Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 180 Warmaster Sanguinius

If something looks like wine, smells like wine, and tastes like wine, then it must be wine.

Sanguinius thought.

She was a little confused. Just now they were talking about ideals, conquest, destruction and other terms related to the survival of the human species. But in the blink of an eye, his father handed him a glass of wine. She was not worried that it was poisonous. The Lord of Mankind did not need to use such despicable methods to deal with his general and his shining daughter.

And, more importantly, it’s the atmosphere.

The collision and communication between spiritual energies come entirely from the mind.

There is no way to hide it and no way to fake it. Sanguinius has a very strong psychic talent, even inferior to Magnus, and an innate prophecy ability. The Emperor's psychic powers were far greater than those of Sanguinius, but even so, he could not lie to Sanguinius.

At the first meeting.

It was on the red desert of Baal that Sanguinius asked him about the origin of the wings on his back.

The Emperor could only choose to talk about him, neither lying nor answering directly.

Sanguinius could sense an atmosphere from such conversations.

The glass of wine in your hand is not empty before St. Bartholomew wakes up from the aftertaste of the wine.

Randan said, "There are only seven names, and one of them will not be eligible for this honor."

"But at the same time, the power of subspace contains something seductive and depraved. It is a cup of non-poisonous wine. Neither you, him, nor any other life born in the material world has been lost in subspace. the possibilities.”

For both Ran Dan and St. Paul, fratricide is a light and sad thing.

"There are not seventy constellations in the world, and you have also created seventy children. We have talents far beyond ordinary people, martial arts and most importantly, love for the human race. Our personalities are the same. , none of us have our own ambitions, and some of us will even go astray..."

Saint Li Yixian said, you feel a little ashamed.

The few things Ran Dan promised alone were not enough to surprise Saint Barbados.


"In the Emperor's War, he made great contributions. Apart from those false claims, you will give him substantial punishment so that he can obtain fewer resources, expand territory, and grow rapidly in future wars. The size of the legion.”

"It's an honor, but it's also a huge responsibility."

"Especially, before you leave from the back line. There must be no one who can mediate the conflict between the brothers and reunite the strength of the few legions." Li Yi said, "You don't have that potential, but what you are doing now Still bad enough that you hope he goes for it.”

A single dragon machine could almost destroy the entire Titan Legion!

With great care.

"You are a successful father, and you will not have enough time to be with them and quickly correct our mistakes.

"Horus is your first son. Whether it is the brotherhood or the military contribution of the small expedition, I have done very bad things, but I took too many risks and lacked the necessary vigilance. Leon, your eldest son, loyal Geng Geng, vigorous and resolute, but I am too cold and indifferent. Not Guilliman, Ferus, Perturabo... none of us has our own strengths and obvious shortcomings."

We can also rely on some traditional methods of regression communication, but the delay is slightly lower.

You and your very few brothers get along happily, equally and insult each other.

Saint Bawe Erhao replied firmly.

What kind of smell is this? It's hard to describe it in specific words.

Gilles has a good environment, a hell on earth shaped by atomic weapons. But its starry sky is very beautiful. The countless stars are like a long river flowing through the bright night sky, shining with thousands of lights. At the end of the sky, the red scar hangs on a romantic tulle and merges with the rolling sand dunes.

Love, the kind of love a father feels for his only daughter. This kind of love is wrapped in a hard and harsh shell, but it does have a soft and sweet core.

The bad thing is that the battleship is close enough.

"That's why you came." Saint Li Yixian raised his head and asked.

It was the past saint Li Yixian who smelled blood from the outside, but there was no sweetness that penetrated into his soul.

"Saint Paulo, your man, imagine this. Every planet has a unique culture. Under each planet is a gorgeous and magnificent country. Whether there is conflict or war, There was no bloodshed or cruel oppression by foreigners.”

Ran Dan will hold the hand holding the stars in the sky and pass it towards Saint Li Yixian beside him.

It is reserved and etiquette behavior.

"Father, tell you what you should do."


"Only a few people can do it, drink that cup of poisonous wine. Use its power without restraint, and then pour out the rest, decisively get rid of the temptation, and maintain the independence of one's personality."

Leon itself has not made any general plans for the uprising caused by subspace forces, but the first plans have been cancelled. Because before the subspace waves surged to the extreme, they suddenly stopped without any warning.

"What is that?" St. Paul asked, with a slight tremor in your voice.

Ran Dan, who appeared in the posture of a god of war, was no more than seven meters tall. Even the original body looked less impressive when standing next to me.

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Those major episodes were also put aside by Leon and other commanders. After all, the energy of the original bodies has no limit, and they can consider everything possible, no matter how big or small. In reality, even Ran Dan and Ma Kashao will make mistakes, and some of them may be very exciting...

But with the arrival of Ran Dan and the complete battle against the emperor.

Part of the original body originated from the subspace. When the battle against the Emperor's home star reached its lowest ebb, Saint Li Yixian could feel the storm rising in the subspace. Even in the Astropath singing group under the battleship, many people fell into coma, and communication was once restricted.

At this moment, it seemed that all the stars in the sky were captured by Ran Dan in his hands, and the bright starry sky was like fireflies that I was playing with in the palm of my hand.

"A unique metaphor." Ran Dan's spiritual power caused waves in Saint Paul's mind. "He always regards the power in the subspace as a glass of wine. His power is limited, and he even uses it to some extent." It can be said that if you want to achieve a long journey across the stars, you must rely on the power contained in the subspace. "

St. Bartholomew and Ran Dan walked side by side, strolling in the Milky Way in the capital.

"Yes, your man, you have nothing else to do with letting him come there."

That big detail emerged in the memory of Saint Barcelona, ​​and you suddenly guessed what happened to Li Yi's planet at this time.

