Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 151 The Devil Prince who is becoming more and more dog-licking (subscribe)

Guilliman examined the corpse in front of him.

The power of the warp is centered on Terra and spills out to the surrounding galaxies.

This is not good news.

If it spreads out, I'm afraid it will cause panic.

You must know that the emperor is the only existence among human beings who can compete with the four gods in terms of strength and strategy.

If even the sacred homeland is polluted, what hope is there for mankind?

After walking a few steps back and forth, Guilliman emptied his mind, looked at the polluted corpse again, and fell into deep thought.

Terra has the emperor sitting in town, even with the big bomb of the webway entrance, it is the place where the least fear of demon invasion among the many human worlds.

It now appears that a certain Chaos Power entered Terra.

Create even more terrifying warp rifts by destroying Terra.

In this way, the existence of the two Eyes of Terror and the Great Rift will completely tear the galaxy apart.

All worlds in the galaxy will be completely divided, and those civilized races will also be reduced to the playthings of the power of chaos.

The empire across the entire galaxy can't stop the subspace, and after being divided, the situation may be even worse.

From the star warhammer to the medieval warhammer, the fate of human beings is mortal.

"How many people know about this?" Guilliman asked Roshan.

"Currently only my astropaths and a few battle group think tanks know about it," Luo Shan said.

"Issue a seal order, and no one is allowed to spread this matter, otherwise I will directly ask the judge to send them to the stake." Guilliman said in a serious tone, "I have absolutely no mercy for this matter. "

"Understood, my lord. I will ensure that this matter is carried out." Luo Shan said.

"Very well, I order you to dispose of all the polluted corpses, don't leave any blasphemy behind, and at the same time tell those people that this is just some biochemical pollution, it's not a big deal."

Guilliman turned his eyes away from the mutated corpse and ordered it to be burned.

After dealing with this matter that may shake the morale of the army.

What happened next was nothing special.

According to the procedures of the expedition fleet, officials loyal to Guilliman began to screen the surviving nobles as usual.

Pick someone who has the courage to stand up to the traitors of Chaos or who fits the bill of Guilliman.

These people will occupy more important positions and promote reforms in accordance with Guilliman's orders.

And those nobles who don't meet the requirements naturally have only one end.

That is to be deprived of all privileges and reduced to civilians.

For this reason, their emotions are very excited.

"My father shed blood for the empire, he was wounded for the empire, you can't treat me like this."

"Do you know who my grandfather is?"

"I have people on Terra."

Guilliman didn't pay attention to the chaos and the crying nobles.

Officials under his command have long been accustomed to this.

No one will voluntarily relinquish power.

That would definitely kill them.

The officials of the expedition fleet used the fastest time to carry out a systematic exchange of blood on the Babu galaxy to ensure that this galaxy will become a loyal supporter of the Primarch.

On Guilliman's side, after synthesizing a lot of data and information, he found a suitable spokesperson among the corrupt aristocratic groups in the Barb galaxy, suitable for ruling this galaxy.

A man from a fallen nobleman named Teok.

His status is not high.

But Guilliman didn't care, he was the ruler of the empire.

Today, when the Emperor sits on his golden throne and many Primarchs are missing.

He is the helm of the highest power in the empire.

He can promote anyone he thinks would be helpful to him.

Some people may disagree with this and think it is unfair.

But Guilliman didn't care about the thoughts of those few people, he only considered the interests of the majority.

This is a cruel universe, and human beings must be led by those true elites and heroes.

It is worth mentioning that this concept of elite is not the elite that the rich and powerful think.

The powerful think that the elite is a powerful family power, rich wealth piled up, and good at political calculations.

To put it bluntly, those so-called elites are as ordinary as the general public and have nothing to show for it.

The reason why they can occupy high positions is due to the credit of their parents or some deformed system, not their own ability.

It's not that being in a high position is elite.

Guilliman did not prevent those powerful from continuing to compete for higher positions.

But many dignitaries in the world are still resentful towards him.

If those dignitaries are really the elite minority among human beings as they said, why are they afraid of competition?

The essential reason is that they are very aware of their weight, and they are not the so-called elites.

Once they are placed on the same starting point as the general public, they will not even make a splash.

Elites are a minority.

Will randomly appear in each class.

These people either have excellent leadership, or have strong charisma, or have scientific research talents unimaginable by ordinary people, or have self-discipline and diligence that ordinary people cannot match.

