Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 34 His glory shines everywhere, and no one dares to compete with the scorching sun (please r

Dripping raindrops hung in the orange sky.

Then came the storm and the clouds.

They were roaring endlessly, like two magnificent gods fighting.

Hundreds of scarlet lightnings tore through the sky.

There is something.

It's unimaginable that something huge is about to appear.

The atmosphere visible to the naked eye seemed to be burning, and hundreds of people raised their heads.

Kano saw Radolon. Over the past few years, they had fought together, shared the joy of victory, and also quarreled and bled.

And now.

They were shocked by the same thing again.

He also saw angels.

The great angel stood on the bloody palace. The headless corpse of the mutant king fell at her feet. The sticky blood flowed along the wall, leaving bright red and dazzling traces.

She was staring too.

But there was no shock on her face, as if everything that happened at this time was within her expectations.


The previous conversation resurfaced in Kano's mind.

The arrogant title of "Emperor of all mankind, ruler of the entire galaxy" reappeared in Kano's consciousness.

He is coming.

With unimaginable majesty, strength and grace, it descended on Bawei.

An indescribable emotion brewed in Kano's heart.

Like a rolling thunderstorm, there was a constant rumble.

It was a glorious day of glorious days, when golden lightning flashed across the sky and a drizzle of rain turned into a downpour.

Golden light suddenly burst out from the gaps in the clouds.

Dazzling and brilliant.

Scarlet lightning danced between the sky and the ground like an inverted giant tree.

Kano instinctively opened his mouth and held his breath.

The scene that is happening in front of him must be firmly engraved in his soul.

From birth to death, never forget.


He saw the huge golden city falling from the sky.

The city is full of light and color.

Huge beyond imagination.

It was much larger than the bloody mountains they lived in.

And, more importantly, this magnificent palace was not shaped by thousands of years of geological movement. Rather, it is shaped by love, faith, and dreams.

This huge ship.

Each piece of steel plate is carefully shaped by craftsmen and cared for with love and faith.

Wing-shaped golden tips mark the end of the city.

Huge city walls.

It was steeper and taller than any cliff that Cano had ever seen.

The sudden explosion of engine sparks lit up the vast night-like hull, ensuring that this huge metal creation would not fall due to gravity.

"Angel above!"

Kano heard Radolon murmuring, "How does this thing float?"

This is just the beginning.

A loud rumbling sound shook the sky, and a smaller ship appeared next to the larger one, equally majestic and boundless, stirring up the wind and clouds.

Kano fell into numbness from the successive huge shocks and shocks.

He couldn't imagine it.

How many people and how long does it take to complete these great creations?

What kind of existence can allow so many people to decorate such a ship solely for interstellar voyages with such warm emotions?

The answer came quickly.

This boat was built with love, faith and passion.

Of course, his master must be deeply loved by everyone. It is impossible for ordinary people to inspire such creativity and dedication.

There was a roaring puff of steam.

Golden light flashed, the huge slope descended, and then slowly widened.

The slope descended, and the light came out from inside, illuminating the battlefield with a gentle and comfortable feeling. The smell of the cold mountain filled Kano's nose.

A figure appeared at the end of the slope.

Light and mist flowed like water waves at His feet.

Kano felt a chill running down his spine, and the flesh all over his body was trembling, as if tiny lightning bolts were flying across the surface of his skin.

He couldn't breathe.

The man slowly walked out of the golden battleship, surrounded by two rows of golden-armored gods.

But strangely, the man gave Kano the feeling that it was much larger than the battleship itself. The entire Baadil seemed to be looking forward to the arrival of this event.

He walked forward unhurriedly.

The figure gradually became clearer.

Tall, magnificent, glorious and powerful.

Groups of servo skeletons were released, covering the sky like dark clouds, and the microscopic camera clicked, recording the upcoming scene.

He moves beautifully, and the light and mist move with him.


Kano also saw it.

Although he didn't want to take his eyes away from the Emperor of Mankind. But he still noticed that a shadow also enveloped the plain where the battleship landed.

Carnot looked up and saw that the star's brilliance was obscured by the outline of a convex oval.

This is also the first time Kano has seen it in his life.

Bao Er was shrouded in the storm in the sky, and the light of the red scar gradually disappeared.


The light of the whole world comes from the figure in front of you.

The golden armor is dazzling, surrounded by wind and clouds.

The King of hosts in heaven and on earth descends among all peoples to rule over all mankind and all its territories.

His glory shines all around, and no one dares to compete with the scorching sun.

Again, undeniable. Mankind's Manifest Destiny appears before our eyes.

Kano's instinct told him.

It is time for him to kneel down and offer his loyalty and life to the Lord of all mankind.

But he didn't.

Neither did the other people of Bawei.

Even though the Lord of Humanity has already walked among them, he is so perfect and powerful. The ancient eyes hold infinite knowledge and the same burden.

The crimson warrior cloak fluttered in the wind, and he held an eagle-topped scepter in his left hand.

But the people of Baal did not kneel down.

Kano, Radolon, Kelly, and everyone else, all eyes fell on the angel.

The angel of the human empire, Primarch No. 9, the war angel who is about to conquer the galaxy, and the savior of Baal.

as well as--

The only daughter of the Emperor, Lord of Mankind.

The angel flapped its wings and slid down from the blood-stained city wall, landing lightly on the wide street.

She walked quickly and then knelt, her posture dignified and graceful.

Place your right hand on your chest.

Time that had been stopped begins to flow again.

All the people of Bawei followed the angel's movements and knelt down together to offer eternal loyalty to the Lord of Mankind.

Then there is a sentence.

From the mouths of angels, from the lips of all the children of Parvati.

From now until the end of time.

Eternal echo——

"All praise, Lord of Mankind!"

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