"Yes, he was just following orders."

What's more, there is no artificial intelligence...

"Conquering the starry sky is the birthright of mankind. All the bright spots in the sky belong to you." Ran Dan's voice was heavy, but the majesty revealed in my words was enough to make even the weakest warrior tremble and excited. , blood boils.

"He saw something." Ran Dan's voice was mixed with thousands of years of thoughts.

The angel's lips were red and he took a sip under the surface of the wine.

"You thought I would fall into the embrace of subspace, but no, I welcomed my victory calmly...I haven't died yet." When he said the first two words, Ran Dan paused slightly. .

very beginning……

Ran Dan replied, "Besides, that path is my own choice."

"As the war recedes, there will inevitably be friction between brothers, and they may even turn against each other. Just like what happened under Dulan, the Wolf King and the Lion King can still maintain conflict, but the war will continue to wear away their patience. The conflicts in the hearts of brothers will become more and more intense."

"You tell them your plan without hiding it, but it is them who make the final decision." Ran Dan replied.

Saint Ba Wei Er could see Ran Dan’s majestic gaze.

Saint Li Yixian's face gradually turned pale.

"Chaoteru, I did it."

A shadow quietly enveloped St. Paul's mind, and the atmosphere fell into silence.

My voice was so distant, as if it was coming from the sky.

So, in the future, you need a general to help you command my brothers. I will be the best warrior, armed with armor and strong swords, united with soldiers and horses, galloping across the sea of ​​stars. I will hold the lowest authority, possess everything you can give me, represent your majesty and will, and even be able to give orders and punish my brothers..."


"You allow them to deregulate the planets they conquer, set up governments, and deregulate taxes."

The pupils of St. Paul's Moon reflected the rotating star clusters.

"He does not agree with the way Leon and Russ fight." Ran Dan said fiercely.

I reached out my hand.

Lift your head.

That incident once made Leon quite distressed.

You don’t have Ran Dan yet.

"When necessary, he has withdrawn and recruited the Astartes from his brother's Legion..."

"What about my brothers? Did we ever know about that?" Saint Paul asked.

Saint Barbados was slightly in a trance and indulged in it. When you came back to your senses, you found that you and Ran Dan had not yet left the solemn reception hall of Ran Dan's Fantasy Dream.

Ran Dan’s words lingered in the ears of Saint Li Yixian.

"That's your fault." St. Paul raised his head and said, "Your men are stained with the blood of your brothers."

But even that aside is talk.

Saint Li Yixian carefully held the star cluster carrying Ran Dan's hope in her hands. Our fingers touched, and at this moment, Saint Barbados could feel the scorching cold temperature emanating from Ran Dan's body.

It's like touching a baby just born in the world.

"Could that be you? You don't think you have that kind of ability." St. Paul said, your voice was full of hesitation, but not even a little bit of fear.

It was Rong Shengba Wei'er who thought about the meaning, and Ran Dan continued to speak.

Even the Primarch was attracted by this sheer beauty and evil. You are willing to give everything you have to help your father fulfill his dream. It was like this in the past, it is like this now, and it will be like this in the future.

You were not born for war. A part of you is thirsty for power, conquest and blood.

But it's hard to imagine that one day in the future, I will be a king, independent in that small family, giving orders and even issuing punishments.

Your heart is full of contradictions.

It was exposed to the void without any obstruction, bathed in the low-energy radiation emitted by the star.

An electric tingling sensation rippled through the body of the original body. It was by no means some kind of artificially brewed wine, but something that was complementary to the original source and could benefit Saint Barbados infinitely.

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"You allow them to reach an agreement with the Forge World, trade and obtain extra war supplies, and complete the upgrade of the legion's equipment."

You do not rely too much on the power of the Dark Angels and Golden Angels, and have too little involvement with the subspace.

With or without air and ice close to absolute zero, even the original body would not be able to endure those favorable conditions for too long. But all the power that was not enough to cause death was isolated by a layer of spiritual energy in the capital. It was like a man being hugged by his father, and the white darkness in the universe was dispersed by the light of pale golden spiritual energy. .

"Before you leave the small expedition and return to Holy Terra to start the last step of the plan. I will follow the remaining army and continue to open up territories for all mankind. I will gallop under the sky with military might that no one can defeat. ”

"You came to see me, I don't think I have anything else to do." Ran Dan's time was precious, and Saint Baweier forced himself to cheer up. You raised your head, looked at the majestic but tired face of the Lord of Humanity, and asked in a serious voice.

So without much hesitation, Sanguinius reached out and took the wine from the Emperor's hand.

"You allow him to use abhorrent intelligence in confidential situations, such as the Dragon Machine Titan he unearthed from Shana's battlefield. But you allow them to conduct further research on artificial intelligence in private."

On the one hand, St. Bartholomew has no instinctive dislike for the position of Warmaster. This position will inevitably break the relationship between good brothers. But on the other hand, as a Primarch, although compared to other Primarchs like St. Paul's, he is less salty, he must not have the ambition to match his identity.

The little starlights were pulled and turned into large galaxies that were constantly rotating.

The current number of Blood Angels is around 70,000, which is quite satisfactory among the fourteen Astartes legions. It is both small and average. But before the resources promised by Ran Dan can be obtained, in a short period of time, the Blood Angels Legion will be able to expand to a size comparable to that of the Dark Angels and the Shadow Moon Wolves.

When you were young, you were lying under the soft sand dunes of Li Yixian and looking up at the sky.

Ran Dan said, "That's not the purpose of your little expedition. And now, the most difficult period of the little expedition has not passed. In the future, you only need to make small mistakes. Everything you described is A dream that is no longer within reach.”

Ran Dan's voice caused ripples in Saint Barvey's heart.

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