Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 116 The Warrior Who Goes to Die

Calgar looked at the other party, and then looked at the intelligence director aside.

"Expand the scope of observation and bring in the pictures of the buoy bird auspicious array satellites outside the galaxy."

At his command, the surrounding cogitators arrays flashed their indicator lights.

Soaked in the nutrition tube, the mechanically programmed head opened its mouth wide and screamed silently.

Accompanied by the humming sound of the machine, the holographic projector gradually enlarged the line of sight.

The Vitria galaxy has shrunk to the size of a pomegranate, and many fleets have directly turned into points of light, floating in various parts of the galaxy.

At the edges of the holographic projection sphere, the image loses detail integrity and focus.

An astropath walks up to Calgar.

It takes several hours or even a whole day for the electronic signal to reach the command post from the buoy.

But with the help of the mysterious subspace, complete communication can take place in an instant.

"The astropaths felt the shadows of the Tyranids within reach, they were close," said the Primaris Space Marine who had entered.

"How's the situation?" Calgar looked at the astropath who had been serving him.

"Tyran is very close, and the outer satellites have detected that the gravitational pulse has become disordered. The shadow of the subspace is getting stronger and stronger, and we have lost the ability to access the network of the Imperial Astropath." The astropath said.

"When are they coming?" Calgar asked.

"One more day at most," said the Astropath.

time flies.

All commanders in the command center focused on the holograms.

They wait for the enemy to appear.

In order to quickly resolve the Saken dynasty and settle the battle in the Charadon sector, Guilliman did not give Calgar too much fleet power.

He only has 19 battleships, 109 strike cruisers and hundreds of battle barges in his hands.

Void Weapon Platforms, Combat Satellites, and Defense Space Stations can also provide some void firepower.

Other than that, there is nothing left.

Calgar divided them into three battlegroups, forming three lines of defense, weakening the Zerg offensive in turn.

Let the offensive of the Tyranids gradually decrease.

What Calgar relied on most was the surface troops.

Guilliman gave Calgar twelve Chapters, more than twelve thousand Primaris Space Marines.

There are also a large number of Star Boundary Army, Mechanic Education Skitarii and many other units.

Before the war comes, the atmosphere is always the most dignified.

Everyone was so tortured by the oppressive atmosphere that they couldn't speak.

It was almost a relief for everyone when the first flashing red dot appeared on the edge of the galaxy.

"Here they come," said Calgar.

The lights began to flicker, and they all turned bright red.

The piercing air defense sirens resounded throughout the planet Vitria.

It resounded throughout the sky, echoing in the mountains and cities of Vitria.

It fell upon the dark black market, where the loud threats between the irascible sellers and buyers ceased, the pity and terror they saw in each other's eyes.

It sneaked into the ward, and the comforting words in the mother's mouth stopped abruptly, allowing the beloved child to cry.

It rang in everyone's ears like a shadow.

To those born in the Dark Ages, the arrival of a terrible enemy is announced.

At the bottom of the hive capital.

Next to the disgusting dump.

"Guilliman is a great liar, he is a traitor, and he will kill you all."

A mad man wailed loudly, as mad as a madman.

Countless Star Guards looked up at the sky, then lowered their heads and continued to build their fortifications.

They will fight for their oath.

The narrators who remained were silent, and some wrote down their feelings to understand the emotions this time.

They will sing these stories for posterity.

For the survival of the race, how many heroic lives have been lost.

Those lives are not shining, but they have allowed the human empire to survive for thousands of years.

They have an obligation to tell these stories and make those heroes immortal.

The Primaris Space Marines of each chapter don their armor and inspect their weapons with the help of mechanical thralls.

They swore to be a wall that the Tyranids could smash head on.

They will fight to the last man, to the last drop of blood.

The order of war is delivered into the void.

El sat aboard the flagship of the Storm Falcons, and he was in charge of the first line of defense.

In pursuit of maximum killing effect, Calgar devised a crazy strategy.

The three lines of defense will weaken the Tyranids in turn, thereby reducing the strength of the Tyranids to attack Vittoria.

"My lord, they are here," said a servant in charge of observation.

A large group of red dots lit up on the tactical display projection of the podium.

"It is estimated that there are hundreds of targets." The servant said, but after a while he shouted again, "Urgent revision, there are several thousand, no, there are tens of thousands."

The voices of the observing servants were filled with fear.

He had already been stunned by the scene he had observed. The Tyranid Zerg's attack was like a torrent.

The number of enemies is endless.

The Behemoth Zerg Fleet is one of the main fleets of Tyranid Zerg entering the galaxy. Its scale is only comparable to that of Leviathan and Kraken.

Of course, these three fleets are just the tentacles of the swarm.

