Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 5 Psykers and Mutants

In the endless painful wasteland, on the red desert, a line of seven large and small vehicles moved forward amidst the harsh roar of promethium engines, raising large swaths of dust and sand.

Each of these vehicles has been brutally modified. The hood and the iron sheets on both sides are covered with a large number of rusty spikes, and on the top of the vehicle are heavy multi-gun cannons.

Additional gas injection units were installed at the rear of the vehicle.

Those high-temperature and high-pressure gases can increase the speed of a vehicle to an incredible level in a short period of time. This allows these ferocious modified vehicles to chase down their prey as fiercely as bloodthirsty sharks, then tear them apart, chewing the blood full of pain and cowardice.

The first and largest car was a scarlet heavy truck. The spikes in front of the vehicle were interspersed with a dozen skulls that had rotted and turned black under the high temperature. The stench emanating from them filled the cab, making Lyle feel ecstatic. .

The only pity is.

These decorative skulls have been left here for far too long.

The smell of blood has become no longer strong, but more of a rancid smell that is not comfortable. But this small shortcoming is not a big deal to Lyle.


He seemed to be speaking to his companion beside him - a biochemically modified man who was more than two meters tall, with a collar around his neck and a 20-centimetre-high banned drug syringe inserted behind his back. It was also as if he was trying to temporarily suppress his inner feelings. He was furious and crazy with bloodthirsty. He kept muttering, and bright red saliva flowed from the gaps between his teeth and flowed down his chin.

He repeated, "Soon, soon we will have fresh skulls to decorate you, my little cutie, just thinking of the scene of warm blood spurting out from the neck that was torn apart alive makes me... I feel like the blood all over my body is boiling.”


The scarlet modified vehicle on the crotch.

It seems that Lyle's blasphemous whispers can be heard, and the contaminated machine spirit controls the engine to make a deafening roar. The speed of the already extremely fast vehicle increased again, raising sand and dust in the rumbling vibrations, roaring all the way over the raised sand dunes in front of it.

After that--


There was a huge explosion, and a gray-black mushroom cloud rose out of thin air behind the vehicle.

Its powerful shock wave caught up with the speeding car in an instant. Even though it was hundreds of meters away, Claire could still feel the violent bumps of the car.

The powerful shock wave caused the vehicle's already overloaded engine to instantly overheat, and with an unwilling buzzing sound, the abominable machine stalled. After drawing a deep ravine on the ground, it stopped and stopped moving.

"Stop napping here!"

Lyle viciously punched his companion Ralph in the face, and the alien cyborg opened his mouth and let out an angry roar. He was once a human being, but his mind had been completely destroyed by the successive cruel experiments and transformations and tragic physical mutations. Today's Ralph is a bloodthirsty hound who sometimes hurts his master.

Fortunately, maybe he was attracted by the violent explosion.

Ralph did not choose to attack his teammates at this time. At Lyle's urging, Ralph tore open the car door and stepped out of it. As the banned drugs from the syringe on his back were injected into his blood vessels, the excessive stimulants and adrenaline made Ralph even more irritable. His teeth were grinding, a low and rapid roar came from his mouth, and his eyes were as red as blood. .


Lyle followed closely and jumped out of the modified car.

His nostrils were filled with the sweet smell of promethium burning violently. Behind the buttocks of the parked vehicle, gray-black smoke pillars slowly rose from the burning vehicle, and the crisp crackling sound heralded a fierce exchange of fire.

It was an unfair fight and they were ambushed.

Before the mutants and modified people loyal to the Brass Brotherhood had time to climb out of the carriage, they were sprayed alive into a sieve by dense tongues of fire. Some unlucky ones died in the toxic smoke and blazing fire, and the screams of those guys still echoed in Lyle's ears.


Lyle didn't care whether the fight was fair or not.

He doesn't even care about the life and death of his companions.

As long as he smells the bloody smell, he will become manic, lose his mind, and turn into a bloodthirsty beast!

"Ah! That's it! Fighting each other, how wonderful..."

In a fit of excitement, Lyle activated his weapon—a vicious, over-modified chainsword. This rusty brass sword not only has red rust spikes on its blade, but also has sharp spikes on its handle. When Lyle uses this weapon, he will be damaged by his own weapon before damaging the enemy. He is a mutant who tears people alive. Such injuries will not make him weak. The pain will only make Lyle more crazy.


The chainsword activates and slashes!

A thin pure-blooded warrior was convulsing and shaking as the sawtooth turned, and blood spurted out from the wound on his neck. The warrior's face gradually turned pale, and the light in his black pupils dimmed.


The sound of a corpse falling to the ground.

"The first one." Lyle muttered silently in his heart, and the smell of blood in his nose relieved his hunger and thirst. He calmly targeted his second prey, a young boy holding a shotgun.


Severe pain shot from my shoulder.

Half of Lyle's body lost consciousness in an instant. He raised his head and looked at the flashing light in Kano's hand. The expression on his face was stunned at first, and then became extremely greedy like a greedy glutton discovering delicious food, "Psychic!?"

"My companions will kill your compatriots first, and I will taste your pain before executing you. Even for me, you are a unique prey!" Lyle sprinted towards Kano, The expression on his face became more ferocious due to pain.


Cano fired three times.

Unfortunately, the homemade shotgun has limited power and is not enough to penetrate Lyle's brass armor that has been blessed and integrated with flesh and blood. He simply threw the shotgun in his hand aside, pulled out the short knife on his belt, and said with a sneer, "Everything will be different from now on. I will hunt you until the last mutant is removed from this sacred land." Disappeared!"


The weapons of the two collided together, and sparks flew everywhere in an instant.

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