Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 165 The Emperor's Death Date (Subscribe)

Guilliman stepped out of the throne room.

Everything in the throne room made him feel a crisis.

Both humans and the Emperor have been cornered by Chaos.

The empire is only one step away from the abyss.

Once you take that step forward, it will be beyond redemption.

The emperor is about to lose his hold, and the day he becomes a god is the day he dies.

Just like those polluted humans.

There will be a situation in the pollution of many subspaces.

The real self is rejected and only the distorted self remains.

The emperor of 30k is an emperor with himself, and he did not lie about the fact that he is not a god.

He has those powers, but he is not a god, does not need to act according to the rules of God, and has a strong self-style.

The current emperor has gone through 10,000 years of blood sacrifice and baptism of faith, and it is hard to say how much self remains.

Annihilate everything, leaving only one obsession to protect mankind and become the god of chaos.

At that time, it will really be the end of mankind.

According to the urine nature of the subspace, the emperor who lost himself would definitely go to extremes after becoming a god.

In order to protect the concept of human beings, what kind of things the distorted emperor will do is absolutely beyond the imagination of the world.

This is why the emperor is unwilling to become a god.

He knows exactly what kind of thing God is.

Slaanesh was born of the lunatic pleasure and indulgence of the Eldar.

What will become of human suffering and protection?

A way must be found to stop this process. Only in this way can the emperor's inevitable tragic fate be saved.

Becoming a god is a kind of harm to the emperor and human beings.

The Imperial Guard Valano stood at the door, like a sculpture.

In the battle with the devil, he suffered many injuries.

Those wounds have only been treated briefly, and the pain is still tormenting him.

But Valano didn't care at all, he stood at the gate with perseverance.

Wait for the end of the historic meeting between the Primarch and the Emperor.

"My lord." Seeing Guilliman stepping down from the golden throne, Valano said respectfully, "No one has ever been able to talk to the Emperor for such a long time like you."

Guilliman froze for a moment, and he only said a few words, at best, it took only a few dozen minutes.

"How long have I been here?"

"Six hours later, you have spoken to the Emperor for six hours," said Custodian Marshal Valanor.

"Six hours." Guilliman was stunned for a moment, and then quickly covered up his gaffe.

He cannot show his vulnerability to the world.

Otherwise, it would be fatal to those who followed him.

"Yes, my lord, you have been here for six hours."

"I see, let's go. There are still things waiting for us to deal with outside." Guilliman walked towards the door of the throne room.

Valano followed closely behind him and helped him open the throne room door.

There are already crowds of people outside, and countless devout believers come from all directions.

Their eyes were wild and excited.

As the heavy throne room door slowly opened, they all became agitated.

When they saw Guilliman stepping out, they were all excited, their faces were flushed, and some of them were yelling crazily, expressing their difficulty in calming down

The miracle of the Emperor appeared before them alive.

Guilliman is like an ancient myth returning to earth.

"It's really him, the great Lord of Ultramar, the son of the Holy Emperor. He has not forgotten us. At the most critical moment for mankind, he sent his own son back."

With tears streaming down his eyes, a pastor raised his withered hands and shouted reverently.

"The great Primarch."


The people were extremely excited, and under the leadership of the pastors, they shouted various slogans.

Everyone is crying, even children are crying.

The wife cries in the arms of her husband.

The child clings to its mother and weeps.

Even men lose their dignity and let the tears flow freely down their faces.

They have experienced the blind day and experienced the terrible demon invasion.

Everyone felt that hope was dead and that Terra would fall in blood and fire.

When they will completely fall into the abyss.

he came.

With hope and an army that destroys everything, it destroys all enemies and punishes all enemies of mankind.

The mighty demon was killed by him with one blow.

The rogue Primarch who swept the Gray Knights and Custodians was easily suppressed by him.

There is no existence that is his opponent, and he will destroy everything with ease.

The battle situation was easily reversed without any suspense.

Isn’t such a person the savior of the world?

Isn't it the manifestation of the emperor's miracle?

When Guilliman stepped out and appeared in front of the world.

The people in the front row knelt down in fear and fear, mobilizing many people and forming a large crowd.

These people are extremely pious, and they are expressing their emotions in the most sincere way they think.

