The Lion Lion stood up from his throne, his tall body cast a huge shadow under the light of the fire in the hall.

The dark angels in charge of guarding the Primarch felt a strong sense of oppression.

Just standing next to the Primarch, it feels like being watched by a terrifying beast. There is an illusion of being a natural enemy of the food chain.

Their genetic father feels very different.

The imperial regency is as deep and stable as the ocean, but when necessary, it will also show a terrifying storm that can swallow everything.

Their Primarch was like a ferocious predator, unthreatening as he lolled on his throne.

But when he wanted to do something, the terrible oppression was enough to make people unable to breathe.

Ryan's eyes became serious and dignified.

He is the one who knows the horror of Ran Dan's strange shape.

The three battles about Ran Dan's aliens are definitely the most painful wars that mankind has experienced during the Great Crusade.

The scale of that battle dwarfs even the defeat of the Orc Emperor and the Battle of Ullanor, which established Horus as Warmaster.

When the Crusade fleet broke through the eastern edge of the galaxy, it caught the attention of the Randan race of xenos.

The strength and technology of this race is so terrifying.

For a while at least, the crusading Imperial forces felt they had met their doom.

None of the Eastern Expeditionary Fleet was spared, and all of them were wiped out or enslaved by Ran Dan.

Many worlds were reduced to wasteland.

Dozens of Titan Legions were sacked from the Empire.

Some were killed in action, some were mutinies.

By the end of the war, the Imperium had lost more than one entire Legion of Space Marines.

Ordinary mortal armies suffered countless casualties.

Many sectors were destroyed by the Extermination Order.

Those star regions have been empty for hundreds of years, without a single living thing.

The eastern border was once listed as a restricted area, and no one was allowed to explore.

Many details of that battle are not even recorded by the Dark Angels Chapter.

Only those involved know exactly what happened.

The Emperor was forced to return to Mars, opened the underground palace, and used the power of the Nether Dragon to destroy the opponent's technology. This terrible threat was finally stopped.

The Dark Angels led by Lion Lion have spent ten years killing these damned aliens.

In order to eradicate this alien completely, Ryan launched a series of genocide massacres.

All the races controlled by Ran Dan were killed immediately.

These extinctions left several human-inhabited sectors lifeless, only to ensure eventual victory.

Unexpectedly, the alien Ran Dan who was crazily suppressed and killed back then has not died yet.

Now, they incarnate as ethers, improving their abilities.

Prepare to make a comeback and enslave the galaxy once again.

The Tau are undoubtedly their best tools.

This stupid race has been reduced to a tool without knowing it.

The salvation in their mouth will eventually evolve into a terrible monster that enslaves all intelligent creatures.

Anyone who follows the path of the Greater Good ends up in a very sad end.

Ryan has rescued those humans who were controlled by Ran Dan's alien.

They fanatically supported each other's concept of the galactic coexistence circle, and willingly became the food for Ran Dan's aliens.

Shouting all kinds of slogans, he was crazy to the extreme.

Those humans who were rescued were useless.

Their souls and minds have been completely twisted.

These people were no different from the Tau today.

They are willing to die for Ran Dan, and to create the galactic coexistence circle.

"Send the order, and I will personally participate in the battle." Ryan gave an order to the dark angel who was his guard.

He had to come to the battlefield in person, only in this way could he know how far the enemy had recovered.

The Primarch's eyes were filled with determination, and he would not allow any signs of recovery for this race.

As long as there is a sign, he will press it without hesitation.

Originally, he only wanted to expel this alien race.

There are many things in the human empire at present, there is no need to waste time on an insignificant race.

Now, he has changed his mind.

This alien race known as the Tau needs to be completely cleansed.

The Tau people are not scary, but Ran Dan standing behind them is scary.

Never allow this race to have any possibility of recovery.

The Lion King stepped out of the hall, followed by the Dark Angel, their faces were excited, and being able to fight side by side with the Primarch is definitely one of the greatest honors in this life.

hive capital.

