Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 145 A Big Surprise for Guilliman (Subscribe)

Seeing his comrades fall, the surviving dark angel was filled with grief and indignation, and resolutely chose to raise his gun to fight back.

Sudden battle.

No one could respond in time.

Even though they have the strongest fighting bodies in the empire and the fastest reaction speed, it is still difficult to figure out what happened.

The soldiers on the expeditionary fleet thought that the Dark Angels rebelled and became conservatives, wanting to stifle the reform of the empire, so they launched an attack on them.

The Dark Angels believed that the expedition fleet was obliterating them in the name of Guilliman.

After all, Caliban's secrets are enough to shake the foundations of the Empire.

What Lion Lion does is not much different from what Horus did in the past.

The only difference is that Lion doesn't have the false promise of being lost in the Warp.

But outsiders don't think so much, once what happened in Caliban in the past is revealed.

The rest of the Empire will only insist that Lion, as the Primarch, has betrayed the Empire and surrendered to Chaos.

The surviving Dark Angel didn't hesitate.

With his excellent fighting instinct, he hit Cybers with one shot.

One of the opponent's arms was broken by a powerful explosive bomb.

It's a pity that Cybers has already prepared.

He jumped into a notch, dodged the next bolt from the Dark Angels, and survived.

"Calm down, don't be impulsive." A soldier shouted, trying to calm down both sides.

After all, it happened so suddenly that they didn't get any news.

"Traitor," Sebos yelled, and fired another shot, narrowly missing the Dark Angel.

The Dark Angel warriors, who originally thought there was a misunderstanding, no longer had any hope, and stubbornly believed that the expedition fleet was here to clean them up.

He fired continuously, and after forcing back several soldiers of the expedition fleet, he turned around and fled to the depths of the ship.

Two fighters were wounded in the exchange of fire.

Seeing such a situation, the other fighters could only fire and chase that dark angel, otherwise it would cause even greater damage.

The situation of the fighting between the two sides quickly spread across various communication channels.

Space Marines were designed by the Emperor to possess an extraordinary speed of mental reflexes.

The Dark Angels are the best among them, and they quickly raise their guns and shoot, trying to defend themselves.

While the other fighters were forced to fight back, the battle began within seconds.

The speed was so fast that neither side had time to figure out the misunderstanding.

The Dark Angels have already become frightened by the Caliban regulations.

In these years, in order to hunt down the fallen angels, even the allies have been deceived, and they have secretly attacked the judge.

Before that, they heard a lot of news.

Guilliman's decree to reform the bureaucracy has already shaken the entire empire.

Opponents and supporters are slowly torn into conservative and reformist factions in the empire.

With Guilliman's successive victories and the introduction of many new war technology creations, his supporters are also gradually rising.

After strangling the Zerg fleet forcefully in the Charadon Sector, his supporters began to overwhelm his opponents.

Many star regions and galaxies have begun to reform spontaneously, preparing to respond to the Primarch's call and work together to fight for the survival of mankind.

Of course, many opposing forces believe that Guilliman's reforms are not for humans.

Guilliman's reforms were to prepare him to take over the Emperor's position and become the second Lord of Humanity.

The soldiers of the expedition fleet were all in a state of confusion.

They did not receive any combat missions.

Why did they suddenly open fire and start a fight?

The sound of fighting sounded in the communication, which seemed very noisy.

The dark angels, who are cautious by nature, immediately drew their guns and shot in order to protect themselves.

Many soldiers were injured, and several soldiers were caught off guard by the attack of the dark angel and killed.

The soldiers of the expeditionary fleet had no choice but to launch a counterattack.

No matter what, action must be taken to prevent chaos and casualties.

On the bridge of the Victory Laurel, the atmosphere of happy conversation suddenly became tense.

The situation suddenly fell into chaos

Azrael, who was staying with Calgar, heard the communication from his subordinates, and immediately realized something was wrong.

He wanted to order to stop and investigate the situation first.

However, before he could speak, a sudden change occurred.

