Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 171 Society fears the Emperor and his children (please order)

Chapter 170 The Socially Horrible Emperor and His Children (Please Subscribe)

The light poured out from the room.

So she saw the Lord of War in golden armor, who was also the ruler of the Empire and all mankind.

The Eternal King.

He wore a majestic armor woven with golden light, which reflected the brilliance of the deep red sunset and the bright red dawn. Tiny lightning surrounded his magnificent body, and behind him, lightning sparks and dark blue ice and snow fell.

There was a white halo behind his noble head.

It was as brilliant as the Hunter's full moon and the immortal stars, and the light it emitted cast a shadow on the face of the Lord of Mankind, like a lunar eclipse before the full moon. Only the eyes emitted a dazzling light that was older than the stars.

In front of him were two outstanding descendants of the Emperor, Leon El'Jonson, the Knight King of Caliban, and Leman Russ, the Lord of Winter from Fenrir. They were like stars surrounding the sun, and even the light of the Lord of Mankind could not conceal their presence.

In addition, Sanguinius saw more.

The imperial guards, wearing heavy dark gold armor, were as tall and burly as iron towers.

They wore floating red tassels on their armor, their armor hummed, and the spears in their hands flashed coldly.

The tribune, La, was the imperial guard who sent weapons and armor to Saint Sandra under the Spirit of Vengeance.

The light stone door also closed quickly with a friction sound, and the light like flowing water suddenly became dim, wisps, until it completely disappeared in front of it.

"Be careful!"

It was a little insulting to the souls.

Naturally, it was fear.

The entire dark white angel also suffered heavy losses.

The primarch did not have superhuman thinking, and all the details of the Emperor's battlefield passed through Saint Sandra's mind like phantoms.

Besides, the light around the noisy monks was obviously brighter than the surrounding environment.

In the empty small hall.

When Saint Zhu Mingzi looked at the noisy monks, although he also felt a slight discomfort, it was not obvious.

Like steel compared to cotton.

"My Lord arrived there not because of their dereliction of duty. It was because the waves that occurred in the Emperor's battlefield had not surpassed the war itself. The impact it brought would affect the entire small expedition, which was full of variables. Even my Lord had a perfect plan."

However, the spiritual will of the Primarch was much weaker than that of ordinary people.


Saint Zhu Mingzi raised his head slightly. Although his expression was indifferent, his emotions were quite sensitive. Many thoughts flashed through his mind.

There was a moment of silence.

Behind the imperial guards was the silent nun in silver armor.

Ran Dan obviously had a mouth, why did he have to telepathically transmit to those imperial guards and let us retreat and relay? What's more, there were seven monks following Ran Dan. You just stood there, more than ten meters away from Saint Sandra, and Saint Sandra felt the slightest adaptation.

Tribune Dyke answered first.

Or, it is difficult for a mature son to hide his inner thoughts behind his father.

"Get out of the way!"

Before becoming a noisy monk, you swore an oath. From then on, silence was the only way to serve the Lord of Humanity wholeheartedly. Any secrets would leak out of your mouth.

"So, you need to retreat and behead." Saint Sandra said.

"What is this?" The Wolf King asked impulsively.

"Get out of the way!" Chao Che stopped, his narrow eyes staring at the figure behind him.

Tens of thousands of Astartes died on the battlefield of the Emperor, and the number of casualties was almost equal to the total number of Astartes in a legion of the Blood Angels.


But the process of the two meetings and the meaning behind them are the same.

Saint Sandra said with a stern face.

Like the seventh Primarch.

The atmosphere was not serious for a while. After a moment of silence, Saint Zhu Mingzi quietly changed the topic to the right track.

The loyal Holy Blood Guards stayed in the door and followed the little angel with wings on his back into the room.

The light representing thinking flashed rapidly under the body of the deceiver, and a translucent human face gradually took shape. I opened my mouth, but the sound had not yet come out of it, and it had not yet turned into a shrill scream.


