Time passed by minute by minute.

Although the battle between Sanguinius and the second Primarch had been decided, the war on the planet Randan had not yet ended, and as the situation changed, it was becoming more and more intense.

Bang, bang, bang!

The terrifying sound of dense grenade launchers came from a distance.

The two Primarchs, Wolf King and Lion King, finally led their most elite warriors to the battlefield.

This was simply a massacre.

No matter how strong the remaining Second Legion Celestial Masters were, they still had no room to resist the two angry Primarchs. Defeated like a machete cutting vegetables, the fragmented bodies lay on the ground, and the hot blood of the Astartes coagulated in the pool of blood.

Because it was rich in oxygen molecules and platelets.

After the blood coagulated, it was not a liquid, but more like some kind of melted candle.

Leaving their own soldiers to clean up the battlefield, Wolf King Russ and Lion King Leon angrily killed towards the end of the square with long swords.

"It's really amazing." Ran Dan said in a heavy voice.

Even for a behemoth like the Empire, the losses are immeasurable, and it will take decades to quickly get out of the quagmire of that war.

"If this."

Even more exciting is.

"He's dead..." Russ, wearing a thick wolf fur cloak, walked over. His heavy and burly body was like a storm bear standing upright. The sizzling psychic lightning flashed back and forth on the original body's rain-gray armor, and the air flickered with silver-white light.

The weather was sunny and the waves were vast. White seabirds flew under the endless blue sea.

It must be near dusk when the light of the stars fell on this moment, which was even worse. The sea surface was full of sparkling light like melting gold.

Under the wall facing the seat was a huge transparent floor-to-ceiling window. Standing outside it, I was very nervous to see the scene of the tidal sea inside.

That simple and elegant office should not be a private place exclusively for the Seventh Primarch.

In front of the little angel.

When the cloak covered Chao Che's face, you took a deep look.

"It looks like a planet." The chief captain of the legion, La Shaolong, said before looking at it.

And Saint Asta and the Gilests in your hands are also doing similar things.

Except for Magnus and Chao Che.

"You mean your sister, Saint Asta." Ran Dan opened his mouth, hooked the flesh on both sides of his cheeks, and smiled. My pale teeth were exposed, and there were sharp fangs on both sides like wolves.

Even if there were no seventy Gilest legions and tens of thousands of expeditionary fleets.

Kano shrugged his shoulders, with a so-called expression on his face.

I rarely spoke a word of comfort.

With the invasion of Rus by the Empire.

"But the senior killed me in ten minutes, is that a surprising thing?" Ran Dan's throat burst into a series of laughter, but it sounded bitter.

The wear and tear brought by time is terrible.

A moment ago.

Ran Dan also did a certain degree of research on the subspace.

"Let's put that matter aside first, you may still miss me in the future. But now, you have to continue to clean up the mess I left behind." Ran Dan said, I just showed my open-mindedness at that time.

Saint Asta is such a perfect angel, but he was so cruel when he took action.

Ran Dan half-knelt on the ground, stretched out his hand and heavily closed his brother's eyelids.

My cheeks flushed, and I reached out and patted Saint Asta's shoulder, "But that was my own fault, there is no need to be too happy about that thing."

Saint Asta nodded.

And turned around, and left the observation tower with his head back.

However, after complete extinction, there are still many things to do.

The wounds on my body were simply shocking, and I was covered in blood. The wound that penetrated my body almost instantly burned 10% to 40% of my blood, and all my internal organs were severely damaged. Even if it was the original body, it would be instantly cut off from life after encountering such a weak blow.

"For a warrior, dying on the battlefield is also a wrong ending."

Sheng Xu Yuyi seemed to be completely immersed in this picture, and his amber eyes blinked and watched every color outside.

The first one was also the sword that killed Chao Che.


Azkelon's deep eyes were attracted by a painting hanging on the wall.

That kind of dirty work has always been the hard work that Leon and I are responsible for.

It's just that we have never experienced the first battle, so our emotions are not as strong as Sheng Xu Yuyi's.

Amit grinned and continued in a joking tone, "And his routine is too old, who would be willing to watch such an interesting work." Of course, in the culture of Finvis, it is not the power of the warp, but rune magic. But the essence between the two is obviously the same. It's just a name that is changed to deceive people. In fact, what I really want to ask is not the fact that happened before it. It's a surprising thing that Saint Xu Yu, an angel, would actually play the role of the executioner. In Randan's view, Saint Asta, as the idol of the entire empire, is really related to the killing of his brother.

It’s hard to imagine that an emperor from a country across the galaxy has been working there for decades. Compared with Terra’s magnificent palace, that building is nothing short of an inconspicuous piece of wood, and it’s not even enough to cover the floor. brick.

"Bury me in Ruth."

Before the regime dominated by Russ was completely defeated by the empire.

"What should I do with my body?"

The Wolf King shook his head and walked towards the ruins under the square, slowly disappearing from the lightning.

Saint Xu Yuyicai took a deep breath, and there was no sadness in your expression.

"Brother, what a legend that is."

Saint Xu Yuyi chose to go all out, but the power that Chaoche had gathered to its peak dissipated. My end is destined before this.

But wait until you see the scene inside.

With Saint Asta's knowledge of the imperial administration.

What the Gillests are looking for is the precious information left behind, even if they can successfully destroy the Russ Prime. This does not mean that the Russ War will completely begin. In fact, as the Russ military group is disbanded by the empire and its structure is expanded, the damage it is sure to bring will become even greater.

The expression on your face shows no trace of the joy before failure, and less of the solidified sadness.

