Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 169 The Ten Thousand Years Guardian in the Underground Palace (Subscribe)

The Lord of Mars, Lasky, who lost everything and lost all relatives, fell into madness.

Accompanied by the sound of mechanical gears turning, all kinds of destructive weapons enter the state of being activated under the charge of their furnace core.

Feeling the threat posed by these weapons, many congressmen turned pale.

They regretted it a little.

If I had run faster just now, I would not have been involved in this matter. I really had nothing to do to protest with Guilliman.

If he listened, he wouldn't be a Primarch.

Now it's my own bad luck.

Forged General - The weapon on Laski's body is enough to destroy them dozens of times.

If you really make a move, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Calm down, do you want doom?" Guilliman was indifferent to such death threats, as if the melta was not aimed at him.

"You're a damn liar, you want to be a dictator, and you want to seize the power of Mars, and you won't succeed." Lasky yelled, "They are all deceived by you, but I won't. You are Just a bastard trying to take your father's authority."

"I bring hope and redemption," Guilliman said.

"What you bring is destruction and dictatorship." Lasky said as he brandished his weapon. One can imagine how excited he was.

"You had a chance to live," Guilliman said pityingly, "but your stupidity made it impossible."

"I don't care anymore, you will die with me anyway." Lasky's built-in sounder came out a cold voice, he knew how strong Guilliman's military strength was.

Even if you pull the entire Mars, you will be crushed by the opponent.

But now, as long as Guilliman is killed, everything will be over.

Holy Mars doesn't have to be controlled by this damn dictator.

Everything will return to how it was before.

"No, he won't die with you."

Another voice came from behind Lasky.

Fadik, the great mentor of the Assassin Court who has never had a sense of presence, stepped out.

He was wearing a flaxen robe, which looked very simple.

In many meetings, he was the one who kept silent.

The other high lords have even learned to ignore him.

Anyway, he won't be voting.

With Fadik's voice sounded.

Lasky felt that the data logic modules and computing cores in the skull were in chaos.

The heavy steel body just fell down like that.

The casting general's body is extremely huge, like a metal meat mountain, it needs the support of an anti-gravity device to move.

Laski was horrified to find that there was a problem with his anti-gravity device.

The holy machine-spirit no longer responded to his commands.

There was no response to his calling either.

The anti-gravity device failed, and Terra's gravity crushed the Forged General.

The charged cannon made a creaking sound, and then drooped powerlessly.

The heavy steel body let out a series of whines.

The core of the furnace is decaying, and weapon recharge is cut.

Lasky looked at the Assassin's mentor in disbelief, with astonishment and anger in his eyes.

"what did you do to me?"

"The Assassin court will always serve him only. This is the mission recorded in my genes. I can't let you do crazy things here." The assassin's master Fadik said indifferently, "You should not threaten the regent of the empire, no matter what What absurd decisions he makes, he represents the will of the Emperor."

"You are also a supreme minister. Do you want to let him seize the dictatorship of the empire? Moreover, the empire and Mars are not one. We are just allies. Why should we accept the rule of a dictator?"

Laski growled in an emotionless electronic voice that was beyond harsh.

"You serve the Omnisea," Fadik said. "We serve the Emperor. The two are one. He has the power of the Emperor, which means he has the permission of the Omnisea. You The act is to betray Mars and Terra at the same time. You can fight in other ways, but coercion by force is absolutely not allowed."

"This is sophistry," Lasky yelled, full of rage, the virus was ravaging his code, red spots of corrosion appeared on his steel body.

Humans have created many poisons, and some poisons can act on organic flesh and blood, making them lose their vitality quickly.

There are poisons that work on cold steel and logic.

In any case, they all have the same power, which is the power to bring people to death.

"It's reality, it's happening," Fadik said. "You made the wrong decision, so let's call it a day."

"You will all regret it, he is just a dictator, he can't change anything." Lasky supported the sounder with the last energy, and his system was shutting down one by one, "You think what he brings is salvation, but this is just an illusion , what he brings is just another horror."

His voice deepened and became indistinct.

On the meat-like mechanical body, the indicator lights turned from bright to dark, and finally went out.

The mechanical tentacles overlapped and closed, and finally fell into silence.

A crisis that was enough to kill everyone present was resolved.

Everyone showed the expression of the rest of their lives, only Guilliman did not change his expression from the beginning to the end.

Everything is under control.

Nothing to worry about.

