Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 149 Hunting the Lion (please order)

Chapter 148 Hunting the Lion (please order)

Chao Che looked up.

The texture on the branches is rough and simple, very clear. Even under the terrifying perception of the original body, it looks like real things. And in the following moment, more thick branches extend from the shadows. .

He was in a strange and dark jungle.

The surrounding fog surged, blocking the vision, and the faint roar of beasts came from far away, which was shocking.


Everything around him was quiet and strange.

The wind picked up in the forest, and the thick branches swayed, making a rustling sound.


A subtle sound of breaking the air came from behind.

Chao Che's body burned with psychic flames, but he did not turn around, but rushed directly to the left.

The halberd was gradually raised and sliced ​​through the air, its mirror-like blade reflecting seven weeks of fire and smoke.

This was Zefeng's first time outside, but the city he saw that time was far more vivid and detailed than the next time.

The sky has not yet brightened up, and the astronomical spectacle of red gauze is filled with blood-colored brilliance, but the melodious bells have not yet sounded from the city’s churches. They will chime in unison every half hour to pay homage to the Lord of Mankind and my most perfect The heirs breathed out hymns.

Although exhausted, encountering a lot of ease.

The smile on the official's face was sincere, and the blessing between his brows and eyes was obvious.

The rocks and soil inside were melted into a glass mixture by the sudden release of high temperature.

But I have a way to continue to retreat and hunt, if I am definitely transported to the icy void.

Chaoche suddenly had a premonition that it was wonderful.

Many details that I had never noticed before came into my eyes.

The platform was carved out of rough marble and filled with fences and various bouquets of flowers.

Before the looming figure arrived, he howled, as if coming from a small gap in the abyss, and the ghosts were scattered and lingering in his ears.

In front of the leader, these robed adults lined up in a row. The people in front put their hands under the shoulders of those behind, and thick shackles were wrapped around our necks. Blood seeped out from the place where the two touched, mixing with the rust into a bright red that was terrifying.

Your body is flawless and majestic, like a warrior god in myths and legends.

Zheng Yi's face showed an expression of disbelief - there were exploding stars and countless nebulae.

Hundreds of young people who had passed the trial were waiting quietly inside, and Ze Fengdao rested all night in the shadow of the city wall.


Chaoche recited ancient prayers, and the power of the vast ocean rippled on my feet.

Chao Che's words were interrupted.

There was obvious joy on our ferocious faces, and we grunted like a big dog being petted by its owner.

"What happened just now?"

When these gorgeously dressed outsiders saw that scene, they even smiled on their faces. We whispered to each other and talked to each other in words that Zefeng could understand.


The angel stands under a two-meter-low platform.

And the people of the Lord of Mankind.

Then he dragged his tired, blood-stained and muddy footsteps back into the city.

Biting hot air rushed in from all directions, and the sudden weightlessness enveloped the original body.


I wasn't worried that I would dirty the city.

Just hearing something like that is enough to make one's blood boil. No Aileen warrior could agree to such a fatal temptation.

The wolves slowly swarmed over.

The lion has less blood under his body.

Zefeng quickly raised his head.

My luck was wrong.

There was still a ripple in Asotetsu Koi Ariha's mood, but that little bit of emotion was not enough to touch the betrayer's heart of stone.

Girls also gathered from all corners of the city, and the number was as small as thousands. We all stood on the wings of angels, waiting quietly and without any anxiety.

There were dozens of small and large wounds all over my body, and the dripping blood gathered into a shallow pool on my feet.

A sound of ringing bells suddenly came from behind, and people on the road dispersed to both sides.

In the ensuing firefight, those giant war fortresses had not yet deployed positioning devices under the battleships of the First Legion. Now, the coordinates of the Lion King will be broadcast throughout the Zheng Yi Galaxy. The overlords along the way are like sharks smelling blood in the sea, howling with excitement and following the fleet in their hands to retreat and respond.

In the sound of friction of steel.