The booming artillery fire continued, bombarding the purple barrier formed by the void shield, forming huge ripples one by one.

Earth's scientists have upgraded the shield generators of the Human Hive.

Those shield generators are inferior products in the eyes of Earth scientists.

They used more advanced technology to repair these shield generators, making them more efficient in performance, lower in energy consumption, and stronger in output power.

This is the terrifying learning ability of the Tau Empire.

Just give them a while, and humans won't be in trouble.

All threats to the galaxy are out of the question.

Tiwa jumped onto a high tower using the thrusters of his combat suit, and looked at the battlefield vigilantly, ready to support his friendly forces at any time.

After a brief but effective council of war, he was ordered to garrison a section of the northern front.

All military commanders have formed a consensus.

That is, the Tau are not strong enough to stand up to the terrible armies of Man.

For the present plan, they can only defend the city and wait for the rescue of other troops.

This is destined to be an extremely difficult battle that will definitely fail.

Tivar admitted that this was definitely the only battle he ever fought against the Empire.

In the past, they had nothing but contempt for human beings.

Think they're just a bunch of lucky monkeys.

But now, Titanium tile has no such idea.

When the advantages of technology are erased, the horror of the human corps appears.

They are not afraid of death, and they are crazier than Huo's warriors.

In order to kill the enemies of the empire, they will do whatever it takes, even if they die together.

They have an attitude that Fire's warriors don't possess.

Extremely indifferent to the concept of sacrifice.

They don't care if they die.

The officers didn't care, and neither did the ordinary soldiers.

They exist only to kill the enemy.

Tiwa raised his head and looked at the void shield that was constantly being bombarded.

The dense artillery fire stirred up waves of ripples, radiating brilliant light, illuminating the entire dark sky.

"It's a fight to the death."

A voice came from behind.

Tiwa turned his head to look, and found that it was his teammate.

A smile spread across his blue face, not covered by his combat helmet.

"Death is just a way to meet the highest good." Tiwa said with a smile, he waved the knife in his hand and made a chopping motion.

"This kind of death is really not reconciled. Those damn barbaric creatures have gained an advantage. You know, in the past, they were easily defeated by us and collapsed." The team members walked to Tiwa, and the other party's eyes revealed Show a trace of hatred.

Obviously, the loss of this battle made these proud Huo clan realize that the power and technology of human beings far surpassed them.

The previous sense of superiority was shattered in the successive collapses and retreats.

Everything has changed.

They are the one behind in technology.

"Keep your own calmness, only in this way can you see the enemy's weakness." Tiwa said, "Humans are very powerful, but they lack wisdom, they can only gain a temporary advantage, and they will surely lose again, becoming the defeat of the Tau tribe The learning ability we have is unmatched by them, and the Earth Clan will quickly analyze their technology, and then reverse study to develop stronger equipment."

Tiwa put his hand on the weapon, using this action to strengthen the power of his own words.

The player wanted to say something else.

But his eyes suddenly fixed on the front, and then showed a frightened expression.

Tiwa followed the other party's gaze, and unconcealable fear emerged in his heart.

A huge rift gap appeared in the purple void shield.

Imperial forces rushed in through the gap.

Do not!

They come in.

Those damn humans bypassed the void shield and entered the hive.

They have left the back door of the shield to solve the situation that their own weapons and equipment are stolen by the enemy.

"Alarm, the shield has fallen." Tiwa shouted into the communicator, and then he activated the thrusters of the battle suit, rushing towards the imperial troops pouring in through the gap.

Most of the rushing troops were Emperor's Angels.

Uniformly clad in black armor and white robes, they wield activated power swords and bolters.

Five people form a small tactical team to advance quickly.

In just a few minutes, it pierced through the defense line arranged by the Tau clan like a sharp sword.

Those vassal races were killed like they were chopped up.

