Warhammer: My Mother Sanguinius

Chapter 96 The second legion, the Nine Heavens Army! (please order)

Chapter 95 The second legion, the Nine Heavens Army! (please order)

The Archangel and her bodyguards followed the footsteps of the Lord of Steel and entered the interior of Salimavis Fortress.

To the eye of an Azkelon artist, there was more than was actually necessary in the design of the fortress's exterior. But internally, they are little more than accessories worth mentioning.

The space inside is artfully shaped and features details as exquisite as the Throne of Terra.

Its walls were polished smooth like marble and lighted with recessed luminal strips. The cleanliness of the interior has not sacrificed its defensive function. Each spiral passage turns left when descending, and each forward passage is filled with dark shooting ports and concealed whistles.

The Lord of Steel led them to a vaulted room deep in the center of the mountain.

It was a hall paved with rows of gleaming marble, with arrays of meditators placed on the smooth floor. The Mechanicus sages and servitors in scarlet robes walked through the intricate cables, and all the data was gathered on the spherical data analyzer suspended in the center of the hall.

Decorative tapestries and paintings hung on three sides of the hall, large enough to cover the armored shell of a Titan mech.

The fourth wall facing them was a large shielding screen.

Thousands of images are flashing on the screen.

Behind Azkelon and the others, wide steps lead to a raised mezzanine, where Perturabo arranged his command platform. The air in this room smelled of hot metal, grease, and crafts. There is a workbench outside the corner, and forging tools hang under the wall. The specific uses of many of the tools are unclear for a while.

The little angel opened the drawing with a look of curiosity and appreciation on his face.

The former maintains a very bad balance and does not have the same confidence as me. Magnulon believed that the opponent was not as glorious as him and would be able to achieve small achievements in the future.

‘Since you are his son, then we are yours. ’ I took the Emperor’s hand and became the leader of your Legion. This was the moment when you truly became the Thousand Sons. "

I found that the corners of my eyes were no longer moist, even though many years had not passed since these events. But whenever I recall it, my heart is as sweet as honey, and my whole person is enveloped in dreamlike happiness.

That kind of number makes it completely impossible for us to participate in a small expedition in the form of a legion.

Perturabo finished rummaging through piles of data charts.

But the Heavenly Master of the Seventh Legion noticed Lu Xiuchenglong's gaze.

"You have won honors and recognition, your deeds have been praised in the empire, and you are loved by fewer and fewer people. Everything is developing in a bad direction."

"You've got some tasks out there, and you need his help to complete them."

"You swore you would make a change, and it happened."

It is also impossible to use microcurrent to paralyze all electronic components within the range, or even cut off the electrical signals used to participate in neural activities in the living body, directly turning the opponent into a vegetative state that cannot even lift a finger.

"You once spent a pleasant time under the Vengeful Spirit with the warriors of the 18th Legion. The warriors of the Luna Wolves taught you the skills of war and fighting. You participated in the battle under the planet Ossinis. In the first war before returning to the empire, angels and shepherd wolves complement each other on the battlefield..."

Just like the former Fourth Legion and Fourteenth Legion, the soldiers of the Seventh Legion gathered in different expedition fleets and used their psychic power to fight against the White Darkness in the galaxy. But even with such good prerequisites, in terms of military merit alone, the Seventh Army can still be ranked in the middle and lower reaches of the seventy Bawei Second Army.

Perturabo's attention was attracted by the sunny and violent voice of the little angel, and my eyes fell under the drawing in the little angel's hand.

I looked at the first one among the eight, Felix from the Iron Warriors. Although he didn't take the initiative to speak, there was an urging in his eyes. Felix breathed heavily and remained silent.

"what is that?"

The Seventh Legion only has 700 people. Even after decades of development, the total number of Seventh Legion today is only less than 7,000.

There are gloomy design drawings under the white paper, some mysterious devices, beautiful arrangements of gears and motors, etc. Do those mysterious objects have anything to do with the disaster happening under the Dawn Star? But it was kept by the Lord of Steel as a treasure, and it obviously had no ordinary meaning.

In Magnulon's eyes.


"Your father saved you from the mutated hell, so you all pledge your loyalty to me."

"That is your escort captain Magnulong, and that is your chief company commander La Shaolong."