"This is what happens to the opponents." Guilliman looked at the many congressmen, "There is no mercy, you need to learn from it."

Many councilors fell into an oppressive silence, the Primarch's dictatorship was doomed, and they were powerless to resist.

They left the Senate hall dejectedly under the watchful eyes of the soldiers.

The Highlords are in custody, awaiting the revelation of what happened to Tyrian. to pass judgment on some of them.

The political storm quickly swept across Terra from the meeting of the House of Representatives, and an unprecedented exchange of blood began.

Changes in the House of Representatives are broadcast live.

The Regent of the Empire did not shy away from this political reform, letting everyone see how determined he is.

The era of the High Lords Council is over.

Many families will decline in this political storm and eventually disappear.

Many complained that their ancestors had contributed to the Imperium, but the Primarch had so cruelly deprived them of their rights.

Guilliman paid no attention to this.

Individual interests need to make concessions for collective interests.

Many of the reforms of the empire were handed over by Guilliman to the Prime Minister of the Empire, Petunia.

She has a better understanding of Terra's operating mode and how to control it.

Of course, the resistance in this matter is not small.

Many families are unwilling to give up their own interests in this regard.

On the sacred planet of Terra, not only the citizens of the empire who legally pay taxes, but also the gang families wandering in the dark are also a force to be reckoned with.

Especially in the area of ​​the lower hive capital.

During the time when the High Lords Council was in power, even in the place closest to the Golden Throne, the power of gangs should not be underestimated, and it was a gray area where the official power of the empire could not intervene.

They are lawless and even arrogant enough to dare to challenge the authority of the empire.

The only thing Guilliman can do is to strike hard, to strike hard.

In the reform of the Hive City, the God Brain Project researched by Keren played a role.

Technological progress is the most powerful weapon to erase those gray areas.

The development of smart technology is a sharp weapon to promote the disappearance of the dark side of society.

Human beings cannot give up the development of science and technology because of fear and hatred of the recurrence of intelligent events.

At least Guilliman would not choose that course.

Regardless of whether technology is developed or not, the future destiny of mankind is dark.

If the strength is not enough, the traitors led by Abaddon will destroy the empire and make the galaxy a playground for the gods of chaos.

Tyranids, Orcs, Necrons, and the rapidly rising Tau.

These are threats.

Guilliman knew that time was not on humanity's side.

It is undeniable that after the launch of the Indomitable Crusade, humans temporarily gained some advantages.

But how long these advantages will last, no one knows.

The space undead are now fragmented, but with the rise of human beings, they will inevitably be closely linked together, and they will regard human beings as a new enemy.

King Sotai, who was in contact with him, had secretly given Guilliman a lot of information.

With the recovery of the controllers of several top dynasties, the unification process of the Necrons will be greatly accelerated.

Whether it is the Silent King, the Storm King, or the Crimson King.

These kings of the Necrons will promote the unification of the Necrons and regain control of the galaxy.

According to some scattered reports, there have been horrible phenomena similar to the exorcism death zone in various places.

Apparently, with the emergence of the Great Rift, the Necrons also began their plan to isolate the warp.

This plan is extremely harmful to humans, and it is easy to die of soul exhaustion.

The main force of the Tyranid Zerg is also approaching the galaxy, and the previous few Zerg fleets seem to be a small fight.

The orcs are waging a holy war on Armageddon.

According to the report of some astropaths who have the ability to foresee, the orc warlord-Bonebreaker has been instructed by the orc gods, and is completing the transformation from the orc warlord to the orc emperor, and is committed to bringing the galaxy into a never-ending war of terror.

The Titanium have had five consecutive expansions so far.

According to the latest intelligence, they already have warp space engines and a huge auxiliary army.

Although this race is very weak, its potential is terrifying.

The Tau family relies on the artificial intelligence that humans have long abandoned, and it is difficult to guarantee that they will not rise as quickly as humans in the future.

The time it took for humans to go from entering the starry sky to establishing the first star empire is not very long.

If the artificial intelligence of the Tau tribe develops further, it is very likely that it will rise at a high speed like the human beings in the past, and quickly become the master of the stars.

Regardless of whether the opponent's artificial intelligence is rebellious or not, the human empire will decline because of the opponent's rise.

Humans now have too many lice to catch.

The problem of God Brain Technology stepping on the bottom line of hating intelligence is actually the smallest for Guilliman.

