Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 135 Deathwing Company (Subscribe)

The booming explosion shook the earth.

A large amount of dust was kicked up, and then fell under the pull of the planet's gravity.

It fell on the Cadia soldiers who were hiding everywhere.

Minka, who was hiding under the boulder, took a breath of the pungent smoke from the explosion, and coughed twice.

The sound of shouting came, and some people wearing bloody monster masks ran out from the ravine in the mountains.

Holding various weapons in their hands, they frantically fired towards the imperial troops.

There was a whistling sound tearing the air from the sky.

Three fighter planes sprayed with profane patterns roared past.

Missiles were fired directly at the 101st regiment where Minka was.

A series of explosions sounded, submerging the 101 regiment in a sea of ​​flames.

Some soldiers groaned in pain and pleaded for medical assistance.

"Attention all units, we are attacked by traitors. Bring up tanks and heavy artillery, we need them, fire team, shoot down those fighter planes, don't let them escape."

The commander's angry voice came over the comm.

Obviously, being suddenly attacked by traitors also made the commander furious.

This is yet another humiliation to Cadia's honor.

Absolutely unforgiving.

Minka crouched under the boulder and escaped several blows from the enemy by chance.

She poked her head out cautiously.

Saw those damn traitors running over from hundreds of meters away.

Blasphemy is written on their bodies.

While shooting at the 101st regiment, he also lifted a twisted monster sculpture and shouted.

Seems like that would attract the gods and give them some blessings.

"I found the target of the traitor, due east, there are estimated to be about 100 people, only 400 meters away from us, they are approaching us." Minka said to the communication device.

"Get rid of them." The commander's voice came from the communication, "Don't let those bastards go, let them know that the honor of Cadia cannot be tarnished."

"Understood," Minka said.

At this time, Vardy and several other survivors also crawled over from the side.

After a few simple instructions, they cooperated with each other tacitly.

Follow your normal training routine.

They started forming shooting squads and shooting those damned traitors.

Cadia's equipment is the first echelon of the empire's many regiments.

Many forging worlds will give priority to supplying high-quality equipment to Cadia.

So that the Cadians can hold the first fortress of humans and the Eye of Terror.

Although the Cadians failed, their excellent equipment was not recovered.

The reason is that they have a new mission, which is to go to all parts of the galaxy to fight against the enemies of the empire.

This is their salvation.

The fall of the Cadia Fortress was a sin they needed to pay for in their entire lives.

Failure is failure.

Whatever the reason, they failed the Emperor's trust.

The surviving Cadians all believed in one thing.

They need to fight until the last Cadian dies.

Only the Emperor will forgive their mistakes and accept all Cadian heroes.

Until then, they must do what they can to fight for the Emperor.

Only in this way can salvation be obtained.

"Go to hell, traitor," Minka said, aiming at a yelling fellow and pulling the trigger.

With the flash of the carbine barrel.

The cultist she targeted fell directly to the ground.

Through the scope, Minka could see a small hole pierced through the opponent's head.

Carbine does not need to calculate trajectory and direction.

Aim and shoot in a straight line.

Vardy and others also opened fire one after another, and those traitors fell down in a short while.

Minka, Vardy and others couldn't help but clap their hands in celebration.

"You know that the Cadians are powerful."

"Haha, hurry up and run."

But soon, they ushered in the traitor's revenge.

A shell landed near them.

The boulders on which they were hiding were blown to pieces, and the gravel flew.

Minka's whole body was also blown away by the huge shock wave and fell into the bushes.

The huge sonic boom made her brain buzz.

The whole person was a little confused.

When I got up, my whole face was burning with pain.

She fired a few more shots at the person in that direction.

With the sound of lasers piercing the air, several traitors fell.

Seeing that the shelling couldn't kill Minka and the others, the traitors ran away like frightened birds and beasts.

Perhaps they thought they had encountered an undead ghost.

It's terrible that they didn't die after being fired, and they can fight back.

Seeing the traitor fleeing, Minka didn't continue shooting.

She ran to Vardy's position to see how he was doing.

There was only a scorched black pit left in the original hiding place.

The sound of moaning came from the bushes next to a highway.

Minka walked over and saw Vardy who had been stabbed in the chest by sharp stone fragments.

He lay there in the bushes.

His face was pale, and sweat was constantly oozing from his forehead.

