Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 55 Reunion of the Legion (Part 1) (please follow up)

Taja Pentalos.

A world forever enveloped in harsh climate, it is also a world called home by poor degenerate mutants.

They rejected requests for peaceful submission to the Empire, so they will be purged. The entire Legion of Astartes gathered, ready to bathe their hated kingdom in mutant blood.

"Amit, why are we here!"

Captain Cahill's voice woke me from my thoughts of killing.

I turned around and saw Cahill baring his teeth like a caged cat. Anger and the desire to kill distorted his facial features that were as perfect as works of art, and the entire Thunderhawk gunship was enveloped in the gushing smell of blood.

We were mobilized to this planet from the battlefield by Legion Commander Osuran, leaving the slaughterhouse just around the corner.

We thought we would be facing a more brutal war.

But, no.

Hundreds of companies from the Ninth Legion rode various landing vehicles, passed through the endless storms on the planet Pentalus, and landed on a vast plain.

"This rally is a waste of time!"

Cahill's voice sounded again, with pure, cold anger.

He anxiously walked around the cabin of the Thunderhawk gunship, and his heavy breathing continued to come from the breathing grille.

Before leaving Nisander, he had torn open the door of the last fortress. He should have massacred the enemy's military base, using the broken corpses to form a cruel mountain, and letting the blood gather on the ground to form a river.

But because of the damn order from the legion commander.

All of this is gone. The soldiers of the entire legion are gathered here, but we have not seen any trace of the enemy.

"Go back to your seat and shut your stinky mouth!" I couldn't stand Cahill's endless roar, so I reprimanded him mercilessly. I am the champion of the 5th Company, the beast among beasts, I have killed more than double digits of Astartes warriors at my hands, and I am the only one who can silence these damned beasts.

Cahill gave me a hard look, but he controlled his impatience.

He returned to his seat, took off his helmet, ignored the violent shaking and vibration of the vehicle, and rubbed the sharp chain sword over and over again.

I know he is imagining how to use this long sword to cut my body open in the duel cage, but such fantasies can only stay in his mind and will never become reality. Because I am naturally stronger than others, I have fought hundreds of fights in the duel cage and have never lost.

"We're out of the storm!"

The pilot's voice came from the rustling announcement, "There are still three minutes until landing."

Through the open hatch, I could already see that many brothers had gathered here on the plain with sparse weeds below. They were also confused, talking to each other, or complaining to each other.

I couldn't help but also have many doubts in my mind.

On the last occasion.

When was the last time so many brothers of the Ninth Legion gathered together.

I can't remember it at all.

We have been scattered for too long and turned our backs on glory for too long.

While the soldiers of other legions were celebrating victory, we were fighting on the most cruel and dark battlefield in the entire galaxy.

In the darkness where the soldiers of other legions could never hold on, we remained silent, repelling wave after wave of enemy attacks without any support.

What other legions can do, we can also do.

And what we can do.

No other legion can do it.

We are ghouls.

Is a bloodthirsty person.

We are ghosts on the battlefield, but we also have our own pride.

We do not need to maintain brotherly feelings, nor do we need grand ceremonies, or even glory.

I am a Space Marine of the Ninth Legion, a beast with the face of an angel.

I just want to slaughter, tear my enemies to pieces.

Unlike the soldiers of other legions who try to build a glorious empire, we will only build bloody morgues one after another in the cold galaxy.

We are the ghosts, destroying any area that stands in the way of the Imperial expedition.

We are the Terror, released by the Emperor into the stars, carving a path stained red with blood.

There is a darkness in our hearts that cannot be filled. There is no redemption and no need for redemption. The darkness that cannot be filled will only push us to the brink of destruction, and then usher in the cruelest death.

I never complained about my situation, nor did I care about the painful ending.

My duty is unappreciated, but we perform it with joy, and as long as blood is needed, then we will be satisfied.

Thunder splits the clouds.

At the same time, the thunder was as loud as distant artillery fire.

The heavy rain paused for a moment, and the Ninth Legion gathered on the muddy plain, waiting for the legion commander's request. There were no humans on the scene, because this was a matter for the Astartes.

The leader of the legion, Osuran, stood in front of the legion.

A powerful figure, a graceful savage.

Our bloodthirsty nature seems to have paused briefly as the rainstorm stopped. The ghouls are waiting, the storm is waiting, the light of the stars is waiting, and even the whole world is waiting.

A few moments that felt like an eternity.

The Space Marines of the entire Ninth Legion are gathered here. Every company, every soldier, and all military forces are deployed here. What else do we need to wait for, and who do we need to wait for?

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

Then I heard a sound.

It was the roar of more Stormbirds entering the atmosphere.

Hearing this sound, my teeth and hair stood up together. I had an inexplicable nausea intuition. My second heart jumped sharply. My breathing was tight, sweat flowed from my forehead, and my muscles expanded under the armor. .

I don't know what's going on.

I have never felt such a chaotic mix of emotions.

I took off my helmet and breathed in the rainy air. I smelled the blood of the Astartes. I saw that Captain Cahir had bitten his lip and the blood was flowing down his chin.

This feeling is intensified as the stormbirds approach.

That's not our ship.

The Stormbird was pearl white and bore the emblem of the Sixteenth Legion, which was the vehicle of the Luna Wolf.

"We were not notified of such a thing!"

Cahill gritted his teeth, and several other company commanders also made the same harsh words.

Then the senior commanders of several legions shouted explosive questions towards the legion master, but Osuran did not answer and just stood there silently.

The restless legion slowly calmed down.

We returned to our disciplined appearance and waited together like sculptures.

Watching the vehicles landing in perfect formation one after another, the Stormbird opened, and in less than a minute, the soldiers of the 16th Legion walked out of the steps, with capped helmets blocking their faces, the ends of their bolters polished by rituals and baptized by war. On the chest, a solemn and deadly image, the power armor reflects the light of lightning.

The last Stormbird, emblazoned with Cosonia-style war oaths.

To our eyes, the Stormbird seems to be enveloped in a hazy, divine light.

My whole body was in anticipation of what was going to happen next, my jaw clenched so hard my teeth felt like they were cracking.

"Is it Horus Luperkar?"

Cahill asked several of us in a low voice, his voice losing the anxiety and pure anger before.

Like a child who has done something wrong, he is trembling, with a kind of uneasiness and uneasiness from the bottom of his heart, and the expectation of being rejected.

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