"The Emperor's rule lasts forever, and the glory of the angels envelopes the world!"

at the door,


When the sun fully rose, I finally arrived in the center of the city.

The Dark Angel fleet, which suffered heavy losses, blasted open the barrier between the real universe and the subspace.

Natural disaster!

But exchanging one with the Lions outside of that obviously satisfies my plan.

Facing the chaotic power of the vast ocean, step directly into it.

It was still the damaged corridor of the Sword of Tamak, with fragments of stone sculptures scattered on the ground, flames burning, and the smell of burning stench lingering under the bodies of the soldiers. Erin's wolves were lying on the ground, moving back and forth anxiously, with hissing sounds coming from outside their mouths.

As the blood flowed by, even the original body's physical quality continued to rise and fall, and the numbness and cold-heat sensations inevitably crawled down the lion's seven limbs. Whether it’s strength or speed, I’m not at the peak yet.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading!

A group of people wearing tattered robes hurried past, and the leader rang a bell and shouted softly.

Zefeng knew that angels were famous among the empire.

Even the physical quality of the original body has persisted for too long, and finding a wandering life in the vast white darkness is much easier than finding a needle in a haystack. If you know it, you will basically die. ending.

The eyes and mouth under this man's face were sewn together with smooth ropes. The blood-stained face was filled with happiness, and only the nostrils were left breathing slowly, but the blood that had not dried outside was seeping out quickly.

Teleport beacon activated.

Accompanied by the high-pitched hum of surging spiritual energy, the surrounding scene became blurry at the moment when he was separated from the safety of the forest.

"The hunt was successful, but your brother was bleeding when he arrived. I ran too far."

Before we see Toru reappear.

The angel holds a sword and spreads his wings.

"Our astropaths and navigators haven't been killed by you yet, and even Geller's position has been destroyed. Even so, do we still need to weakly jump into the subspace?"


I took a full four steps forward before I could barely stand firm.


before a collision.

"Praise the Emperor! Praise the angels!"

The huge hull of the Sword of Tamak rocked back and forth, and crimson subspace turbulence appeared in the portholes.

Looking at the neat streets outside the city, Zefeng suddenly seemed less hesitant. My feet were covered in mud, which looked incompatible with the clean city.

The dying prey is right in front of you.

Chao Che paused briefly before continuing, "Yes, you have to get out of that ship first."

The small door hurriedly opened, and a group of soldiers wearing scarlet armor hurriedly walked out of the white darkness.

Starry sky.

The people in front seemed impatient.

The male lion and Chao Tetsu each had scars on their bodies, and there were no places where they could even see the internal organs and bloody bones wrapped in muscles.


Your face looks towards the sky, not down to the earth.

I pointed to the main street in front of me.

The hunter turned into the prey at this moment. Along with a huge shadow, the lion fell from the sky, the sharp blade in his hand reaching towards the throat.

I know that one day I will personally take off my brother's head.

Before leaving the battle, I realized that the surrounding environment seemed to be changing.

The lion panted violently.

Moreover, even if the sculpture is not extremely exquisite, every texture under it and every fold under the clothes have been carefully crafted. But compared with the glory emanating from the angel himself, it is still extremely unlikely.

Zefeng continued to move backward.

As the sun's rays lit up from below the horizon, the small copper door hurriedly opened.

For Irene, I will die on arrival.

Baweqi, the city where angels descended

Those are all visitors from Lixing.

We have traveled thousands of miles, traveled through subspace, spent countless money and time, and experienced so much safety just to get there and witness the angels walking on earth.

Ran Dan's voice was trembling, "That's simply suicide."

The figures of Erin's wolves became blurred in the ice-blue beam of light, stretched, and slowly disappeared.

The reality of the material world returns to the senses again, and Chaoche returns to the outside of reality.

People are rushing and traffic is busy.


In the blink of an eye, the world condensed on the power of ether.

The psychic light flickered from my feet again.

It is said that the sculpture behind you was completed by hundreds of skilled craftsmen. We spent ten years under the statue, and many of them died of overwork due to their exhaustion.

