Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 184 The Undercurrent of Vigilante (for Subscription)

The city was burning fiercely in raging flames.

The thick pipe made a crackling sound, followed by a violent explosion, and the flames and gravel flew together.

The hive capital building of the magnificent Gundam collapsed with a deafening sound, and a large amount of smoke and dust rolled in, drowning everything that could not escape.

The hot flames flew along with the smoke, quickly covering the entire city in smoke.

People fled in horror from the area where the traitors descended, to escape the brutal massacre.

Thousands died under the impact of the Helltalon drop pod.

The huge impact shattered the bodies of those people and scattered them all over the ground.

The ground defense array was hurriedly activated amidst the sound of the siren.

Rows of weapons made the sound of rotating gears, the computer slave opened his mouth wide in pain, and the sound generator beside him made a harsh beeping sound.

Driven by programs, they observe and calculate everything that happens in the sky.

The results are output to a screen connected to the turret, and the gunners draw images of the detections in the sky.

The blessed artillery fire formed a dense firepower network, intertwined in the sky, and rushed towards the orange sky.

A powerful beam of laser energy pierces the dim sky.

And Harken the Star Capturer also ordered the fleet to launch an attack, bombing the ground to cover more soldiers landing on the surface.

More shells and lights fell on the unprotected city, destroying buildings and lighting up the entire city.

The flames from the burning building lit up the entire sky.

Bodies burned amidst the wreckage of crumbling buildings.

The empire's fighter planes were launched urgently, but they fell one after another under the encirclement and suppression of the forces of chaos, setting off big explosions that illuminated the sky and made the earth tremble again and again.

The energy piles and high-energy fuels used by many fighter jets explode with terrific power, as if a large number of high-energy explosives were detonated at the same time.

What they faced was not only the traitor, but also the demons who followed the traitor.

Those weird inanimate creatures have unimaginable abilities, they can easily break through the steel protection and kill the driver inside.

The fighter plane dragged its flaming tail, fell to the ground, and was shattered into countless fragments amidst rumbling explosions.

Bombs falling from high altitudes hit the concrete ground, deep pits appeared one after another on the thick urban roads, and deadly fragments flew around under the force of the impact.

Many people were killed by the aftermath of the explosion, and some were killed by flying debris in their panicked escape.

The whole city was engulfed in flames and hopeless clamor.

The sky was stained red with blood and flames of war, and the smoke and shrill sirens enveloped the entire city.

The intense blaze could be seen clearly from kilometers away.

"Give it all to the Warmaster."

The airborne capsule that landed made a hasty sound, and the thick metal door was bounced open with the hiss of air pressure.

Kruger stepped out of the cabin and let out a battle cry.

He clenched the chainsaw sword in his hand, and twisted his hideous head with bony horns.

See those mortals who are terrified and panicked.

A piercing smile appeared on the face that made mortals feel fear and anxiety when they saw it.

His armor is covered in the marks of battle, and every ceramite plate is carved with chaos runes.

The breastplate is adorned with the emblem of the Black Legion.

On the back is a cloak of human skin and black needlework.

With the immersion of time, the cloak has already turned brown.

The skull hangs from the halo of bony spurs on his back. It doesn't look like a warrior, but more like a wild cannibal who came out of the wild world.

Kruger smelled of a thirst for war and blood.

He couldn't wait to offer a precious sacrifice to the gods.

Walking out after him, the soldiers standing next to him were also soldiers belonging to the Black Legion.

They were all clad in jagged, black iron-colored armor adorned with bone spurs and skulls.

These armors all have a strong Baroque style.

These armors are very old, some even dating back to the time of the Great Crusade.

Some of these were fighters of the Black Legion, and even Space Marines during the Great Crusade.

They participated in the Great Crusade, witnessed Horus becoming the Warmaster, and also witnessed the scene where the father and son drew their swords and the galaxy burned.

In the end, they watched Horus slain, escaped from the solar system, and hid in the Eye of Terror.

Now, they're back again.

He came here for revenge, to overthrow the corpse emperor's rule, and to bring the glory of the gods to those stupid and ignorant people of the same kind.

Within minutes of landing, Kruger killed nearby civilians and soldiers.

Stained their chainswords red with their blood.

The death and despair of those wretches who follow the corpse emperor are the best sacrifices to the gods.


Howl in despair.

