Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 83 The Death World Catachan (please order)

Chapter 82 The Death World Catachan (please order)

Aligena was standing on the upper command deck of the Dark Star at this time, his deep eyes staring at the boundless void outside through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows in front of him.

He is a member of the Dark Eldar clan and comes from the dark city of Gomo.

decades ago.

There are no such things as Dark Eldar and Ark Eldar in this universe. All the Eldar, his kind, live in one great empire. But one day, silently, an irreparable disaster happened.

Accompanied by a scream from the depths of the subspace.

Prince of Darkness, Lady of Joy.

Born in the waves of subspace, his first cry completely destroyed this ancient and great country.

The ancient civilization of the Eldar has perished.

The rest are just the afterimages of the past that have tried every means to survive.

Among them, the dark spirit tribe living in Gemo is one of them.

Gomor is a prosperous trading port in the Eldar Warp Network, where countless wealth has been accumulated over thousands of years. The residents living here were lucky enough to escape the disaster caused by the birth of the Prince of Darkness.

They continue their traditions.

Have fun and do everything you can to release your twisted and hateful desires.

He regards himself as the orthodox inheritor of the Eldar clan, and believes that he does not need to bear any responsibility for the fall of the Eldar clan.

But obviously.

Among the indulgent Dark Eldar, Arigena is an outlier.

He would think and reflect on what the Eldar had done.

Hope to learn from past history and experience.

The former Eldar had personally destroyed the great empire that their ancestors had worked so hard to build, disappearing into the terrible arcane torrent of warp space.

And now, will these dark elves who claim to be the orthodoxy of the elves repeat the same mistakes and destroy the last habitat of Gemo?

In Gemo society.

Aligena has his own fleet and a whole group of religious warriors who serve him loyally. He is an out-and-out high-ranking figure in Gemo.

But even so, he wanted to change the operating rules of Gemo society on his own.

It was also an impossible thing for him.

He had tried.

But the final result almost caused his sect to fall apart. For this reason, he had to choose to integrate into Gemo's rules, change it in his own way, and eliminate the disasters hidden in the darkness.

After the fall of the Eldar Empire.

Every Eldar soul is tied to the Lady of Joy.

To combat this spiritual connection, the Dark Eldar had to draw pain from their slaves as nourishment for their souls.

This means that if they want to survive, they must often go out and plunder intelligent creatures as slaves, and bring them back to Comoros to inflict all kinds of perverted torture.

If it were a normal situation, Aligena would not have to take action personally to capture slaves.

But this time the situation is different.


Prophecies handed down from ancient prophets.

On a certain dead planet covered by lush jungle, there is an artifact sealed.

This artifact from the subspace will one day destroy the Dark Sun Order of Gomo under his control.

Before the demise of the Eldar, the prophecies of the prophets were not taken seriously by people.

But since the birth of Slaanesh.

The remaining Eldar believed in the prophecies of the ancient prophets as truth.

Judging from some of the remaining information, there were prophets who accurately predicted the coming disaster a long time ago.

As a result, some Eldar survived. They were the Ark Eldar who used spaceships to wander the universe, and the Savage Eldar who lived in remote worlds.

This prophecy appears in ancient books.

It soon attracted the attention of Arigen, who personally led his fleet and warriors to the physical universe to nip the disaster before it was born.


The Dark Starry Sky sails at a constant speed in the universe.

It uses an ether sail to capture the spectral energy escaping in the webway for driving. The way it provides defense is also different from the brutal ceramite armor and void shields of human ships, but a more subtle and weird shadow force field.

No matter the conditions, Dark Eldar starships are agile and efficient.

After a few breaths, the Dark Star, traveling at full speed, passed a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers.

A dark green planet appeared in front of Aligena.

There are no oceans on this planet, and the surface is completely covered in lush jungles.

In the official records of the Human Empire, this seemingly easy-to-live planet is regarded as a dead world. The danger of the species on this planet can be imagined.

"Is it the planet in the prophecy?"

Aligenamo held his Nightmare Beheading Sword. Even for the strong and agile Dark Eldar, only the strongest warriors of the Order could wield this hideous weapon with both hands.

But Aligena held it in his left hand as easily as a toy.

"That's right." Tarik, the church warrior, replied, his tone filled with excitement for sadism and war.

"The extreme star field, number, both size and features are exactly as described in the prophecy. I dare to bet my head on it."

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Tariq licked his lips with his scarlet tongue, an eager expression on his face.

