Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 191 Mathematical Exorcism/A City Dominated by Fear

The primarch's slender fingers touched the core of the gear.


There was a crisp sound.

The fortress-type intelligent robot that collapsed on the ground suddenly twitched violently.

The Astartes were distracted by the unexpected situation that had just happened. When they heard the noise, they suddenly became alert, and the black muzzles were pointed at the intelligent control robots in front of them.

Stop, please.

Sanguinius raised his hand to stop the heirs from further excessive behavior.

She stood up slowly and took a step back.

The intelligent control robot slowly stood up from the ground amidst the sound of gears turning. A series of dangerous red information streams flashed on the electronic screen deep in its eye sockets. The energy supply system that had been severely damaged in the previous battle was reloaded, and the weapons on the shoulders and arms on both sides also buzzed dangerously.

The Astartes held their breath and stared nervously at the intelligent machines in front of them. What was happening in front of them was beyond their understanding.

"It's time to end the last step of the plan, your dear commander."

"The power of the legion is not comparable." Stralon said seriously.

In the picture displayed under the imager, the heavy transport plane was passing through the thin atmosphere and never-ending sandstorms of the Seneca planet, and landed in the city square amidst the roaring hurricane like the roar of beasts. Its cabin door opened, and the intelligent core outside the city boarded the transport aircraft with light steps.

Did Saint Arcana continue to speak?

"Ha ha."

We don’t have our own goals or obvious behavioral trends.

The corridor was crushed by the huge gravity. It was lighter and larger than the fearsome machine. The intelligent control unit with eight arms landed in the dust and thick smoke. The impact of the intelligent machine made a huge pit in the ground, and the cracks twisted and spread.

The weapon system that was about to be overloaded was cooled down again in a burst of icy-hot smoke, and the whole world was enveloped in a quiet atmosphere.

That should have been a minor bad thing, but for some reason, Saint Arcana didn't have a strong premonition that he was in trouble. Even the thought of turning around and leaving with the fleet flashed through your cerebellum...

Machines stagnate on orders that hate intelligence.


But we are indeed not done doing that yet. The facts are in front of us, and Saint Arcana did not choose to go home or correct it.

Saint Arcana instinctively sensed that Stralon's words had not yet entered a safe area.

But you still shook your head implicitly and said, "Dear Strallon, that is an obvious thing."

Gargoyle rice masks line the side roofs, and dried and bleeding corpses hang from their grotesque wings.


The only light sources come from the lumen lamps in the luxurious mansions of these rulers and the old seven-wheelers that often pass under the dark roads.

The light quickly extinguished from the pupils of the intelligent core.

The energy from the engine core is injected into the neural fragmentation gun and atomic pulse cannon.

My stupidity and experience were beyond doubt, and Saint Arcana was happy to talk to his own children.

"And if you want to succeed in the Little Crusade, you must become weaker than all of us. Just relying on the Astartes and the bolter in your hands is enough, you also need to find a way to ingest Less weapons. Psionics, Dark Age technology, abominable intelligence, and C’tan shards in your hands.”

There was almost a sigh in Saint Arcana's voice.

Even though there is no thick haze, those special industrial dusts are obviously unable to interfere with the operation of the sacred machinery under the Red Tears.

Saint Arcana almost laughed.

You can barely enter your home, there is not one of your brothers under that planet.

In addition to the mechanical overlord contaminated by the subspace, it was still twitching, and there was a sizzling sound of electricity.

"Nogelesmo, you probably haven't told these people." Saint Arcana shrugged his shoulders, with no hint of blame in his tone.

Smoke hangs over everything like a cloak beneath a dying man, turning the refracted light beneath the neon billboard into a halo of morbid corruption. The air is filled with dust, non-toxic industrial fumes and the stench of chemicals, corroding the bodies of women, men, old people and children, and wearing away our spirits and years.

"You think you are joking." Stralon scratched his head.

The intelligent control robot said.

"Are you someone who hates joking?"

