Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 72: Racing with Uncle Hei (Please Order)

Chapter 71 Racing with Uncle Black (please order)

The Fire Dragon Lord's flagship is called the Forge Flame. This Glory Queen-class battleship was personally designed by the original body himself and forged and spliced ​​together in a foundry on Mars.

The Fire Dragon Lord, Archangel, Vaughn, Azkelon and the elite warriors of the two legions took a shuttle to the reception hall of the Forge Flame.

The floor of this circular hall is carved from a huge piece of basalt without any cracks or gaps.

First look over.

This hall looks a bit simple, but if you look carefully, you will find its ingenuity.

The columns of the rotunda are engraved with Nocturne stars and monsters that only exist in myths and legends. Small Neil Lizards and Dark Winged Dragon lamp totems hover on the surface of the rock. They represent the tenacious vitality of Nocturne stars and hint at the people of this world. As indestructible as it is.


With the operation of the gravity support.

The entire hall and the warriors above were sinking rapidly.

Rows of steel structures and heavy armored vehicles parked in the weapons depot passed by. Azkelon has begun to swallow his saliva. The remaining soldiers of the 18th Legion are less than half of the 9th Legion, but the wealth of the family is really unbelievable.

These heavy weapons——

Azkelon's desire to learn some skills from the soldiers of the Eighteenth Legion became stronger and stronger.

When the rotunda arrived at the launch port on the lower floor of the battleship, it stopped. The door on the right slowly opened toward both sides under the pull of the hinges. A cold breath rushed towards the face from behind the shining door, which made people unbearable. I shivered.

The right chord launch port of the Forge Flame was transformed into a size large enough to accommodate large armor, and one of the bulkheads was still opened, because only in this way can the huge body of this steel beast be placed inside.

The overall shape resembles a storm torpedo.

But a war weapon with a huge drill, thick armor and ferocious tracks appeared in front of everyone.

"This is a termite assault drill. I named it the Flame Spear." Vulcan said in a deep voice. Without the need for a loudspeaker, his own voice was enough to echo between the overlapping steel plates:

“When Terra was liberated, the soldiers of the 18th Legion used his power to break through the blockade of the oligarchic ruling group Ethnarchy in the Caucasus Mountains, completing a task that ordinary people would never think possible.

Except for the Emperor at that time.

No one can believe that your brother will come back alive.

But just when everyone thought that the 18th Legion had completely fallen, they returned triumphantly from an extinct volcano near Corosas. "

"The Battle of Storm Corridor, I've heard about this battle."

Azkelon's voice sounded in the communication channel, "The 18th Legion is the largest among the founding war groups. But in the Battle of the Storm Corridor, they suffered huge losses, from nearly 30,000 people to The number was reduced to less than a thousand people.

More than sixty years have passed.

To this day, that war still affects them.

The Eighteenth Legion, like us in the past, rarely deployed on large-scale frontline battlefields, but was sent to perform various scattered tasks. "

"And now, this war beast has been recast by me!" The Fire Dragon Lord's majestic voice sounded again, "The combination of Terra's technology and Nocturne's craftsmanship has created a miracle in front of you. It will prove that there is no such thing as anything in this world. The fortress can stand and we will accomplish a feat!

This termite assault drill that can cross the void is equivalent to a high-explosive torpedo that can carry thousands of soldiers!


Let me and our blood relatives witness the destruction of those aliens! "

"Have you heard, my heirs! We will wield the hammer of war and bring destruction to all enemies of the empire!"

The archangel also joined in the speech.

The two primarchs stood side by side, thousands of rays of light bursting out.

The fire is burning!

"We have been waiting for this moment for too long!" Vaughn roared, waving the power claw in his hand, "We are willing to follow you to the death!"

"Then let's go!"


In total, thousands of Astartes warriors from both Legions were chosen to board the Flame Spear.

The Red Tear was currently engaging in a head-on confrontation with the Orcs' Battle Moon, while Vulcan's fleet was outflanking it from the side.

The fleet led by Vulkan was not large in scale, but these warships were forged by Mars and Nocturne and were powerful enough to catch the orcs off guard.

According to the plan formulated by the Archangel and Vulcan.

Termites should not be the sharp arrows that pierce the heart in front of the orcs, but the deadly hammers swung from the darkness.

call out!

When the first torpedo hit the Orcs' broken battleship.

Only then did the greenskins realize that they were surrounded, and they responded immediately.

A large number of orc warships left the gravitational range of the Atum planet and flew towards the Forge Flame like a school of sardines in the sea.

So far.

The first steps of the two Primarchs' plans were successful.

The hasty Ork fleet was unable to respond to the emerging enemy at a perfect angle.

Vulkan's fleet lay in front of the Orcs, like a dam before the tide. Dozens of Orc warships exploded one after another. The angry Orcs gave up their duty to defend the Battle Moon and headed towards the Forged Flame like angry wasps. Chase.

"The second step of the plan was successful!"

In the slightly cramped cabin of the termite, Archangel and Uncle Black sat side by side.

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The Assault Drill designed for the Astartes obviously had some difficulty in accommodating the body shape of the original body. Relatively speaking, the Archangel, who was much smaller in stature, was fine. Just sit on the ground with your legs crossed and lower your head slightly, and there won't be much of a problem.

But Vulkan, who was tall and muscular, was in bad luck.

He had to wrap his hands around his thighs and curl up into a ball before he could barely squeeze into the cabin.

He couldn't even raise his head, so he could only bend forward as much as possible.

Fortunately, there is no need to maintain this posture for too long, otherwise the Archangel would have helped find a master to press Uncle Hei's cervical spine.

The archangel sat in the passenger seat.

He moved his butt as far to the left as possible to make some room for Vulcan.

"my brother."

Angel had a slightly embarrassed and speechless smile on his face: "When you were making this machine, didn't you expect that the current situation would happen?"

Vulkan was holding a steering wheel that seemed like a toy for his size.

He said angrily:

"Actually, I didn't expect that this machine would be put into war so soon. I haven't had time to renovate its internal structure and operating system. I'm really sorry."

"That means there will never be any problems in other aspects?" Archangel blinked and asked with a smile.

"Of course!"

Vulcan raised his head and accidentally hit the ceiling above his head.

He quickly continued to lean forward, "You can always trust the blacksmith's hammer."

In front of the two primarchs.

There are seventeen or eight large and small display screens.

The 360-degree environment around the Termite Assault Drill and the scenes observed in real time by the two Glory Queen-class battleships, the Cast Flame and the Red Tear, can be clearly seen on these screens. This is why the Archangel has to squeeze in here with Uncle Black.

As a commander.

They must ensure that they get first-hand, most accurate information.

Be ready to issue subsequent war orders at any time.


When the Forge Flame panned to a certain angle, a battle moon with an open door appeared on the screen in the center of the Termite Assault Drill. The dense ravines and disorganized steel structures were exposed in front of the two original bodies. The Archangel even saw the explosion marks left by the previous storm torpedoes on its surface.

"It's now!"

The archangel urged, with excitement in her voice, and she patted Vulcan's back with her wings: "This opportunity cannot be missed, time does not wait for me!"

"Heirs, hold on to the handles, we are about to set off!"

Vulcan roared.

The accelerator was stepped down hard, and the huge body of the Termite Assault Drill exploded out of the launch port in an instant.

Amidst the roar of the engine, a strong pushing feeling came suddenly.

On the screen in front of you.

The bumpy battle moon is rapidly enlarging.

Until the entire field of view is occupied!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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