Under the eyes of everyone, a sword blade was directly pierced into the belly of the great teacher.

The speed was so fast that no one could react.

The opponent's attack was even more ruthless and vicious, and the sword pierced through the opponent's abdomen.

Even Calgar, who was standing aside, couldn't react, and the attack happened just like that.

It stands to reason that such an attack is not enough to knock down a top battle master who has experienced countless battles and is fighting on the front line against aliens and chaos.

However, the blade in the opponent's hand contains a terrible evil force, which destroys the powerful self-healing mechanism of the Space Marine, causing him to bleed continuously.

Azrael had a terrified expression on his face, and he grasped the opponent's blue shoulder armor weakly with one hand, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"Why?" Azrael said weakly.

"Die, traitor," the warrior yelled. "You are all traitors, the Dark Angels are all traitors, for the sake of the great Guilliman, you must die."

Azrael's communicator was already on.

Originally, he was trying to prevent the reckless actions of his subordinates.

This is a premeditated split.

It's a pity that before he could say anything, he was stopped by the sneak attacking soldiers.

At this moment, the warrior's words resounded through Azrael's communicator in the ears of every dark angel.

"For the great Guilliman" echoed over the comm channel.

Every dark angel who received this message was in shock and panic, and unspeakable sadness and pain

There is no doubt that such behavior is a complete betrayal for them.

The former comrades-in-arms swung their butcher knives at them.

For the thirteen original body, Calgar was ordered to destroy them.

To erase the stain of the empire?

In order to erase the thirteen original obstacles to the throne of gold?

Whatever the reason, the Ultramarines swung their butcher knives and slashed at the Dark Angel.

Under the cover of the helmet, the warrior smiled, and everything was according to plan.

What a heartbreak to see when Guilliman arrives.

When brothers meet each other, only one of them can survive.

As long as Guilliman is killed again, the Ultramarines and many sub-groups will inevitably fall into endless madness.

They don't care if the Dark Angel is innocent or not.

At that time, they will only take revenge and wipe everything away.

The wrath of the Colossus of Retribution will be poured on Stone Keep and all conservative forces that try to defy the Antigen, strangling all opponents of the Empire.

He drew out the sharp blade with an evil aura, and the dark red blood dripped down the blade to the floor.

Swinging again, trying to chop Azrael's head.

Azrael is the Grand Master after all, the strongest Dark Angel warrior.

He bent down to avoid the fatal blow, and pushed the opponent away with his gradually weakened hands.

The torn wound carried a strange force, which destroyed his self-healing mechanism and could not be healed urgently.

The wound was bleeding continuously, and the evil force was rapidly depriving him of his vitality.

It made him so weak that he fell to the ground.

This scene shocked everyone.

Even Calgar was stunned for a moment. He looked at the warrior wearing azure power armor and holding a blood-stained black blade, keenly aware that something was wrong.

"The Dark Angels are traitors, kill them, for Guilliman," the warrior with the blade yelled, raising his gun and firing, trying to kill the Dark Angels' counterattack for good.

The reaction speed of space fighters is extremely fast.

Just one breath is enough to make them react in various ways.

In a battle, one second is enough to decide the life and death of both sides.

A quick response is naturally a good thing, but sometimes it also means that there will be no chance for both parties to speak and defend, and the crisis has already been detonated.

Seeing that the Grand Master fell weakly, several fighters of the Dark Angels did not hesitate to fight back directly, firing the bolt guns in their hands at what they thought was the enemy.

"Cease fire." Calgar recovered from his astonishment, he roared loudly, ordering the Ultramarine who fired to stop.

But in the next second, the soldier who attacked Azrael was blown in the head by the dark angel's bomb, and the dark red flesh and blood mixed with the fragments of the helmet flew around.

The other fighters were also forced to find places to hide by the bombs fired by the dark angels.

Under Calgar's orders, they were forced to refrain from fighting back.

Many Dark Angel warriors were filled with grief and indignation. They dragged the wounded and fallen Azrael to a hidden corner with extremely sad faces.