"Your blood relative, you must now tell him the situation Dawn Star is facing and the various troubles Shi Ke is facing." Before Shi Ke introduced the personnel situation, the Lord of Steel slowly retreated into working mode. I came to my workbench in small steps and started working on it.

"Those are your two low-level strategists." The voice of Steel Lord Perturabo interrupted Magnulon's thinking. I pointed at the two Iron Warriors who were processing data and said, "We are Haka. and Barben Falk.”

That gives you a baseline requirement.

Outside the small room.

The latter looked like a fighter, with a thick waist and a small part of muscle covering the shoulders.

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You are not a casual character, and you have a great pursuit of honor and power. You have always left all the affairs of the legion to La Shaolong to deal with.

Introduced his two most mediocre offspring to the Lord of Steel.

Saint Lu Xiucheng patted the Lord of Steel on the shoulder with a sincere heart, and was thinking about what kind of excuse he would find to sneak out of the command room later.

"You are not a veteran of the Fourth Legion, but a new recruit from Azkai."

I thought about it and agreed, "That planet only needs you, and also needs him and Zi Thinkers, the damn idiot who knows where to go. You have unlimited time, but the task is very difficult. You need to work together to complete it and save the planet."

Two Iron Warriors stood at the command desk in the center of the space, switching data lists between the glowing labels of the starship. It can't be seen from the deep red light flashing in our eyes that our discussion is becoming heated.

He took his eyes away from the second warrior of Bawei and fell into thought.

Magnulon also saw two other Luxiu Chengte from the same legion.

With the wisdom of the Primarch, of course, he can understand the content below, but it is difficult for Saint Asta to devote himself to the research and planning of numbers like Pertuluxiu, and even to dig out fun from a small string of numbers, which is really incredible.

That makes your language have a power that can't be ignored even though it is visible. At least the Lord of Steel's praise for his sister is quite useful.

Saint Asta feels a sense of impending trouble, but the wonderful thing is that you have found a suitable reason to get out of the tedious work now.

Magnulon nodded slightly politely.

"Your brother, you doubt that those tasks can only be handled properly by him."

The cruel transformation surgery and the rare spiritual roots make the Seventh Legion the largest in number among all the legions.

The four sky soldiers had a separate 70th transformation operation, in which we need to implant spiritual roots that can communicate with the power of the warp.

Shi Ke's Bawei Diter transformation operation had 14.

"You are so humble and gentle. When you kneeled in front of your children and swore to give us your loyalty, everyone cried. Although you have been treated unfairly, your mother is now kneeling in front of you."

One of them was Qianjilisi, who was wearing crimson armor and had a ram-horn-like protruding decoration under his helmet; and the other was the Seventh Legion Heavenly Master wearing black and white armor, with two swords and talisman symbols under his shoulders. Qianjilisi's attention was completely immersed in the data behind him like a stream of water, and he was moved by everything that was happening inside.

And Saint Astra's greatest advantage is not sincerity, sincerity plus the unique beauty among the Primarchs.

You need a maximum of 80 days, and continuous and discontinuous retrograde earth-to-space orbit flight, so that everyone can leave the planet.

I didn't answer immediately, but fell into memories of the past. At that time, I had not yet returned to the Empire and was still a prince under Olympia.


"We thought that our mother would order us to change and reward us with harsh punishments."

"Before, it was the reunion of the legion."

The little angel spoke.

Awaiman and Felix were listening to my stories very carefully.

Saint Astra leaned over and looked at the straw paper covered with equations.

Each Primarch, even Wolf King Russ, did not have a superhuman mind.

Saint Russ said carefully, "You saw his spaceship hovering in the low-Earth orbit of Dawn Star. In order to resist the gravity of the planet, the fuel of the spaceship was burning backward at an alarming speed."

"You will remember the scene when you first saw the angel under Azkai on this distant morning many years later."

That still includes the time and efficiency loss caused by flight time, air traffic bottlenecks, refueling and continuous maintenance. If you are interested in that data, you can list the mathematical formulas and take a look at them. "

Kano knew that it was his illusion.

"There are a total of 4.17 million people waiting to be evacuated under the Dawn Star. Apart from the Light of Hesitation, the typical capacity of the inter-orbital transporter you can use is about 800 people. Your ground-to-air orbit cannot be launched about 1,000 times a day, carrying about 800,000 people away from the planet.

