Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 38 The decisive battle with the spirit of revenge! (Seeking for further reading)

The meditator is placed in a compartment on the inside of the training ground.

This is a huge spherical device suspended from the ceiling with a smooth exterior.

But if you look carefully, you can see countless tiny electronic tubes densely packed on it. Accompanied by the low hum of the energy core, a faint green light will spread out from the center soon, like a small star. Small pebbles are thrown into the calm lake.

The spherical device is just one part of "The Meditator."

Its real body is hidden behind the walls and ceiling, while all operating desks, connection desks, imagers and medical equipment are immersed in twenty-four large sofas.

Each sofa is more than two meters long, and even the original body can easily sit on it.

"When first unearthed from the ruins, the Cogitator was only the size of an adult's head. But the Adeptus Mechanicus restored and reshaped this ancient instrument in order to realize its full capabilities, and what you see now is These things are actually the superfluous products of Mechanicism.”

Horus led Sanguinius into the compartment and pointed at the huge metal ball in front of him.

"Even so, it's full of a harmonious beauty."

Sanguinius withdrew his curious and thoughtful gaze from the "Thinker", and his amber eyes fell on the other people in the room.

"These are-"

Four Astartes warriors wearing moon-white armor with black edges received the order.

I was waiting here early.

Each of them had an extraordinary bearing and bright eyes. When Sanguinius looked at them, their eyes also lingered slightly on the angel.

"These are the mourners." Horus said with a smile. "My most proud sons, I have to introduce them to you."

"According to father's will, you may have to stay with me for a while. It is inevitable that I will not take good care of you. If you need anything, you can go to them directly. They are all dog-headed military advisors that I am proud of. , has a lot of clever ideas, and is a capable and trustworthy warrior.”

Horus winked at the angel, his tone full of pride.

"We met in the reception hall." One of the handsome warriors with a high nose and bright eyes spoke proactively, "I am Hastur Sejanus, captain of the fourth company of the Luna Wolves."

"You are as handsome and graceful as your father."

Sanguinius whispered.

Sejanus pursed his lips, and a flash of red light flashed across his face, but it was still keenly noticed by Horus.

"It's incredible that this proud little guy is so shy. I thought he would always look calm and composed." Horus laughed, then pointed at the person to the left of Sejanus and said, " This is my Captain Ezekiel Abaddon. Despite his serious appearance, he is actually strong and cunning, and he always gets me into trouble."

While Horus was talking, he swept his leg and kicked Abaddon on the butt.

The latter dodged nimbly.

The people around him seemed to be watching with their noses and noses, and similar interactions seemed to be commonplace and routine.

Abaddon is not particularly tall, but he is extremely strong.

The back is strong and the waist is strong, the muscles are strong and the bones are protruding.

The long hair is tied up with a silver hairband, like a proudly standing palm leaf or an ornament on a crown.

"This is a strong warrior," Sanguinius praised.

Although Horus was just a playful leg sweep, being able to dodge the attack of a primarch was still quite an impressive feat.

"I am impressed by your beauty," Abaddon said.

Horus frowned slightly. Abaddon was proud, but sometimes this pride would lead to his recklessness.

Am I too spoiled to these brats? The corner of Horus's eyes glanced over the angel's face, and he didn't see a sulky look on that face as bright as the bright moon, so he breathed a sigh of relief. .

Praise a primarch with beauty.

This is not appropriate.

"This is Tarik Togadon."

Horus continued, pointing out that the warrior he was pointing to was the tallest of the four and always had a wicked smile on his face.

"Your arrival has made the entire Soul of Vengeance shine brightly." Togaton blinked, "I would like to thank my father for giving us this opportunity. It is a great honor for us to be able to provide services to you."

"No, it's my pleasure," Sanguinius responded with a smile.

"This is Horus."

Horus pointed to the last warrior and spoke.

He is the shortest, his figure hidden in the shadows, only showing the outline of his facial features.


Sanguinius's eyes were filled with confusion.

"To be precise, it's Horus Asimand, not Horus Lupekel." Asimand took a step forward, walked into the light of the meditator, bowed and said, "It's a pleasure to meet you. See you soon, Lord Sanguinius."

"Many young warriors in the Sixteenth Legion like to use Horus as their name." Horus explained, "But this guy is the only one recognized as little Horus."

"Then he must be outstanding." Sanguinius admired sincerely.

"Okay, stop praising them."

Horus scratched the back of his shining head and said cheerfully, "Your praise is too damaging. If you continue to praise me, these brats will want to go to heaven."

"Alright, Abaddon."

Horus set his sights on the First Company Commander, "Go and activate the Thinker. I want to use this relic of the Golden Age. I hope those oil guys can do more reliable work and don't give me so many more treatments." Annoying things.”

"Sir, we have appeased the machine spirit."

Abaddon replied, "Everything will run smoothly. Happy fighting."

Abaddon entered a long list of commands on his gauntlet, and the originally quiet meditator began to become restless as the energy core supplied energy.

The huge blue-black ball hanging from the ceiling began to rotate faster and faster, and appeared in the closed room with a tiny flickering electric light.


Among the sounds of mechanical gears turning.

Two semicircular metal devices slowly hang down from the ceiling, covering directly above the sofa.

Horus took the first step and put the inverted bowl-shaped neural connection device on his bald head, then sat on the sofa. Sanguinius sat presentably on another sofa, wearing the same metal device. This sofa is very spacious, and you can sit on it easily and casually even with the wings spread out.

Then, streaks of light like oil paintings appeared in front of Sanguinius.

Then there was the smell of engine oil and the roaring sound of the battleship's engine.

"The scene is loading. Which scene should I choose?" Horus's troubled voice came, "Forget it, let's do this."

Scene loading - Spirit of Vengeance!

This time it was no longer the voice of Horus, but the crisp and sweet metallic ticking sound.

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