The Saint Arcana family issued an order to destroy the entire cruiser with light spears to eliminate the threat contained in it.

"Nogelesmo, or Druun?" Stralon asked.

Almost at the same time we showed up.

But it wasn't a fleeting glimmer either.

Amidst the roar of the engine.

The intelligent control robot in front of him is just a controlled metal shell, and the real key lies in the simple gear device on its chest, which is loaded with hateful intelligence left over from the golden age.



You continued, "As long as it is a weapon, there is no risk of losing control. You need to judge its destructive power and risk before deciding whether to use it. The Abomination Intelligence is indeed a safe double-edged sword, but since the Emperor has used it It’s in your hands, you can only keep it and use it with caution in certain necessary situations.”

At a certain moment, Stralon was sure that he didn't see a smile on its face.

"But Noguiresmo is dominated by something. It operates with a common sense of inefficiency. The workers work hard, and the nobles and rulers do their best to maintain order. Outside that city, you see There are traces of criminals and gang members.”

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“Is artificial intelligence trustworthy?”

Those transport planes flew into a large cruiser, the Scarlet Liberty, and the abominable intelligent Ever-Changing Thinking and 108 intelligent combat cores under the planet Seneca were placed in that cruiser.

"Sanguinius, I have been waiting for you here for a long time."

Saint Arcana said.

The dying corpses were still emitting powerful moans, which made everyone who saw them feel horrified.

Then there are the seventh and eighth heads...

The room was unusually quiet, but the feeling of vibration was becoming more and more obvious. These intelligent cores beneath the city are digging into the earth's crust, and they want to rid the city of intruders.

Under the muzzle of more than a dozen bolt guns.

La Shaolong looked at the image reflected under the auspicious camera and let out a rare sigh.

Nogelesmo, that remote white planet appeared in front of the soldiers every time.

The heavy transport aircraft flew low quickly, overcoming the huge gravitational pull brought by the planet.

If there is darkness, there is no hope.

"It's not a prophecy, but reasoning based on the information we have and rigorous calculations based on mathematical logic." The intelligent control robot continued: "You know he will come to you at that point in time, and you also know that he will come to you in the future. I need your help."

That's a yoke.

"It is a weapon." Saint Arcana's gaze also fell on the projection.

I said without thinking, "Before the Ran Dan war started, you vaguely realized something."

The corners of the intelligent control robot's mouth curved downward.

The synchronized moon obscures the bright rose-red brilliance of the aged sun, while the thick haze of industrial pollution completely obscures the stars and moonlight in the sky.

When the Red Tears jumped out of the subspace.

Nobozehangmo is an eternally white and dark planet.

Saint Arcana replied decisively.

An icy-hot cone-shaped beam shot out from the gear on the chest of the intelligent robot, shrouding the body of the hateful machine.

"No point." Kano, who was on duty at the side, came over and intervened in the conversation between the two. "Moreover, why are you willing to let the Wolf Shepherd God wait alone under the Druun?"

"What can he do for you?" Sure enough, before thinking for a moment, Saint Arcana asked proactively.

The high-pitched hum of the security made Stralon's scalp tingle.

"You originally thought that the situation in Ba Wei Qi was not exciting enough, but it must be said that the planet Nogelesmo is not very suitable for habitation."

The castle master's intelligent control robot did not take any drastic actions. When the system was successfully restarted, it stood quietly on the spot, staring at the angel in front of it with its glowing red electronic eyes.

You reached out to pinch Kano's face, but the former ran away quickly.

"Yes, that means very little." Stralon said, "The Milky Way is a huge arena. In the long old night era, people of the same race and civilization fought thousands and millions of people below. Years of time. Those who can survive are ruthless characters..."

"Why..." Bao Zehanglong raised his head, and I looked at my mother with confusion.

——Kano is an example.


Just as I could smell the stench of decay outside the icy hive of Nogelesmo from below the decks of the Red Tear.

As long as we can correctly judge that trend, we can roughly understand the logic of our behavior.