"Get up, people of the empire." Guilliman stood on the high platform in front of the throne room, his voice was firm and powerful, and everyone could hear him clearly without any equipment.

Numerous servo-skulls, cherubs, hovered around the Primarch, pointing built-in video equipment at him.

All of Terra watched the moment he emerged from the throne room.

The people waited devoutly, waiting for a son of the Emperor to bring them the revelation of the Emperor.

The Primarch's voice was broadcast live to the world through those devices.

"The mission of my return is to save you from the abyss of suffering and ignorance. My father has given me some hints. They are important enough to determine the future. But sorry, they are not yet revealed. My only All I can tell you is that all is well and that the dark days of misery and powerlessness are over. I assure you that the Empire will sweep away all enemies."

The people listened to the primarch's words and responded with the most excited voices.

Those who had humiliated the Primarch were all ashamed, weeping and confessing their sins.

They were fooled by those bloody bureaucrats into thinking the Primarch was a dastardly daemon trying to usurp his father's place 1

Now, they realize how wrong they were.

The Primarch is the savior of mankind, the hope of the future, and the light of redemption for the Imperium.

"Beauty and reason will come again, and I will finish my father's unfinished business, banish those monsters, depose those damned bureaucrats, and restore life and work on every planet." Guilliman said, "Sorry, I am absent Ten thousand years, but I promise that I will never miss the future again. We will sweep away those damned enemies, rebuild an empire that can make everyone happy, and all suffering will pass."

His words made the crowd roar with excitement.

But Guilliman didn't intend to continue talking, he still had a lot of things to deal with.

The problem of demons and thugs has not been completely solved.

Also about the reckoning of Terra bureaucracy.

and reconstruction of ruins and the like.

Time does not allow him to waste time here.

He boarded the hovering airship protected by the Custodians and personal guards.

People watched him leave with hopeful eyes, eager to hear more from him.

They're too scared and want more promises.

Unfortunately, Guilliman is really too busy, and the burden of the entire empire rests on his shoulders.

People can only make sounds of regret, and whisper about how the return of the primarch will change.

Guilliman stood on the hovering airship, thinking about his next plan.

The purpose of his trip was to seek the emperor's approval and strengthen his legitimacy to rule the empire.

There is also the search for webway technologies and ways to revive other Primarchs.

I never expected that talking to the emperor would be so strenuous and exhausting. After only a few words, my brain felt like it was about to burst, and six hours passed in a flash.

Before arriving on Terra, he had imagined many times the meeting with the Emperor.

But I didn't expect such a scene.

Of course, he got enough information.

The fact that the Emperor did not attack meant that he had approved Guilliman's rule.

Regardless of whether the Emperor saw the time traveler's soul in Guilliman's body, the Emperor endorsed Guilliman's rule of the empire.

His legitimacy to rule the empire will no longer be questioned.

Another important message is that the Emperor has had a hard time maintaining his humanity.

From the final words, it can be seen that the Emperor has gone to great lengths to convey some important information to him.

This is a very dangerous sign. The previous emperors casually pulled people into their own small world.

It's hard to even speak now.

Suppressing his chaotic thoughts, Guilliman stopped thinking about the Emperor's situation.

Instead, he started to think about two important pieces of information he got.

Modo and Mars.

The name Modo is very special.

Anyone who has carefully checked the myths of ancient Terra will know this name.

Modo is an evil god worshiped by the ancient Canaanites, Hebrews, Levant and many other peoples in East Asia, North Africa, and the Mediterranean region.

The method of offering sacrifices to the gods is very unique.

That is, the believer sacrifices one of his own children in exchange for the protection of the gods.

Naturally, there is no such evil god here in the Human Empire.

The name Modo is the name of a planet.

There is a portal on this planet that can directly lead to the depths of the subspace and reach the realm of the gods.

The Emperor used this portal to contact the Chaos Gods, and even entered.

It is worth mentioning that the warp engine can also help ships enter the warp.

Using the subspace engine to enter the subspace and using the portal on the planet Modo to enter the subspace are not the same concept.

The subspace is vast and boundless, and there is a distinction between shallow and deep layers, and it does not follow the laws of reality, so it is very chaotic.

Ordinary people can't find a way to enter the realm of the gods.

The portal of Modo can directly enter the realm of the gods, which is an area that subspace ships cannot reach.

