Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 58 Blood Thirst (Part 2) (please follow up)

The most powerful warriors in the entire legion were able to follow the angel's wings and fight beside her.

Most of those people's armors are gray, representing the veterans of the Ghost Legion.

On a gray background.

A flash of bright red on the battlefield is extremely conspicuous.

That was Radolon, wearing armor of the same color as Kano, rising on the battlefield at incredible speed.

Not only is he famous among the Ninth Legion, but also among the highly disciplined Sixteenth Legion, Radolon's strength has also been recognized by many commanders.

At the Battle of Ossinis.

Radolon and Sejanus led the elite troops of the two legions to jointly raid the last empty fortress on the planet, successfully overloading the shield generator and shutting down the enemy's counterattack, completely crushing the enemy's counterattack.

At the end of the war, Radolon was honored by the two Primarchs, the Angel and the Wolfman.

Even throughout the Great Crusade, only a handful of Space Marines were able to receive such an honor.

It is truly enviable for Radolon to achieve such achievements within just two and a half years of becoming a Space Marine.

While on Baobab.

Although Kano admits that his overall strength is not as good as Radolon. But in his impression, the gap between the two was only ninety-five to one hundred.

But I never thought that Kano's strength of 95 points was because he only had this level. And Radolon showed 100% of his strength because the harsh environment of Bawei only allowed him to show part of his ability.

When Radolon's talent was truly unleashed during the Great Crusade, Kano felt that there was already a sadly thick barrier between the two.

In the center of the furnace of war, Radolon roared and destroyed the rabble that tried to get close to the battlefield.

The angel's shining wings were stained with blood and engine oil.

Even to the eyes of a Space Marine, the angel's movements were so fast that they were a blur.

Moreover, because of the special vision brought by her precognition ability, each of her attacks is precise and deadly, and sometimes it is even impossible to distinguish the cause and effect.

She was not wearing a helmet.

The terrifying glory lay exposed, in a web of energy weapons and flying projectiles.

The angel's beauty had been polluted, covered with a layer of dust and dirt, and her long golden hair was wet and tangled with blood.

But Kano still noticed the angel's eyes, which were the most beautiful things he had ever seen, and the emotions contained in them exceeded anger.

Kano didn't even know what words to use to describe it.

A kind of cold, merciless rage, barely restrained by the armor around her. The brilliance was terrifying, and the endless light was frightening.

Kano was only slightly attracted by the beautiful scenery for two or three breaths, but the angel had already defeated the most powerful warrior in this mutant empire, shattered his armor, and threw his body into a burning purgatory.

He forced himself to look away from the angel.

Focus on what's at hand.

He arrogantly crossed the abandoned fortress and directly smashed a stone wall in front of him.

Although he is far from a monster like Radolon, among the same group of Space Marines, Kano is still among the best. He is a psyker. For more than ten years, he has used psychic energy to stimulate his muscles continuously, giving him a powerful physique that far exceeds that of ordinary space warriors.

Even wearing ordinary Mark III power armor, Kano is still taller than the veterans wearing Terminator power armor.


The wall was easily pushed down by Kano, and the burning beams fell from above.

At the moment when he was buried in the ruins, Kano jumped out of the fortress and came to the street behind.

It was a slope covered with blackened debris, with flames burning everywhere on both sides. Some abandoned cars were emitting piercing sirens, and the bodies of seven or eight mutants fell to the ground.

Some were soldiers wearing armor, while others were just civilians affected by the war.

Kano gasped.

He became increasingly anxious, eager to meet a new opponent around the next corner.


An explosion occurred in a family vehicle parked on the side of the road.

This incident was not what Kano expected. He was staggered by the sudden shock wave.

He leaned his shoulders heavily against the flame-blackened wall on his left side, thus maintaining his body's balance and preventing him from falling to the ground in embarrassment.

"damn it!"

Kano cursed under his breath.

He recalled the points that Purvis had taught him and forced himself to stay calm.

When he was about to leave the ruins of what was once a small shopping mall, he felt like the soles of his feet touched something.

The Space Marine's ceramite armor looks very clumsy, like a steel can armed to the teeth, but it is actually more agile than people imagine.

Every component is closely connected to the black carapace implanted in the body.

When he touches objects in the outside world while wearing armor, the touch perceived by his brain is even clearer and more distinct than using his own palms.

Cold, soft, moist——

Kano lowered his head and saw a body buried in the rubble.

She is one of the residents of this city, a soldier. The traces of transformation are not obvious. She is wearing silver-white metal armor, but her helmet has been removed.

Unlike the deceased Kano had encountered before, this soldier had no shocking wounds.

In fact, Cano didn't see any serious damage at all.

The armor plates on his body were mostly intact.

However, the woman's supposedly beautiful face now looked terrifying. Her facial features were twisted, embodying pain, despair, and horror. Her skin was pale white, as white as spoiled milk, with no trace of blood visible and almost translucent.

Kano could see the muscles beneath the skin, withered and dry.

Her eyeballs bulged out of their sockets, her cheeks were sunken close to the bones, and her slender neck bore marks of being torn by teeth.

Kano reached out and gently touched her wound.

When he pulled his hand back, the mark left by his finger was still on it.

"The blood was drained from her body." Kano took a deep breath and recognized the cause of this woman's death with just one glance.

On Baobab.

There is a mutant plant called the Vampire Vine.

This plant normally disguises itself as a ball of sparkling liquid.

But once the unlucky person who doesn't know the truth chooses to get close, the magic vine will reveal its cruel nature, clinging to the prey like a greedy snake, and will not give up until all the blood is drained from its body.

But now this woman was obviously attacked by some kind of creature.

“I met a big fish this time!”

After realizing this, Kano's heart beat violently, and a smile involuntarily spread across his lips.

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