The God's Brain Project uses the minds of loyalists as raw materials to carry out various enhancements on these minds.

Let it have extraordinary computing power.

To put it bluntly, the essence of the divine brain is similar to fearlessness.

Most of the bodies of those loyalists are beyond repair.

Tech-priests plucked their remains and sent them into the Dreadnought to continue fighting for the Empire.

The divine brain is to pull out the brains of these loyalists, cultivate them, and then continue to serve the empire.

They have their own thinking abilities, their own emotions, their own memories.

It's just an alternative way to continue to serve the empire.

This is the Divine Brain Project.

In order to strengthen the fight against subspace pollution, all god brains will carry out thought stamps.

Inscribed with the stencil thought of protecting human beings and hating chaos.

This method of using mechanical means to leave a stamp of thought in the brain can avoid the possibility of the brain's betrayal to the greatest extent.

Of course, even the ideological seal cannot prevent the corruption and rebellion of the divine brain.

There are also alternative ways to remedy it.

The Mechanicus has mature technology, which can prevent the rebellion of the Iron Man in the past.

That is the thinking of the offline opponent, put it in a dream of eternal enjoyment, and then implant the other's consciousness for manipulation.

This practice is often used on cathars.

Those sages often offline the other party's thinking and main consciousness, and then implant their own consciousness to control the other party's body.

A little more radical is to erase the original consciousness of the other party, and then implant new memories and programming after formatting.

The brains of the gods are all built using super soldier technology and the template of Guilliman's heart, which also gives the empire greater control.

If it was in the past, the Divine Brain Project would definitely cause huge waves.

There will be countless voices of opposition.

The person who proposed this plan is afraid that he will be killed by the trial court immediately.

Now, however, the plan is driven by Guilliman.

Foundry General - Laski died.

Mars unconditionally supports the Imperial Regency, the High Lords Council is abolished, and the Imperial Army is in the hands of the Primarch.

Those who opposed had no power at all to shake Guilliman's decision.

Under Guilliman's authorization, Keren's God Brain project was quickly promoted.

Each nest has built a huge and magnificent data center of the brain array.

Used to process large-scale population data and allocate work and resources.

In this way, the interests of every imperial citizen are guaranteed to the greatest extent.

Of course, the movement of gang members and cult members will also be monitored to ensure that these guys will be killed directly when they first emerge, and no big climate will be formed.

Suppress the frequent rebellions of the empire to a very small scale.

At the same time, a large number of machines and priests were deployed from Mars to join Terra's reconstruction work.

With the application of advanced technology and the full help of Mars, the reconstruction speed has been much faster.

Some gardens and parks that did not exist before also appear in the plans of hive cities.

It's an incredible thing.

Rulers of all ages never built such things in public areas.

In their view, workers should take a good rest after going to work, and then continue to work.

Beyond that, any entertainment is unnecessary.

Greed for enjoyment is not enough loyalty.

Loyal workers should take the least salary, work the most, don't rest, don't enjoy, and pay for the emperor wholeheartedly.

Naturally, Guilliman could not allow this to continue.

The empire building is too bad, isn't that a death for Chaos? ?

At that time, the stronger the army, the stronger the enemy will follow.

When they fight back and forth, they are all fighting with human beings themselves.

Then there is no need to play.

In addition to reducing the workload, Guilliman required all factories to dispose of the waste to protect the living environment.

At the same time, provide sufficient greening for the residential area and increase entertainment facilities.

Air, drinking water, and food quality testing have also been put on the agenda.

Many factories do not want to comply with such regulations, and the cost is too high.

They even came together to protest.

They claim that treating workers too well will only erode their loyalty and make them lazy.

Only by taking away workers' food, houses, and property, and reducing their wages, can the workers' motivation to work be stimulated.

It's a pity that Guilliman's posture is extremely tough.

Take away all the assets of those protesting factory owners and families, and let them be good workers with low wages and no treatment in their mouths.

In order to ensure the implementation of his reform orders, Guilliman asked each law enforcement officer to bring a troop.

Any factory or family that dares to trample on the new law will be punished without mercy.

Some families tried to fight back with force.

What awaits them is tougher suppression.

The spaceships of the punishment battalion were filled to capacity, transporting those who were convicted day and night.

The final value of these idiots is to be cannon fodder.

An unprecedented flood of change washes over every class.

People can feel their lives change dramatically.

