's military power is still sufficient, even from the battlefield, the military power in the eyes of the little angel is still surrounded by Yuan Tai.


Several standardized Gilles mechanical legions wanted to come from close range and retreat to help, but before we could get close to the battlefield.

Saint Asta was not a little surprised, but now is the time to talk about that.

You throw the Azkai Spear toward the converter in the center of the room.


Chao Che silently took back the halberd in his hand from under the electric mecha wreckage.

Before a brief dizziness.

I hold a halberd in my right hand, and my left hand is filled with psychic power. The explosion just now seems to be my fault.

In the last moment, spiritual power was once again dense around everyone like clouds and mist.

Your eyes are cloudy and you have no feelings.

Died on the Primarch's front.

Saint Astal was stunned for a moment, then turned sideways and watched the Seventh Primarch walking towards him step by step from the white darkness. My burly figure was shrouded in the red light produced by the orbital bombardment. There is no joy or feeling before the task is completed on his face, but the feeling is not a bit gloomy.


The halberd in my hand drew a white arc.

The glass inside and outside shattered suddenly, and the arcane energy at the tip of the spear and the huge electrical energy inside the converter seemed to trigger some unknown reaction. A ripple visible to the naked eye was set off out of thin air in the room, sweeping across the room. The surrounding stone floors sank completely, and patches of stone dust rustled up under the ceiling.

The barrel began to charge, and the steel glowed with a dangerous red light.

Whether we are facing humans or other aliens, it makes no difference to the Wolf King.

in the interior of the room.

Everything seemed to be turned around.

We feel that our position has been exposed in that war, and the remaining time is tight and cannot be wasted at all.

And now, on another battlefield.

Accompanied by the beep of the engine.

Azkelon dodged the attack in embarrassment, but the shock waves of the previous shots had also shifted the original target position.

The small metal door at the end of the corridor behind him exploded violently. A full meter of metal was melted by the terrifying arcane energy, and a regular hole appeared behind the little angel. Its area is small enough for the original body to step into it with its head held high.

I was about to answer, but a communication immediately before me interrupted Chao Che's words.

Seeing that Chaoche didn't seem to have retreated into battle, I was wrapped in a thick layer of metal armor with a simple style and a ferocious shape. From a distance, it looks like a scaly and armored metal beast, with no spikes extending inward from every joint.

A sparse static sound exploded under the body.

The little angel nodded heavily.

There is always a layer of psychic shield covering my body. The explosive part of the warhead will detonate if it is sensed. The ensuing shock wave and flames will not be able to cause any damage to the monster-like physical fitness of the original body.

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However, even if you don't hear it, you can sense the coming safety with the help of your prophecy ability.

The other two giant beasts seemed to have not realized the death of their companions until that moment, and surrounded them from both sides amidst the roar of the servo system.

The Seventh Army is divided into four companies, and each company has its own unique skills.

The little angel raised his wings and covered them behind him.

The ground sank and shattered, throwing up countless tiny rocks.

"rest in peace…"

Without Chao Tetsu's help, the automatic turrets that posed minimal threat to the Levitanates were also restrained. In the ensuing fierce battle, they would either be directly blown up by the activation of bolt guns, or they would be melted by psychic power. It turned out to be scrap metal that looked like its original form.

Rain-grey armored troops can be seen galloping across the battlefield, constantly hunting down these defeated enemy soldiers, killing any unseen resistance forces within the target range. As the Wolf King himself said, I regarded that war as a kind of revenge, so I showed no mercy and killed everyone.

To the north of the Scarlet Fortress is the front of the First Legion.

My body is small and my strength is weak. The halberd in my hand is swung like a tiger, and the pure power is enough to knock the Bi Gongbu mecha to the ground through the energy shield.


"None of you have the same opinion about war."

Be prepared to get hurt and bleed.

It has not yet been incinerated to ashes by the condescending firepower.

Unfortunately, I miscalculated that time.

The metal around it visibly protrudes upward.

Our bodies became blurred, stretched downward, and disappeared with a flash of violently boiling psychic energy.

Regarding the force shown by Chao Che.

The mission begins.


"Mother, be careful!"


But that was just a temporary failure, and there were still more important things to do.

As orange electric sparks filled the body, the actions of the two mechas became more stiff and hasty.

But just when the energy accumulated in it was about to explode, a small, invisible hand grasped the abominable machine.

After I landed on Yuan Tai's ground again, the pitch-white halberd had not yet pierced the driver's body.

The sword's edge was cooled to a red temperature state during the violent friction, but the impact force was finally relieved.


The low-cold energy exploded directly in the barrel, and the molten metal splashed out toward Qi Zhou like a god scattering flowers.

Its power is so weak that it is even enough to temporarily intercept Qu Zhenli's orbital bombardment. Yes, it must be said that Duran's military prowess is indeed ahead of the current empire. If it weren't for its huge size, it would definitely be a formidable enemy encountered during the Little Expedition.

The little angel found himself at the foot of a low mountain in the power plant.

Saint Asta took a deep breath.



Burnt white parts, along with various energy transmission and control pipes like plant roots, fell from the intact ceiling and hit the ground heavily. The shock wave generated by the explosion even knocked away two or eight surrounding Gilles mechanical warriors who had time to dodge.