Wanting to use the subspace engine to enter the realm of the gods is like getting a sailboat from the South China Sea and sailing towards the Pacific Ocean to reach America.

I'm afraid that the sailboat has been swallowed by countless crises in the deep sea before it arrives.

There are some gossip that the Emperor used the portal on the planet Mordor to enter the warp and reach a secret deal with the Chaos Gods.

The Emperor obtained from the Chaos Gods the knowledge of forbidden sorcery necessary to create the Primarch, as well as special materials.

It is said that he usurped some of the power of the warp gods.

After the transaction was completed, the emperor simply chose to breach the contract without integrity, and sealed the subspace portal on Moro Planet.

Just in case, an immortal and a large army were sent to guard the gate, bringing Lao Lai's style to the fullest.

For this reason, the Chaos Gods regard the Emperor as a liar, a scoundrel, and a lifelong enemy.

There was also the subsequent Horus Rebellion.

Judging from the fact that the four gods are fighting internally when they have nothing to do.

Dealing with the Emperor was probably the most united warp in history.

Except for the threat of destruction posed by the Emperor.

The emperor's glorious deeds of being deceived and plundered in the subspace in the past probably made the aborigines of the subspace resentful.

In addition to the emperor, Horus also visited the planet Modo, where he received the blessings of the four gods.

But his blessing is nothing like the Emperor's power.

One is the power obtained by fighting, and the other is the power obtained by groveling. The two are completely incomparable.

After being blessed, Horus' Vengeful Spirit flagship began to be slowly polluted.

Horus was unaware of this, complacent, thinking that he was the new master of the galaxy.

The result was controlled by the four gods and went to Terra to fight the Emperor.


Guilliman repeated the name in his mind.

This is one of the revelations given by the Emperor.

The Primarchs are hybrid creations of the Warp and reality, and to recall and awaken them the only way to deal with this problem is at the source.

Modo is the source of everything.

Only by going once can he find the answer to the question.

After thinking about it, Guilliman included the planet Mordo in his future plan, and then he thought about another revelation from the Emperor, which is the mysterious underground palace of Mars.

Guilliman guessed that what the Emperor wanted to tell him was the Labyrinth of Noctis, where the Nether Dragon was held.

The Nether Dragon is a star god who possesses endless knowledge of the real universe.

Able to harness the raw energy of unrefined black stone.

Played an important role in the Battle of Heaven.

The Nether Dragon imprisoned in the Noxter Dungeon is also considered to be the origin of the Mechanicus, a plan prepared by the Emperor in the middle ages of mankind.

The webway technology he needs may be found in the Noxter Dungeon.

The Nether Dragons have been involved in the War of Heaven, and the Old Ones are best at the Webway and the Warp.

The Nether Dragon must have a deep understanding of the creations of the Old Sage, otherwise it would be impossible to fight.

Guilliman suspects that the Emperor's technology was also acquired, at least in part, from the Nether Dragons.

Maybe, I can also cheat some technology from this guy.

In this universe, one must be able to deceive, kidnap and rob. It is difficult for a good person to survive.

Modo and Mars are both must-go places.

Recalling other Primarchs and building the webway are important things.

Related to your next plan.

There is no room for loss.

Guilliman reviewed his plan in his mind, thinking about how to fill in the details or what to do to confuse the subspace, so that the other party could not guess his true intentions.

The most important thing in war is information.

Both fraud and anti-fraud are compulsory courses for a ruler.

Only by fooling yourself can you fool the enemy.

Guilliman now understands why the Emperor likes to be a Riddler.

It's good to have some plans that you know.

Speaking out, of course, can win some people over, but it will also expose one's true hole cards, allowing the enemy to formulate more deadly plans.

By the time they returned to the Lion's Gate area, the battle was basically over.

Judges and machine slaves are cleaning up the battlefield, burning the corpses of the inanimate, cleaning the ground, and restoring order.

Guilliman looked away after a few glances, let the airship move on, and looked at the situation outside the Lion's Gate.

The battle in the hive capital is not over yet, those low-level demons are entrenched in dark corners, gunshots sound from time to time, echoing in the empty city buildings.

There were charred remains everywhere.

Soldiers are gradually clearing the buildings of desecration and flags.