Many things that lasted for thousands of years were smashed in a few days, and then new ones were built.

Everyone is required to register, and their fingerprints and pupillary membranes will become their unique identity information, which will be stored in the data center.

It contains information such as their age, job, and salary.

Everything will be managed intelligently.

Children under the age of 10 are obliged to go to school.

This is a mandatory requirement.

Anyone who prevented children from going to school, or shielded children from going to school, was sentenced to treason against the Empire.

In addition to the most basic general knowledge courses and scientific knowledge learning.

There is also religion class.

Guilliman personally scrutinized the relevant courses to ensure that no chaotic heresies were mixed in.

In addition to learning some basic teachings of the state religion, this course also studies the theory of human supremacy.

Those children will be taught from the beginning that the human race is supreme and destined to rule the galaxy

A large number of hereditary officials were purged and stepped down.

New officials are required to conduct investigations, checking their fathers for signs of Chaos corruption or betrayal of the Empire.

The higher the grade, the stricter the family background of the review.

It takes five hundred years to reach the position of planetary governor. The family has no history of betraying the empire or being involved in chaos.

If so, I can only apologize.

You can only engage in other industries, not politically related industries.

Everything is changing, reshaping.

A glimmer of hope emerged again in the despair of Cumbis, and the changes brought about by the imperial regency were too great.

It can be described as earth-shaking.

In the past, many people have never been able to see any plants in their lives.

Now, where they live, there are parks and flower beds.

When those green tender leaves appeared in front of people, many people cheered for it.

"Long live the Primarch."

"Glory reigns forever."

"He is a divine savior."

These voices can always be heard when Cumbis approaches the crowd.

Some priests also stood among those.

From time to time they would promote and emphasize that the Primarch was sent by the Emperor.

After hearing the pastor's words, those people would add praise words such as the immortality of the emperor.

Cumbis stood in the crowd and also let out excited shouts.

He apologized for his profanity.

Primarchs are the ones who really think for them.

Never just talk about those fake dakong who dedicated themselves to the emperor.

Instead, give them bread and meat so that they can live a decent life.

For the first time, Cumbius felt that life could be so beautiful.

After eight hours of work, being able to hang out with my friends instead of being in a factory all day.

Those bloody Terran bureaucrats in the old days only asked them to give and sacrifice, and never cared if they had something to fill their stomachs.

Fortunately, the ordeal is over.

As the Primarch promised, all good things will come.

Terra crawled out of the abyss of fear and despair, and ran swiftly towards the light.

Everyone will get a happy future.

They will enjoy a good life under the glory of the Emperor.

Quimbys made his way over the assembled crowd.

Cumbis walked briskly towards his factory.

He sincerely greets everyone as a friend.

Until, he met two members of the legal department in law enforcement uniforms.

Only then did he put away his smile.

One of the members of the legal department was the same man who had been in charge of labor force supervision and beat the little girl.

The other party was smoking a cigarette and standing lazily on the street.

Several men and women who passed by were stopped by these two men, and squatted on the side of the road with their heads in their hands to accept their inspection.

There was a trace of fear in Cumbis's heart, and he walked away involuntarily.

The storm of reform is still not strong enough to blow into every corner.

But he also knew that this was the limit of the empire's regency.

The opponent is responsible for the entire empire, military, economics, politics, beliefs, technology, etc., and every aspect requires the Primarch to be responsible.

The imperial regent's gaze is on the entire human race, so he is doomed not to be able to pay attention to everyone.

Sin and darkness lurk in crevices that he doesn't notice.

"Come here." The man showed a cruel smile when he saw Quinbys who wanted to go around.

The companion next to him also smiled.

Cumbis looked left and right, but there was no one before he confirmed that the other party was calling him.

Can only walk over.

He was somewhat resistant and afraid of these guys.

To be honest, he was full of hatred for this man.

The little girl in the labor team was deaf in one ear.

And it's all thanks to this man.

It was hard to imagine that such a vicious man could escape being cleaned.

"What does it look like?" The man said impatiently as he kicked Cumbis.

"What do you want from me?" Cumbis kept his tone as humble as possible to avoid attracting greater hostility from the other party.

For the imperial regent, such a man is nothing more than a bug that can be easily crushed to death.

But for Cumbis, this man was enough to ruin his life.

This is true even if the other party is just a small member of the legal department.

Officials are terrible, and officials are even more terrible.