"It was a misunderstanding," Calga yelled, trying to calm both sides.

However, this is doomed to be useless.

Inheriting the character traits of the lion, the Dark Angels are very powerful, very cautious, and very suspicious.

Plus a unique legion structure.

These characteristics make them nearly invulnerable, able to receive information one step ahead of the enemy and make targeted strategies.

Sometimes, however, being cautious and suspicious is not a good thing.

They will make some things that can be redeemed completely go to an irreparable bad situation.

"You have betrayed us." A dark angel yelled with suppressed pain, "You have attacked the Grand Master."

"There was a misunderstanding, and I never gave such an order," Calgar shouted.

Just when both parties are trying to establish a trivial communication.

A parallel laser cannon operated by an unknown person locked the hiding Dark Angels and began to shoot.

The laser did not cause any casualties to the Dark Angels, but it shattered the communication that was finally established.

The Dark Angels had no hope.

They fought back, blowing up the laser cannons.

He took Azrael and fled to the depths, trying to steal a fighter plane, and fled back to the Stone Fortress.

"This is a misunderstanding." Calga shouted, "I did not give the order to fire, and all troops are not allowed to fire."

The Dark Angels paid no heed, believing it to be Calgar's deceitful strategy.

As long as they relax their vigilance, the opponent will find an opportunity to destroy them utterly.

"Take away the Great Teacher, we have been betrayed, we have been betrayed. The Great Teacher has been severely injured, the Great Teacher has been severely injured, and Dexima has been killed."

A fleeing Dark Angel warrior shouted to report their situation to Stone Keep.

They retreated while fighting, and fled to the boarding deck, trying to leave with the Grand Master.

Azrael, supported by several Dark Angel warriors, tried to say something.

But he was too weak, and the terrible blade had robbed him of much of his vitality, leaving him so weak that he could only move with the help of his comrades.

Watching the terrified fighters of the Dark Angels flee, Calgar looked solemn, and he looked at his deputy.

"Find a way to control Azrael and his party first, and find out what's going on. Order all troops not to kill the Dark Angels, and focus on arresting, leaving room for finding out the truth."

"Investigate the fighters who attacked Azrael, and bring me the first fighter who opened fire. I want to question him clearly. There must be something wrong with this matter."

After all, he has been in charge of the Ultramarines for thousands of years, and Calgar has experienced countless intrigues.

He knew that it was not that simple behind this matter, and there must be enemies behind it.

Azrael could not have betrayed so lightly.

Otherwise, he would never have brought so few people to his flagship.

However, what was unexpected was that before Calgar finished dealing with the matter in hand, the harsh siren rang through the flagship.

Things got worse.

The outlying defensive platforms of the Stone Keep opened fire on them.

Beams of light cut through the vast, eternally cold void, and the fan-shaped torpedoes were launched like a big net with the help of the giant cannons of the megalithic fortress.

The Stone Keep controlled by the Dark Angels Chapter unleashed a massive attack that rained down on Calgar's fleet, treating his forces as enemies.

Screams of fear and shock mingled with blaring sirens sounded from every ship.

Many high-level officers of the fleet were all in a state of confusion.

what happened?

Why did Stonehenge attack them.

A large number of ships sent inquiries to the Boulder Fortress, hoping that the other party could restrain themselves and not do anything wrong.

However, their inquiries were like mud cows falling into the sea, without causing the slightest waves, and without any response.

All of a sudden, the connection between the two parties was directly cut off without any response.

And in the megalithic fortress, chaos also erupted.

The crisis came so suddenly that no one expected it to explode.

The Megalithic Fortress is extremely huge, built by the Dark Angels using the remains of Caliban, which is equivalent to a self-sufficient small world.

It is populated by large numbers of mortal auxiliaries and dark angel warriors.

Weapon forging plants, ordnance assembly plants, food supply centers and many other factories are located in the megalithic fortress.

In this way, the Dark Angels can move across the galaxy, hunting down the enemies of humanity and the Fallen Angels.

Such a huge base naturally left many dark corners that cannot be monitored.