Those thugs used various means to leave their words on the building.

Call on people to resist tyranny, overthrow the corpse emperor, and pursue freedom.

Guilliman expressed some disdain for these slogans.

The promise of chaos is always beautiful, but the final ending is so cruel.

These cities are battered and littered with ruins.

Many buildings have been trampled by the flames of war, and are scattered with dense bullet marks and craters.

In the dry and hot air, there was a smell like a mixture of burning corpses and blood, as well as the unique stench of warp evil.

Unrecognizable corpses lay one after another on the side of the road.

If it belongs to human beings, it's okay, it's just put aside.

Those corpses that were severely distorted and mutated would be incinerated by a flamethrower into charred black corpses, which would be randomly piled aside, waiting for further processing by the logistics department.

There are a lot of personal belongings on the side of the road, all kinds of furniture, leather bags, clothes, kitchen and bathroom supplies, all recovered from the ruins.

Those contaminated belongings have been incinerated, and these are things that have been assessed and can continue to be used.

The sound of loudspeakers echoed in the streets and alleys.

Those voices announced the arrival of Imperial troops.

Get those survivors who are still sane to come out of hiding for treatment and evaluation.

Some citizens of the Empire have been polluted by the warp without knowing it.

As Guilliman's airship skimmed the streets, he saw an unrecognizable woman kneeling on the ground crying.

Her face melted like burning wax.

This is a characteristic of humans being polluted by the warp.

But the woman herself knew nothing about it, and after hearing the propaganda from the imperial forces, she ran out of her hiding place, hoping to be rescued.

But those soldiers were directly frightened by her appearance.

They yelled about monsters and raised their guns to shoot the woman.

"Why shoot me?" the woman demanded, crying.

It wasn't until she saw herself in the broken mirror that she realized that she had turned into a hideous monster.

She was shredded by artillery fire while screaming.

It's a sad thing.

All suffer from the Warp.

The dazed, frightened people were placed in one place by the soldiers.

If the previous procedures were followed, all living beings who came into contact with the warp would be executed or sterilized.

Men and women all over Terra have seen it now.

If such procedures are still carried out, the entire Terra will be empty, and this sacred world will fall into dead silence until a new batch of people fills it.

Naturally, Guilliman would not choose to do that.

He has shown his sword to Chaos and called on people to resist Chaos.

Sometimes over-maintaining some things ignores the adaptability of human beings.

Those poisoned by Chaos will always be poisoned, but those who stand against Chaos will become stronger.

Humanity has experienced many crises.

But human beings persevered through it.

Facing chaos directly is a very difficult thing, but it is also an unavoidable problem.

Many people need to know what they are fighting against, only in this way can they hold the weapons in their hands tightly.

Guilliman planned to use Terra as a test field, build his own warp space firewall, and then expand it step by step, eventually including the entire empire.

This is a huge project, and he has to take his time to do it.

The airship entered a camp where survivors lived.

Their faces were pale, they looked malnourished, and their clothes were also very dirty.

The mechanical slaves are holding whips and are urging them to build their own temporary residences.

"Go down and have a look." Guilliman looked at the driver beside him.

The other party nodded in trepidation, and controlled the airship to slowly descend.

After the dock was stable, Guilliman stepped out of the metal platform and stepped on the hard ground.

Those people watched him coming, coming from all directions involuntarily, with fear and a hint of fanaticism in their eyes.


I don't know who yelled first.

Others followed suit.

Many of them were already weak, but still tried to shout.

"Don't use this kind of title." Guilliman said softly, "I should have done better, so that you would not suffer. It's a pity that I couldn't do it, I'm sorry."

Such words made the already excited believers cry.

No high-ranking person has ever spoken so gently, and no one has apologized to them.

Those officials will always be on top.

"Don't cry, that will make me feel more guilty. I am here to ask what I should do for you. I can't just listen to the reports of those officials, I have to know what you think."

The people looked at each other, and then a man in rags came out.

"The great Lord of Limits, the noble Regent of the Empire, the only person we are loyal to, thank you for listening, we need food. We are too hungry. Before the riot happened, the food was in short supply. After the riot, There is no food to satisfy our hunger."

After the man finished speaking, he looked at Guilliman with a somewhat apprehensive expression.

He knew who he was, and he knew who Guilliman was.