"It's nothing. When I saw you, I felt suspicious. Are you a gang member who is trying to subvert the empire? Now the empire is cracking down on gang members and cracking down on evil forces." The man said solemnly while smoking a cigarette, and flicked ash on him face.

"My lord, I am a law-abiding citizen of the empire." Cumbis suppressed the anger in his heart and said every word.

"I don't really believe you when you say you obey the law. You don't look like a good person at first glance. A few days ago, I received a message saying that there were gang members running around, so go squat over there. We have to further verify your identity , to make a judgment.”

The man flicked the cigarette ash again, "If you don't want to waste time, you can also pay a deposit to guarantee that you are not a gang member. After confirmation, it will be refunded to you."

Hearing this, Cumbis understood immediately.

It is false to track down gang members, but it is true to secretly collect money.

After handing over the deposit, still thinking about getting it back?

That is really a fool's dream.

"You are blatantly violating the laws of the empire." Cumbis said angrily, "I won't give you a penny."

"Don't fucking talk nonsense." The man's expression changed, and he hit Cumbis with a stick on the head, causing him to squat on the ground and bleed profusely.

"I represent the sacred law of the empire. Whatever I say is what I say. Don't you fucking want to live?"

After being hit with a stick, the man grabbed Cumbis by the collar again, and threatened with a ferocious expression, "Don't think that you can turn the world upside down after the regent of the Empire promulgates a few laws. Labor and management are still wearing this skin. , you have to kneel obediently, understand?"

After finishing speaking, the man raised his head and looked at his companion, "This guy is a thorn in the side, and he looks like a stubborn gangster."

The companion smiled, "Don't go too far, the higher-ups are investigating closely now."

"Don't worry, be sensible. If you can't do it, you can tell him that he is a gang member. Those stupid idiots will probably say that I played well and hit the criminals."

Cumbis was pressed to the ground and kicked and punched, and the other party provoked while beating.

"You can fight back, trash."

"Why don't you fight back, useless."

"Do you really think that the regent of the empire can watch Terra for the rest of his life? He dares to refute my words here, it is really reckless."

Quimbis was so angry that he almost went crazy, his scarlet eyeballs seemed to burst their sockets.

But he just gritted his teeth and didn't choose to fight back.

To fight back is to deliberately attack the law enforcement officers of the empire. At that time, no one will ask if the other party directly kills him.

Maybe it was because he was tired from the fight that the opponent finally stopped.


A mouthful of thick phlegm was spit on Cumbis.

"Trash." The man wanted to further humiliate Quinbys.

Another man came from a distance, hurriedly walking, looking a little uneasy.

The two law enforcement officers stopped humiliating Quimbis and yelled for the man to come over and be examined.

But who would have thought that the other party would take out a pulse pistol and shoot the two of them from the law enforcement department when they walked halfway.

One guy got shot in the thigh and screamed in pain.

The one who beat Cumbis was so frightened that he held his head and ran away, trying to escape behind a baffle that could block him.

"Go to hell, you dog." The gang member kept pulling the trigger, and those who were crouching on the ground were also targeted by him.

A few died in a short while, and the law enforcement officer who fell to the ground was also killed by the ruthless gang member.

Seeing the other party pointing the gun at him, Cumbis didn't care about the bleeding head, so he ran directly into it.

Use the strength you have gained from long-term hard work to firmly suppress the opponent.

Both hands held the other party's throat firmly, and did not dare to let go until he was out of breath.

At this time, the guy who escaped the fastest turned back again.

He yelled and shot the gang member a few times, then stood by with a proud face.

The support from the empire came very quickly, and a group of soldiers came over in a floating boat in a short while.

A high-ranking law enforcement officer also arrived from elsewhere.

It's just that he's wearing the uniform of Ultramar, not Terra's.

"When I saw this guy draw out his gun, I thought it was not good. I immediately took out the gun and shot at him. I fought to the death and finally succeeded in killing him. Unfortunately, this guy is too fierce, causing many people to kill him. They're all dead." When the man saw the senior law enforcement officer, he approached him flatteringly, wishing he could take all the credit for it.

"No, he's a coward. He ran away, and I strangled that gang member. After he died, he dared to run back to replace the gun."

Cumbis was already on fire in his heart, so despicable and shameless, he only dared to bully kindness, and when he saw those vicious people turn around, he would become a deserter.

Now he dares to take the credit.


Hearing this, the man jumped up like a cat that stepped on its tail.