Larger Zerg fleets remain outside the galaxy.

The Zerg fleet uses a gravitational field to construct a superluminal channel to achieve superluminal navigation.

Wherever it goes, it will cause a series of force field distortions.

El could only see distorted visions from the window.

In the superluminal state, the Tyranids are outside the light cone and cannot be observed.

Until the Zerg fleet was close enough to the galaxy to unravel the gravitational field for faster-than-light travel.

Only by reusing the bioplasma thruster can it be directly observed.

El watched the Zerg bio-ships appear in the optical observation window.

From a small point, they gradually took the shape of a Tyranid bio-ship, with a damp glow of deep-space ice.

Biological ships are very strange, unlike human ships, but their power should not be underestimated.

"Attack," Al said.

His orders passed among dozens of ships.

The plasma lights lit up, and many battleships flew towards the biological fleet.

The tactical panel was quickly blurred by a maddening number of biological ships.

Fleet commanders observed every move on the battlefield, constantly modifying the battleship's maneuver plan.

Loud sirens continued to sound.

The fleets of humans and Tyrannos quickly intersected and fought together.

With tacit cooperation and terrifying firepower, the empire gained an advantage at the very beginning of the battle.

A large number of torpedoes and missiles were launched.

These physical bombs are much more lethal to the Tyranids than lances.

Within half an hour, the space was filled with broken carapace fragments and huge chunks of flesh.

Frozen bodily fluids floated in the clouds between the bioship corpses.

Although the weapons and tactics of the Tyranids are not as powerful as those of the Empire, the number of biological ships is much more than that of the Empire.

Whenever the imperial fleet destroys a biological ship, twenty biological ships will be added.

Void shields are twisted or pierced by the impact of torpedo spikes and living missiles.

Fast-flying beasts of prey galloped through the green flames of the bioplasma jets, spewing thorns from dripping orifices.

Those huge biological ships like continuous mountains constantly squirmed the muscles on the surface, spewing out huge, knobby, squid-like creatures.

Those creatures rushed towards the imperial ship wielding densely packed disgusting tentacles.

Once it is about to touch, it will slow down to a level where the void shield cannot sense.

These creatures would then burst upon the hulls of Imperial ships, unleashing swarms of metal-eating microbes.

Huge kraken ships spit out gleaming gas and moved toward the Imperial lines with deceptively slow speed.

Wait until close enough.

They will suddenly pop out their tentacles, rolling up the heavy imperial ship, and then more tentacles will break it directly.

Creature ships of all kinds can almost shake people's beliefs, some like slugs, others like void whales, and some have similarities with sea creatures, but a million times larger.

Some ships also have huge rams and thick tentacles.

Every combination of life is present in the Zerg fleet.

They are all different and full of variety.

But they have one thing in common.

That is, they all succumbed to the will of the hive.

El ordered the fleet to resist the torrent of Zerg, but the Tyranids were overwhelming.

Even if he destroyed thousands of biological ships, it was just the tip of the iceberg for the Tyranid fleet.

Like a mountain torrent, the Tyranid Zerg fleet broke through three void lines of defense.

A large amount of spores were released into the Vitria galaxy.

Calgar, sitting on the throne, listened to the news from the Void Line.

The brave crew members still chanted Guilliman's name in their last moments.

With absolute loyalty to the emperor, they drove the battleship towards the Tyranid biological ship.

Bright flashes of light came from deep space.

Each flash of light represented the recall of tens of thousands of crew members to the Emperor's throne.

"Fight for Man, fight for the Emperor, and fight for the Lord of Ultramar."

"We have failed, but you will succeed."

The voice of the fleet resounded on all channels.

A captain speaks his last words to his fellow shipmates.

No fear at all, just peace in the face of death.

"May the Emperor be with us."

Subsequently, the electronic signal represented by the entire ship disappeared, representing the sacrifice of the entire ship.

Calgar could imagine the brutality of the battle in the void,

Many ships are alone and helpless, and there is only a desperate battle.

The crew shouted the name of the Emperor and Guilliman in the flames of the battleship's explosion, and then went to their deaths.

Those Chapter Commanders who remained aboard battleships, tried their best, but had to meet their fate in the end.

Several strike cruisers with a length of ten kilometers broke through the atmosphere of the planet Vitria.

Fell on the toxin-soaked plains.

The massive plasma-powered pile is out of control.

The deafening explosion resounded for thousands of kilometers.

The resulting wind wave swept across the entire continent.

Calgar watched all this silently, he was sad for the death of the dead, but he knew that the war was not over yet.

The sporangia that cover the sky and the sun rush to the surface like rain.

The most brutal surface offensive and defensive battle is about to start.

Tens of billions of lives will die for this.

lazy again

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