It left space for those prisoners who defected to avoid hunting.

After the previous attack, Azrael had been trying to clear the escaped prisoners.

Many prisoners were killed or recaptured.

However, the emergence of a large fissure interrupted the elimination work of the giant stone fortress.

In order to protect the empire, he had to send the dark angels out to fight those hateful enemies and save the world where humans lived.

Those escaped prisoners were naturally active in dark corners everywhere.

Usually they are suppressed and hunted.

And today, they will rise up and deal the most terrible blow to the Dark Angels.

After the Dark Angel Master-Azrael gave the order to go to the Victory Laurel, their counterattack had already begun.

In a factory that can be connected to the main control information center, these prisoners quietly took control of this place and started their plan.

"Continue." A tall warrior wearing crude armor said in a cold tone, "For the sake of the Nine Changes, we cannot stop."

He held a bloody knife in his hand, and lay dead civilians at his feet.

Beside him, a warrior who was polluted by Chaos like him, holding a weapon, and leading other civilians were chanting and singing.

If a judge were here, he would definitely draw his gun immediately.

These are all blasphemous words and rhythms, the most evil existence from the subspace, which must be wiped out immediately, otherwise it will bring unimaginable pollution.

These rhythms existed in the universe before humans learned to speak, they were very ancient, and they contained terrifying power.

Temperament is connected with some indescribable essence, which has the power to corrupt all things.

One can match them with any melody.

In any case, they can exert mysterious power.

These rhythms carry mysterious power, and with the input code, they can quickly corrode the defense system of the Dark Angel's fortress.

Another person walked up, his body was imprinted with the Holy Number of Nine of Chaos, his eyes were foolish and full of fanaticism.

Men have no fear of imminent death.

He was wearing only a shirt and shorts, with those evil prayers engraved on his body, and he was holding a blue bottle in his hand.

The offerings for this time came in bottles, two eyeballs from his wife and son, and half a bottle of blood.

At the bottom of the bottle, there is also a note full of words.

As long as sacrifices are made to please the powers of Chaos, those nameless beings will answer any request of the people.

Pure souls, acts of treachery, and the killing of goodness please them.

A man loves his wife deeply, but for a greater cause, he kills his wife without hesitation, and even kills his own children, just to offer better sacrifices to those indescribable beings .

The man opened the cap and poured out the blood inside.

His wife and children's eyeballs were thrown away like rubbish.

He took out the paper full of words inside the bottle.

Paper is crafted with a special material and ritual.

The remaining blood was slowly absorbed, the paper began to heat up, and smoke came out from the edges.

The man threw away the bottle and knelt devoutly in front of the communication transmitter.

He took the data cable and plugged it into the port on his neck.

The man looked at the piece of paper, and read the words written on it devoutly.

The paper began to heat up slowly, and the smoke curled up.

The man recited those letters one by one, and the nerve cable converted his consciousness into words and entered them into the communicator.

There is nothing special about these words.

It can be written in any language, it can be written in the language of Man, it can be written in the language of the Eldar, as it can be mixed in any melody.

Language and melody are just its external manifestations, what really matters is its essence, that evil essence.

Soon, the man typed the words on the paper, the paper in his hand burned, and the smoky debris slipped from between his fingers.

The breath became more oppressive, and the weird whispers became more terrifying.

The air became cold, and there was a strong psionic oppression.

Even fighters who have undergone transformation can hardly bear such oppression.

The man who entered the text trembled violently, his tongue-lost mouth opened wide, and let out a silent scream.

His eyes began to melt in their sockets, his body twisted unnaturally, and then melted little by little like a melting candle.

Seeing this, the warrior plunged his own knife into the man's head for the final execution.

This is the ninth and last.

Nine names had been entered into the system's database, entering the data streams of the Stonehold communication network like poison.

No filtering system or mindspace barrier can block or erase them.

Because these names are just composed of ordinary letters, they are not harmful codes, not virus data.

However, when they enter the system and are read by many mechanically transformed communicators using the thinking space, they will grow and reveal their true colors.