These are the characteristics of the elite.

As long as they get the right opportunity, they will rise quickly, create miracles, and lead the race to glory.

The bureaucrats and dignitaries of the empire are like a concrete floor, blocking the path of those elites, and then pretending to be elites to rule the empire.

On a dilapidated platform with traces of war remaining, Guilliman received the little nobleman he had chosen.

The other party's figure is slightly fat, and when walking, it looks a little funny, like a penguin.

Wearing a slightly tight satin robe with a slightly faded golden double-headed eagle embroidered on it.

Obviously, the life of this little nobleman was very difficult.

When meeting a top person who could change his destiny, he couldn't come up with a suitable piece of clothing.

"My lord."

Tiot's face looked very red, and he was so excited that he couldn't even speak fluently.

Guilliman didn't care about that, as did many people who met him for the first time.

Too excited to make them incoherent.

Some even become transfixed, losing the ability to think.

"Don't be too polite." Guilliman prevented the other party from exercising complicated noble etiquette.

"Okay, Lord Regent." Teok said respectfully, he was trying to calm himself down and try to make himself better in the Primarch's impression.

"You know why I summoned you." Guilliman looked up at the ruins in the distance, where workers and mechanical servants were cleaning up the corpses. The priest of the Mechanicus will re-plan and build the planet according to his orders.

The natural environment of agricultural planets is generally better than that of industrial planets.

This is an advantage.

People living on agricultural planets generally do not rebel.

But Guilliman knew that agricultural production would also lead to desertification and impoverishment of the planet.

Excessive planting of crops will deplete the nutrients of the land, making the land barren and eventually desertification.

There are many planets in the empire that have transformed from an agricultural world to a hive world, and they have all experienced this fate.

They originally had a pleasant climate and fertile land, but due to excessive agricultural production, the ecology was destroyed, and eventually became a deserted planet.

In the end, people have to live in the hive capital and use air purifiers to survive.

This will also lead to a reduction in people's life expectancy.

The natural ecology is destroyed and cannot form a cycle, resulting in a worse living environment.

People's satisfaction with life is reduced, and they can only rely on the belief of the state religion to brainwash themselves. Suffering is the punishment they must accept.

This situation must be improved. Only by making people feel that living in the empire is a kind of happiness can they have the motivation to fight against chaos.

It is always a stupid thing to compare with chaos.

Guilliman had planned for this.

Every time he goes to a place, he will order the priests of the Mechanicism accompanying the fleet to build a data model for this place.

Determine where each planet should be in the imperial system and what role it should play based on local resources, ecology, manpower, and security.

Find ways to minimize related pollution and restore the natural ecology of many worlds inhabited by humans.

There are many families engaged in industrial production in the Empire who are not willing to pay the price to deal with the waste in their production process.

They often choose a simple and crude solution, which is to discharge the planet's ocean or outside the city, which leads to rampant pollution.

This is also the reason why many industrial planets are basically desertified and heavily polluted.

In this regard, Guilliman's move was to refuse the products of these merchant families to enter the market and impose heavy fines on them.

Before launching the Indomitable Crusade, Guilliman formed a loyal trade organization in Macragge.

This organization will replace the market share of those merchant families who do not follow his rules and ensure the supply of industrial products.

This reform measure has been implemented very well, and many industrial planets that have been polluted and become desertified have been alleviated and improved.

Neither tax revenue nor industrial production fell as a result.

On the contrary, due to the emergence of new technologies, it has been greatly improved.

The Babu galaxy will also be similarly modified to ensure that the galaxy can continue to develop without going into desertification.

Tiok didn't know the news that he was about to be promoted, and when he recalled what he did during this period, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with him.

"I don't know why you summoned me." Teok said cautiously.

"I am going to appoint you as the planetary governor of the Babu galaxy, responsible for managing this star field for me."

Guilliman didn't make too many detours.

Ordinary political struggles do not exist here.

He doesn't need to look at anyone's face, nor does he need to play any balancing strategies.

Tiok was stunned for a moment, and then showed joy, "Thank you, Lord Regent."

"Do you know what this position needs to do? More than half of the agricultural products of the Bab galaxy will be sent to Terra, and there are too many people who oppose me on Terra." Guilliman looked at Teok, with a hint of Sad, "Presumably, you have also seen how crazy things they have done for power. And now, they even plan to prevent me from going to Terra, and even start a civil war, so I have to be prepared for this and stop their Greed does more harm."