"Then let's get ready to go."

Aligena gave the order and repeated coldly:

"Remember, our first goal is to find the artifact in the prophecy, and our second goal is to capture as many slaves as possible on this planet and bring them back to Gemo. We want to be alive, and the dead will not feel the pain!"

"We understand!"

Tariq happily agreed, and the remaining warriors of the Order, including Aligena, quickly entered the Marauder spacecraft and sped towards the death world in front of them.



In an abandoned ruin deep in the jungle, the screams of his companions came from behind.

"Damn it, what kind of monster is this!" Tarik roared angrily, firing wildly with the poison crystal pistol in his hand, leaving strings of dark green billowing poison clouds on the monster's black carapace.

This monster is more than thirty meters long and looks like a mixture of a scorpion and a centipede.

It has huge claws, densely packed needle-like spider legs on its lower abdomen, its back is covered with a thick layer of chitinous black carapace, and there are highly poisonous scorpion needles at the end of the huge claws.

This monster looks like a giant biological tank.

As it attacked the ranks of the Dark Eldar, even these mad warriors felt fear.


The armor of the warriors of the order was easily torn apart by the monster.

This demon devoured the delicious internal organs of the warriors of the Order. The powerful vitality and overly sensitive perception of the Eldar allowed this unlucky guy to fully experience the feeling of his body being hollowed out and gradually approaching death.

Lady Joy's consciousness crossed the barrier between reality and subspace and came here, and her faint laughter sounded in the ears of the Dark Eldar.

"Damn it!"

Aligena's eyes changed slightly and he sprinted forward.

The nightmare decapitating sword in his hand thrust towards the monster's gaping fangs, spinning hard, and the foul-smelling blood gushes out like a fountain.

The remaining warriors of the Order woke up one after another, using poison crystal pistols, needle tail guns, thermal energy spears and other long-range weapons at hand to pour bullets towards weak points.

The monster struggled violently, many pillars collapsed, the ground shook, and smoke billowed up.

But eventually.

It still fell into a pool of blood and stopped moving.

Aligena looked at the warrior of the order lying in a pool of blood, feeling his soul being swallowed up by the Lady of Joy in despair. His expression became extremely ugly, but now was not the time to stay sentimental.

"Keep moving forward, stay vigilant!" he ordered, walking at the front of the team.

They walked down the moss-covered steps.

The surrounding light became dimmer, the environment became sultry, and a layer of hazy white mist floated in the air. Although it is not toxic, it is enough to interfere with the Dark Eldar warriors' perception of the surrounding environment.

After what happened just now.

Although he has raised his vigilance to the extreme, danger always comes unexpectedly.

At the end of the stairs, when passing by the corner of the cave, a bunch of gray leaves fell from the branches, and Aligena used his arms to lift it away indifferently. But then he realized that something was wrong. How could plants grow in such a dark environment.


He suddenly dwarfed.

The leaves in front of me turned into giant facehuggers and rushed forward.

Aligena narrowly escaped this attack, but the warriors of the Order behind him were caught off guard and were killed.

The broad "leaf" stuck firmly to his cheek. He couldn't breathe and his face turned purple. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't tear the leaf off his face.


Aligena stepped forward, grabbed the gap between the facehuggers, and exerted force.

The cult warrior screamed in agony, and his entire face, including the facehugger, was torn off from his body by Aligena.

He collapsed on the ground, his body twitching uncontrollably. As the poison took effect in his body, he soon became completely motionless.

"damn it!"

In this situation, Aligena's face became a little ugly.

How did those monkeys survive in this weird world?


He left the Facehugger still on the ground with its face attached.

The Nightmare Beheading Sword came out of the body and pinned the struggling Facehugger to death.

The decomposition force field covering the blade was activated, and with a burning sound, the alien creature turned into a plume of black smoke.

Aligena led the team and continued to move deeper into the ruins.

Although many accidents occurred and several people were lost in the team, the final result was good.

They finally reached the deepest part of the ruins and found the artifact that was predicted to bring destruction on an ancient dark altar.

From the outside, there is nothing special about this artifact. It is just a strange silver coin the size of a palm.

Behind it is an eight-pointed star pattern with one corner missing.

On the front is a huge crucible, with a layer of moss growing on the surface of the pattern, which dyes the crucible dark green.

Aligena rubbed the surface of the silver coin with his fingers, hoping to remove the layer of moss and see if there were any hidden clues inside.

But unexpectedly, this layer of moss felt quite hard, like rust growing on silver coins.

