Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 142 What do they want to do? (seeking subscription)

Gray was stunned for a moment when he heard the voice on the communication.

Can cultists and dark angels still have a relationship?

"Protect the scene and don't let others approach."

"Understood. Your Excellency Judge." The subordinate said.

Gray ordered others to continue to interrogate these traitors, and then took a few cronies to the position of the reporting subordinate.

It was a huge metal cabin.

Has a complex mechanism to control the gate.

The thick iron door has been melted by the hot melting beam and re-condensed into a smooth iron block.

Gray stepped in, and dozens of corpses fell in disorder inside.

There are loyalists and cultists.

Loyalist corpses are generally treated kindly.

The corpses of cult members are generally gathered and burned to avoid pollution.

Gray didn't care about this, she walked straight past the servants and mechanical slaves who were carrying the corpses.

On these corpses, with the judge's keenness, Gray could see that these enemies had better weapons and equipment.

Obviously they are all high-level degenerates.

From their tattered armored bodies, Gray glimpsed the disgustingly mutated bodies.

Morbidly pale, with some disgusting bony spurs and tiny granulations.

These fellows have lost themselves in the cult of evil and become abominations.

Several soldiers wearing a full set of exoskeleton protective suits held weapons and surrounded a console.

A senior non-commissioned officer came over, and it was he who reported to Gray what happened just now.

"What's going on?" Gray looked at the other party, and the electronic eyes embedded in the eye sockets locked on the other party's face, conducted a comprehensive analysis of it, and obtained various data of this subordinate from the database.

"We captured a high-ranking cult member and seized some encrypted files, which have been deciphered," said the noncommissioned officer.

There was joy in his eyes, and his tone of voice was even more excited.

Obviously, being able to capture such an important person will definitely bring unimaginable benefits to his official career.

Gray walked over, and several soldiers were escorting a man.

The other side knelt on the ground in horror.

After seeing Grey's arrival and recognizing the other party's position as a judge, he was even more frightened and trembled all over.

In the empire, the Inquisitor is undoubtedly the most terrifying existence.

It is also the most terrifying nightmare of many nobles.

As long as it falls into the hands of the judge, everyone will be treated equally, and those tortures are unimaginable.

As the man trembled, so did the fat on his body.

On the whole, the man is fat, and his body is wrapped in layers of fat.

This artificial fat is often engineered to allow a person to tolerate the freezing temperatures that come with working in space.

The other party was wearing a large general uniform.

There is a red-gold imperial emblem on the shoulder, representing the identity of the other party.

"Administrator?" Gray glanced at the sign on the other's chest and said.

Her eyes fixed on the man, not letting go of any details.

Through this bloated and disgusting body, she saw a corrupt soul.

Soon, a large amount of information was investigated from the database.

After analysis, all the results were obtained.

Information about the man also quickly appeared in Gray's field of vision.

This is a man who was once full of hope.

The man's name was called Salad.

Salad started his career in politics with the help of the political capital he got from his father's generation.

Smart, tough, resolute, and fast, he is a cutting-edge human elite.

When he first entered the political arena, he was full of enthusiasm. After witnessing the corruption of the empire and the inefficiency of the bureaucracy, he determined to become a reformer and reverse the sad fate of mankind.

"If I can't dedicate everything to the emperor and mankind, then what's the point of my joining the political arena." The young Salad vowed to speak to the old dignitaries when he first took office.

At that time, Salad was full of idealism, full of faith, and wanted to do a big job.

However, the iron fist of reality soon let him know how terrible the imperial political arena is.

The human empire is the most powerful regime in human history, and its territory occupies more than two-thirds of the galaxy.

Spanning tens of thousands of light years, one can imagine how vast a country this is.

And the power struggle is the worst in human history.

Not only the family forces, but also the collusion of the plutocratic forces, and political infighting even did not hesitate to use the people of the empire and many worlds of the empire as bargaining chips and pawns.

A large number of Astra Militarum regiments were thrown into the battlefield as political capital, and both victory and defeat became means of attacking political enemies.

The victory of the enemy depends not only on the strength of the opponent, but also on the struggle of the internal forces of the empire.

As far as Salad knew, there were more than a dozen galaxy-level battles that deliberately sabotaged the victory of the Empire in order to suppress political opponents.

It is conceivable how crazy these guys are for the sake of power and family interests.

In order to suppress the political opponents, indulge the chaos, the rampage of aliens, weaken the image of the political opponents, and pull them down from their official careers.

Salad had personally been to a battlefield, and it was a brutal struggle.

Millions of Astra Militarum soldiers were used as pawns in political games.

Some forces even secretly ordered the Imperial Navy to use the fleet to wipe out part of the ground forces.

Use the spear to wipe out the troops supporting the political opponent, and then describe it as a false strike.

In order to hit a rising political star, use the battlefield to discredit the opponent.