The wound was bleeding continuously.

Obviously, he was in pain.

"Valdy." There was grief in Minka's voice, "It shouldn't be like this, how could you!"

"It's okay." Valdy saw Minka with a terrified and sad face, and tried to comfort him, but his tone was pale and filled with suppressed pain.

After saying a few words, he began to vomit blood.

"No!! You hold on." Minka stopped Vardy, and she yelled into the communication, calling for medical soldiers to come.

"You have to work hard on your own, Minka. From now on, you are no longer a recruit, you know?? You have to be alone. Remember that the glory of Cadia is eternal, and we can no longer fail the Emperor."

Vardy looked at the little girl in front of him, exhausted his last strength, and made his final entrustment.

There was a trace of pity for Minka in his heart.

With all the calculations, this girl has only been in the army for a few months.

But how cruel fate was to her.

The Great Marauder used Blackrock Hold to smash the entire planet of Cadia to pieces right in front of her.

In the first battle, I saw many of my companions die.

Now, fresh from Cadia's failure, she's plunged into yet another abyss.

Now, she lives with Cadia's honor on her shoulders.

This path is painful.

And she must bear the suffering of this life.

When the medical soldiers ran over.

Vardy has stopped breathing.

There was a trace of peace on his face.

Wife, children, and comrades-in-arms all died in the Battle of Cadia.

And he shouldered the task of restoring the morale and combat power of the lost Cadia 101st Regiment.

Keep him busy.

His friends and relatives are all dead.

But he didn't even have the right to be sad.

As one of the few remaining veterans, his grief will inevitably lower the morale of the Cadia 101st Regiment.

Death is a terrible thing.

But for those who have lost everything and carry heavy burdens, it is undoubtedly a relief.

Two Chimera personnel carriers and a Leman Rustan tank came from the rear and bombarded the possible artillery positions.

After a while, the alarm was declared lifted.

The traitors were all wiped out.

The fighter plane was also shot down, and the wreckage burned violently on the plain.

The Cadia 101st Regiment regroups.

It was a small-scale attack.

Although successfully repelled, and achieved a very good record.

But the morale of the 101st Regiment generally declined.

Casualties were caused before entering the position, which is undoubtedly a huge blow to morale.

Minka worried about whether they would be able to win, and felt a little sad for the dead comrades.

It's a pity that we are now in a war period.

She didn't even have time to mourn for her comrades.

After hastily burying the body and collecting the nameplate of the deceased, he continued on his way.

The 101st and other Cadian regiments were soon ordered to attack a traitor-controlled hive city.

They're going to take it back.

The enemies wear uniforms with weird symbols, claiming to bring a new baptism to mankind and usher in a new era.

The enemy has erected barriers in the streets and city buildings.

Those Imperial civilians who did not have time to escape the city during the rebellion became their hostages.

Forced to take up arms, or charge Cadian soldiers with bombs strapped to their bodies.

The commander showed no mercy and directly ordered heavy tanks and personnel carriers to run over the civilians.

Minka followed the army to launch an attack on the hive.

She switched the gun to fully automatic mode, and the hot light bullets sent out a series of lasers to impact the fortifications built by the traitors.

With her were twenty other Cadian soldiers who charged.

Everyone shoots as crazy as she does, with good aim.

The traitors have little training, but they have good firepower, heavy automatic guns, and parallel twin-barreled artillery.

It's a pity that these traitors are not facing ordinary imperial troops.

But Cadia soldiers.

One of the most elite troops in the empire.

Every man and woman born in Cadia has learned how to fight for as long as he can remember, so as to take up arms to defend their homeland, ready to fight back Chaos at any time.

Cadia's daily routine is training, resting, training, resting, fighting.

They are seasoned and experienced.

If the fall of Cadia hadn't taken away too many veterans, the defenders of the Hive City would have lost more bleakly and more quickly.

Minka and others charged forward all the way.

Three rebels were killed by her, and one was knocked down by her.

Minka rushed up and stabbed the opponent's throat with the bayonet, and bright red blood gushed out.

She could clearly see that the other party was only seventeen or eighteen years old.

The traitor held his pierced throat, his expression extremely terrified.

"You shouldn't have betrayed," Minka said. "Even if you died a thousand times, you shouldn't have betrayed."