Idiots who only know that they are ignorant and believe in the corpse emperor, weep in front of the messengers of the gods.

No one can save you.

Your end has come.

Every time Kruger killed a person, he felt an inexplicable sense of excitement.

Killing became instinctive, and he was immersed in blood and fighting.

In fact, he was not a traitor from the beginning.

In the distant past, he was a Space Marine loyal to Terra and the Lord of the Dead, as well as a Chapter Champion.

The representative of nobility and integrity in the galaxy.

He and his companions fought bloody battles, formed the defense line of the empire with will and weapons, and stopped those hateful enemies.

Kruger was so loyal back then that he was willing to lay down his life to defend the Imperium of Man.

Until that incident, when he and his Chapter brothers were punished by the Saints of the State Church for trumped-up charges.

They are going to enter the Eye of Terror for a redemption expedition, and the time is one hundred years.

During the battle, Kruger was shaken by the sight of one Chapter Brother after another who died meaninglessly for the stupidity of the state religion and the powerful.

At that moment, he felt that his struggle was pointless.

What exactly is he maintaining?

A corrupt empire built by a dead emperor?

A group of rich and powerful political games?

The so-called purity of a group of state religion lunatics?

Kruger couldn't think of an answer, and he gave up the idea of ​​continuing to fight for the corpse emperor.

The corpse emperor didn't care about their deaths.

The Empire never listens to the voices of the wronged.

Corruption, injustice, greed, everywhere.

The Warp is a hell.

Empire is another hell.

Why would he help one hell against another for supposed loyalty?

No rewards, no badges, only suspicion.

Is such an empire worth his service?

In the end, Kruger killed the chapter master who still wanted to be loyal to the corpse emperor, and led the remaining brothers on the road to resist the tyranny of the empire.

When he emerged from the Eye of Terror again, he was no longer a defender of the Empire, but an enemy of the Empire.

The strong shield of the past has turned into a sharp sword piercing the heart of the empire, threatening to completely destroy this decaying empire.

Bring the glory of the gods to those ignorant fellows.

"We come back with vengeance, and set the world on fire," Kruger roared, as did the other Chaos Warriors.

Numerous Chaos Warriors scattered in all directions, wielding their weapons, killing quickly and efficiently.

The corpse king's followers died screaming.

Kruger prayed while killing, thanking the mighty power of Chaos for giving him such a chance to kill the enemy.

Let the corpse king die, the reign in his name is over.

Human beings will become the retinue of the gods.

Abaddon was on the verge of success.

They will be victorious, and the rotting corpse king's forces will be defeated.

Rumbling shelling sounded.

A Chaos Warrior was blown up, and his body was blown in two.

Kruger looked in the direction of the gunfire.

A reacting Imperial force arrives under cover of a Chimera.

They tried to build several strong points of fire to prevent the invasion of Chaos warriors.

"A group of stupid mortals." Kruger made a sound, and then rushed over.

Kruger's speed was very fast, and the soldiers' laser guns were useless to him, almost like scraping.

With the speed of his sprint, his chainsword pierced through the body of a weeping soldier.

Separate the opponent's upper body and lower body in one fell swoop.

The remnant body was thrown away by him, and the dark red blood stained his armor full of the gifts of the gods.

His strength and speed exceeded those soldiers' expectations.

They were caught off guard, and in just a short while, one-third of the members were killed or injured.

A man in the uniform of an Imperial officer yelled at the soldiers to turn heavy fire and Chimera cannons on Kruger.

Kruger fired a shot in his direction, and the explosive bomb instantly tore his body apart, and the minced meat and blood splashed on the other soldiers, causing them to scream in horror.

Two trembling soldiers raised a single-piece plasma cannon and attacked Kruger.

An incandescent light shot at Kruger, who was forced to roll aside, avoiding the plasma beam.

After Kruger got up, he turned his head and rushed towards them. The chainsword in his hand cut off their lives with just one blow, leaving their bodies scattered on the battlefield.

He picked up the individual plasma cannon, quickly locked the Chimera personnel carrier with his combat talent, and then pulled the trigger.

A few seconds later, the Chimera personnel carrier disappeared in a sea of ​​​​orange flames, and many debris rained on the battlefield, killing and wounding those soldiers.

"Disgusting stuff."