Aligena tried several times without success.

He didn't dare to make drastic actions here, so he had to give up first.

After returning to the dark starry sky, we can conduct further research and try to destroy it.

"Prepare to retreat."

Aligena led the team away from the ruins.

There was still plenty of time, and he planned to lead his men to rob a wave of slaves on this planet before leaving.

However, the plants on this dead planet are extremely lush, and there are all kinds of strange and terrifying life forms living on it. It is not easy to capture slaves on this planet.

Just when Arigen was having a headache about this.

A surprise appeared.

A group of monkeys from the Dark Eldar's eyes appeared at the entrance to the abandoned ruins, blocking their way.


The leader of the monkeys said indifferently, "Put down what you are holding and get us back to wherever you came from. You are not welcome here!"

The so-called monkey is the scornful name given to humans by the Dark Eldar.

Compared to humans, Eldar have longer lives, stronger and more agile bodies, even smarter minds and superior psychic talents.

No matter which aspect you compare, humans are as useless compared to the Eldar as monkeys are compared to humans.

But at least——

This group of monkeys are qualified as slaves and can provide a lot of pain as food for the Dark Eldar.

"It's so sad..."

Aligena licked his lips and looked at the humans in front of him.

Compared with other human slaves in Gemo, these guys are taller, stronger and more muscular.

But the leader was an exception. His eyes were sunken and his face looked like a sick ghost. The body is extremely tall, but also extremely thin, with only knotted tendons between the skin and bones.

"You asked for this, invaders." The sickly leader sneered.


In an instant, figures rushed out from the dense forest.

Tariq was about to shoot, but hesitated when he pressed the trigger.

He needs to capture live slaves, and the venom crystal pistol in his hand will cause the target to die and corrode into a puddle of slime. He used his other hand to reach for the giant scalpel hanging on his waist, intending to use precise sword skills to dismember the target.

However, this moment of hesitation was enough to cost him his life.

These aborigines of the death world are precisely the ones at the top of the food chain in the death world.


A jet-black iron fist quickly enlarged in Tariq's field of vision.

In an instant, the whole field of vision was filled, with the sound of tearing cloth and the murderous intent, his head exploded, and blood burst out like a fountain.


The expression on Aligena's face froze.

He regretted that he came here alone with only a dozen warriors of the Order and fell into a trap. This group of monkeys was unbelievably ferocious. After just one collision, three of his warriors had already fallen.

"Don't be distracted while fighting me!" The leader of the savages appeared in front of Aligena.

Aligena slashed with his sword, but the opponent easily dodged it.

His movements were not considered fast in Aligena's eyes, but no matter how fiercely he attacked, the sword in his hand could not touch the opponent at all.

That feeling was like wind.

You can detect the traces of the wind through the ripples on the lake, the swaying leaves in the forest, and the dust rising on the plains.

But no matter what method you use, you can't touch him.

Aligena also had the same idea at this time.

He felt like he was not fighting a living human being, but rather entangled with a soft wind.

No matter how powerful you are, you will never be able to defeat this vast force of nature.

As the battle progressed, a feeling of despair even spread in Aligena's heart.


The sound of bolter fire sounded in the distance.

Aligena's exquisite armor was hit. Although the defense was not broken, the huge kinetic energy still made half of his body weak, and he felt like he couldn't use his strength.

not good!

Aligena screamed strangely in his heart.



The soft wind entangled with him turned into a hurricane that could swallow thousands of miles like a tiger.

The savage leader rushed forward, grabbed the power sword in Aligena's hand with his big hand, and yanked it away from the Dark Eldar's hand. Immediately afterwards, he turned around, twisted his waist and swept his leg with great force, then threw it on Aligena's face, knocking him away and landing on the muddy ground stained red with blood.


Before Aligena could struggle to get up, a big foot landed on his chest and crushed him to the ground.

The savage leader looked at him condescendingly, the soft beard on both sides of his cheeks swaying gently in the golden sunlight.

An unreal feeling suddenly surged in Aligena's heart. The high-ranking members of his dignified Dark Eldar Order were actually defeated so easily.

What a monster is this! ?

"Remember, the person who killed you is Windseeker Arcana."

After all,

Arcana picked up Aligena's decapitating sword and stabbed it towards his heart.

The decapitating sword pierced Arcana's armor, but failed to pierce the artifact silver coin placed inside.

The two collided with each other, and there was the sound of gold and iron clashing.

