Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 65: War is like iron felt (please follow up)

"Damn it, my chief company commander, can you still keep moving?"

Nomin's feeble voice sounded in Vaughn's ears, and he felt like his head was buzzing.

Everything he looked at was blurry. The tall buildings and flaming valleys around him seemed to be spinning around him, and the continuous explosions were ripped away from his consciousness.

"Company commander, my company commander."

Nomine's chattering and crying continued, leaving Vaughn without even a moment's rest: "If you don't lead the brothers into action quickly, the survivors we have worked so hard to retain will be afraid." It’s going to fall into the belly of the cousins ​​of the Ninth Legion.”


Vaughn slapped himself twice on the head.

He shivered and forced his consciousness out of the confusion.

Although what Nomine just said was a joke, if things really continue to develop, this possibility may not become a reality.

Everyone knows.

The Ninth Legion is the Emperor's executioner.

They are powerful, but their fighting methods are cruel and barbaric.

He doesn't care at all about the life and death of mortals, and sometimes he doesn't even care about the lives of his teammates.

Why is it the Ninth Legion?

Vaughn had mixed feelings.

Hopes and expectations, fears and worries.

Two completely opposite emotions were intertwined in his thinking, of course the former occupied a greater proportion.

The combat effectiveness of the Ninth Legion is unquestionable.

They have proven themselves in brutal battles in the past.

But again, their nature requires a bit of restraint, and Vaughan isn't sure he'll be able to maintain the necessary situation when the time comes.

But he had to survive the orcs before he had a chance to try.

If dead.

There is really nothing left.

"Let's keep going!" Vaughan gasped.

They had just encountered a group of orcs on the road to Cyberport. The warlord led by them was even more than two heads taller than Vaughn in Terminator armor.

Although they succeeded in tearing apart the enemy's blockade and beheading the savage greenskin warlord.

But Vaughn was also seriously injured.

His muscles were torn due to the brutal blows of the orc warlord, his head was buzzing, his internal organs were bleeding, his left thigh seemed to be broken, and every step he took forward was painful.

I can't rest!

War is iron felt, it forges those who can withstand it.

"Keep going!"

Vaughn gave the order, hiding his pain behind an iron-black exterior.

The remaining legions regrouped and marched rapidly towards Cyberport under the leadership of the chief company commander.

Their time is limited, and every minute they delay increases the chance of being completely trapped in the world of Corcyra. They have to find a way to escape from here before everything is completely over.

Perhaps it was Cyberport that attracted all the orcs' firepower.

During the next journey, the soldiers of the 18th Legion did not encounter a large group of orc attacks.

A small number of roaming greenskins were crushed mercilessly by them.


When dusk comes.

Cyberport appeared in front of the soldiers of the Eighteenth Legion.

The light of the star has been completely obscured by the orange flame cloud, and the whole world is illuminated red by the blazing flames of war.

You can't tell the time changes by just looking at the sky. Only through the full battlefield perception module on the power armor can you accurately identify the increasingly urgent time.

When Vaughn and the others arrived at Cyberport, the place was already in flames.

The little bit of organization that the greenskins showed when they fired at the narrow pass was still gone at this moment. Now the orcs' machine guns were firing aimlessly, and every tall building in the city had become a tempting target.

Orc armies from the north and south have breached the city walls.

The entire city is within the range of their artillery fire, and a large number of greenskins are rampaging through the city.

On the launch pad of Cyberport, the hurricane blew away the ashes produced when the shells exploded. Vaughan looked up at the sky reddened by the war and the arc of the shells across the sky.


There was a loud noise in the distance, like the sound of waves crashing against a dike.

A thousand-meter-tall steel building collapsed.

The overwhelming and majestic scene forced thousands of orcs to roar with excitement.

"These monsters they live for destruction and destruction."

Nomine suddenly spoke, his tone full of literature and sadness that had nothing to do with his rough and dark appearance: "It took countless people tens or hundreds of years to build this star port, but it only takes a short time to destroy it." moment."

"These orcs are just wasting their resources. There is no war left for them to enjoy."

Vaughn squinted his eyes and replied: "But they will not be satisfied with this. They will not stop here. Unless their bodies are completely destroyed, the war will never end."

"We don't have much time left."

Nomine took a deep breath.

There were sounds of firefights in the distant sky, and Stormbirds were firing at the orcs who dared to approach.

A huge shadow flew toward the sky from the burning Cyberport. It was a transport ship filled with refugees.

A large number of orc armed forces suddenly became excited like flies that discovered cow dung, and began to fire at the transport ship with a variety of messy weapons.

The small void shield on the transport ship swayed with light, reaching the edge of overload in just a few breaths.

Vaughn opened fire on the orks at close range in an attempt to provide fire support to the transport ship.

There was a blue-purple flash in the sky.

Although its light is weak, it also illuminates the surrounding void.

"Commander, an airship is approaching in our direction."

Nomine's voice sounded in the communicator. The second company commander was exchanging fire with a group of savage orcs. The rumble of artillery fire could be heard in the sizzling sound of electricity.

"It looks like it should be right."

Vaughn breathed a sigh of relief: "Brothers, it's time to prepare to evacuate."


An extremely bright beam of light streaked across the sky. It was so dazzling that the flames burning on it almost solidified.

But it was so dangerous, and the dull roar came from the distant sky after a few breaths.


The airship that represented hope and its blue-purple halo were engulfed in flames.

The void shield on the airship couldn't even hold on for a blink of an eye.

Momentarily overloaded and then disintegrated.

Metal fragments melted into countless fireworks and fell.

Vaughn felt that his two hearts also disintegrated along with the airship.

It was shattered all over the place, and the body was as cold as if it had fallen into an ice cave.

To make matters worse, the machine underfoot began to shake violently. Standing on the edge of the steel support and looking down, the boundless orcs surrounded the platform like a green tide.

They were attracted by the sound of crossfire when Vaughn opened fire to cover the retreat of civilians.

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