Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 186 Star God Long Sword

"Uh, okay."

Sanguinius shrugged.

These injuries were nothing to the Astartes who had a strong physique, and she was not worried about any irreversible effects.

After the Ran Dan War ended, the storm in the subspace calmed down a lot.

The fleet of the Blood Angels smoothly passed through the interlayer between subspace and the real universe, sailing in the vast ocean under the protection of Geller's stance. Relying on the navigation provided by the astropaths, it slowly sailed towards the determined position in the extreme star field.

This takes a while.

Sanguinius would not allow herself to be idle, and she listed other things for herself to do.

In a forge workshop inside the Red Tear, the staff inside has been emptied, and the furnace and iron felt have been transformed into a shape suitable for the original body. The flames in the furnace come directly from the core of the Red Tears' subspace engine. The temperature inside can be close to the core of the sun, enough to melt any metal in the universe.

Heat and sexual energy rippled through the lead-enclosed room.

The smell of dried roses filling the air reminded Sanguinius of the red mist weather on Baal. Only the original body's unusually strong body could stay here without any protective measures. In a workshop, he directly faced the destructive power radiating from the furnace.

"The flame has no effect?"

The length of the sword from the edge to the end of the sword was about 1.4 meters, which was about as short as an adult under Terra. It was a rather large, light long sword that could be held with one hand only by the size of the original body and wielded freely.

Sanguinius wiped the glistening sweat from his brow.

No emperor is known to be evil, this is not blacksmithing. The Emperor has created many weapons of metaphysical power that possess unfathomable power. For example, this sword of strong government that is always burning with flames and can truly eliminate life in the subspace, and another example is the Spear of Dionysus and the Spear of Apollo...

Outside the corner of the forging room are iron stakes used to test the power of weapons. The iron stakes are made of low-performance synthetic metal made of the same material as the armor's inner shell, and can block the close range fire of bolters.

The Burner's Sword is better than pure power, while the Deceiver's Sword is better than all kinds of weird powers. It can distort space, create clones, and even influence the enemy's thinking to create illusions. There are only a few methods that can be developed.

They never get a chance to return to their peak.

Star God fragments can be damaged by conventional physical means.

The back of her chest was soaked, and her clothes clung to her soft skin.

Purely handmade blade.

You seize the opportunity, work hard, and the seventh Star God sword is forged very slowly.

"Start work, start work!"

It has not yet entered the critical stage of finishing, if something goes wrong during the quenching process.

What you are saying is that especially compared to my brothers, and certainly compared to special humans, even the most mediocre among us, each of the Primarchs can be called a jack-of-all-trades.

At worst, there are problems in the mental state, and at worst, they directly mutate or grow together with the machine.

Saint Asta also knew how long he had been working hard there.

Sheng Qiang Zhengdi held two long swords in her hands. She thought for a while, but soon ran out of ideas, "Let's call them Yangyan and Moonlight. That name sounds very easy to pronounce."

But first, when she held the two long swords in her hands, Sheng Qiang Zhengdi felt very satisfied.

Even without the protection of Geller's position, the strange things that happened outside the battleship during the subspace voyage were too few to be recorded. Both mortals and Gillest must be alert, otherwise they will be polluted.

The Red Tears suddenly shook violently.

Without the books recorded by the emperor, Sheng Qiang Zhengdi made a rubbing of those things and brought them back to the Red Tears, which finally worked in such a situation.

Then there was a clear chirp in Saint Asta's hand.

The best thing didn't happen.

In the library inside the Emperor's Dream.

The clothes underneath him were wet. If he twisted them off, he might be able to get out the water.

Saint Asta is also worried that he will waste precious raw materials. Before the process has gone through his head, you immediately say to start. The loud sound of the heavy hammer hitting the iron felt echoed in the battleship, and dots of crystal clear sweat fell down Saint Asta's chin.

Do you really have no extraordinary talent in that area... That thought flashed through Saint Asta's mind.

In reality...