Tiok bowed his head respectfully, he knew this kind of topic, he was not qualified to intervene.

He was promoted by the Lord Regent, so he can only stand on the side of the Lord Regent.

"They have forgotten their responsibilities and tasks. They have forgotten that the reason why the empire gave them power is to allow them to lead mankind to a better path. When I woke up, everything I saw made me excited Heartbroken. The brilliance of science and reason has disappeared, and the aliens that were once driven out by mankind have become the enemy of mankind."

Guilliman looked at Tyok, "We are facing an unprecedented crisis, Tyok. There are external and internal ones. Human beings have reached the edge of the cliff, but those powerful people just ignore it and just want to die. Clinging to the power in their hands, they will not hesitate to push the empire into the abyss and destroy it."

"I need every dreamer who is still willing to sacrifice his life for mankind. Only in this way can mankind be saved from the nightmare. Tell me, Teok, are you willing to do that? Dedicate everything for mankind, fight until The last moment of life."

Teok's head was a little dizzy, and he could feel the sincerity of the Primarch's words.

A strong sense of pride burned in his heart.

Son of the Emperor, Regent of the Imperium, sanctioned by a great Primarch.

Is there anything more glorious in this world than this?

"Can I ask, why did you choose me?? There are so many people who are better than me." Tiok couldn't hide the excitement in his heart, but he still tried his best to maintain his rationality.

He doesn't think he is the best person, otherwise he wouldn't have been a little nobleman for so long.

"This is a very good question." Guilliman smiled, "For a long time, I have been thinking about what kind of ruler is the best ruler, in order to lead mankind to a better future. The ability is naturally An integral part of it, but there is another important factor besides competence, which is compassion."

"Compassion?" Teok asked puzzled.

"Yes, compassion." Guilliman said, "It is a rare gift to be able to empathize with the pain of others. I have checked the things you have done. You are more kind and patient to those who ask you for help. .That's what keeps you from winning the power struggle, and keeps you impoverished."

Guilliman paced back and forth, and after a while, he continued, "Compassion is a necessary quality for a ruler. Nowadays, many empire rulers have forgotten one thing, they are the protectors of their people, and they should Listen to the needs of your people, and stand with them in critical moments to face those terrible disasters."

"When we ignore those small, insignificant voices, we have pushed those desperate people into the darkness and the abyss, so rebellion has emerged. If a ruler is unwilling to advance and retreat with his people, What qualifications do you have to ask those people to be loyal to him? The rule maintained by the army and tyranny will always fall quickly."

After hearing these words, Teok couldn't hold back his tears anymore.

At this moment, he secretly swore that he would spend the rest of his life loyal to this lord.

He was born noble and held the highest power in the empire, but he didn't have the arrogance of a powerful man.

He observes those who are suffering and seeks solutions for them.

Humanity will surely benefit from his return.

"I will definitely complete your task, Lord Regent." Tiok's voice was a little choked up.

He wept for the noble and immaculate soul of the Regent of the Empire.

He weeps for mankind to gain such a ruler.

He wept for his beliefs to be recognized.

"Don't let me down, Teok. Remember your mission, remember what you are fighting for." Guilliman said with a smile.

"I will, my lord." Teok said firmly, "I will fight to the death for mankind, and I will firmly follow you, Lord Regent."

A strong mission and belief surged in his heart.

There is no doubt that even if he dies for this, he will not hesitate at all.

Guilliman signed the appointment document for Tiok. From now on, this once down-and-out little nobleman will assume the most powerful position in the Bab galaxy.

Teok's eyes were ablaze as he left with the appointment papers.

Feel yourself filled with boundless motivation.

He will firmly follow the Primarch and defeat those blood-sucking bugs lying on the empire.

Guilliman watched the other party leave, and crossed this matter off his to-do list.

The chaos in the Babu galaxy has been quelled, and the Mechanicum and many technical officials will be responsible for the reconstruction here.

Guilliman couldn't waste too much time here.

Having personally pacified the terrified survivors and re-established the Star Guard and chain of command in the Bab system, Guilliman returned to the Glory of Macragge and prepared to depart.

The Chapter Master of the Emperor's Hand was not here.

Naturally, Guilliman's wooing can only be put on hold for the time being, just to help the members of the Emperor's Hand Chapter squad to upgrade the original casting and give them more resources.