The dense data torrent appeared on the small screen behind.

At the same time, during that process, we also need to complete 444 times of extreme mental and physical pressure. To ensure that our bodies can withstand that force, and our spirits can resist the erosion of the chaotic power of the subspace.

I reached out and took off my helmet, revealing a resolute and serious face. I have yellow skin and white hair, and my appearance is almost completely inferior to the Blood Angels. But my brows are always furrowed, and I am worried, which makes me look a little gloomy.

The latter had a smile on his face and seemed to be completely immersed in the story, sharing Kano's happiness and joy. The former has an expression on his face, but the crunching sound of his teeth can often be heard. When Kano looked at Felix in surprise, the voice disappeared again.

"After Lu Xiuchengsi returned to the legion, you were tortured by a terrible disease. Of the original seven thousand Thousand Sons, there were only a thousand left when you met your father." Awaiman added, " But before your father returned, this disease that caused mutation disappeared out of thin air. Although your father did not tell you what price I paid, it is obvious that one of my eyes disappeared from under me forever. Yes."

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The Celestial Masters of the Thunder Department are only unable to summon destructive thunder from the subspace.

It's just that we pay too little for that power. Lu Xiuchengte, who must be said to be incredible, was chosen among one hundred thousand people. In this way, the Heavenly Master of the Seventh Legion will be able to successfully screen out one candidate among one million candidates.

It is the Lu Xiuchengte warrior who is just the Iron Warrior.

At this moment, he suddenly saw various data squeezed up from a planet appearing in front of him. Sheng Lu Xiucheng felt as if he was drowned by the ocean of data.

The natural smile on Saint Asta's face did not freeze before he saw the series of numbers.

"But there is no..."

The amount of data displayed under the plotting gauges is bewildering: loading rates, travel times, cargo capacity, fuel reserves, fleet rotations, population inflows, food levels, water supplies, airdrop schedules and the hundreds of variables that come into play in the evacuation equation.

At that time, Saint Asta's keen eyes found some messy semi-finished products from under the workbench——

"That is Atava, the model warrior of the Thousand Sons Legion and the personal guard of Zi Zhikus." Petuluxiu pointed at Qianlu Xiucheng who was wearing scarlet armor and introduced. I paused briefly, then pointed at the Heavenly Master of the Seventh Legion and said, "That is Qin Shuo, a telepathic master from the Baiyun Department of the Seventh Legion."

Awaiman then spoke, "But you can still recall that when Prospero suddenly knelt before the Emperor, the Librarians swore an oath.

The Seventh Legion has four small companies: Doube, Lei, Xuantan, Liesu, Fire, Water, Baiyun, Qiankun, and Vajra.

"You are one of the first seven thousand Thousand Sons born under Terra. The scene when you and your father and son, the Librarians, first met has not become blurry for some unknown reason."

The Seventh Legion is called the Four Heavens Army. Like the Thousand Sons of the Seventeenth Legion, every Baweite outside possesses powerful and unique psychic powers.

"As you saw when you came here, the situation is optimistic."

"What he said is wrong." Petuluxiu nodded. "That is a necessary trade-off between the fuel consumption and the overall travel time of a cross-microsphere spacecraft. Even if the round-trip distance only increases by dozens of kilometers, the total savings The time it takes to get there is also considerable.”

False lies are hard to hide from our eyes.

Each small company has its own unique skills. For example, Dobu is good at using psychic energy to weaken his muscles and reaction speed, and can outnumber the enemy in close combat.

Kano finished sharing his story.

"At this time, the Fourth Legion is still the current Blood Angels. We are called ghosts. Because of our barbaric and cruel nature, we have been treated somewhat fairly. You can feel that these veterans are full of hostility towards you, and you can also feel that What comes to us is peace, fear and pride.”

He said it as if he was trying to prove his research.

When our Primarch returns.

Perturabo took out a small number of data charts and various equations covered with papyrus from outside the cabinet, and placed them behind Saint Asta.

"You led you to defeat these evil mutants under Azkai, so you dedicate your lives to you."

One can imagine how weak his individual strength is.

This is a glorious moment, a moment of rebirth.

After Awaiman finished speaking, the smile on my face became more serious and kind.

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