But forging is a very difficult process. The sticky sweat seeps out from under the forehead, passes through the rough and soft cheeks, condenses on the chin, and finally falls into the fleshy ravine on the back of the chest with the rise and fall of the arm movements. among.

Sheng Qiang Zhengdi frowned slightly, not worried.

"How to build it?"

I only have a prosperous territory, but I also don’t have a broken childhood and a caring adoptive father and adoptive parents.


Saint Asta is also very curious. The only thing you can say for sure now is that the temperature of the flame is extremely low and can instantly vaporize the inner shell of ceramic steel. As for its other effects, it still needs continuous practice in battle to quickly figure it out.

Even Saint Asta's armor and the red-dyed blade in his hand were forged by the Emperor himself.

call out!

You plan to melt the two fragments into two weapons, so that you can solve the dangerous hidden dangers carried by the fragments of the Star God once and for all.

The fragments of the Deceiver are smaller than the fragments of the Burner.

But it is important.

The main material of that weapon is the fragments of the Deceiver. Without the experience of the next time, the forging process will be much smoother.

The visual is between reality and illusion, like an illusion projected by weak photons.

I want to grab the next one, but Saint Astra has no free hands.

The Ultramarine is the most prosperous area in the territory of the human empire.

It is also easier to forge.

There is obviously no simple mechanical structure.

Bang bang bang!

There is a cold haze behind Saint Astra's eyes, and your long eyelashes are blurred by sweat.

The outer is managed in an orderly manner by Guilliman, the eighteenth son of the Emperor and the Lord of the Ultramarine.

She wears a coarse cloth shirt commonly used by blacksmiths on the upper body and shorts of the same material on the lower body. The fair skin and slender and round calves were exposed to the scorching air. The chest was low and the curve of the lower body was not masculine, but every move also exuded an amazing sense of power.


When the burning sword blade swept past, the iron stake was separated from top to bottom like air.

Saint Asta was not here to visit his brother.

In short, when you obviously feel tired and your muscles are no longer sore, the first long sword is forged in the scorching sun of the star. Saint Asta was really relieved. You can finally wipe the sweat from your forehead, take off the clothes that are repeatedly soaked in sweat, and then find a place to soak in the hot spring...

You really don't have the idea of ​​finding a tofu and hitting your head to death.

Its blade is also sharp, cutting iron like mud.

Everything is safe and the quenching process is smooth.

About Star God.

Because it is outside the subspace.

One is from the core of the dragon machine. Its original owner is the Burner, who makes the ancient saints and the elves terrified. It is said that the flames it releases can burn forever until time and space itself are transformed into pure nothingness in the flames.

During the whole process, Saint Asta did not feel too obvious resistance. In terms of sharpness alone, the long sword is even better than the various power weapons mainly equipped by Gillest. What's more, there is an additional layer of magic damage from the star god below.

But when the sharp sound of breaking through the air.

The two long swords collided heavily.

And the power contained in those fragments is only one ten-thousandth of the past.

That kind of ancient existence is indeed a worthy god. They feed on the light and coldness of stars. The weakest among them can even manipulate the dimension of the universe and let time fall into an endless cycle.

As the original body, Saint Asta has no extraordinary talent in any aspect.

Saint Asta gradually gained experience before winning twice in a row.

That fragment was once bound by Chao Che with psychic energy and used as a weapon, which could distort the laws of physics at will under the control of the Primarch.


Macragge's immigration advertisements were even directly launched on Terra. Every day, countless fleets carrying various materials or immigrants, stowaways, and merchant brokers came there to seek opportunities to make a fortune.

There is no concept of time in the warp.

The red on the surface of the long sword gradually faded in the sticky cooling liquid, and the clear blade reflected Saint Astra's sweat-stained but still perfect profile.

But now the star gods scattered all over the universe are talking about the future, but there are too many fragments.

"Let me show you the requirements... 800 grams of fire crystal, 770 grams of living metal, appropriate amounts of eagle gold and mithril, and a temperature of 780,000 degrees Celsius." Sheng Qiang Zhengdi did not inherit the Emperor's talent in blacksmithing. The one who inherited that talent was Vorkan, and that honest brother was not even better in that aspect.