"Don't talk nonsense, do you know your identity, you have no place to speak here. How can you be so dreamy if you want to kill a gangster like you! How can you be so shameless to say such things Woolen cloth?"

As he spoke, he walked over and pushed Cumbis.

"I think you are a potential gang member, deliberately disrupting law enforcement, don't talk nonsense here, or you will be arrested and sent back to prison in minutes."

When we got to the edge, the man whispered, "Don't show your face, this area is all my people. If you dare to embarrass the labor and management, the labor and management will arrest you as a gang member tomorrow, and if you shoot them, people will applaud you. You Believe it or not."

After threatening, he pushed Cumbis to the side of the road and said loudly.

"Don't talk nonsense, you can't take responsibility for this matter."

"Is what you said true?" said the senior law enforcement officer.

"No, it's not." Cumbis could only change his words when he saw the man on the side wiping his neck.

"Be careful next time, don't talk nonsense." The high-level law enforcement officer said, "My name is Zidalov, and I am the second-level law enforcement officer of the Empire. If you have any clues about gang members, you can come to me."

Zidarov handed a card to Cumbis, turned and left.

The gang members and another law enforcement officer were taken, along with the bodies of several of the deceased.

The law enforcement officer who beat Cumbis was also taken away.

"You have performed very well, and I will report it to the higher authorities. Recently, these gang members have been exiled very seriously, and the higher authorities are currently cracking down on them. I hope you will continue to work hard," Zilodav said.

"I will work harder. For the glory of the emperor, I must eradicate these criminals who disrupt social order and protect the happy and healthy life of the people of the empire." The man said with a righteous face.

Cumbis, who was covering his head, clenched his fists and watched them leave.

Laski was poisoned.

Several sages belonging to his school finally chose to give up force confrontation.

They knew they were powerless against the Imperial Regency's onslaught.

Forced confrontation will only bring disaster to themselves.

Radicals have completely taken control of Mars, and some hidden knowledge has been released.

The wave of reform is also sweeping the red planet.

Guilliman provided some new technologies to improve the air quality of Mars and maintain the ecology.

Relying on the high efficiency of the mechanical priest, the first ray of green life soon appeared on Mars.

With Terra and Mars on track, Guilliman began to push his own plans.

He handed over most of Terra's government to the Imperial Chancellor, Penny.

And he himself went to Mount Olympus on Mars.

In order to keep the secret, Guilliman only brought Sicarius, Caul, and thirty honor guards into a tunnel that was still dusty.

The conversation between Guilliman and the Emperor was not long, but the amount of information contained in it was enormous.

The Emperor told Guilliman the location of the Dungeon, and the answers he was looking for.

They walked from the roaring steel city into a dark, deep archway that seemed to have been abandoned for thousands of years.

Here is a dead end, icy rocks stop their progress.

"Is there really what we want here?" Kaur's electronic voice revealed a trace of dignity.

The reconnaissance scanner detects that there is nothing ahead.

"Don't trust your perception too much." Guilliman said, looking at the rock in front of him.

As the Emperor remembered, Guilliman touched his fist, drawing a gash on his broad palm.

Red blood flowed out, and Guilliman smeared it on the wall.

The Primarch's strong resilience made him have to cut himself several times before he could get enough blood.

Under everyone's gaze, cracks appeared on the originally rough rock wall, and countless cracks as thin as a hair spread out and disintegrated.

The rock turned into a black light, rolling and entwining like life.

Seeing this scene, Guilliman smiled, and said in a deep voice, "There really is a secret place."

Afterwards, he walked in, submerged in those black rays of light.

Kaur et al. followed suit.

Beyond the light, there is still a dark tunnel, but this tunnel seems to no longer simply exist in the real universe, but between illusion and reality.

The roads are intricate and intertwined, completely contrary to the geometry of human cognition.

This is not the domain of humans, nor is it the domain of the laws of the real universe.

According to the memory of the Emperor, Guilliman shuttled on these roads, crossing one intersection after another.

"What the hell is this place?" Kaul stared at his data display.

He tried to scan and map the travel route of this place.

But when the finished product picture appeared, he was greatly surprised.

There are many branch routes that should not exist in the grainy light and shadow image.

What's even more weird is the 360-degree rotation and twist of these branch routes, which look chaotic and never-ending.

Every moment is changing, twisting, evolving.

Even in three-dimensional mode, the complex code exceeds human imagination.