Although it is still howling desperately, it looks very powerful, but in fact its end is not yet determined, and defeat is a matter of time.

Under that battlefield.

Saint Asta looked towards the corner of the room absentmindedly.

Continuous explosions came from beneath the surface.

Chao Che joined the battlefield in silence.

The core transportation pipeline of the power station will be marked in the whole battlefield perception module. After a short period of repair, Saint Yuan Taishi led the team to gallop through the closed power plant, passing through all the way and killing enemies. The momentum was unstoppable.

Two accomplished behemoths following the same fate as our companions.

The inside is translucent glass, while the inside is filled with a nebula-like blue-purple light, and the entire small hall is enveloped in that dreamlike light. The vast power plant injects energy into the converter behind it, and then dissipates it through the converter to the planet's defense device.

The little angel put the arm that was blocking his face heavily. The relay system outside the room had not disappeared yet. Instead, there was a huge pit. The twisting cracks spread in all directions, and the wall below also happened. It collapsed, and smoke and dust were still rising from under the ruins.

The two primarchs looked at each other.

But it is also necessary to continue to cause necessary killings in such an environment.

Chaoche thrust out the halberd in his hand one after another at a speed that was so slow that it was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

But when this part of the power fell under you, you still groaned heavily, and the golden boots rubbed against the ground, leaving two white scratches.

The confidence on the face of the Holy Blood Guard commander only lasted for a moment, and was replaced by shock, "What is that..."

It seems that the threat posed by another Primarch has been discovered.


That was the first time that Saint Asta and his less mysterious brother fought side by side.

You pick up the dyed red blade and insert it into the ground.

The little angel nodded slightly towards his brother, with a lot of gratitude in his amber eyes.


Eight Bi Gong infantry mechas surrounded them at the same time. The missiles carried under their shoulders fired sparsely, and the choking white mist generated by the explosion covered almost half of the battlefield.

Even if the exact message is not received.

"What does he think the war behind his eyes is?" Chao Che's voice suddenly came from close by.

And in a more sensible direction.

The little angel charged behind, the tip of the spear was sharp but could be blocked.

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Azkelon roared and raised his gun to fire, but a burly Leviathan mecha stood in front of him, raised the lightning claw in his hand and pressed down hard.

Mixed with the acrid smell of gunpowder smoke before the macro cannon exploded.


The archangel heard the cry of his son.

The environment outside is really too empty, and there is nothing that can't provide shelter.


"There is no suspicion even between brothers and fathers, let alone races and countries that are familiar with each other." Saint Asta said without meaning.

We have not yet achieved a total defeat. These fortresses standing under the rolling mountains were once considered to be destructible armed forces, but now the wings of the First Legion have been inserted under these scarlet fortresses. Greatsword banner.

The laser turret was fully charged in the blink of an eye, and the barrel turned dark red due to the low temperature escaping.

The translucent energy shield shook wildly, like boiling water waves, and exploded before a brief stalemate. The impact caused even lifted the metal monster directly into the air. The pilots outside were dancing and screaming in terror, trying their best to maintain the balance of the mecha.

Bang bang!

On the Dawnstar, we faced the Titans together, a terrifying warp psionic monster. At this time, Chao Che had not yet shown his psychic potential, which was inferior to Magnus's, and sealed this terrifying monster in a picture.

"It's necessary to continue wasting time outside." Chaoche turned around and looked at Yuan Tai's mechanical soldiers approaching from nearby.

Although those mortals pose no threat.

A giant, small beast fell into a trap.

The little angel pulled up some of the long hair scattered around her ears. You didn't understand why your brother suddenly asked that, but before thinking for a moment, the little angel still tried to speak and gave his own answer, " In your eyes, war is always the last resort. If not, you would prefer to solve the problem through peace and communication, but the prerequisite for communication is mutual trust. In the dark galaxy, trust is often the scarcest thing.”

The battle begins.

Among them, Levitant of the Thunder Department cannot use psychic energy to control the current in the area to achieve the effect of paralyzing electronic devices or cutting off biological currents. There is no equipment to prevent electromagnetic interference under those completed mechas, but there is a way to completely eliminate that part of the power.

Saint Asta and Chao Che looked at each other.

It caused a sharp and ear-piercing sound to break through the air and hit the body of the giant beast that had completed the work.

But those are all useful.

Even fewer reinforcements are still being mobilized from the power plant inside. The two primarchs personally lead the team, plus nearly a hundred elite Levitans. Our actions were so fast and violent that the defenders stationed around the power plant didn't react until the dust fell to the ground, but it was not too late.

There used to be a fortress outside, but it had not yet been abandoned. Under the ruins there were still traces left before the orbital bombing, and some crimson limbs were buried on the collapsed boulders.

In my opinion, the defeat of these Yuan Tai people is not yet certain.

On such a prerequisite.

But that battlefield felt like the entire Duran was completely suppressed by the legion.

The psychic defense provided by Chao Che was also crucial, avoiding many casualties.

No matter what we do or say, it is a matter of dying struggle. And even with Yuan Taishite's steely will, he could be swayed by just a few words.

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