One is located in the holy heaven, and the other is located in the filthy bottom.

The gap between the two is unimaginable.

The man was very disturbed, he doubted whether the other party would really listen to his words.

"This is a problem that I have neglected to consider. Food has been transported to Terra's low-earth orbit with the arrival of the expedition fleet. The enemy's business has made me forget this problem." Guilliman said slightly apologetically , making the man flushed and almost unable to breathe.

Guilliman opened the comm and reached out to the officers who were loyal to him.

"Arrange for people to distribute the food as soon as possible, and don't make those survivors wait hungry."

"Got it, Lord Regent."

The official's voice came over the comm.

Seeing that Guilliman was really going to solve the problem, the crowd suddenly became agitated.

A woman rushed out excitedly, before the imperial guards and the glory guards could react.

She had already knelt in front of Guilliman, and kissed Guilliman's boots that were bigger than her waist with a reverent face.

"I ask you to be in charge, my lord, for the souls who are persecuted. We are persecuted by the officials of the Ministry of Justice, who often detain people on false charges and demand payment. My husband was forced to Serving hard labor until death, I hope to get a justice."

Two five or six-year-old children also squeezed in from the crowd. They hugged their mother and looked at Guilliman with horror and anxiety in their eyes.

Guilliman bent his knees and helped the woman up.

This movement is actually quite difficult for a giant like him.

The woman's delicate and petite shoulders were as light as nothing, and Guilliman had to be careful not to hurt her.

"I will help you." After Guilliman asked the woman to stand up, "I came here for this reason, reason and fairness."

After saying this, Guilliman looked at the others, "You are the same, if you have grievances and needs in your heart, you can tell them, and I will listen to them one by one."

Hearing this, another man also came out.

More people followed.

They hated and suffered from Terra's bureaucracy.

Today, with the help of the Primarch, they may be able to wipe out those corrupt guys and make them pay for their past crimes.

Standing in the scorched ruins, Hast had an indescribably sad look on his face.

The former luxurious Imperial Chancellery has been destroyed, and those luxurious sculptures, famous paintings, and various symbols of wealth have been destroyed or looted away.

Haster hovered among the ruins like a corpse without a soul.

Here he had been received many times by Tyrian.

Each time, Tyrion would shake a glass of red wine, taste fresh fruit sent from other agricultural worlds, and talk to him about the situation in Cadia and what could be done to help him.

Tyrian is not a nice guy.

In order to be in power, he will also conspire to frame his opponents, or use various despicable means to suppress political opponents.

Everything the unscrupulous politicians can do, he can do, and better.

But Haster knew that Tyrian was definitely a loyal servant of the Emperor.

He conscientiously wandered among the top elite circles of Terra, trying his best to restore the former glory of human beings.

After Tyrian became the Prime Minister of the Empire, he has been working hard for Cadia's affairs. At the same time, he has also proposed to lift the ban on the holy scriptures and the forbidden army several times.

Haster found it ironic.

In the past, every time Tyrian proposed to lift the ban on the holy scriptures and the forbidden army, those high lords would refute the unchangeable things left by the Grand Marshal of the Empire, Guilliman.

When Guilliman really returned, Tyrian, who had always wanted to break the rules set by Guilliman, became Guilliman's loyal supporter.

And those high lords who used to say that the Grand Marshal of the Empire, Guilliman's rules are not wrong, changed their faces one by one, and even planned the incident of Beta Garmon.

Haster stroked the scorched remains of the ruins, feeling more and more sad in his heart.

If Tyrian is still alive, he will definitely be the right-hand man of the Primarch, able to make great achievements in the new era in the future.

But fate was so dramatic that an ideal man fell on the eve of victory.

Obviously persisted for so long, just persist for a few more days.

Just these few days, this is the era that Tyrian has dreamed of for a long time.

Humanity returns to the great age of glory days.

Haster was immersed in grief, and sat on a charred iron and wood chair in a daze.

Even if his uniform was stained with black stains, he didn't care.

He could imagine the horrors of Tyrion's death.

Tyrian is a person who understands righteousness, but Tyrian is not a tough guy, any soldier can beat him up.

Facing those crazy thugs, the fat Tyrian would probably be scared out of his wits.

Thinking of this, Haster was even more sad.