A dark green ripple bloomed, and Arcana was repelled by this huge counter-shock force, with a look of disbelief on his sickly face.

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Everything illuminated by the green light was tightened, and ancient chants were dimly heard coming from the void.

Sevenfold curses, sevenfold diseases, sevenfold blessings!

Wherever He comes, all things will live forever!

The world of Corcyra.

The archangel held a large bag of potato chips donated by local residents and stood with his most outstanding descendant Ladoron.

There was a smile on her face, indicating that the archangel was in a good mood.

"Ladoron, do you want some?"


Radolon replied weakly, "I still have a lot of work to do here... ugh!"

Without any explanation, the angel stuffed the crispy potato chips into Ladoron's mouth, and Ladoron had no choice but to open his mouth to catch it.

He saw some cubs on Bamen hiding their faces and snickering. While chewing the potato chips in his mouth, Radolon wrote down these little guys with stiff wings in his notebook with a gloomy expression.

In the presence of Ladoron and the angels.

Heavy armored vehicles are being loaded onto the cargo spaceship. The sages of the Mechanicus and the soldiers of the Ninth Legion are maintaining order nearby. Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

They completed various negotiations on cooperation matters with Forging General Tarkis on the world of Corcyra.

Although a lot of energy was spent in this process.

But in the end, a treaty was reached that satisfied all parties, and now it was time to prepare to leave.

"Mother, where are we going next? We have stayed in the world of Corcyra for too long. The soldiers are all looking forward to the next war." Radolon swallowed the chewed potato chips and reminded him. .

"My brother Iron Lord Perturabo, who has just returned to the empire, is asking for assistance."

The archangel smiled and replied, "We are not very far from his location, but we can go and have a look. Whether it was Horus Luperkar before or Volcan, the fire dragon lord later, they were both strong and gentle. The presence.

To be honest, I learned a lot from them.

same idea,

I hope to have more contact with other brothers, they are all such outstanding and charming individuals. Sometimes I would be so anxious that I couldn’t sleep because I was mediocre, and I would lose several feathers~”

The archangel frowned and complained in a low voice while eating potato chips.

"Mother, I recently learned a fashionable word from ancient Terran history books called Versailles. It can perfectly and appropriately describe your current situation."

Ladoron replied somewhat speechlessly:

"You are good enough, haven't you noticed that Horus seems a little uneasy when he is with you?"

"Really? I didn't notice it at all."

Sanguinius thought for a moment and answered somewhat uncertainly.


The sound of the jump pack running interrupted the conversation between Radolon and Angel.

Under the illumination of the vector fire, Azkelon fell from the sky and landed in front of the two of them.

"I know you love your jump pack, but there's really no need to fly around in plain sight."

Ladoron curled his lips and spoke without raising his head.

"Soaring through the sky with a jetpack makes me feel like my soul and my mother are close to each other."

Azkelon responded calmly and retorted tit-for-tat, "Of course, a poker-faced person like you with no talent is not romantic enough to experience this feeling."


Radolon snorted and continued to focus on the work at hand.

Azkelon shrugged his shoulders, not caring about Radolon's attitude, and even felt proud that he had the upper hand.

He came to the archangel and said respectfully: "Great angel, with all the love from the entire legion, here is a message for help that you need to read."

"Information for help?"

The archangel swallowed the last piece of potato chips, then blinked and asked curiously: "Where are they from?"

"Extreme star field, death world——

Catachan! "


PS: Some background knowledge is included in the author’s words to avoid taking up space.

This chapter has 6,000 words. Please vote for me.

During the Great Crusade, not long after the Eldar's demise, there was no Cabal in Gomo, but there should have been a Cabal in the Cabal's previous life. The current number of the Ninth Legion is too small, and a wave of troops should be recruited in Catachan to replenish the number. I originally wanted to create an original planet, but it was difficult, and on the other hand, it lacked a sense of immersion. So I took the time to read novels related to Catachan, which gave me a general understanding of Catachan. There are many interesting little details in it. Catachan warriors who want to join the Astra Militarum need to complete the hunt for the Catachan demon alone, which is the scorpion monster mentioned in the text. The mighty men of Catachan do not cooperate with the weak. The most powerful beings among them are often a one-man army, because no one is worthy of being their partner (maybe the original body has this qualification?) For example, the famous Sly Mar Bo. Catachan is good at ambush warfare. A company of muscular men can emerge from a bush, causing the Viet Cong to raise its head. There are also red scarves with the logo on the neck and head, etc.

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