It's a gesture of favor.

Warriors are simple, and Guilliman only asked that the chapter not be involved in complicated political struggles.

Returning to the Glory of Macragge, there are still a lot of affairs waiting for Guilliman to deal with.

This forced Guilliman to continue to work hard to finish everything.

It wasn't until after seven or eight hours of non-stop busy work that Guilliman realized that he needed to relax for a while after confirming that there was nothing urgent to deal with.

He issued the last few instructions to his loyal officials and generals, and expressed his desire to take a break.

Everyone walked out of the strategy room where he was in one by one, leaving the Primarch alone to rest in it.

Primarchs possess infinite energy.

But facing the massive amount of affairs, Guilliman still felt tired.

After everyone got up and left, he got up and prepared to go to the glass corridor next to the strategy room to relax.

In order to keep himself in a good mood all the time, Guilliman had someone build a garden with an independent ecology and his own in the glass corridor next to his strategy room.

It was a small demonstration of His supremacy.

Of course, he didn't do it for pure enjoyment.

As a Primarch, he had to fight, and he had to deal with various government affairs.

He has very little time to relax, and considering his identity and image, there are even fewer ways to relax.

Building a small garden allows him to relax in the least amount of time.

Inside the garden are plants from various planets.

They are different from each other and cannot form a complete ecological chain.

It needs the care of mechanical servants day and night to ensure survival.

Guilliman strolled among them, admiring the exotic flowers and relaxing himself.

Each of these flowers has its own characteristics.

Some even have animal features, migrating their root systems to find better spots for light.

Still others can change color, hiding their natural surroundings.

It really confirmed the sentence, the world is so big, there are all kinds of wonders.

The strategy room where Guilliman is located is located on the topmost floor of the Glory of Macragge.

The glass corridor built around the strategy room is naturally located on the top floor.

Strolling through the promenade, you can see the whole picture of Macragge's Glory.

The huge prow with its adamantine ram can be seen, as well as the stubby wings covered with sensory matrices and scryers.

Also see the sun-bright white glow of conventional plasma engines.

Wander around the glass promenade and walk along your own exclusive garden.

Guilliman could also observe the cathedral and the huge sculptures atop the Macragge's Glory flagship and the armor wrapping around it.

Plasma artillery turrets and macro cannons are located every few hundred meters. They are extremely huge, and the dark barrels are like the entrance to a different-dimensional world, which makes people feel like they are about to be swallowed.

The auspicious instrument, the void shield generator, and the Geller force field generator were integrated into tall towers made of metal and cement.

There are such towers at intervals, forming a complete array.

In the deep void farther away, many ships of the expedition fleet are moored, slowly rotating around the planet, and the scale is very large.

Countless small shuttles and supply ships are like bees in a hive, shuttling back and forth between the giant battleship and the planet's atmosphere.

All large warships keep a certain distance from the planet.

Even with the best equipment, a warship with a length of more than ten kilometers is not allowed to get too close to a planet, and needs to be kept at a safe distance.

Otherwise, the planet's gravity would directly tear apart the unevenly stressed imperial warships.

The problem is not that the quality of the battleship itself is not enough, but that the gravity between the planets is not uniform.

Individuals or landing craft are much less affected than warships.

The larger the battleship, the greater the interference it will receive when facing the gravity of the planet.

There is a limit here.

After the scale reaches a certain level, what kind of standard should the indicators of ships close to the gravity range of the planet need to meet.

The bigger it is, the more stringent the standards.

In the gravitational quagmire of the planet, when a warship with a length of more than ten kilometers starts its propellers, the keel will disintegrate because it cannot withstand the huge thrust brought by the propellers.

If it reaches the scale of the Colossus of Punishment, when entering the galaxy, it is necessary to carefully calculate the influence of star gravity and celestial gravity, otherwise it will be torn apart directly.

For this reason, imperial battleships generally would not directly enter the planet's strong gravity, and would only stay in low-Earth orbit at most.

At this time, many battleships are docking in the planetary orbit of the Babu galaxy, taking advantage of this rare opportunity to replenish the dwindling fresh fruits and various grains in the Babu galaxy.

Those transport ships have one more thing to do, which is to harvest a batch of newly matured food crops and send them into the expedition fleet.

According to Teok, after the warp storm raged, the transport fleet of Terra came only after a long time.

Guilliman guessed that Terra should have fallen into a food crisis at this time.

