Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 85 Kano: I will swim my feces forward (please order)

Chapter 84 Kano: I will swim my feces forward (please order)

The world of Catachan, Outpost Fortress.

Even without the command of the Haemonculi, those hideous and terrifying remains were still attacking the steel fortress in an orderly manner. For the Haemonculi, the remains are not only slaves and fighting tools in their hands, but also effective assistants in the laboratory.

This means that Remains is not a monster that only knows how to kill.

On the contrary, most of them have sufficient knowledge and wisdom, and can maximize their own strengths, making every protruding bone spur and every weapon on their body more deadly.

Among the groups of remains, there are also some huge monsters that are not inferior to the orc warlords.

This kind of giant biological monster created by the Haemonculi is called the Thing.

The Thing is often created by the Haemonculi using prisoners.

The process of transformation is painful and long. The victim is injected with various growth agents, steroids and muscle stimulants. At the same time, the bones will become hyperfunctional due to the bone virus and bulge from the back. This process often lasts for many years. Their limbs are removed and replaced with claws or syringes that spray poisonous gas. They are completely irrational and blindly carry out the orders of the Haemonculi.

Among the many monsters created by the Haemonculi, Things are often the most dangerous.

At this time, Kano was facing a strange creature.

As he expected, he was one of the first soldiers to step onto the battlefield from the drop pod, maybe even the first. The monsters' screams of pain and excitement instantly overwhelmed him, and the smell of rotten earth filled his nose.

Poison crystal shells whizzed past.

Most of them were dodged by Kano sideways. Those who couldn't avoid it chose to resist with thick shoulder armor.

The principle of this weapon is to use high pressure to cut crystals into single-molecule thin sheets and launch them, but it is not a particularly fatal threat to the thick ceramite armor of the Astartes warriors.

Kano is equipped with the latest Mark III steel type power armor.

Compared with the previous version of the Mark II expedition type, the steel type power armor can provide stronger frontal defense, but at the cost of sacrificing some speed and agility.

However, the jump backpack on Kano's back makes up for his lack of mobility.

Kano participated in the Raid on Battle Moon.

And be brave.

Therefore, he got the opportunity to be the first to use new equipment among the legion.

Even after signing a contract with the Forge World of Corcyra, jump packs are still quite rare among the Ninth Legion.

There are only about 1,300 jump packs in the first batch. For the Ninth Legion, which has more than 30,000 people, it is equipment that only a small number of battle brothers are qualified to use.

Kano had complained about this matter more than once in front of Bawei's brothers.

It is also because of the brand new equipment.

Kano was eager to join the battlefield and gain more glory.

And now, the glory is right in front of you.

The combat method used by the Ninth Legion is standard assault combat. In the past few decades of war, this tactic has been executed quite skillfully.

Specifically, it means dividing the army into two parts. Some of them fell directly into the center of the enemy camp through the airborne pod, where they bloomed and pushed outward. Another group of soldiers surrounded them from the outside, constantly squeezing the enemy's living space inside.

The drop pod, Storm Bird, and the mobility brought by the jump backpack often cause the enemy to suffer heavy casualties at the beginning of the war and be in a state of being attacked from both sides.

In such airborne assault tactics.

Only the most elite warriors are qualified to assault the enemy through airborne pods.

Because at the beginning of the battle, this group of Astartes warriors are often the ones who are under the most pressure. They are surrounded by enemies from all directions. You don't even need to aim, just find a random direction and pull the trigger, and the bullet that comes out of the gun will explode a bloody spray among the dense enemies.

Bang bang bang!

Kano first emptied the magazine in his hand.

After tearing all the aliens within a radius of tens of meters into pieces, he put down the overheated bolter and held the "etched" power sword hanging on his hip.

He charged forward.

The alien corpses were trampled to pieces under their feet, and some four-leaf clover-like plants were trampled into the wet soil.

Directly in front of Kano is a huge and terrifying monster.

This strange shape looks like it was modified from a human body. Normal humans who are genetically coded to only grow to two meters have grown to more than four meters under the stimulation of various hormones and viral drugs. Its pale skin was torn apart by overgrown muscles, and its face was replaced by a ferocious mask.