Invincible, galloping at the same time.

Gilles screamed and blocked the Primarch's face.

My body is short and sturdy, even compared with the Primarch, it is not much worse.

Dyke first relayed, "The war became a mystery because of Primarch No. 7, but it has not yet developed beyond my control. Perhaps, at the beginning, Primarch No. 7 had bad intentions. I betrayed the Empire, but not humanity. But I was deceived and went further and further down a mysterious path until it caused a huge disaster." Chao Che repeated the sentence again. Zhu Mingzi was trembling all over. He looked at the blue sphere that flickered in the depths of the room with burning eyes. To be honest. "You understand." Saint Sandra nodded slightly, but she had not made a choice in her heart.

"I am one of my lord's mediocre heirs, and now I am walking on the right path." Tribune Dyke said first, "My path can only be made by myself, and they learn to see the opportunity. act.”

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Gilles's voice was not close to pleading, "If that's the case, he will die."

Leon opened his mouth and told what his sister was worried about, "If you definitely encounter Primarch No. 7, what should you do?"

"Arise, thy angel."

Saint Sandra raised her hand.

Tribune Coken spoke.

The eight original bodies raised their heads almost at the same time, with expressions of sudden enlightenment on their faces.


The Primarch had always had a bad memory, a photographic forgetfulness.

In the desert of Baweiqi, a man met his separated young father. The mood during the meeting was one of anticipation mixed with a lot of determination and hesitation. But now, at the same time, under the emperor's battlefield, a victorious general wearing golden armor with wings on his back meets your Ran Dan.

The ancient is the glory that has never been seen in Qu Zhenri, as if there is no sun sitting under His eternal throne.

"There's nothing to fear about death." Chaoche said, "Everyone will die. There's nothing to be afraid of. What matters is why you die. Whether it is to remain unknown or to sacrifice your life for your own ideals."


You seemed to have thought of something, and your face became firm.

"You have told him many times that the abominable thing from the depths of the stars is full of lies and is worthy of trust. But now, he still has no luck and pinned his hopes on it, which ultimately led to a small mistake."

"But this hope is false!" Chaoche's sharp voice interrupted Gilles's words. The spiritual energy surging under me set off a storm in the closed room, and the ground under my feet seemed unable to bear what it contained. The power is complete every inch.

"You fight side by side, and you will drink the wine of failure together."

Some of the hardest bones to crack were defeated directly by the Lion King following his small army.

"That is not witchcraft, it is magic, but the effect brought about by the technology left over from the golden age."

Saint Sandra is half kneeling on the ground, your long golden hair hanging down your fair and almost transparent cheeks.

Leon could still barely try to understand, but the former's terrible guess was not beyond Leon's rational scope.

The little angel looked up at the Lord of Humanity. Your extremely ugly body was shrouded in a faint glow.

But he still gritted his teeth and was willing to move his steps.

"Time is a river flowing backward, but it cannot flow backwards even if it is stagnant. In some cases, it cannot even be reshaped. Connected end to end, it is Alpha and Omega, the origin and the end, cracking the cycle The key is to find the restart factor.”

"You mean." I thought about it for a while before choosing the right words to express it. "Some of you will be corrupted and corrupted, and even abandon the glory of mankind."

"So, my lord wishes them a triumphant return." With the flash of spiritual energy halo, Ran Dan and the Imperial Army disappeared in an instant before they could disturb Xiu Nan.

"My Lord said that they did very bad things. The Emperor is a terrible enemy, and they are now only one step away from getting the latest information." The Imperial Guard on the right rear said, with a curved snake under my face. The tattoo is a mark of honor left by the North African War under Terra, starting from the cheekbone and extending to the upper palate.

Before thinking for a moment.

Leon breathed a sigh of relief, and at a certain moment, Saint Sandra almost believed that she saw a moving light from under the sinister old man. Because of the favorable start, when we learned about the Emperor's War, both Leon and the Dark Angels in my hands were under tremendous pressure.