It is no longer the arrangement of letters, but its essence will be revealed, infinitely varied and fascinating.

In the main information processing room of the Megalith Fortress, hundreds of millions of wires and sensor strips all converge here.

Connected to the mainframe, men and women who have undergone mechanical modification and programming sit here to listen, select, and transmit information streams from different areas of the Stone Fortress.

Their mouths are constantly moving, hissing and repeating the passing data stream.

The automatic copying machine rattled, and the information conduit beeped incessantly.

The huge array of contemplators sometimes opened their mouths wide and sometimes closed them, seemingly in extreme pain.

The skull was removed, and a large number of data cables were inlaid. The machine slave, which was blocked by a transparent glass cover, trembled.

He received a weird and unusual message and fell into a brief silence.

After a pause, the inspector realized the problem, restarted it, and tried to format it.

"One." The machine slave tremblingly said, the programmed and mechanized brain trembled subconsciously a few times, a large amount of data flowed from his brain to the main control center.

"Two." Another machine slave also twitched.

"Three." The painful voice filled the air, and the machine slaves trembled.

Some men and women noticed these abnormalities, and they looked at all this with puzzled expressions.

Machine slaves completely wipe out their personal consciousness, so how can there be pain?

"Four." Hundreds of machine slaves shouted at the same time, and the loud voice resounded through the entire control room.

A mechanical priest on duty turned his mechanical head and looked at the screaming mechanical slave, with humanized confusion in his mechanical and electronic eyes.

He moved his heavy mechanical limbs towards the out-of-control machine slave.

"Five." A louder roar sounded, and some men and women also fell into confusion.

"Six." Some men and women with self-will also fell into it, and the huge data flow overwhelmed their brains, making them subconsciously shout E


The mechanical priest's face became serious, and some fear appeared on his mechanized face.

He connected to the communication of other colleagues, using binary communication to let them come.

The crisis here clearly involves something special.


The mechanical priest walked over, he stretched out a mechanical arm, and his fingers quickly liquefied, forming a thin needle.

His idea is very simple, that is to use a thin needle to try to read a small amount of information in order to analyze the problem.

In the next second, his eyes widened.

The unimaginable flow of data hit his core of operation like a flood.


The mechanical priest who tried to solve the problem also screamed.

On the many corridors of the megalithic fortress, the lights flickered rapidly.

All the screens in the main control center popped up red warnings.

All the mortals who control the various systems of the Boulder Fortress are confused, why did something go wrong all of a sudden.

Before they could react, many weapon platforms fired directly at the imperial fleet coming from afar.

At the same time, communication was cut off.

The Stone Fortress was in a panic.

Ezekiel, who was in charge of staying behind at the Boulder Fortress, looked solemn for an instant. Before he had time to deal with Azrael's injury on the Victory Laurel, such an emergency broke out suddenly.

It was no small matter that the outer defensive platforms of the Stone Fortress opened fire on the Imperial fleet.

"Stop." Ezekiel, who realized that the situation was not good, yelled at the communication device, trying to prevent this crisis.

"My lord, we have lost control of the Boulder Fortress, and we are not the ones who gave the order to fire." The technical director responded to Ezekiel, "A lot of waste codes are flooding our communication network."

"How long will it take to get back to normal?" Ezekiel's face became grim, and this incident made his scalp tingle.

The enemy came prepared, laying out layer by layer, like a chess player in control of the overall situation, playing with everyone between applause.

"Changer." A cursed name appeared in Ezekiel's mind, and he must never say it.

Only the Changer-Tzeentch would have played such a complex plot.

Its purpose is obvious, it is to promote the break between the Dark Angel and the Primarch.

"It takes seventy minutes. I'm trying to initialize the code and flush out the waste code. It is estimated that it will be completed in seventy minutes, and the control will be in our hands." The technical director said.

"Damn." Ezekiel said, "Regain control as soon as possible, can you establish communication with the expedition fleet?"

"No, our communication was the first to be attacked. The external communication has been destroyed, and it is no longer possible to send information to the Imperial Fleet." The technical director said.