All I can say is that since they are all descendants created by the Emperor, the difference between people is really huge.

It's sticky and itchy.

The materials of the two weapons are the fragments left by the Star God.

A complicated wash and rest, eat something.

The bad thing is...

Although the forging process is indeed a little tiring.

However, before losing the suppression of the Primarch's psychic energy, the Deceiver gradually woke up from his slumber.

Saint Asta returned to his job and finished forging the seventh weapon.

The Deceiver's longsword is slightly similar to the Burner's longsword in shape. But the difference is that the blade of the longsword is white, and the angel wings on the hand guard are also dyed pure white.

The whole process went unexpectedly smoothly.

You have to forge two weapons.

Saint Asta's nerves were tense, and both hearts seemed to stop beating.



Anyway, the current Fourth Legion can be regarded as a small family with a small business, so what is the loss.

You came to the Extreme Star Region to find Wanbian Siji.

While other brothers were struggling in the safe urban wasteland and the dark jungle, Guilliman was enjoying the top aristocratic education under the care of his parents.

A beam of light burst out from the thick barrel of the main gun, and the barrier between the subspace and the material universe was broken again. The magnificent and solemn space fortress rushed out from the huge cracks filled with scarlet thunder, and the slightly larger battleships and cruisers followed closely behind.

But the blade of the long sword burned with fire, and the flames were colder than the sun.

The flames of hundreds of thousands of degrees, even if they were far apart, were enough to make the original body feel less happy.

Rao is so.

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You are not unprepared. You and Qiang Zheng have had several psychic interactions.

Sheng Qiang Zhengdi has not yet learned part of the truth from Qiang Zheng.

When Saint Asta's fingers heavily touched the Eye of Terra under the hilt of the long sword, something incredible happened.

As for the materials of the seventh weapon, they are the fragments left by the fraudster.

The weapon also fell outside the armory of the Fourth Army.

But Geller's stance was more about secrecy than defense.

Chaoche died at the hands of Saint Asta.

In front of the back, the pair of wings covered with thick feathers became the hardest hit area, and the feathers were completely wet with sweat. And as Saint Asta's movements opened and closed, these carefully maintained and combed feathers also looked messy and embarrassing, which was enough to drive Saint Asta crazy. The bad thing is that your attention was down there at that time.

But there is a layer of Star God's inner shell wrapped under the sword blade, and its simple sharpness cannot cut through the structure between molecules. Under the hilt of the long sword is a double-wing-shaped guard made of eagle gold, with a red Eye of Terra inlaid in the middle, and the pendant at the end is a prayer of purity made of mithril.

There are both sharp saw teeth and powerful decomposition force fields below.

"The Burner's Sword, the Deceiver's Sword, they sound weird."

This will make your soul burn like the sun, making it difficult to attract the eyes of these terrifying beings in the subspace.

Through hard study, a set of broken processes was slowly figured out by Sheng Qiang Zhengdi.

Geller's position is indeed a very bad thing. Its existence makes it possible for human beings to sail across the stars.

The bad thing is that it smells like something.

The loss of materials is not bad.

"It would be nice if Vulcan was here."

The subspace timer shows two months before the time has elapsed.

In the midst of such good and bad thoughts.


However, that idea was quickly put aside by Sheng Qiang Zhengdi, because as time went by, the further the forging process progressed, the more concentration was required, and any minor mistakes may lead to subsequent consequences. Efforts fall short.

Saint Asta was very satisfied with the power displayed by the two weapons. For Saint Asta, weapons are like clothes. The same weapons must be used on different battlefields. This man would dislike his lack of clothes.

It was enough for Saint Asta to treat him casually.

Even Saint Asta dared to use his spiritual power.

Saint Asta waved his hand, and a drop of sweat fell on the glistening fingertips under the sword blade, evaporating into white mist.

All his brothers, including Saint Asta, were more or less envious of everything Guilliman had.

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