Without Tyrian, the direction of the Beta-Garmon galaxy would definitely be different.

Tyrian single-handedly protected the empire from being torn apart by civil war, saving countless lives.

But he died in the hands of the thugs, isolated and helpless, tortured and killed alive, even the body could not be found.

"My lord, there is an entrance here, and there seems to be someone inside."

The voice of a Cadian soldier sounded.

Hearing this, Haster jumped up with a carp.

A glimmer of hope suddenly appeared in my heart.

Maybe Tyrion wasn't dead, just his servant.

How could a coward like the Prime Minister die, he must have gone into hiding.

Haster walked quickly to the location of the entrance that the soldiers had discovered.

It was a very secret cave.

It was cleverly designed, with a small life-support device inside that could last for a year.

But the man found inside disappointed Haster.

Haster didn't see the miracle, didn't see the fat Prime Minister with a big belly stretched out his hand to him, and gave him a bureaucratic greeting.

There is only one old man who is in a trance and is about to go crazy.

He was wearing the clothes of a servant, and he looked in a very bad state of mind.

Curled up in a corner, repeating a few raving words.

Murder, remember, remember, Iltu, remember.

A disappointed Haster stood beside the old man, and when he heard these words, his eyes became serious.

He crouched before the old servant.

During the days of riots, the old man's mental state was on the verge of collapse.

Haster reached out and brushed away the old man's dirty hair that covered his face, causing the old man to scream in horror.

It looked terribly frightened.

He was terrified by the horrific whispers and shadows that loomed everywhere.

Even though the old man was struggling constantly, Haster could still see the other person's appearance clearly.

The old man is a loyal servant of Tyrian, and the whole family has served Tyrian for generations.

"What did you say?" Haster noticed some problems from the other party's raving.

"Murder, Yiertu, murder, Yiertu." The old man shouted.

"What do you think happened to Irtu?" Haster asked.

"Murder, murder, blood, poison, murder." The old man screamed in horror, his sanity had already collapsed, and only these scattered words were firmly remembered in his heart.

"You said Tyrian was poisoned by Iltu?" Haster's heart was in a turmoil. If such words spread, he would cause big trouble.

Whether it is true or not, it will cause a huge wave, even a storm, on Terra.

"Murder." The old man cried.

His sanity briefly recovered a little.

Spoken a full sentence to Haster.

"The master was murdered."

Haster stood up.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind like flashes of lightning.


Could it be that Tyrion was not killed by the mob, but by someone else.

The status of the Prime Minister of the Empire is extremely special, and he is one of the few top powerful figures in Terra.

Such a character was broken into the mansion by mobs and killed in his own home.

This is undoubtedly an extremely incredible thing.

Haster rose to his feet, realizing that the truth must be horrific, possibly involving the High Lord.

After the Beta-Garmon incident, the rule of the High Lords Council has basically come to an end.

There was absolutely no way the Primarch would keep them.

Kobeta-Garmon was involved in many things, and almost all the powerful people on Terra were involved.

And these Terra dignitaries have close ties with other regions of the empire, and even are the spokespersons of the families in those regions.

Any noble who can gain a firm foothold in Terra has his own basic disk, that is, the galaxy and star area run by his family.

Moving Terra would undoubtedly involve the entire Empire.

The abolition of the High Lords Council means the abolition of the House of Representatives and the Outer House, and the entire empire will usher in a huge change.

This reform can take anywhere from ten years to twenty to thirty years before we can initially see results.

However, once Ryan's death is exposed, the High Lords Council may be dissolved early, and the bureaucrats of Terra will be purged under the angry public opinion.

Those planets that have not accepted the Primarch's reform ideas and are still ruled by nobles will also usher in a political earthquake.

This is no joke.

When the empire was in crisis, the high lords and many dignitaries still wanted to maintain their power, ignoring the plight of human beings.

The unbroken civil war in the Beta-Garmon system has left many people dissatisfied.

Once it was revealed that Tirian was murdered by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Iltu, even the most stupid people would no longer think about supporting the current bureaucratic system.

"Protect him." Hastur looked at the soldiers on the side, "Let the outside troops bring in a Chimera personnel carrier, don't let anyone communicate with him, I'll go now. See the Primarch, and help him by the way Find two doctors you can trust."