"Find a way to establish contact as soon as possible." Ezekiel ordered.

"Understood, my lord, I will speed up as much as possible."

Ezekiel turned off the communication, and the technical director's words did not make him feel at ease.

It will take time to restore communication and clean up the code, and they can't wait that long.

Seventy minutes is enough for the expeditionary fleet and the Boulder Fortress to fight both sides.

"Let Dagonet come to see me." Ezekiel connected to another channel.

It is necessary to communicate as soon as possible, otherwise once the expeditionary fleet counterattacks, the situation will only get worse.

Through the images transmitted by the expedition fleet to all parts of the empire, Ezekiel knew how terrible the firepower of the expedition fleet was.

The Brood Fleet of the Tyranid Zerg, the Battle Moon of the Orcs, and even the Tomb Mothership of the Necrons were all destroyed by the Expeditionary Fleet.

It is conceivable how the expeditionary fleet has been strengthened under Guilliman's promotion.

Its firepower has reached an extremely terrifying level.

Especially the appearance of the Colossus of Heaven's Punishment.

Terrible creations comparable to celestial bodies are existences that every civilization must fear.

However, Ultramar can mass-produce such a giant structure, and it can be produced on an assembly line in a very cheap way. This is undoubtedly a display of Guilliman's terrifying strength to the extreme.

With this method, the expeditionary fleet can destroy all enemies who try to stop them.

Once, the expedition fleet gave up communicating with the Megalith Fortress.

That would undoubtedly be a terrible disaster for the Dark Angels.

As soon as the order was given, footsteps came from the door.

Ezekiel turned his head and saw that it was Boris, a member of the Deathwing.

"Lord Ezekiel," said Boris.

"What's wrong?" Ezekiel said.

"We must immediately execute the gang-jump operation against the expedition fleet led by Calgar, and prepare for the entry of the Stone Fortress into the warp." Boris said.

"Are you crazy?" Ezekiel looked at Boris and frowned, which would intensify the conflict.

Boris shook his head and said in a solemn tone: "Now the conflict has been intensified. The Grand Master was seriously injured and trapped on Calgar's flagship - the Victory Laurel. This is already a signal for us to start war. Don't you think this is a misunderstanding? ?"

"Even if you take 10,000 steps back, the Regent of the Empire did not issue an order, and if you retreat another 10,000 steps on this basis, Calgar did not issue an order, but now the two sides have exchanged fire, and more than six expedition ships have been destroyed. Ten thousand crew members lost their lives, do you think there is still room for recovery?"

"Staying here will only put us in a more critical situation. The firepower of the expedition fleet is well known, and it is enough to destroy all enemies who try to fight them. If Calgar mobilizes the Colossus of God's Retribution, I am afraid that the Stone Fortress will also be like a battle. The moon was destroyed like that. My suggestion is to leave first, and then find a way to figure out the situation. Staying here will only make things worse, and even cut off the blood of the lion."

Hearing this, Ezekiel couldn't help being shaken.

Boris' words are not without reason.

Even if there is any misunderstanding between the two parties, it would be a good idea to leave temporarily. Afterwards, try to find a way to establish contact with the thirteen original body, communicate the problems, and maybe there will be a turning point.

Now that the two sides have opened fire, once the opportunity to enter the subspace is lost, the Megalith Fortress will inevitably disintegrate under the attack of the expeditionary fleet, and there is really no way to recover it at that time.

What's more terrible is the ancient weapon inventory of the giant stone fortress, as well as the many prisoners held in the depths of the fortress, these are things that must not be exposed.

Once exposed, the consequences would be disastrous.

will make things worse.

What's more, the Dark Angel is the mother group of the follow-up army and the direct blood of the lion, which has unimaginable significance.

Once a war is launched against Calgar, it will inevitably bring unpredictable consequences.

"We must use powerful means to stop all of this." Boris saw Ezekiel's struggle and attacked a Primarch's troops. Once such a thing happened, the chain reaction would be unpredictable .