"I will free you from your pain."

Kano thought,

In the flash of lightning, he jumped forward fiercely, and the power sword in his hand slashed towards the monster's throat with a dim sword light.

Blood spurted out, but the head was not severed.

This grotesque skeleton is harder than ceramite armor and can even withstand cuts from a power sword.

The black plasma was ignited by the decomposition force field on the power sword and turned into a plume of black smoke amidst the hiss, adding a foul smell of blood to the air. The Thing's perception is extremely keen, and even the slightest pain will be magnified a thousand times and pierced into their tortured brains.


A painful roar came from the strange and ferocious steel mask.

They were forced to stay awake, and the pain was cruelly transformed into anger and desire for sadism. Only when they drank blood, would the endless pain stop for a moment.


The bone claw on the monster's left hand swept towards Kano.

A layer of hazy white light flowed on the sharp edge of the bone claw, which made people feel cold.

Although the Eldar fell, their remaining technology was still powerful. Kano didn't want to be cut into a boiled chicken by this monster. He hurriedly blocked with the power sword. Amid the sound of metal colliding, Kano's burly body was swept away.


He didn't even raise his head.

He rolled directly on the ground and stood up from a rotten quagmire in a mess.

Looking closely, he saw that the ground not far away had been burned into a huge pit, and the soil had even melted into colorful glass in the high temperature. The black muzzle of the thermal energy spear in the monster's third hand was emitting black smoke.


Another beam of light flashed by.

Kano quickly ducked to avoid it, but when the Thing tried to shoot for the third time, Kano raised his hand and a psychic lightning flashed.


In the fierce lightning, one could even see the Thing's metallic bones.

Kano didn't want to miss this hard-won opportunity.

He leaned over and accelerated forward.


His burly body crashed into the Thing's arms like a small armored vehicle, knocking him to the ground fiercely.

The azure vector flame spewed out from the vortex device under the jump pack, and the powerful kinetic energy pushed the monster to leave a bloody mark on the ground.


Kano quickly stood up and cut off the monster's left and right arms with the power sword.

Then, regardless of the Thing's third and fourth arms still waving around, he took off the grenade launcher hanging on his hip, pressed the trigger, and fired violently.

Bang bang bang bang!

In the roaring flames, the monster's face was smashed.

Like a rotten tomato, it exploded completely, and countless blood spurted out.

His remaining limbs twitched twice like a spider, and then slowly stopped struggling, and fell limp on the ground and stopped moving.


Kano exhaled a foul breath.

He felt his two hearts beating violently.

He had no time to rest, the war was still going on.

In the corner of his eyes, Kano saw that Amit, wearing the Terminator power armor, had torn a bloody path on the battlefield.

A strange shape transformed by the dark elves was dismantled alive by him, and the head with the spine was directly pulled out from the broken chest cavity and smashed on the top of a passing lizard.

And Garnett,

Although this veteran of the 14th Company was only wearing a thin Great Expedition power armor.

But he was completely as crazy as Amit, and he harvested the lives of the enemies with precise and deadly movements like the god of death. He galloped across the battlefield, invincible. Those dark elves, known for their toughness, could not even find a match in front of him.

"I can't fall behind too much!"

Kano clenched the power sword in his hand and looked for a new target.

He knew that there was still a big gap between him and the veterans of the Ninth Legion who had crawled out of the mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

But this was not a reason to slack off or make excuses for himself. More importantly, the veterans of Amit never held back, and they often found the most vicious words to mock him.

He quickly found a place where the enemies gathered on the battlefield, about three or four hundred meters away from him.

There were some scattered potholes on the road, filled with humus liquid.

The stench of a manure pit emanated from it.


Kano took two steps forward.

He jumped up suddenly, and controlled the jump backpack to carry himself to a height of about thirty meters.

At this time, the battlefield was in chaos. The remains and monsters created by the Haemonchi were defeated in an organized manner, completely losing their organizational structure and falling into a situation of fighting on their own. And such a scene is exactly the form of war that the Blood Angels like best.