The soldier was stunned for a moment, "As for it? My lord."

"The storm is coming." Haster said solemnly, "He will be the source of the storm."

Obedience, loyalty, order.

These titles are inscribed on every wall, on every pillar.

Those servo-skulls and drones are repeating the same catchphrase.

Kundas was extremely exhausted and stood in the queue.

This is the rescue point, responsible for pulling those unlucky ones back from the brink of hell who haven't fallen or died.

There were shouts of soldiers everywhere as they dragged out the bodies of the thugs and threw them in a heap.

Hundreds of men and women were recruited as laborers, and they took crude tools to clean up blood and broken limbs.

"Please, I am loyal to the Emperor," a man cried to the inspectors.

"You have found a mark of chaos on your body. This is a shameful betrayal." The inspector pushed him away.

The man knelt on the ground in despair, hoping to survive.

Soldiers who can keep order have no sympathy or mercy.

Two soldiers came out and they dragged the man aside and made him kneel on the ground.

Accompanied by the sizzle of laser guns.

The man fell to the ground.

There was a burnt smell.

The corpses were lifted by the laborers and thrown into the pile where the mob was.

"Continue to check and maintain order." A soldier pushed those curious people back to his line.

"Take off all your clothes, get checked and rinsed."

Said a man in charge of inspection.

Cumbis took off the stained clothes, put them in the designated place, and continued queuing naked.

Those inspectors have no mercy, they will use the instrument to test everyone who passes, and then give them a new pair.

Such means are to avoid the pollution of Chaos.

The man just now is an example of being polluted.

Everyone who is contaminated will be executed without mercy.

The naked Quimbis walked to the designated spot wearily, and a machine slave pointed at him with a pipe of mixed disinfectant.

The cold disinfectant water washed Cumbis's body, washing away the filth on his body.

Quimbis shook involuntarily.

it's too cold.

After rinsing, with water dripping all over his body, he walked up to the inspector, stretched his arms, and asked the inspector to conduct the inspection.

"Stand over to the machine," said the inspector.

Cumbis looked at the muzzle of the soldier next to him with the arc shining, and followed the order of the other party nervously and walked up.

If the light turned red, the soldiers would just drag him away.

There will be another unlucky person in the pile of corpses piled up like a hill.

Fortunately no.

The light turns green.

"Congratulations, friend, all suffering is over." The inspector smiled at him.

I hope so, Cumbis thought.

He smiled back at the inspector, and walked along the line into the decontamination area that had been cleaned several times to make sure it was free of thugs and demons.

He got a clean suit and was stuffed into a new one, which was in line.

Everyone has a job, and Quimbies is no exception.

After queuing for three hours and almost fainting from hunger, it was finally Cumbis' turn.

"Name, citizen number?" the clerk asked without looking up.

Cumbis said his number and name, and the other party bowed his head and entered it to look up relevant information.

"Third-level worker, originally lived in the C-451 residential area. It has been destroyed there. You go to the new residential area. Here are subsidy credit vouchers and food stamps for you. You will be assigned to work in a team. The original benefits will be restored after the relevant departments are rebuilt."

The clerk looked up and handed Cumbis a document with the smell of ink on it, and the golden double-headed eagle was particularly conspicuous.

Cumbis took it and walked away.

Public vehicles leave the place at all times.

According to the instructions on the document, Cumbis got on the designated public vehicle and headed to his new assigned residential area.

News from the Imperial Daily was broadcast on public vehicles.

The handsome host has disappeared

That guy was often impassioned and preached the Primarch threat, describing the Primarch as the Exterminator, a despicable usurper of his father's place.

The guy was replaced by a more mature-looking presenter.

"The Supreme Regent of the Empire arrived at Holy Terra yesterday, and the people of Terra lined the road to welcome him. Officials at all levels said that the Regent of the Empire is the most suitable leader in their hearts to lead mankind, and they will unite closely with the Primarch to create The new splendor of the empire and the great rise of mankind."

Cumbis sneered at this, stopped paying attention to these fake news, and turned to look at the window of the public vehicle.

The wide streets are lined with tents, which are people's temporary residences. Many houses have been destroyed and must be repaired before they can be moved in.

For this reason, those refugees can only live on the streets and participate in labor until everything returns to normal.

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