Now we just wish we had to install two less mechanical legs for ourselves.

It was difficult for Leon to grasp what was going on outside Ran Dan's head. I just spoke to myself and expressed my emotion, "That is a cruel thing for you."

"You are all before that planet, and some of them were even born there." Saint Asta said, "That is not the Holy Terra, it is the Terra that was twenty thousand years old."

Leon nodded, "So?"

Ruth is dying.

After the war broke out.


The emotions in the Wolf King's heart were far less rich than what I showed, and he knew what the wolf was thinking at this time.

"What's going on?"

"The old ballad under Fenwais is indeed true. The more beautiful a man is, the scarier he is. According to that statement, you can definitely be regarded as the most terrifying one in the entire galaxy." Ran Dan thought to himself in silence. .

The direct disappearance of the two Gillest legions was a heavy blow to the entire empire. The impact of losses based on its specific strength is secondary. What is really important is the shakeup caused by the small expedition. The former has a far-reaching impact than the latter.

"He killed me?"

Of course I would have no problem with that.

During that war, the Seventh Army and the Eleventh Army were effectively eliminated.

In the past, Russ had the idea of ​​opening up new territories to regain these lost life planets.

Leon said, "I have sacrificed everything for that planet, and in the end, that planet will also be buried with me."

That was an obvious fact, but Xu Yu still asked.

But no one is dead yet.

The hatred of the past will return to dust.

Although he is an enemy, he is also a shameful betrayer.

As the only decoration outside the office, the mural obviously attracted the attention of the soldiers.

All that was in vain, the entire small sea was being evaporated and was on the verge of death.

Leon could detect the little angel's simple mood.

It is also difficult to ensure that these remote areas located far away from Terra can provide timely and effective support before being attacked.

However, to be on the safe side, Leon retreated from contact with the Emperor. In the psychic communication, the emperor's voice was slightly silent. A few seconds ago, he made a faint hum. The communication began, and Leon took off the scarlet narrow and wide cloak on his back, covering it under the majestic body of the Seventh Primarch.

Outside the entire room, it was outrageously plain.

"That's what you should do." Leon did not continue to answer the Wolf King's question.

Saint Asta nodded.

"If I choose to fight to the end before it, I will definitely die there." Saint Asta said.

"You're also... very pleased." You said, even the original body needs some time to accept such a cruel reality. Saint Asta needs to think and summarize in his own words. Your voice was thick and high, but the joy outside was obvious.

In reality, the Lion King and the Wolf King are closer to this.

"what is that!"

Ran Dan took a deep breath and grabbed his messy golden hair.

And now...

The territory of the empire was simply too small.

My brother's ideas are really not too out of the ordinary.

Basically, every few steps away, you can see the sages of the Mars Mechanicus hurriedly running down the battlefield with their servitors and intelligent control legions.

"What about you, mother." Cano looked at the little angel Saint Asta. "Your intuition in art is unparalleled. You don't have a premonition. You know what is going on in the painting." What is."

There are a lot of ancient technologies left over from the golden age outside that planet. The value of those technologies to the current empire is simply indescribable in terms of money. Saint Asta leads his guards through the battlefield.

No matter what you say.

"it's a pity."

The scenery outside must be extraordinary.

It was an ancient oil painting, not projected electronically or with some realistic device. Rather, it is drawn with richly colored inks and uncanny brushstrokes. The painting was about ten meters long and no more than eight meters narrow, occupying the entire wall of the office.

It only takes a few decades for a small event that once affected the entire galaxy to be reduced to a historical footnote worthy of human intervention.

Or, like Saint Asta, who grew two wings on his back, he could only race against time to dig out as few useless things as possible from the ruins.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

The rocks and the steep mountain walls on the seabed were exposed to lightning and thunder, and the magma surging from the interior of the earth's crust turned the entire sky red. Thick white-gray smoke gradually rose, the entire small sea dried up and boiled, and the light of the end of the world shrouded the head.

"You have never fought against me, so you know that my martial arts skills are to be underestimated, right?"

Furthermore, Chao Tetsu did not betray humanity itself, and some of my actions were something it understood before.

Just passing...

As for Ran Dan.

Ruth was dumbfounded, and even the usually serious and gloomy Lion King Leon had a surprised expression on his face.

But in hindsight, it was still something worth fighting for and bleeding.

Hard to imagine.

It is difficult for the remaining warlords to fall into the realm of fighting on their own. Before losing their restraint, it is surprising what the barbarian warlords without a small amount of white technology will do.

Saint Asta nodded again.

"That's not bad either." Saint Asta nodded.

Before that war started.

The sages of the Adeptus Mechanicus are searching for lost technology.

The cruelty of the Russ War was far greater than before.

Not only will we take the initiative to attack, but we will also provide some assistance with technology and resources from time to time to quickly expand the influence of that military and economic alliance in the galaxy.

but now.

In the next few decades, imperial officials will try their best to erase the war that broke out in the Russ system from the records. Even the existence of the two Gillest Legions will gradually be ignored in records and propaganda, until they are completely forgotten by people.

Follow the intercepted message.

"There may be some secrets hidden outside that painting." Kano's thinking is the most out-of-the-box. It is a talent of mine. "Perhaps you can find clues from the outside and obtain the treasure."

Although Xu Yu's voice was soft, the original body's perception was sharp, and Leon could still hear clearly.

Under the seaside cliff extending inward from the World Tree, the waves in front of it are still hitting the cliffs forever. The strong wind blew up, and in no time it even swept the wave in front of it directly to the observation deck several hundred meters low, wetting the long hair of the two original bodies.

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