A voice came from the smoke of the explosion. Jess, who was originally ordered to hunt down the gene stealer, stood on a gravel, looking down at Kruger who had just slaughtered a troop.

Jess had already found the Genestealer's lair, and even slaughtered a group of believers.

Even the patriarch of the Genestealers was defeated by his repeated attacks.

He almost chopped off that disgusting bug's head.

But with the arrival of the Black Legion, he had to give up the hunting mission and return to the surface to prevent the Black Legion from invading.

"The same is true for you." Kruger looked at the other party, with hatred and hatred in his eyes. "A disgusting follower of the corpse emperor, I can smell decay from your body."

"Your body is filled with a disgusting chaotic atmosphere. You should hide in your lair, so that you can survive for a while. Coming here will only make you die quickly."

Jace activated the staff in his hand, crackling arcs of electricity around the tip of the staff.

Behind him, other wild wolves also came out from the smoke, and the red light emitted by the helmet's eyepiece was particularly conspicuous.

They fired up their weapons, ready to give these Black Legion fools some color.

"Do you think Guilliman can change anything when he wakes up? The empire is over. This was announced by the great Warmaster Abaddon himself. Even if the corpse emperor rises from the golden throne, he can't save mankind. It must belong to the gods fate."

Krueger swung the chainsword in his hand, making a piercing sound in the air.

The smile on his face became more ferocious.

The look at the Space Wolves was full of provocation.

He has no fear of these sons of wolves.

There is even an urge to tease each other.

"Your words are like bullshit." Jess's tone was very calm, and he looked at Kruger without hiding his contempt for him. "A coward who is so weak that he surrenders to the gods, you have no right to talk about anything."

"Really!! It's hard to say whether you are a coward or I am a coward."

Kruger rushed forward, stepping on the gravel with his heavy steel boots, roaring.

"Sacrifice to the gods with blood."

Kruger roared like thunder as he ran.

The blessing of the blood god flowed in his body.

Let his whole body be full of strength.

Jess also rushed up, "Go back to your subspace, traitor."

The Space Wolves also followed him to meet the other fighters of the Black Legion, and the fight between the two sides became fierce in an instant.

Both of them showed incomparably hateful gazes, and they would only stop when one side fell completely.

Anger runs through each other's veins.

Both sides are filled with the desire to kill the other.

They were once warriors who shared their allegiance to the Empire, and now they draw swords against each other.

Jess jumped down from a high place, and the scepter in his hand was filled with psionic power, violent thunder burst out in an instant, and Kruger, who was rushing up, was knocked into the air.

Psionic lightning shattered everything around it, shattering columns and sculptures along the dilapidated walkway.

The other wolves growled, swung their weapons, and slashed at the enemy.

The fight between the two sides was so fierce, every blow was aimed at each other's greatest weakness.

Kruger failed to block the psychic attack, and the lightning strike did not kill him, but made him fly tens of meters away.

The heavy and huge body slammed into a thick round stone pillar, smashing it into two pieces.

Then he landed on the broken concrete street, rolling over the rubble.

The eye-catching warning sign flickered frantically inside his helmet.

He didn't need these reminders, and he knew from the pain that the left ceramic steel shoulder armor and upper arm armor were damaged due to the impact.

"Damn it, you are stronger than before." Kruger got up and waved the falling stones away.

"You know it's too late, traitor, today is your end."

Jess swung his scepter, jumped up suddenly, and struck Kruger's head with a blow, trying to kill him directly.

Kruger blocked the opponent's chainsword with the chainsword.

Jess pressed down on the scepter abruptly, pouring spiritual energy into the scepter again.

"Do you think you can defeat me who has been blessed by the gods?" Kruger looked at the scepter emitting a strong light. He could feel the terrifying aura in it. Once activated, he would be attacked by the opponent's spiritual energy. He was smashed to pieces.

He let out a roar, and violently pushed away the opponent's attack.

Immediately raised the bolter blessed by the warp and aimed it at Jess's head.

"go to hell."

Before he could finish speaking, Jess swung his scepter and hit Kruger's hand with the gun. The explosive bomb was changed direction, and the stone pile on the side exploded with a bang.

He kicked again, throwing Kruger off balance.

Facing the opponent's head, another psionic impact was sent out.

"Despicable and evil traitors who have turned to darkness, do you really think you can win!! Where did you come from for such a stupid idea. Are you worthy of killing a wild wolf!!"