He brought these grains to help further win Terra's hearts.

At that time, you only need to assure the people of the solar system empire that you will ensure the smooth flow of supplies, and it is estimated that you will be able to gather a large number of people.

Guilliman looked at the transport ships shuttled back and forth between the fleet and the planet for a while, then closed his eyes and looked at another part of the starry sky.

The wreckage of Babu's Galaxy Guard Fleet and Chaos Traitor Fleet floated in the void, blocking him from the red star of Babu's Galaxy.

The reflected metallic luster of freezing gas clouds and broken ship hulls are still floating in the void.

The Adeptus Mechanicum's Repair and Rescue Ark is recovering the wreckage that is still usable.

With precise calculations, the Repair and Rescue Ark stands at the center of the wreckage.

A small operational flying ship with an industrial robotic arm shuttled back and forth among the wreckage, dragging the wreckage to the rescue ark.

The adamantine frames of Imperial warships are virtually indestructible.

As long as there is no too terrible firepower or reactor chain explosion, it can be repaired and used repeatedly.

Some ships of the empire have even been repaired more than a hundred times.

Both the Empire and Chaos will repair each other's ships before they are used in war.

Chaos ships are generally older and better models. For merchants and Mechanicians, those abandoned Chaos ships are a rare treasure.

Those greedy guys will use flamethrowers to burn the flesh on the ship, and then ask some psykers and Anglican priests to cleanse the cursed ship.

Regardless of the origin, a warship is something that merchants and adventurers want to obtain. This will greatly enhance their military power and give them more confidence to trade in the star sea and explore those hidden ruins.

On the Chaos side, many battle gangs do not have enough logistical supplies.

It can also be said that they have no supplies at all.

Looting the empire's ships has also become their norm.

To replenish their fleets, they even salvage lost Imperial ships from the Warp.

As long as they take refuge in the power of Chaos, those polluted ships will not only not harm them, but will also become their help.

Guilliman doesn't like Chaos ships very much, they are too ugly.

Chaos ships, without exception, are already polluted, and will grow blood, flesh, eyes and other parts.

To this end, his countermeasure is to throw it back into the furnace and forge it again, eradicating the influence of Chaos.

Neither official recycling nor private recycling is allowed.

A single discovery will revoke those people's privileges and destroy the ship.

The Empire doesn't need to worry about ships these days.

Under Kaur's auspices, the reform of imperial industry has been fruitful.

When necessary, you can disembark the battleship like dumplings.

Now Guilliman still has to control the production of new warships, and phase out those old-fashioned warships with poor performance, so that they can flow into the civilian population and be used by merchants and explorers who dare to take risks.

In this way, the civilians can be encouraged to set off a wave of exploration, allowing humans to continue to march to other regions of the galaxy.

It can also reduce some unqualified warships and avoid the collapse of the empire's finances.

The biggest problem for the empire today is not the problem of warships, but the problem of subspace corruption and dignitaries.

So Guilliman naturally wouldn't repair and reuse those chaotic ships.

Look away from the recycling and maintenance battlefield of Mechanicum.

Guilliman looked into the depths of the starry sky, where there was a brilliant ribbon running across the entire galaxy.

That is the big rift that divides the galaxy into two and runs through the universe.

Guilliman inspected the ribbon, its light repulsive.

Fortunately, Bab's galaxy is far enough away from the Great Rift.

The people here did not suffer too seriously.

Planets like those around the Great Rift, that's the real nightmare.

People living on those planets dare not look up at the sky at will, otherwise they may see things they don't want to see.

The ancient past described by the Dark Watcher floated in Guilliman's mind.

This is a tragedy that has continued since the birth of the universe.

The Necrons, Old Sages, and Eldar that I know, including the Dark Watcher, are all part of this tragedy.

Race after race wasted away against the vile chaos that devoured the universe.

Many civilizations have gained the upper hand for a time.

It's a pity that in the end, chaos often wins.

On the ruins and ashes of those civilizations, the inanimate mocked and ridiculed to their heart's content.

Those civilizations either chose to submit, or were completely destroyed.

No civilization ever wins in the end.

Human beings are just following the old path of those civilizations.

Possessing many black technologies, the first star empire, which was only one step away from ascension, declined because of this.

In the dark and chaotic age of the Long Night, the Emperor alone took up the task of fighting Chaos, establishing and dedicating his life to the Second Empire.

