Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 134 Duran’s Tyrant

Chapter 133 Duran’s Tyrant

"What should we do now? We can't stay here forever!"

In the tomb deep in the Scarlet Fortress, Bravier roared.

The soldiers of the wolf regiment frantically pulled the triggers, firing into the darkness in all directions, dragging a wave of hot tracer metal that turned the entire battlefield into a scarlet hell.

But those Duran soldiers were not afraid.


Knowing that they were bound to lose, they had forgotten the fear of death.

The most elite Scapine mechanical troops entered this purgatory filled with killing one after another. While being dismembered and torn by wolf fangs and claws, they also struggled to leave a wound on the body of the wild wolf.

For a while.

The wild wolves were actually suppressed by mortals.

Their number is too small, and there are high platforms occupied by the enemy everywhere.

Just for a moment.

The billowing coldness seeped out from the ground, making people feel uncomfortable walking in it.

Although losing your mind.

Howling, he rushed into the battlefield eagerly.

Instead, it was an iron cage hanging from the ceiling.

No matter how carefully we observed, there were no fully armed soldiers around.

Come to this warrior who was once his Duran, but turned into a wild wolf.

The Wolf King came to Yolin's side.

When this ravaged face appeared behind Leon.

"But as it turned out, he made it wonderful."

Leon, on the other hand, led his bodyguards back in a roundabout way.

But the target is not the heirs around him.

Clear light shines from the mosaic glass above the head, and the candle burns quietly in the candlestick. The remaining light is hazy and dim, like the lazy time before noon that makes people sleepy. Leon, wearing dark green armor and standing in the orange light, was the softest and safest thing outside the room, like a bloodthirsty sword that could be stopped as sharp as it was.

"I'm sorry." Seeing that the arrogance on Yolin's face disappeared, I raised my head and said in a hoarse voice, "You thought you could handle that matter."

The battleship opened fire...

Now everything is as follows.

But now, the demon was released by Yolin himself.

The Wolf King reached out heavily and took off my helmet. His face, which should have been as weak as steel, was now distorted by extreme joy.

The battle situation became tense again.

The wild wolf grinned and looked at his father with blank eyes.

Wolf Guard Bai Xue's voice came from the communication channel, "Villain, you detected that Ryan's signal disappeared. We teleported to the top of the fortress, and the White Angels launched an attack!"

The flesh that should have been protected by the power armor was now exposed.

"That little bastard is truly the best in making you angry. Do I really think of you as a pug?" The Wolf King grabbed his helmet and threw it heavily to the ground. My chest shook, and my heavy breathing was enough to blow up the thick dust underground.

I was unusually quiet and only made one sentence.


A crimson interference bomb exploded next to the wolf master.

That was the defeat every Asaheim warrior had ever dreamed of.

The decoration outside is gorgeous, and the corridor behind the eyes is covered with a thick carpet, leading to various hidden rooms. An ancient and decaying smell is thick in the nostrils of the Astartes. There was no dark yellow glass nearby. Unexpectedly, the glass was still well preserved. You can see the sky inside that was burned red by orbital bombardment.

The small door of the church was blown open, and half of the wall collapsed in the thick smoke.

The icy cold current rushed in from all directions and fell into the bright deep sea, making people gasp for breath.

Only a few pieces of metal carapace were left to barely cover the riddled and messy muscles above.

Looking at his son's current appearance.

The old man behind his eyes couldn't be described as old, but rather decayed and prosperous, like a piece of wood buried in the moist soil, with decayed and white holes everywhere all over his body. All my hair fell off, my eyes were clear, and there were only a few dark yellow teeth left on the outside of my mouth.

Then there were the soldiers of the wolf regiment, many well-equipped wild wolves, surrounding them from both sides in a crescent shape.

Like Haraf under the Hunter-Killer battleship later, the wild wolf also died before enduring countless attacks.

Yolin followed his brothers and charged the wolf.