Pieces of corpses lay on the battlefield, and bolters and power weapons easily shredded the bodies of those guys, leaving them shattered and shattered.

Behind the Emperor Angel was a roaring heavy hover tank, the high-speed vibrating gravitational field crushed the fallen corpses and broken fortifications on the battlefield, pressing them down to the ground.

Among them, some vassals and Huo's warriors hadn't died yet, but the human empire had no mercy, and ran straight over, causing those guys to be crushed into scarlet residue amidst screams.

Tiwa showed anger, and he roared hoarsely.

The battle suit was raised to the highest power by him, and the gun in his hand kept firing.

Rail bullets hit them with a sonic boom that could shatter steel.

However, Tiwa saw a hopeless thing.

The power of those space fighters far exceeded his imagination.

The power armor on his body is even more advanced than those space fighters he dealt with before.

When the magnetic rail bullet hits it, it can only make a white mark, and it can't even break the defense.

But the weapons of those space fighters are extremely powerful.

Just one explosive bomb knocked out a Huoshi warrior wearing a battle suit until he lost his combat effectiveness.

Those power weapons with blue arcs are even more terrifying.

In front of those power weapons, the battle suit was like a piece of paper, easily shattered and broken into several pieces.

Titania went mad, turned his target, and fired continuously at the space marine closest to him.

But his attacks were useless.

He could only sit back and watch the opponent approach his line of defense little by little.

"That's their leader." A Fireshield warrior signaled the crowd.

Titanium tile looked along the mark.

Discovery is an unusually tall Space Marine.

Those space fighters are basically centered, and there are still a group of people who protect him all the time.

Obviously, this is a big fish.

"Ether is above, this is definitely their chance to come back, as long as they can kill that guy, the human army will collapse."

Tiwa combined all the data and analyzed the current battlefield situation.

Human troops poured in continuously from the gap, and the situation was already very critical.

If there is no other means, their defeat is already an inevitable thing.

For today's plan, only a dangerous move by soldiers can reverse the situation of the battle.

"Kill that guy, for the best of the best." Tiwa issued a summoning order, ordering all the Huos to gather, and concentrate the final firepower on the side of the space soldier, preparing to focus the fire and carry out the beheading plan.

With the belief that they must die, the surviving Huoshi warriors gathered together towards Tiwa.

Artillery fire also covered this area one after another.

"Kill!" Seeing that the timing was almost the same, Tiwa shouted.

Many Huoshi warriors turned on their propellers one after another, and rushed towards the space warrior who was listed as the target of beheading.

The opponent didn't wear a helmet, but wore a robe and cloak, and under the protection of many interstellar soldiers, broke into the battlefield.

Tiwa could see the arrogance and disdain on the opponent's face, and he swore that the opponent would soon pay for his carelessness.

"For the sake of the highest good, go to death, human."

Tiwa roared in his heart, and the rail gun in his hand fired continuously.

After reaching a certain distance, he abandoned the railgun.

In order to cope with the threat posed by the space fighters, the battle suits of the Tau Empire have also continuously added various new abilities.

Among them, especially for the melee advantage of the space fighters, the earth scientists of the Tau Empire have worked hard to develop laser weapons, which can effectively counter the power weapons of the space fighters.

Tivar dropped the railgun, then activated the laser blade on the armguard of the battle suit.

The other Huoshi fighters also followed his example and activated the laser blade on the armguard, and rushed down to fight with the space fighters.

Their close combat ability is far inferior to that of the space fighters, but the number of assault teams they form is more than that of the opponent's guards.

When other interstellar warriors realized the purpose of the Huoshi warriors and wanted to come to support them, they were firmly blocked out.

Tiwa and the most elite group of Huo's warriors got a rare opportunity.

They swung their laser blades and slashed at the tall Space Marine.

The other party's handsome face was filled with astonishment and disbelief.

"Feel our wrath, stupid human beings," Tivar yelled

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