Jess's movements were as swift as the wind, and Kruger's reaction was a beat slower, and the shining psychic brilliance could be seen through the eyepiece.

In the next second, that ray of light overwhelmed him.

The light faded, and Kruger's head had disappeared, only the headless corpse exuding heat crashed down.

"The hunt is complete." Jess smiled, and the arc of the scepter in his hand gradually faded amid the crackling sound.

"As expected of a wild wolf, you have killed one of my capable subordinates. Now, I need to take your head as a memorial to him."

Jess followed the voice, his face suddenly became serious.

Another Black Legion warrior, with a spear in his hand, stood aloft and looked down upon him.

It was like a repeat of the scene just now.

It's just that his position has been reversed.

"Star Capturer!" Jess' tone became serious.

He naturally knew the origin of this guy.

The star-taker-Harken is the capable general under the command of Abaddon, the leader of the chaos traitors.

Before, the threat Vigilante received was from him.

Haken asked many dignitaries on Vigilus to surrender to Abaddon within a limited time limit, otherwise the entire Vigilus would be destroyed and every life would be wiped from Vigilus.

"I thought the younger generation had already forgotten my name."

Star Capturer-Haken showed a mocking expression.

Then he jumped off a high place, and the spear in his hand emitted a light spear, full of evil and terrifying killing breath.

The spear in his hand was forged by the artisans of the Eye of Terror, and possesses strange powers.

The dense runes on it represent that this spear has even been blessed by the gods.

Once injured, the consequences would be disastrous.

"We never forget the traitor." Realizing that the battle was not over, Jess reactivated the scepter, bowed his body slightly, and assumed a posture of preparation for the battle.

He looked at the enemy, his eyes slowly becoming serious.

For the empire, Harken the Star Capturer is definitely a name that wants to be killed quickly.

This guy once started a rebellion that threw hundreds of worlds into chaos.

More than 10 billion people died in that chaos, and the empire suffered huge losses.

The Space Wolves once tried to hunt and kill each other, but in the end they lost a wolf master, half of Dalian, and finally allowed the other party to escape the sanctions of the empire.

For this reason, the Space Wolves have always remembered the man who brought them great shame.

And vowed to make the other party pay the heaviest price.

The two sides confronted each other, and the weapons in their hands were activated, ready to attack at any time.

The men of the Black Legion pulled the triggers, and bolts of bombs rained down on the Space Wolves like a hailstone.

The latter had rich experience in this, they took half a step back neatly, and adjusted their formation in a short while.

Shield-raised Space Wolves stood at the forefront, blocking the bombs, before accelerating to knock the enemy forward.

Soon, the two broke out in a brutal close combat.

When they parted a little, the rough concrete streets were already covered with blood.

Many ten-thousand-year veterans of the rebel legion and warriors who had completed the original casting upgrade fell to the ground, unable to get up again.

The Wolf Priest charged at the Star Capturer.

The weapons of the two sides collided several times in an instant, sparks flew everywhere, the power fields were entangled with each other, and the fight between the two sides quickly became fierce.

Even after going through the original casting upgrade, Jess still felt the horror of the star grabber.

As the number one enemy of mankind - Abaddon's right-hand man, the power of the Star Reaver is by no means comparable to that of ordinary Chaos Warriors.

Every time the weapon collided, Jace felt a huge reaction force, making his jaw go numb.

The strength of the opponent is not inferior to him who has been upgraded by the original casting.

While fighting, the two sides tried to find a gap to launch a fatal blow.

After Jace missed with one shot, Starreaver Harkon launched his own attack.

The multi-barreled bolter embedded under the glove opened fire, and Jess was in the flames of the explosion.

He was forced to back away.

Suddenly, a stone slab under Jace's feet couldn't bear his strength.

The floor robbed him of his balance as it cracked open.

In a duel of interstellar warriors, a moment is enough to decide the outcome of a war.

Haken the Star Capturer was in front of him in an instant, and the two of them almost met each other's eyes.

The spear in his hand thrust out decisively without the slightest hesitation. The spear was so sharp that it pierced through Jess's chest in an instant.

The scepter in Jess' hand fell to the ground, and the opponent picked him up with a spear.

Harkon the Starreaver roared, announcing his victory to the wolves.