"It's the golden tree!" Russ whispered, giving his answer in an excited voice.

Saint Sandra made a careless analysis in her mind and then threw the answer aside.


"The Zhu Ming War should have started after a few standard Terra hours, but due to the influence of certain forces, everything has returned to its original point. The results you have achieved by spending a small amount of war resources are like a small sea It disappeared like a cloud of smoke, and even hundreds of Dark Angels paid their lives for it.”

Among a group of giants, the Sisters of Silence, as "ordinary" humans, do not have a very conspicuous presence in terms of physical appearance. But from another dimension, Saint Sandra found it difficult to notice the existence of those contactable people.

Even the original body had a surprised expression on his face.

Another Imperial Guard named Dixon spoke.

"Is it because of the Seventh Primarch?" The first one to break the silence was the Wolf King, with determination on my rough face.

A sense of majesty and oppression, as if it were substantial, emanated from the body of the original body and rolled in.

Through the void, we can come into contact with its inner essence.

The light is still flowing, but now only Saint Sandra and the Eight Primarchs of the Lion and the Wolf are left.

"I didn't betray humanity..."

The majestic voice, accompanied by a golden halo, echoed in the small hall.

Kill him on the spot, or bring him back for trial?

Fingers covered with iron armor and flashing with psychic lightning penetrated deeply into the eye sockets of the human face.

"He once told you that the human soul is a useful thing?"

It was not until Saint Sandra or the Wolf King and Lion King took the initiative to speak, that Randan's guards had not yet taken the initiative to answer all the questions.

Eight weak and powerless fists collided together.

Chao Che stepped back step by step.

Randan was almost surrounded by noisy monks, and was still using psychic energy recklessly.

That was the first time I met Randan.

Randan seemed to be able to see through the minds of the primarchs.

The weak psychic energy flickered under me, forming a series of sizzling electric currents. Gilles behind me could even smell the ozone formed before ionization and decomposition in the air.

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"My Lord!"

The first guard was called Uzkarel, with a serious face, dark skin, and two eyes deeply sunken in the eye sockets. I was just saying, "I was and am one of them. I have extraordinary talents that are inferior to theirs. I will be the most terrible opponent they have ever faced. My Lord hopes to see my offspring die here." That means you have not fulfilled your duty and have not failed in your duty. "Yes, listen to you. You haven't found hope yet--" The complex and ancient ritual brings the belief and hesitation power that makes people's blood boil. "Yes, but it is also." "You encountered an inexplicable phenomenon under the Emperor Planet." "There is nothing more terrible in the Milky Way than the enemy you see with your naked eyes." "This is still something you should understand now." The tribune La replied. Just like the white night is gnawing at the day, when approaching those noisy monks, Sheng Zhu Mingzi can clearly feel that his divergent thoughts have encountered a tangible white hole, and he is hungry to pull it back and devour it. If it were an ordinary person, staying by your side would even feel obvious. So, I am still the offspring of Ran Dan. Leon was keenly aware of the huge information contained in that sentence.

You reach out.

Saint Sandra has no impression of me either.

You wear a silver mask under your mouth and a long whip under your head.

Randan arrived at the battlefield in person.

Although he betrayed the human empire, his starting point was also because of humans.

Randan nodded slightly, and the tribune Koken said, "The Wolf King of Finves, he is wrong. The key to restarting time is the golden tree. To avoid restarting, the golden tree must be paralyzed first and its internal energy supply must be cut off."

The expression on his face was sacred and solemn. Under the shining of Randan's light, Saint Sandra's divinity was less than human at this time.

Seven white fingers clenched into fists. In the last moment, Russ grinned and stretched out his right hand, which was clenched into a fist. Leon was the first. Eight primarchs, eight descendants of Randan, eight war gods who conquered the galaxy, are now about to fight side by side again.

Although it was not offensive, such doubts really existed in Saint Sandra's heart.

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