For ten thousand years, countless heroes have fought in the dark, roared in despair, and rushed to death without hesitation, just to find the last miracle.

"We are chasing a hopeless future," Guilliman said softly.

To be honest, it is somewhat inappropriate for such words to be uttered by a primarch who has a part of the soul of a traverser and also has a golden finger like a database.

But Guilliman still felt a tinge of despair.

Only ignorant and ignorant people will feel that chaos is vulnerable.

In the long time, everything will decline, only the chaos from the beginning to the end, which itself is the embodiment of its terror.

The star gods master the laws of real physics, and the technological creations they create have unimaginable abilities, which can travel through time and space, and reverse time in a small way.

But even so, their fate is still to go to destruction, fighting among themselves, and finally being backstabbed and smashed to pieces by the slave race they once controlled.

The ancient sages have mastered the webway technology, which can create life and transform the planet.

In a sense, they are already equivalent to gods.

The star gods were expelled by them several times.

But the ending is to go to destruction in a frantic battle.

The Darkwatcher has completed his ascension and gained a near-immortal life.

But now, what about them?

How strong, how immortal.

It's all gone, just lingering.

Today's human beings are only one step away from failure.

In the empire, superstition has overwhelmed reason, and the general public is ignorant.

They were groaning and crying in pain.

The Empire has entered an age of hopeless faith in the Emperor.

Hundreds of millions of souls gathered together, frantically begging for salvation.

Guilliman examined the ribbon, and he would not show weakness.

This is his challenge, and he won't back down.

He already has two new plans.

A plan to confront it head-on.

A plan to strategically move forward.

He will find a way to go to other galaxies, to other universes, and develop the base of the empire.

Turn in flexibly and leave a way out.

Guilliman breathed a sigh of relief, trying to shake himself off his troubled emotions.

This is not a short-term struggle, this is a long-term struggle.

He firmly believes that as long as the basic market is stabilized, he can have the last laugh.

After calming down, Guilliman was ready to go back to work.

At this time, an electronic sound came.

A cherub shaped like a child with metal wings flew along the glass corridor.

It has a humming anti-gravity levitation device, flapping metal wings that can use the current to keep the direction.

"My lord, Lord Guilliman."

The metal jaw of the cherub is constantly closing, and the sound of the trumpet comes out of it, as if it is speaking by itself.

But no, the cherub just brought Guidos' information.

"What's the matter?" Guilliman looked at the cherub and asked.

"I'm sorry to disturb your work, the ruling great sage Belisariu Kaul sent you a message." Guidos said.

"I see. I'll find time to go down," Guilliman said.

"Good sir," Guidos said.

Guidos cuts off the communication.

Cherub programs and databases reset.

It looked up blankly, not knowing why it was here.

Soon, the corrective procedure kicked in.

It flapped its wings and flew towards the strategy room.

Guilliman saw the cherub flying away, but didn't pay much attention to it. This was a secret communication between him and Guidos.

After each call, there will be no backup.

Even their communications are independent of the battleship.

After a few more glances outside, Guilliman turned and walked back to his strategy room, and sat down in his seat again.

He checked his database for a few minutes.

It was found that there were no new problems that urgently needed to be dealt with.

Just some documents that he needs to read and pass.

Guilliman felt that these paperwork could be postponed for a while, during which time he could attend to other things.

He got up and walked out of the strategy room, where the personal guards of Glory were faithfully performing their duties outside.

Sicarius paced back and forth like an ancient guard.

Watching the men and women passing by the Primarch's strategy room with vigilant eyes.

Even if the opponent didn't enter the strategy room, he was still full of vigilance.

Any slack is not allowed.

Especially after the last Alpha Warrior attack, Sicarius became more sensitive.

No one knows how those lunatics sneaked in and when they would do it.

Always be vigilant is the best.

Guilliman came out of the strategy room.

Sicarius strode over and rushed to the lord's side as fast as he could.

"grown ups."

Guilliman nodded to his greeting, "I'm going to the bottom of the cabin."

Before going to receive Cawl's message, Guilliman planned to go to the prison where the demon was.

See if you can get some information from those demons.

The Babu galaxy has been influenced by Terra.

The overflowing warp pollution made Guilliman very disturbed.

It must not be a problem with the golden throne.

He hadn't even made preparations to run away. If the golden toilet exploded, he would have to die.