Arrived at the right position.

Kano turned off the jump pack, but did not fall down under the action of gravity.

What's going on?

A black question mark appeared on Kano's smart head.

He looked down and saw a blue-black vine wrapped around his waist. Pulling it hard twice, it turned out to be quite strong. Kano reached out to take out his power sword, but then a strong pulling force came, pulling his body up rapidly.


Dense leaves and branches slapped on his face.

Kano raised his head while struggling, and saw the bloody mouth of the piranha plant filling his entire field of vision!



When Kano gasped and broke free from the restraints of the piranha plant,

As soon as he looked up, he saw the Archangel and his comrades looking at him with complicated expressions.

The sun shone through the gaps of the angel's ice-white wings, the golden hair beside the ears curled slightly, and the light golden eyebrows seemed to be frowned. No matter what time or angle, the Archangel was as brilliant and perfect as ever. It didn't look like an ordinary person walking in the world, but more like some incredible wonder.

Kano was a little dazed.

Then he saw that the Archangel's mouth twitched and he forced a smile on his face, "Kano, I'm so glad to see that you don't have any obvious scars on your body."

"Is this how you repay your mother's trust in you?"

Amit clasped his hands in front of his chest, and tapped his fingers rhythmically on the surface of the scarlet armor. The evil smile on his face remained the same as before: "Charge into the cesspit, it's a shame that you kid can do it. You are a green can." Did you eat too much and damage your brain? "

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"It's really good to swim forward with feces! You kid can always do some tricks for me." The smile on Garnet's face became more exaggerated, and he gave him a thumbs up.



Kano opened his mouth and immediately heard the sound of bubbles.

Some porridge-like, viscous, slightly fibrous paste penetrated into the chapped lips.

An unbearable stench lingered in the nose. Kano's face was ashen, and he understood everything at once. He was caught by the piranha in the primitive jungle in mid-air, struggled to fall, and fell directly into the crater full of foul-smelling humus.

After finally struggling to climb out, it was already the end of the battle.

What kind of bad thing is this horse riding!

He struggled to get up from the pit and looked around with a confused face.

Seeing that the surrounding comrades were holding their noses and retreating in unison, a new recruit from Bawei without a helmet even showed an expression of retching.

"I will handle this matter."

Ladoron came over and said coldly, "I will teach him enough lessons. If you have nothing else to do, just go to the battlefield and stay alert for me. Although this battle is over, this war It’s just the beginning, don’t relax!”

As the chief company commander, Radolon is quite prestigious in the Ninth Legion.

The soldiers watching the show shrugged their shoulders and dispersed one after another. Even the thorny ones like Amit didn't say anything. They silently went to carry out the order and used flamethrowers to clean up the corpses on the battlefield.

"The Haemonculus behind the remains and the strange shape was killed by Azkelon and I." Radolon nodded slightly towards the angel, and then said, "I'm sorry, mother. The Haemonculus made a decisive choice after failure. In order to understand ourselves, we could not get more useful information from him. "

"This is the communication module disassembled from the Haemonculi. We may be able to collect information about the Dark Eldar fleet from it." Radolon fumbled for a black carapace fragment from his arms.

Most Dark Eldar technology is full of beauty.

This fragment looks like a piece of crystal clear crystal, and its use is completely unpredictable from its appearance.

"Leave it to the mechanical sages on the Red Tears to study, they will like these gadgets." The archangel nodded slightly and said, "You have done a good job, there is no need to be too harsh on yourself. "

"Mother, I have brought you here."

Azkelon's voice sounded from behind, and Kano looked in the direction of the sound. I saw the commander of the Holy Blood Guard walking over with a soldier with a red ribbon tied on his head.

In the presence of the Astartes, most mortals appear fragile and small.

But this warrior is an exception.

He was two meters tall, with a face as hard as iron. The muscles in his arms were as thick as rock roots, and scars were scattered all over his body.

Even walking side by side with Astartes, he didn't look thin. He was chewing a copper bullet like a betel nut, chewing it into pieces easily.

Thanks to Black Blue Copper for the 500-point reward.

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