But if it is expressed in four dimensions, it is perfect.

"Don't record things that don't make sense." Guilliman said, "This place is based on reality and illusion. There are billions of changes every minute and every second. It is impossible to record the route through mechanical devices. things."

"Is there really an end to this tunnel?" Sicarius also asked in astonishment.

"Of course there is, but it doesn't seem to be." Guilliman answered Sicarius' question as he walked, "This is a space-time closed loop, and it is also one of the defensive measures of the underground palace. That is to say, this place and the real universe are separated from each other." Isolated, only those who find the right path can use that weak connection to return to the real universe, otherwise they will be trapped here forever."

"Space-time closed loop. It's hard to imagine that people have mastered such advanced technology in the past." Kaul exclaimed.

"This is my father's masterpiece," said Guilliman.

The Underground Palace is where the Emperor seals the Void Dragon.

It's hard to imagine what kind of knowledge he had mastered at that time to build such a prison, so that the former Star God couldn't break free, and could only be imprisoned here.

"It's impossible to imagine the depth of the Omnisea's wisdom," Kaur said.

Guilliman led the crowd for an indeterminate amount of time, and finally came to a ledge high up in a cave that shone with blinding silver light.

The cave is very huge, as if you have come to the hollowed out core of Mars.

The spaciousness here is the most magnificent underground space that Sicarius and Kaur could imagine.

The cave extends to the top of the head and far below the feet. Huge stone pillars support the roof of the cave, and it is impossible to see where the cave walls on both sides are.

Only the silver light flickering in the distance could be seen slightly.

"Be careful, this is where the Nether Dragon is imprisoned." Guilliman urged.

They walked along the ledge and found an unremarkable and very old wooden lectern.

There is also a heavy book in gilt and decolorized on it.

The leather cover is tattered, and there are simple quills and inkwells.

This scene makes people feel very incredible.

Are there any more of these things here?

Cawl looked around, the servo-skull connected to his nerves scanning everything around him.

"It's really weird here." Kaul pointed to a stone pillar on a wall shining with silver light. "These structures and light feel wrong, as if they have been distorted."

The words of the ruling great sage seem to have opened up something hidden in this cave.

Those silver rays of light moved, forming weird and distorted geometric structures.

The veterans of Glory immediately gathered around Guilliman, took a defensive posture, and raised their weapons.

They all showed pained looks.

Under the gaze of everyone, those geometric structures twisted wildly.

Concepts like distance and space are all changing.

The cave seems to be expanding and pulsating in every direction, and is constantly shrinking and squeezing.

These things are simply not the kind of movement rocks are capable of.

Kaur suddenly realized they were wrong.

This is not a tunnel at all, nor a cave.

From the walls to the floor to the air, down to every atom and molecule, all are part of one greater consciousness.

It is the god of reality.

Before the birth of human beings, it has been wandering in the universe, devouring the hearts of countless stars, known as the vampire of the stars, and regarded as a god by countless civilizations.

Humans gave it a name to refer to this terrifying existence, the Nether Dragon.

The Nether Dragon is not its real name, and to a supreme, all-knowing god, a name doesn't matter.

Kaul could feel the confusion of his own data system and logical operation modules.

No creature can look directly at its essence.

It exists in every crevice of time.

It exists in every coordinate of space.

It is one, and it is also ten thousand.

It is the beginning and the end.

The fact that it exists is enough to kill countless weak-minded beings.

Just to perceive its existence requires paying an extremely heavy price.

In the face of this infinite impossibility, the existence of all things is meaningless.

People will be assimilated involuntarily, and finally fall apart.

The sanity is collapsing, and the calculation logic is also collapsing.

Even the ruling great sage can hardly bear the concept of its existence.

Call wanted to scream, and in the face of an unimaginable being, all mortals could do was scream.

At this moment, a hand was placed on his metal shoulder.

"Give up calculations, Kaur, and delete all information."

The voice was full of majesty, and Kaur could not help doing so.

The photosensitive device was turned off, and all cached data was urgently deleted.

The oppressive feeling dissipated and he survived.

Call followed the hand and saw the Primarch's face.

He almost killed himself.

Any practice of looking directly at and calculating the existence of the other party is stupid.

It will only lead to a breakdown.

"You are too reckless, contacting it rashly will only kill you."

A female voice came.

Guilliman followed the voice and saw a figure coming out of the darkness.

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