The Black Legion let out a cry of excitement.

The wild wolves fell into anger, and they forced their opponents back one after another, approaching the direction where the wolf priest was.

The morale of the traitors of the Black Legion was high, and for a while, they couldn't break free, and it was difficult for them to rescue Jess.

"Haha, you will never be able to defeat the dependents of the gods, idiots."

Harkon the Starreaver made a mocking sound.

Jess was dying, and he felt humiliated like never before.

Guilliman's heart gave him an extremely powerful vitality, allowing him to continue to maintain his life.

Otherwise, the Chaos rune on the spear would be enough to kill him.

"You're too happy."

A huge figure rushed out, he jumped on the gravel, and slashed at the Star Capturer with his sword.

The sword is fierce and fast, and every move is powerful and heavy.

The Star Reaver was forced to leave Jess behind and reacted hastily.

The space wolves who rushed over dragged the priest back to their camp. As long as he was still alive, he would be fine.

The Heart of Guilliman heals all wounds.

Of course, this treatment takes time.

They just need to buy enough time for Jace to ensure his recovery.

"Does the corpse emperor's servant only play attacks now!!" Haken the Star Capturer roared angrily, waving the spear in his hand again and again, trying his best to block the opponent's attack, looking a little embarrassed.


Gabriel was indifferent to Harken's words, but launched an attack wholeheartedly, forcing back and overthrowing.

Then, point your hand.

Several omnics with red lights in their eyes appeared on the stage.

The multi-barreled bolt guns in their hands roared, and they fired a series of shots at the enemy, making it impossible for people to react in time.

Harken was hit twice without paying attention, and the shoulder armor on his shoulder was shattered.

Many Iron Hand warriors appeared one after another. When they were chasing the orcs, they saw the Hellclaws airborne, and soon realized that chaos was coming.

Gabriel made a decisive decision, immediately gave up the pursuit mission, and returned to the Hive Capital.

When he arrived, he happened to see Jess being picked up with a spear.

Immediately, he ordered the attack, fully supporting the Space Wolves.

Seeing the warriors of the Iron Hands coming, Haken realized that there was no way to achieve any more results, so he could only look for opportunities to retreat.

Gabriel did not pursue either, and watched the Black Legion fighters retreat from the battlefield without the slightest disturbance.

Now, apart from the Dark Eldar, Orcs, and Zerg, the Vigilante ushered in the invasion of Chaos.

Chasing these Chaos Warriors hastily, Gabriel was afraid that he would neglect his defense and be taken advantage of by other forces. In that case, the loss would be too great.

"Thank you, Gabriel, for gaining the friendship of the wolf." Jess, who could barely stand up, said.

"That is indeed a very important gift, and you have also gained the friendship of the Iron Hand, Jace."

Gabriel didn't care much about saving Jess himself.

"The situation is getting worse and worse now. The Chaos forces on the Vigilante planet have been supported. They are the powerful officers under Abaddon the Marauder. Obviously, the traitor is bound to win this place. We must think of a way. to fight them."

The wild wolf priest remembered the life-saving grace this time in his heart, and changed the subject to talk about the Black Legion.

The empire's information on traitors is also very detailed.

Today, the greatest enemy of Chaos to the Imperium is the Black Legion led by Abaddon.

The former captain of the son of Horus launched twelve consecutive expeditions to the empire within ten thousand years.

Abaddon's every expedition ended in failure.

Twelve times in a row, Abaddon failed and was banished back to the Eye of Terror.

Everyone believed that Abaddon was no longer a threat.

However, knowing the fall of Cadian, everyone realized that it was not lucky that this lunatic could become the company commander under the command of Horus in the past. , but he is really capable.

In the failure of twelve expeditions, he achieved a suitable goal,

The Empire won tactically, and he won strategically.

When Cadian fell and the Eye of Terror expanded, causing a large rift, people belatedly realized that the black stone obelisk above Cadian could contain the expansion of the warp.

Each of Abaddon's expeditions destroyed a large number of world obelisks.

The empire never noticed this, they simply thought that the other party wanted to subvert the empire.

It wasn't until the fall of Cadian Fortress that his wolfish ambitions were finally revealed.

The out-of-control Eye of Terror tore apart the entire galaxy like a river breaking its embankment.

Abaddon's ten-thousand-year layout dealt the most fatal blow to the empire.

