Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 18: All things are born to nourish people (seeking for further reading)

The black Spirit of Vengeance was driving on the endless red desert. Sanguinius and Kano stood on the iron bulletproof coating of the vehicle.

Sanguinius' wings were spread out, as if catching the turbulent gas on the yellow sand. With the dull roar of the truck's engine, she looked up, and a simple prison-like fortress surrounded by barbed wire appeared in her field of vision.

This fortress.

It is the base of the Brotherhood of Giant Skulls, a mutant organization.

When rushing to the oasis, the alien in the huge skull once launched an attack on the pure-blood tribe. Although they were successfully repulsed after a fierce battle, they still caused heavy losses to the tribe. Some brothers left forever in this war.

And now, when Sanguinius's speech was over.

Radolon began to arrange detailed plans to cleanse the desert of alien forces.

Start with the small forces first, snatch their resources and weapons, and liberate the pure-blooded people enslaved by the aliens. If everything goes well, then the power of the pure-blood tribe will become stronger and stronger in the process like a snowball.

And the ultimate goal of the first stage.

It is to return to the Blood Mountains and uproot the underground stronghold of the Brass Brotherhood.

The huge prison-like building in front of you is where it all started.

Kano did not have as strong a balance as an angel, and was standing precariously on the roof of the car. He was breathing heavily like a bull, holding a cruel chain ax tightly in his hand. The biceps on his arms were tense and wrapped with black cloth strips.

From the corner of his eye, he saw the worry on the angel's face.

"Angel, are you scared?"

Kano patted his chest, bared his teeth and said, "Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

Sanguinius was stunned for a moment and reached out to touch the child's forehead. I was slightly relieved when I found that it was not burned.

"I am a machine born for fighting. Naturally, I will not be afraid of the coming killing." Sanguinius said, "I am worried about you."

Kano has powerful psychic talents.


Sanguinius had seen a reflection of the Destroying Angel's power in Kano.

"As a psyker, you face many more temptations than ordinary people, so you must stay awake at all times, be vigilant about the power you possess, and don't trust him too much." Senge Les warned in a low voice:

"Our killings at this time are all out of necessity, not pleasure."

"I will."

Kano tightened his grip on the chain ax in his hand and nodded seriously.

The Vengeful Spirit's promethium engines roared and continued forward. The mutants in the prison discovered the speeding vehicle, and they shouted loudly, and their excitement was almost like pie in the sky.

For pure-blooded people to actively attack mutants is simply incomprehensible in their worldview.

In the eyes of these monsters, pure-blooded people should be their grazing lambs and slaves.

Weak and dying.

Therefore, after seeing the Spirit of Vengeance speeding towards them, the mutants living here did not feel scared, but instead shouted in excitement. Especially after seeing the angel on the roof of the car clearly, the shouting was mixed with many obscenities.

"Damn aliens, you won't be able to laugh for much longer!"

Ladoron gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator.

The Vengeful Spirit's speed increased again, facing the dense barrage, roaring and slamming into the tall barbed wire fence.

The crude defenses were completely torn apart, bringing with them large swaths of soil.

A mutant who couldn't dodge howled and was hit hard against the stone wall by the sharp front of the car. Blood spurted out from every hole in him.


When the Vengeful Spirit had not stopped yet.

Sanguinius shouted angrily and jumped off the front of the car.


A mutant who had no time to react had his head trampled directly into his chest.

The fist-sized heart first beat under fierce pressure, faster and faster, and then it was filled with cracks, exploded, and blood spurted out.


The first mutant fell.

Sanguinius' body was like a roaring wind, finding the second target at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

This man is more than two meters tall, with a head like a lion's mane. He is a minor leader-level figure among mutants.

But it's still of no use.


Sanguinius spun around and kicked, his slender snow-white thighs tearing through the air, and swept past with the sound of roars and roars of beasts.


The head with ferocious fangs flew more than ten meters out of thin air and almost hit Kano in the face.

The latter ducked down to avoid it.

A fountain-like blood spurted out more than three meters high from the torn neck, and some bright red blood sprinkled on her fair and delicate face. Sanguinius subconsciously stuck out his tongue, wanting to lick the crimson blood at the corner of his mouth, but was restrained by her immense willpower.

Some part of her body.

Thirsting for blood.

But she will choose to refuse, and the angels of the empire will never perish!


Then the third one.

Amidst the high-frequency whirling sound of the chainsword.

From top to bottom, from the skull with horns to the dirty crotch covered with filth, it was neatly divided into two, and fell to the left and right sides.

Blood, internal organs, and bones roared like crazy from the torn body.

"For the angels! For the glory of the warriors!"

Radoron roared.

The multi-linked machine gun in his hand was spraying flames, and a mutant with dark green skin like a toad was torn into pieces by the fierce firepower.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Kano's eyes were red, and his face was distorted by hatred and excitement, "Heaven created all things to feed people, but people have nothing to repay heaven!"


He threw a black thunder.

The two scarlet hounds, which were almost as tall as adults, howled and were completely knocked down, with thick smoke coming out of their bodies.

"When did my psychic lightning become so powerful?"

Kano himself was shocked by the power of lightning.

A month ago, his psychic lightning could not even kill a stronger mutant, and could only cause a certain degree of paralysis.

But now, the destructive power can easily tear apart the most ferocious mutant beasts.

"Never mind!"

Kano saw that the angel had kicked open the locked door and rushed into the basement.

If nothing unexpected happened, the pure-blooded people should be imprisoned there.

The mutants controlled these innocent people like captive beasts, and then used them as food, sacrifices or materials for experiments.

"We can't let the angel take risks alone!"

Kano put his little doubts behind him and followed the angel into the bloody prison.

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