The young traitor's eyes widened, and then he lost his breath.

The vehicles of the Empire moved forward with a rumble, and artillery fire continued to bombard the traitors.

Soon, the traitors couldn't bear to leave, and they retreated steadily.

Even with the civilians of the hive city as cover, it is difficult for them to defend the hive city.

Numerous war machines attacked the rebel fortifications one after another.

The ferocious artillery bombardment continued day and night for more than ten days, turning the buildings outside the strategic targets into ruins.

As the vanguard, the personnel carrier and the super-heavy tank, accompanied by the rumbling sound, ran over the enemy's corpse all the way, and blasted the enemy hidden in the building.

The Cadia corps advanced step by step, and the rebels were forced to abandon a large number of fortifications and corpses, and fled to the inner city in a panic.

Minkar had expected victory to be here.

They will easily take back the hive city and complete their mission.

Until she saw the cultists pushing the crosses that bound civilians.

Only then did Minka realize once again that his imagination of the danger of the galaxy was too simple.

Those civilians were tied naked to the cross by the heretics using wire with blades and thorns.

Those people kept screaming in pain and begging for mercy.

Hope the cultists get around them.

The cultists paid them no heed.

Instead, around these sufferers, they danced all kinds of weird dances like a great god, praying with words.

The experienced commander recognized at a glance that the cultists were offering sacrifices to the demons in the rift, begging for their strength.

He ordered the troops to hasten the attack.

However, it was still a step too late.

Along with the weird spells of those guys, the evil magic was released to the fullest.

Some terrible monsters rushed out of the shadows.

The dense swarm of insects like a torrential rain covered the sky and the sun, rushing towards the Cadia troops.

Block the air intake, muzzle, goggles, nose, ears and eyes.

The drinking water boiled out of thin air, the engines overheated and overloaded, and burned one after another.

Many soldiers became hard stone statues, or became soft and boneless, or their skin and flesh rotted.

Some have gone mad, others have turned into twisted monsters.

If there is a slight carelessness in government affairs, these people will kill each other.

The swarms crawled everywhere, spreading madly.

With the progress of the battle, the soldiers were covered with pustules, and then their bodies and minds changed, becoming terrifying demons.

Like the filthy spirits of the weird myths.

The deceased stood up again, with a hideous face, and rushed to his former comrades-in-arms, chewing their bloody bones.

This is a battle of supernatural powers used.

The Cadia soldiers, who had been winning, were forced to leave the hive in embarrassment, losing all the fruits of their previous victories.

Those terrifying things are definitely not their means to resist, and if they continue to stay, they will only cause more serious deaths and injuries.

Minka watched as the monsters devoured his companions.

Overturning the super-heavy Leman Rus tank, this is definitely not a terrifying monster that manpower can fight.

"Those boozers are pulling us into a fight we can't win."

When Minka withdrew with the troops, he said to the soldiers next to him.

It's not that she disrespects her superiors and fears death.

Those terrifying monsters are obviously beyond the scope of manpower to fight.

The officials of the Conny galaxy should not be looking for the Cadia Corps, but the Demon Tribunal.

Only the Tribunal of Demons can stand against these hideous monsters.

In desperation, the commanders could only seal off those hives with traitors.

The rebels launched attacks at regular intervals.

Try to break through the blockade.

When Minka thought that the Conny galaxy would become a long-lasting battlefield.

She found that she was wrong again.

After a stalemate for a while, the traitors launched another attack on the blockade.

This time, they dragged the altar of sacrifice, and brought the wizards with them.

On the battlefield, those terrifying monsters were summoned.

Trying to use witchcraft to break the blockade of the empire.

The snipers hid in the dark and killed all the wizards who dared to take the lead.

However, the enemy still charged the Empire's defenses with the help of weird sorcery.

Roar! !

The roar of the beast sounded.

Those horrific monsters and mutants swarmed out and pounced on the imperial troops.

Tanks were blown away by them, and troop carriers were blown up.

The Cadians held their positions with their crude fortifications, and fought against the traitors who used witchcraft almost crazily.

They quickly rushed to the Cadian positions.

Hacking indiscriminately and trampling the wounded underfoot.

Minka and other soldiers mounted their bayonets and made a last stand.

Stab supernatural foes with insane determination.

Just when Minka thought they could no longer contain the demons.