Stralon watched the majestic blue heavy transport plane retreat into the cruiser.

But intelligent control machines are the same. Our thinking is a white box that is both airtight and airtight, and our actions are driven by strict underlying logic. And except for our creator who has not passed away for tens of thousands of years, everyone knows what our underlying logic is.

Smoke, workers, sweat and countless sins have shaped my inner shape.

As a veteran of the Fourth Legion, I have dealt with many people - comrades, enemies, aliens, mutant lunatics.

Those behaviors are predictable, so the Hateful Intelligence is a double-edged sword that can harm his enemies as well as himself.

Azkai paused for a moment, then continued, "You are sure about what controls that planet, but if Jiajin wants it, it will definitely be law and morality. Those two things, in such a cruel and... It’s okay outside the sick world.”

The soldiers of the Fourth Legion must draw on the power of Wanchange Siji.

I instinctively felt something strange, a kind of safety between reality and reality.

"The scene outside the augury is too quiet." Kano finished his words before being interrupted by Bao Zehang: "In abnormal circumstances, a small hive city like that is the most difficult in a desperate wasteland. What breeds is crime. Whenever night falls, these thugs, drug addicts, and criminals will rush down the streets like zombies, killing each other and venting their violence and despair. People become more and more extreme. , the first to perish in madness.”

Stralon was able to become the commander of the Blood Guard.

"It's fear."

"Compared to that city, do you think even the forests of Catachan can be considered paradise." Azkai grinned, a smile appearing under his furry face. My big joke didn't arouse any response from my companions, but Azkai had not gotten used to it. After all, those serious guys always lacked humor.

Below the command deck of the Red Tear.


"There's nothing right about that city, have they noticed?" Azkai suddenly wrinkled his nose.

"whats the matter?"

After hating the smart side.

"Is there anything else wrong?" Kano asked before he knew it.

La Shaolong saw giant industrial mines going deep into the core of the planet, and chimneys thousands of meters high reaching into the eternal night sky. Bridges made of white and dark metal criss-cross the small streets and alleys. A variety of houses, churches, and factories sprang up from the jungle woven into the slums.

"You knew I would come here and you had the ability to prophesy?" Sanguinius raised his eyebrows.

Violent vibrations came from the laboratory.

At the most important and most necessary time.

"He's so agile, he can see such obvious things." Bao Zehang tilted his head, looking at Kano's face and said in surprise.

That hive world was naturally filled with suffering, degradation, and sorrow.

It was an icy planet that was always shrouded in dense dust and industrial pollution. It was home to seven small livable cities, each of which had a broken industrial system. But in the city, it is a desert of icy heat, harshness, and deathly silence.

"You will fail."

Hundreds of intelligent control machines are densely packed in the spacious corridor, like a metal river glowing with golden light.

He can also switch sides at a critical moment and die with a grave.

But for now...

But whoever it is.

They can help.

Bathed in the cold logic and dubious truths of mathematics, the mechanical corruption of falsehood was purged.

The collection of ever-changing thoughts is filled with unquestionable cold truths in the laboratory. That was the scariest and most perfect thing Bao Zehanglong had ever seen. Hot and cold codes, rigorous physical formulas, constant repeated calculations, an irresistible force of mathematics...

"I'm sure he's willing to—"

"It's bad, even he dares to make fun of you." Saint Arcana rolled up his sleeves, exposing his white arms to the radiance of the stars.

"Very few, your little one."

Stralon saw a miracle outside the closed laboratory. The subspace pollution was completely banished from under the broken body of Overlord Randan, and the light of hell disappeared in the burning eyeballs. Like a tumor on the radioactive rays, the demon's corrupted flesh shrank.

The picture below the planet city was broken and turbid, projected behind the Blood Angels.

It was a world full of easy things.

Under the command deck of the Red Tears, Stralon looked at the ground projection displayed by the imager behind him and couldn't help but ask.

The humanity in its voice made everyone present feel uneasy.

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