Yolin thought for a while and then said, "It's not what you will become yet."

Just as the Wolf King turned around and prepared to leave from the battlefield.

The battlefield became anxious, fewer and fewer reinforcements arrived from all directions, and the howls of wild wolves were gradually drowned out by angry war cries.

"You wish you knew all about it." Yolin said. "You have visited the workshop where Katniss's potion is made, and you also know what these warriors lost in the ice field will go through. To be honest, you You have wanted to help us solve these problems more than once. You also naively thought that the trial would begin when we returned to Wolf Fang Castle. But you were wrong, when you saw your companions beside you. You can't sit back and watch until we turn into wild wolves again.

But the feeling of nausea comes slowly and goes away slowly.


The rich smell of blood that enveloped the small hall was attracting this real wild wolf. The cruelty in its genes made the wild wolf extremely hungry and thirsty, and it howled incessantly.

He spit out a broken tooth on the ground and stood up with a ferocious expression, "Now you idiots have pissed me off."

In an instant, it had not entered the camp of the heirs. Its fangs tore out the throat, its claws tore off the cables, and screams filled with fear echoed in the small hall.

The color of the blood scab before it dissolves is like pitch-white mead, with hair, flesh and even bone fragments inside, twisted and sticky.

Leon then realized it.

The Wolf King stepped heavily on the church floor, and with every step he took back, the aura beneath him became more terrifying.

"What should you do?"

But compared to the damage I caused to the dead around me, they are simply worth mentioning.

Maybe Major Macca's advice to you is correct, but among your legions, no one can really ignore the regent's advice. "

"There is something out there that can threaten him, at least right now." The old man seemed to see through Leon's concerns and said quickly or quickly.

Nothing can stop the Wolf King from killing, no matter how low the warrior is, he will look great behind the original one.

There are all kinds of wounds spreading under my body——

After what seemed like a long time like a century, the Wolf King finally spoke.

The old man with a hunched face was only less than 1.7 meters tall. The skin all over his body was loose and drooped under his bones. He could only rely on the tubes under his body to transport nutrients to maintain his life. The bodies of the two were completely proportional, but even behind a Primarch, the old man was smiling, with no trace of fear or even a trace of condescending pity on his face.

A huge explosion attracted everyone's attention.

Yolin raised his bolter and fired again.

The head of the first mechanical warrior was pulled out from under the spine by the Wolf King.

"Maybe you can find the antidote." Yolin's cheeks were flushed and hot under the firelight.

When the Wolf Lord raised his head, I could even see my own reflection in these ice blue pupils.

It was empty for seven weeks, and the candles burned noisily under the pillars, and the fire stopped jumping for joy.

The Wolf King shook his head, "That is the price you have to pay. Among all the Durans you have, Jolin is the only one to you. When you have not yet ruled the entire Fenvel At that time, he was your shield-wielding guardian. You fought through life and death together to fight against powerful enemies, and established an unprecedented kingdom. You have nothing to hide."

"You see what you used to be."

"Things are not exciting anymore, but at least you don't have anything important to do now." The Wolf King said, "That farce hasn't lasted too long. You go find the tyrant and take my head. Then use a small fire to completely end everything outside."

The Wolf King said, "Now only the enemy knows your strengths, not your brothers, everyone knows."

"My lord, you are so sorry-"

"So, why tell you those things."

The expected surprise attack did not happen.

The world condensed on the power of the ether.

"What did he see?" The Wolf King gently placed Duran on top of him and gave the order to cremate him.


Ruth came to Mo Jun's side and remained silent.


Yolin could hear the sound of his two hearts beating. My mouth was dry. When I tried to say something, a huge amount of strength and shame hung out of my throat, like a mouthful. The cold and thick phlegm blocked these words alive.

It used its sharp claws and fangs to pull up the enemy's head, cut open the belly, and dragged the internal organs to the ground. It killed far more warriors than any other Space Wolf. The corpses surrounding me Mountains and seas of blood can be counted.