There was a vibration from the ground, and a series of streamers bombarded the positions full of enemies.

Several steaming orbital airborne pods stood airtight on the battlefield.

Traitor bullets hit it without doing any damage at all.

Accompanied by the dull metal collision and the hiss of depressurization, the hatch of the airborne cabin slowly opened.

Accompanied by the hissing of high-pressure gas, the giant in black power armor stepped out of the airborne cabin.

They were more than two meters tall, armed with chainswords and bolt guns.

Minka was stunned for a moment. As a Cadia warrior, she naturally knew what these guys were.

The Angel of the Emperor, the Sword of the Empire, the slayer of the Enemy of Man.

She can even recognize the opponent's identity from the opponent's armor emblem.

"Black, Dark Angel." Minka stammered.

It was none other than the first legion of supermen created by the Emperor, the Dark Angels.

They are carefully selected warriors in the universe, who have undergone various surgeries and implanted biological carapaces, allowing them to control the power armor like a second skin.

Similar giants stepped out of the airborne pod.

Standing behind the first warrior, a wide fan was formed.

The Space Marine at the forefront was the only one without a helmet.

He looked at the battlefield with serious eyes.

"It's that devil's breath again, what exactly does it want to do!!" the leading dark angel said to himself.

He then ordered the Emperor's Angels to join the battle.

No doubts.

The space fighters in black power armor rushed towards the position where the battle was most intense.

They crossed the huge crater in one step, firing a burst of precise bombs with each step forward.

The aura of the rebels was instantly shattered.

Even the monsters they summoned were sent back to the Warp directly by the Dark Angels, posing no threat at all.

The traitor's body couldn't bear the attack of the explosive bomb at all, half of his body would be blown to pieces.

At the end, the huge Dreadnought joined the battle with the Emperor's Angel.

With heavy steps, he trampled all the traitors blocking his way to pieces.

Some think tanks with scepters summoned supernatural powers more terrifying than traitors to drive back all those disgusting monsters.

"Counterattack." The commander's order came from the communication.

Minka and the other Cadian soldiers fought back with the warriors of the Dark Angels Chapter.

The Dark Angel strode at the forefront of the palace, wielding a chainsaw sword and firing regular salvos of explosive bombs to harvest the traitors who had retreated hastily.

Cadian soldiers held their lasguns aloft, shooting at those that slipped through.

The traitor's retreat quickly turned into a rout.

They fled all the way into the inner city, trying to use the inner city to defend.

Unfortunately, in front of the Dark Angels, their witchcraft no longer works.

The Librarians of the Dark Angels Squad have performed ancient techniques far superior to theirs.

Interrupted their sacrificial rituals, and caused those poor wizards to suffer backlash.

With the help of the Dark Angels, the frustrated Cadia soldiers reversed the situation and took back the Hive Capital.

Watch as captive cultists are led out for execution.

Minka couldn't help being in awe of the terrifying combat power of the space fighters.

"I'm Minka, the company commander of the 101st Regiment of Cadia, thank you for your help." Minka said.

Hearing the name Cadia, the Space Marine looked at Minka for a moment, "Dark Angel Deathwing, Tactical Squad, Boris."

"Thank you again, Master Boris." Minka said, "Do you need our assistance?" "No." Boris said, "We are chasing a demon. If you don't want your comrades to die or get injured, Then don't get involved."

"Understood, my lord," Minka said.

Boris looked around.

The whole nest was filled with black smoke, and the fire was still not extinguished.

Things are going badly.

Boris knew that all of this was led by the devil to happen.

So far, they've had a lot of calls for help.

The initial information even bears the title of Fallen Angel, which involves Caliban regulations.

For this reason, the Grand Master of the Dark Angels Chapter, the heir to the Sword of the Lion King and the Helm of the Lion King-Azrael sent the Deathwing Company to track it down.

Boris is also one of them.

He tracked down all the way.

The more I investigate, the more confused I become.

He didn't find any trace of the fallen angel.

Only traces of demons were found.

"The interrogation came out, and it was found. It's deep in the hive."

The think tank's voice came from the helmet's communication device.

A coordinate is sent to the personal database.

Boris led the other team members towards the coordinates.

No matter what, he must catch this demon.

Five thousand words big chapter, you said you like big chapters, so you posted them together,

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