It is very likely that it will be deliberately propagated by conservatives, causing military confrontation everywhere.

Now, the lion's bloodline has encountered an unprecedented crisis. Boris can't just sit back and watch this crisis destroy the Boulder Fortress. Out of the pride and loyalty in his bones, he is not allowed to remain indifferent to the destruction of the lion's bloodline.

Ezekiel's face showed embarrassment, but before he could issue an order, a loud and noisy voice sounded again from the communication.

"Demons have invaded." The voice of the Chapter Priest-Asimo came from the communication.

"What's going on?" Ezekiel asked.

"The escaped prisoners performed a sacrifice ceremony. When we arrived, those guys were dead, and the summoned demon had disappeared. I suspect it was wearing a disguise." Asmo said.

"Find it as soon as possible." Ezekiel looked ugly, and he turned to look at Boris, "You summon the Deathwing company and prepare for the surprise attack, but you are not allowed to make decisions without my order."

"Understood, Lord Ezekiel." After Boris finished speaking, he turned and left.

Not long after Boris left, Dagone hurried over in armor.

Along the way, he saw that chaos had pervaded the entire Stone Fortress, and the situation was worse than ever.

"What's the matter? Ezekiel, you called me in such a hurry." Dagonet looked at Ezekiel and asked.

"I need you to do one thing." Ezekiel said, "Our communication with the expedition fleet has been cut off. The last information is only that the Grand Mentor was attacked. I can't use this information to make a comprehensive judgment. I doubt There must be evil forces interfering in it, for this reason, the Megalith Fortress needs to establish communication with the expedition fleet, otherwise both parties will suffer losses."

"What is it?" asked Dagonet.

"I need you to take a small team to the Victory Laurel. No matter what the situation is, you must send me a message to report the situation of the Grand Master. If possible, you can negotiate with Calgar on behalf of the Dark Angels Chapter to find out what happened. misunderstanding.” Ezekiel said, “This mission also has risks. If Calgar was ordered to destroy us, then you will die if you go to the Victory Laurel.”

"I believe that a Primarch will not be so reckless to issue a war order to a start-up mother group. I will definitely complete this task successfully." Dagonet said.

"This is all we can do, Dagone. No matter what the situation is, you have a clear conscience. If you are also in an accident, and you are put under house arrest and killed by Calga, then the Dark Angel can only be forced to fight back , and fled the area."

"I understand that I will take my task seriously," said Dagonet.

The outcome of his mission will concern Ezekiel's war orders.

Once he gives wrong information, Ezekiel will also make wrong decisions and ruin the Dark Angels.

Dagonet leaves.

Ezekiel continues to preside over the situation at Stonehenge, trying to keep it from getting out of hand.

He ordered a portion of the Dark Angels to hunt down prisoners and unseen demons, suppressing the chaos at Stonehold.

After issuing a series of orders, Ou saw the chaotic battlefield outside through the photos taken by the optical device.

The rays of light and torpedoes mixed together, opening up killing battlefields one after another.

Seeing an expedition fleet destroyed under the firepower of the stone fortress, a trace of despair and panic emerged in Ezekiel's heart.

Communications were cut off.

Can the expeditionary fleet think that the Stone Fortress is under the control of others and launch an attack on them.

If not, I am afraid that the destruction will come to the giant stone fortress in an instant.

Brother to brother will draw swords against each other.

This is undoubtedly a very sad thing.

Stupid mortals can never understand change.

They stubbornly insisted on building an empire with lies, and believed in the pathetic corpse emperor.

Forget that the nature of the universe is inherently ever-changing.

Any loyalty and benevolence are nothing but illusions, which are things that have emerged for survival through biological evolution.

In the long history of the universe, any self-righteous emotion will eventually just die out.

In the long time, only the concept of change will be passed down forever.

Tzeentch's capable generals, good at sowing discord, and conspiratorial change spirits wander in the wide corridors of the Stone Fortress.

At this time, the changing spirit was wearing an officer's uniform, and walked towards the core of the giant stone fortress.