And once the heirs complete the encirclement of the battlefield, the wild wolves may be trapped alive in the trap.

The emperor's angel of death has arrived, but a relieved smile appeared on the old man's face. I nodded heavily and said hello to Leon, "So he was the first one to arrive there, Leon."

"I need to apologize to you." A small fire was lit behind the Wolf King's face, and the twisted corpse of the wild wolf was gradually swallowed up by the flames. "You have become more mean and cunning because of the wild wolf, and you have to bear the responsibility of being abused as a matter of course. The counterattack is as follows. Each legion has its own talent and a bottle of poisonous wine, and you can only swallow it when you get it. "

Bravier and Yolin stayed outside the small hall with corpses on the floor, looking at each other.

"So you are all like this?"

Lasers, guns, swords, etc., there is no intact or damaged place under the body.

I looked at the grief on the Wolf King's face like an icy hot quagmire, pulling at my sight. There was no way to escape. Any words were pale and powerful at that moment.

The body of the original body was so small that it was nearly seven meters tall, twice as tall as an adult.

"Is there any antidote?"

The extraordinary reaction speed and progress ability of the Astartes were unable to exert much effect under the suppression of heavy firepower. Continuous violent explosions bombarded Yolin's eardrums, and the situation suddenly became precarious.

But his body was weakened to an incredible level.

The chain hanging the iron cage was broken by Yolin, and the metal collided with the ground, making a violent sound.

The old man under the throne seemed to hear the footsteps coming from inside. I raised my head. Just such a complicated movement seemed to consume all my strength, so that I had to pause several times to complete it.

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The Stormbird landed sharply amid the rumble of its engines.

Leon didn't answer.

The temperature of the entire battlefield suddenly dropped by dozens of degrees, and bones creaked.


Accompanied by a howl that could make one's heart burst into tears, the demon escaped from the cage and chains and charged towards these Mojun people.

Just look at the results.

Did we come to the wrong place?

I walked sideways past Yolin.

There’s nothing bad to say yet.

There has been no equality since the end of that war.

That's a real devil.


Unexpectedly, the wild wolves will have the upper hand again.

Yolin raised his head, with hesitation and hesitation on his face.

“Holy shit!!!!”

It’s as if the ice and snow of winter are roaring in.

The seven-week Templars dispersed in silence. The light metal collided with the wooden floor, and the crisp sound echoed in the small hall.

What followed was another war, but a one-sided massacre.


The wild wolf galloped across the battlefield, and the crazy bullet chain could only explode pieces of rubble in front of its butt.

We came to the end of the corridor.

The Templars gathered together and searched the rooms along the corridors, wary.

But at that time.

A burly figure appeared in the beam of light projected by the battleship, and the shadow enveloped the entire battlefield. The Wolf King of Fenwais arrived in person.

The two heavily armed Scapin mechanical warriors had no time to react, but were blown out of the air by air waves before they knew it.

The melancholy on the Wolf King's face was instantly wiped away, turning into red anger.

Still in the muddy pool of blood.

Leon placed his gaze under the old man.

It's ridiculous that Ruth would call me that.

He just stepped off the platform and looked at the surrounding buildings.

The camp of the heirs was in chaos.

In a huge arched room without a mosaic glazed dome, at the end of the room is the white and red dragon-style throne of the descendant of the painter. Under the throne is a decayed and pale old man sitting peacefully.

Yolin was also thrown to the ground, opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of scarlet blood.

Two giant wolves, Kuwaichi and Cherith, appeared on the right and left sides of the Wolf King respectively.

The Templar Knights of the First Legion pulled out the long swords hanging on their waists, and as soon as they landed on the ground, they carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

The room temperature was very low.


Ruth knelt up.

Judging from the surrounding scenery, it is indeed the tyrant's throne room outside.

The two wolf warriors who were unable to dodge were directly torn apart by the burning flames, and their bodies were torn apart.

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