Escorted by the Honor Guard and Sicarius, Guilliman walked to the entrance of the corridor leading to the exclusive elevator.

Two warriors wearing Terminator power armor kept watching their group.

It wasn't until Guilliman's figure came out of the darkness into the bright light that they relaxed their vigilance and breathed a sigh of relief.

You can only enter here with the permission of the Lord Guilliman.

Otherwise, even if Calgar came, the guards would expel him.

After passing the identity verification, the light of the indicator light became brighter, and Guilliman stepped into it.

Sicarius and the others waited outside, waiting for Guilliman to come out.

Use the exclusive elevator to enter the dungeon area where the Demon Prince - Cherubel is held.

When he walked out of the elevator, Guilliman felt the chill that belonged to the subspace as always.

A gilt-covered book recording the Emperor's prayers was tied around his waist, and two exiled priests saluted Guilliman with a warhammer in their hands.

Guilliman responded with a smile and a nod.

Those who dedicate themselves to the darkness, only to pave the way for mankind to the light, are heroes worthy of Guilliman's respect.

Walking through the guards with solemn faces and firm eyes, Guilliman walked towards Cherubel's prison.

All kinds of holy prayers are filled in the corridors, the sound of chanting is non-stop day and night, and there is also the emperor's shrine that has been polished with sesame oil.

These things are all designed to suppress Cherubel's demonic nature.

Even during this time, Cherubel has become extremely honest.

The guards did not dare to relax in the slightest.

Demons aren't stupid enough, they're cunning enough, mean enough.

They will show weakness and submit to the enemy.

Wait until the right time to attack suddenly.

Many wizards and psykers were killed by the summoned demons.

It is because they feel that they can control those demons.

The demon has plenty of time to wait for its foe to show itself.

Any slack could turn the Devil back.

At the end of the corridor, Vinsenhorn was waiting for Guilliman.

"grown ups."

"How is it doing?" Guilliman asked.

"Everything is normal and has been silent," Vinsenhorn said.

"Be vigilant," said Guilliman. "Never show your slack in front of these lifeless ones."

"I understand," Vinsenhorn said.

"Open the prison door."

The heavy door, cast from pure metal, slowly opened, revealing the scene inside.

Imprisoned in a pure metal cell, the demon host hangs in the air bound by iron chains and spikes.

Guilliman stepped inside, stepping into a metal chamber full of holy prayers.

When he walked to the front of the demon host, Guilliman realized that Cherubelle was not asleep, but with his eyes open, it seemed to have expected Guilliman's arrival.

"Respected sons and daughters of the Emperor, the great Primarch, the wise regent of the Empire, the holy Lord Guilliman, your loyal servant-Cherubel is sincerely happy for your arrival. Are you here to obtain information? ? Those despicable and shameless demons have collected some information for you, allow me to report to you now."

Cherubelle, who had been beaten by Guilliman many times, showed a flattering expression.

"Actually, I like your rebellious and defiant look better." Guilliman said quietly.

"No, I have been conquered by the charm of the great Lord Guilliman, and I am willing to be your servant. That look is my contempt for some stupid and low-level mortals. To the great Lord Guilliman, I will remain Twelve points of respect."

Cherubelle said like a loyal servant.

In his heart, he wished to tear up Guilliman, a hypocritical villain.

He said the same thing last time.

The key is that I believed it, and then I was beaten again.

This time, come again.

I'm not a human, but you are a real dog.

After all, they are also the parent and child of the Curser, can't they be human? ?

Seeing Cherubel's smiling face, Guilliman was also embarrassed to make a move.

Zhou Shuren of Gutaila said it well, he stretched out his hand and didn't hit the smiling face demon.

People are so licking dogs and hitting them, I feel a little bit uneasy.

"What happened to Terra?" Guilliman asked straight to the point, looking at Cherubelle.

"Tara?" Cherubelle was stunned for a moment, then quickly recovered, "The demons didn't give me any news about Terra, my lord."

"Scrap as always," Guilliman said.

"Master Guilliman, what you said is too true. Your loyal servant will convey it to you." Cherubel said with a smile on his face like he was licking a dog.

Last time I asked about the movements of the Four Gods, last time I asked about the Primarch's information, and this time I asked Terra again.

One sample at a time.

Why don't you ask me to tell you all the secrets of the subspace.

Shameless, insidious and indecent parent and child of the curser.

If he is free in the future, life for this little thief would be worse than death.

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