The servants who didn't know the truth were all saluting him along the way.

Everything is according to plan.

Guilliman's voyage was carefully controlled to ensure that he did not arrive in time so that he could not dissolve the conflict between the two Chapters.

Moreover, Guilliman will be attacked as soon as he enters the real universe.

The Dark Angels keep many weapons from the Golden Age of Mankind.

There are also many important prisoners held in the depths of the fortress, and once some of them are released, the harm caused is unimaginable.

And that's what it's aiming for.

The planning for the megalithic fortress began hundreds of years ago.

In order to deal a fatal blow to the dark angels, the demons have long been

[Here is under martial law, your authority is insufficient. 】

When Changing Ling walked to a gate, a fighter slave walked over.

The hydraulic device made a hissing sound, the weapon system mounted on the shoulder was activated, and the cannon with thick arms was aimed at the officer transformed by the changeling.

"I have something to get over," said the changeling.

[Here has been martial law, please return. 】The fighter slave responds according to the pre-set procedures.

Ezekiel has issued an order, and now all departments are conducting urgent investigations, trying to find out those rebels and demons.

The machine slaves located throughout the Great Stone Fortress also prevented the movement of relevant personnel in accordance with the preset martial law procedures.

The officer captured by the changing spirit obviously didn't have enough power, so he was kept on the periphery.

"What happened?" A dark angel warrior with a higher rank suddenly appeared and asked.

"I need to find the director of the armory, but it stopped me." The changeling said calmly, "Please help me pass, my lord, otherwise it will delay the next thing."

The changeling uses his own words to guide the opponent, using the power of words to peer into the heart of the dark angel warrior.

It's an easy thing to do, knowing that not every Space Marine is as powerful as Azrael.

"Wait for a while, we are still investigating." The dark angel warrior glanced at the other party and shook his head.

"The situation is really too bad." The changing spirit vividly imitated the tone of human complaints.

The Dark Angel Warrior took a look at him, then turned and left, he didn't see any problem.

In the next second, the Dark Angel warrior was pierced through.

He has been careful enough to be vigilant at all times.

It is a pity that what he faced was the original destroyer, the shard of the power of chaos, the most adept at conspiracy and trickery in the universe.

Without saying a word, the Dark Angels warrior was slain by the lurking demons.

When the Dark Angel warrior turned around, it was the most relaxed moment.

One of the changing spirit's arms turned into spikes, killing him cleanly.

As soon as the fighter slave tried to react, the changeling pierced the processor, crushed it, and turned it into pieces.

After a moment, the changeling shed his officer's disguise as easily as a coat.

It becomes the slain Dark Angel warrior.

Such an identity allows it to enter places with higher authority.

It walked into the depths of the Stone Keep, giving various orders to the mortal auxiliaries it encountered along the way.

Of course, in the face of different objects, the orders it issues are also different.

Using the means of being able to read the shallow consciousness, it plays with the mortals it sees between applause.

Facing mortals who are less trusting of Guilliman and more loyal to the Dark Angels.

"The expedition fleet betrayed us, and they took the lead in launching the strike against us."

"Destroy those expedition fleets."

"There are many traitors, they are obstructing us, and they will do anything to eliminate them."

Facing those followers who were fanatical about Guilliman, it issued different orders.

"The momentum of the Stone Fortress must be destroyed. Someone wants to hurt Guilliman and hinder the cause of the rise of mankind."

"Some of the Dark Angels have betrayed, destroy them, stop them."

"Clean up those bigots, brothers, for the Emperor, and for Guilliman."

With the help of different identities, the changelings easily disrupted the already chaotic situation in the Stone Fortress.

Many mortal auxiliaries attacked friendly forces, all shouting for the Empire, for the Emperor.

Such a dramatic and ironic picture made the changeling laugh from ear to ear.

Of course, these are just its small tricks, small desserts before a big meal.

It has a big surprise for the Dark Angel.

Calculating the time, Guilliman is almost here.

It's time to give him a big show.

Wan Geng started, fuck him.

Strive for a million words.

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