The entire empire was divided into two, and half of the empire's territory lost contact with the empire's astronomical torch and fell into absolute darkness.

The human empire is only one step away from the collapse of overall order.

Abaddon was just short of hitting Terra, fulfilling what his Gene-Father had always been able to do.

Let the corpse emperor step down and end the rule of this tyrant.

Hang all the damned dignitaries of Terra over their mansions.

"Retreat first, we need to ask for help again." Gabriel said, "Although many space fighters have already reached Vigilus, the situation is still not optimistic. We have lost low-earth orbit and lost shields and artillery. With the current With the firepower, we can't hold out for too long, and the enemy will easily penetrate the line of defense."

"Let him live for a while longer." Jess, the priest of the wild wolf, looked at the away Star Capturer with a unwilling expression.

But he didn't let his impulse dominate him, and the importance of the Vigilante was far above his personal honor and disgrace.

Their priority is to preserve Vigilus, a strategic location leading to the dark side of the Empire.

"One day, you'll kill him yourself," Gabriel said.

"Yes, the wolf never forgets his prey and enemies." Jace whispered.

"Let's go, return to the inner city first."

Port Saints.

The basic disk of the Lucian family, the planetary governor of Vigilante, is here.

The most magnificent tower in the city is the mansion belonging to Lucian XII.

"Are you going to break your promise?" Lucian XII asked angrily, looking at the mechanical sage Proy in front of him.

"It's not written in the agreement that we must die for the Lucian family."

Proy refuted Lucian XII's statement with a mechanical voice.

"You promise to become allies with the Lucian family, to watch and help each other, and never to abandon or give up on each other." Lucian XII read out the content of the old agreement, "Do you want villains who have no promises?"

"If I give up on you, then I won't stand here, and I won't bring my cathars to assist the defense of Saint Port City. I will just turn around and leave, guarding my foundry, and watching you be killed Those alien devours."

Not to be outdone, Proy also accused Lucian XII.

Proy seldom comes to Port Saints, and most of the time he spends most of his time in the northern city of Great North.

The northern continent is more desolate than this side. The long-term development and trauma of that continent has made it full of canyons, deep pits and dark holes.

The underground environment there is intricate, and the situation is more critical than Port Saints.

Port Saints doesn't have to deal with the greenskins pouring in from the underground passage.

Every day in Jubei City, a large number of omnics and cataracts fight in the underground passages to prevent the orcs from invading.

Under such circumstances, Proy still put aside the affairs of Jubei City and chose to go to Saint Port to assist the defense of Planet Governor Lucian XII.

It all stems from the contracts signed in the past.

In order to obtain legal mining rights, the original Mechanic Order promised that no matter what the situation, when they received the order of the planetary governor, they would go to Saint Port to assist them in fighting the enemy.

For this reason, Jubei City sent the sage Proy and a part of the guardian army to help Saint Port and protect the planetary governor.

"Then stand firmly with the Lucian family." Lucian XII said angrily, "That damned regent of the empire wants to take away the power that I have inherited from generation to generation, what right does he have to do that!! The Lucian family has four thousand years Inheritance, accumulation from generation to generation, and now he wants to take it all away with one order, which is the biggest betrayal to us loyalists."

"Without the human empire of the Lucian family, what is the meaning of existence!! A man full of betrayal and lies, he has been asleep for ten thousand years, and when he wakes up, he will lightly take everything away, and even pretend to save mankind , so brazen, so despicable."

"He is full of lies, he is a complete hypocrite, everything is a lie. The Lucian family has served the empire for four thousand years, four thousand years, we have sacrificed everything for the empire, why is this the result now!! Like this Is it fair? Is it fair?"

"According to calculations, the opponent's policy has significantly improved the strength of the human empire. It is very likely that the national power of the human empire will rise to several levels within fifty years. From a rational and logical standpoint, there is no mistake in the decision-making of the empire's regent. "

The mechanical sage looked at Lucian XII, who became hysterical after learning of Terra's accident, his mechanical face remained unchanged.

The other party was now roaring about Guilliman's banning of hereditary nobles.

In the eyes of Lucian XII, Guilliman is definitely a shameful traitor to the empire.

"Inheritance is the power that we are born with, and it is the performance of our blood being superior to others. Why, why should we make way for those mud legs."

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