Even more frightening is the indulgence of Chaos, branding political opponents as Chaos cults or human traitors, in order to damage the opponent's reputation.

In the eyes of those powerful and powerful, the army is just a bargaining chip for them to exchange for political capital.

Salad's blood was quickly poured with cold water.

It is useless to mix the imperial political arena, be loyal to humans, and be loyal to the emperor.

What matters is power, what matters is background.

Salad realized the corruption of the imperial bureaucracy and the distortion of the imperial system, and later realized the truth that if the empire is not destroyed, human beings will never have a future.

The empire needs a big fire to cleanse, only in this way can mankind be reborn from the ashes.

With this understanding, Salad quickly devoted himself to the underground cause of the anti-empire.

During this period, the Church of Ouroboros also secretly rose up.

Salad was recruited to become one of the believers.

The teaching of Ouroboros is that all things are cyclical, and only in this way can they be eternal.

The Empire has existed for 10,000 years and it is time for a cycle.

The emperor is a symbol of tyranny and oppression, and the Terra Council is even more corrupt and has no achievements at all.

Today, the highly corrupt and authoritarian imperial bureaucracy is like a ruthless bloody machine.

The gears in it don't have any thoughts and souls, they just rotate relentlessly, constantly aggravating the absurd, extreme, and bloody totalitarianism of the empire.

This situation must be improved.

"It is imminent to overthrow the divine authority of the Emperor and the reign of terror of the Senate of Terra. If we cannot break the boat, then mankind will perish." After joining the Ouroboros Church, Salad delivered his speech to the believers.

These speeches allowed him to obtain greater church power and richer funds. With the help of these powers, he quickly developed in the officialdom and his status became higher and higher.

"The lackey of the corpse emperor," Salad raised his head, trembling, and tried his best to keep himself calm. "Kill one me, and there will be tens of thousands of me. You can't kill them all. Countless people with lofty ideals will surely overthrow the reign of terror of you executioners."

"Stupid." Gray glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze.

Unnecessary and stupid and ignorant waste of time, they are beyond redemption.

Any truth, goodness and beauty divorced from reality is poison.

Many humans are limited by their short lives and poor insights.

They simply cannot realize how alone human beings are in a galaxy of horrors, surrounded by endless malice.

In this universe, any goodness will turn into tragedy if it goes to the back.

"I won't tell you anything. A true martyr will not succumb to you because of pain." Salad tried to put on a contemptuous look, trying to express his bravery with such means.

Gray showed a mocking smile, raised her hand, waved it and said, "Burn him to death."

Salad thought that he would be tortured to extract a confession, and he had already figured out how to stick to his loyalty to the church and to Ouroboros under the torture of the other party.

As a result, people will burn themselves to death when they come up! !

Anyway, let's interrogate it.

This tone, this attitude, I feel that I am not important at all.

Salad wanted to say something more, so he acted a little tougher.

The guard next to Gray directly pulled the trigger of the flamethrower, and scorching flames gushed out, enveloping the man in it.

There was a miserable scream.

The man's body twisted and twitched in the flames, and finally turned into a piece of black coke.

After executing the man, the guards turned off the flamethrower.

Gray stood aside patiently, waiting for the heat to subside.

She stepped past the charred body, flipping through the files on the console.

Those files are subspace waterway maps, depicting various parameters and traffic data.

There is also a very complex ephemeris system that has never been seen before.

What this ephemeris system predicts is the activity of the warp ether current.

Gray is keenly aware that the subspace waterway maps point to the Dark Angel's megalithic fortress.

Stone Keep moves around the galaxy.

Sometimes even Terra doesn't know where the Stonehold is.

But the star map depicts the detailed route of the megalith fortress.

Obviously, this evil church has been paying attention to the Dark Angels for a long time.

Otherwise, how could there be such detailed data.

After looking through it, Gray's expression became more serious.

In addition to various data against the Dark Angels Chapter, Gray saw the emblem of the thirteen original flagship - the Glory of Macragge also appear on the map.

All feasible warp lanes are marked between the two.

Apparently, the enemy has also incorporated it into their own evil plans.

Dark Angel, Regent of the Empire.

Why is the relationship between the two worthy of a cult's concern?

Gray flipped through the seized information to see if there were any clues.

Soon, she turned to a video recording of a speech.

A cultist with gray hair, wrinkles, and robes, is crazily advocating the teachings of the Ouroboros Church to those fools who think they will bring salvation to mankind.

"The gears of fate are about to start turning, and the sleeping ancient gods will return. This is the best moment for human beings to redeem themselves."

Gray's face was slightly pale in the reflection of the holographic projection video.

She frowned slightly, her tone dignified.

"What are they trying to do?"

No one could give her an answer.

With limited information, no one knows why these cultists would link the Thirteenth and the Dark Angels.

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