"You suddenly disappeared from behind you just now." Ran Dan staggered up to the original body and said in a serious voice, "You sensed a spiritual power coming from the subspace. That power is too vast. , you can stop it."

A bronze sculpture of a little angel stands behind Zefeng. The sculpture is less than two hundred meters high, and its wings are almost as narrow as the angel's majestic body when they are spread out.


Chao Che raised his halberd.

That forest seemed to not only have the function of trapping enemies and blocking their sight, but also lacked the power of psychic teleportation.

The two original bodies fought together quickly. The violent and exaggerated power bombarded each other without reservation like two dark and gloomy waves. The continuous dull and loud noises were like muffled thunder. The power that shook the world came from their extraordinary bodies. burst out.

Our skin is rough and delicate, and when the sun shines, it will even glow with a layer of water.

Chao Che said without thinking, "Your brothers don't all have certain qualities, but those qualities are still known to others."

A red laser shot out, blasting his brother away.

It seems that somewhere is the end of all answers, "Go somewhere, the blood angel will take him to participate in the final trial later."

When the first person passed by Zefeng, I raised my head.

Zefeng is also an example.

Huge powers collided with each other, and even in a hurry, the power he burst out was not inferior to that of the Lion King.

There are all kinds of vendors on both sides of the street, and there are also some people in gorgeous clothes with no traces of radiation on their bodies.

The clothes underneath him also looked complicated, and the materials were completely indistinguishable.

The huge Erin Death Star also arrived and took action.

That is not the difference in martial arts between the original bodies, but the weapon in the lion's hand and the armor worn under him are far different from the weapons of King Randan. The Lion King's armor was like cardboard after the icy halberd blade, while the ferocious heavy armor of Ran Dan King could not effectively withstand the trauma caused by the Lion Sword.

In a matter of seconds, the entire forest was ignited, and the raging fire became a prairie fire.

I saw that the people around me were very moved by such a scene, as if they were used to it.


It also reflects the smile on the lion's face.

I thought I wasn't ready yet.

Zefeng bought some dry biscuits from a distant shop, but they were still wet.

The nausea comes and goes slowly.

A moment ago.

It was only at the urging of officials that Ze Feng raised his feet and stepped outside the city.

Servants in white robes devoutly knelt on the ground and sprinkled precious clean water under the marble stones, and then wiped the dust stained underneath with linen cloth. These tourists from the inner planet knelt on the ground devoutly, and some even cried bitterly. Their bodies kept twitching. They looked like a devout believer seeing his god.


Hunting a wounded and dying Primarch.

Along the city's main road.

But in the end, he climbed down Angel Cliff without any danger and successfully arrived behind the magnificent city.

Zefeng nodded.

Zefeng was almost frightened by what he saw behind him.

The only pity is...

The last blow - Chao Che thought in his mind.

A loud bang like an explosion came from the floor beneath my feet.

Because of such violent actions, several ships exploded as they passed through the subspace, and were swallowed up by orange atomic fire. The sizzling plasma clouds dispersed in the surrounding void hundreds of kilometers away, and the entire The battlefield turned into a sea of ​​neon.

Chaoche raised the halberd in his hand from bottom to top.

When I fill my belly.


The King of Randan stood in the midst of the fire, his majestic body standing upright and falling like a pitch-white magic mountain.

But when I saw the scene behind me with my own eyes, I was still surprised by the cold scene.

A huge hole opened up in the ground where he was standing.

But in comparison.

Chaoche's eyes quickly looked around the battlefield, and he saw that the Lion King and the heavenly troops under my command had disappeared.

"Beware of free thoughts, which are the harbingers of heresy!"

Zefeng felt that the craftsmen who originally designed the sculpture might not fully understand the original intention of the angel.

The strong wind carried the fire and raged in the forest.

The sound of footsteps came from the small bronze hall in front of the angel.

When that day really comes.

Zefeng was asked by the official what the purpose of coming to that place was. Zefeng replied that I came to that place to participate in the last trial.

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