Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 195 The Confrontation of Two Empires

Hearing Calgar's words, several Mechanical Cult sages including Regula and Ploy showed smiles on their mechanical faces.

Apparently, what Calgar meant was that they could see Vigilus as a testing ground for new weapons and equipment.

For them, this is indeed good news.

The awakened Guilliman abandoned many old rules, allowing Mechanicum to develop brand new war vehicles and develop new technical equipment without the STC standard construction template.

It can be predicted that in the future, there will inevitably be many mechanical sages participating in the road of transformation and research and development.

Human technological creations are bound to spring up like mushrooms after rain.

The mechanical sages will also undergo earth-shaking changes, and learning the old knowledge is no longer enough for them to maintain their current transcendent status.

It is necessary to come up with enough amazing scientific research results in order to stand in the wave of the future era, otherwise it will be eliminated by the era.

The meeting went on for a long time.

Calgar gave a comprehensive analysis of Vigilus' current situation.

Vigilante, a super-large subspace amplifier, allows demons to continuously appear in this world.

Over time, the number and power of demons will increase, and Vigilante will gradually become demonized.

The human empire has many new technologies and weapons, but that doesn't mean Calgar and the others can ignore those demons.

Calgar has no choice now, he can only stick to the vigilant star and try his best to prevent the situation from deteriorating further.

"Maybe we shouldn't just focus on the Vigilante, there are other places that need our support." Anville said, "The Nachmond Corridor spans the Great Rift. In addition to the Vigilante, there is also the Red Earth Star." , and many worlds. If these worlds are controlled by chaos, the disappearance of the Nachmond Corridor will be exacerbated. At that time, even if we reverse the warning star, the Nachmond Corridor will not be able to reappear. For this reason, I suggest that the human empire control the world contained in the entire corridor as much as possible."

Hearing the words of the Spirit Race Prophet, many officers began to chat.

Calgar frowned slightly, then nodded, "He makes sense, we must control this corridor."

Under Anvil's prompt, Calgar and others incorporated the entire Nachmond Corridor into the overall strategy.

Soon, a large number of vanguard fleets and intelligence collectors set off from Vigilus to check other worlds.

A lot of information is collected by them.

It was sent to the hands of high-level military commanders such as Calgar.

The Nachmond Corridor is one of the most strategically important locations in the Empire today.

Although on the scale of the Milky Way, it is a narrow passage.

But it was still large enough to allow two Imperial fleets to pass at the same time without noticing each other.

A large number of planetary satellites and asteroid belts are wrapped in it.

However, the situation in the Nachmond Corridor is not easy to be optimistic.

Many worlds surrounded by this corridor were out of the control of the empire before the era of the Great Rift.

Countless lives live in the Nachmond corridor. Because of its special geographical location, it has become a gathering place for pirates, traitor mutants, criminal exiles and various aliens before the era of the Great Rift.

Even without the warp energy fluctuations and many monsters, this is an area full of hostility to the Empire.

Although there are many imperial worlds that still maintain their loyalty to the empire, they are weak and weak like candles in a long winter night.

After the Great Rift, the world of these loyal empires became even more difficult.

Many worlds will be impacted by energy storms from time to time, and even under the scouring of unpredictable subspace tides, the worlds near the edge of the corridor will be completely submerged by violent subspace storms at intervals.

This has led to many worlds that have fallen into madness due to space pollution and demon invasion in the corridors of Nachmond.

Many Imperial ships are corrupted by evil and insatiable hunger.

A savage attack was launched on the crew inside.

Hundreds of warbands plunder the space tunnel, opportunistic Dark Eldar ravage the weak and the fearful, orc rogues seek the greatest loot and the best combat.

The Heretic Astartes built their own empire through horrific slaughter, doing all kinds of terrible things to win the favor of the Destruction Power.

Pirates from different races conquer, enslave, trade and fight for the highest bidder here.

Soon, Calgar and others listed several worlds that needed to be focused on.

The first one is the Red Earth Star. There are a lot of black stones under its stratum, which also forms an anti-subspace force field. Like the Vigilance Star, it is the key to the Nachmond Corridor.

If this world is also polluted by the Black Stone Crown Ceremony created by Chaos, the consequences will be disastrous.

At that time, even if they find a way to reverse the Vigilante, I'm afraid there will be no way to open the corridor again.

For this reason, Chidixing was listed as a first-level strategic goal, and priority was given to guaranteeing the supplies and military strength in the area.

The second is the knight world Dalowa, where the ancient knight dynasty with the Mandeker knight family as the supreme king ruled that world.

After the events of the Great Rift, the Knight Supreme King of Dalowa World became more and more extreme, and the Supreme King's loyalty to the empire was slowly decreasing.

He believed that loyalty to the Empire was no longer in the interests of his subjects.

Especially after Guilliman's various reforms in Ultramar came out, the other party cut off the connection with the empire.

Those Imperial ships that attempted to cross the Dalova system were attacked, causing heavy casualties.

After the civil war, some loyal knights left the world of Dalova and came to Vigilus to continue to fight side by side with the Empire.

The world of Dalowa fell into the hands of the knights headed by the Supreme King. According to some escaped knights, the Supreme King of Dalowa had betrayed mankind and thrown himself into chaos.

Regarding this situation, Calgar knew that he had to use thunderous means to express the attitude of the empire.

Many people in the empire have independent ideas.

The scary thing is that thanks to the imperial system, they also have independent strength.

Now, with the Great Rift, the Empire is in disarray.

They are naturally ready to move.

If the suppression of Dalowa World is not strong enough, it is very likely that it will stir up thousands of waves and set off a chain reaction, causing those guys to accelerate their betrayal and independence.

Once the situation on Vigilus stabilized or when reinforcements from Terra arrived, Calgar would take the opportunity to launch a counterattack against the world of Dalowar, bringing it back under Imperial control.

In addition to this, there are some important strategic worlds and some worlds that need to be supported within the scope of the corridor.

Calgar et al. conducted a comprehensive analysis and developed a complete strategic plan.

Try to preserve as many worlds as possible in the Nachmond Corridor, and even if they are inevitably cut off by the Great Rift, evacuate many civilians who are loyal to the empire to a safe world.

The Corridor of Nachmond is destined to be a protracted struggle.

Calgar knew he had let Guilliman down by failing to hold the Nachmond Corridor.

But he must minimize the harm caused by the Blackstone Demon Crown Ceremony, and even find a way to reshape the Nachmond Corridor. Only in this way can he redeem his sins.

Far East Starfield.

This is the territory where the empire's control is weakest.

And this is where the Tau Empire rose.

Compared with the huge empire, the Thai Empire is still an extremely weak alien force.

However, the Tau Empire can now be regarded as a rookie of galactic civilization.

So far, they have expanded several times, and their territory has reached one percent of the empire.

Compared with other alien civilizations, it is a very powerful civilization.

If nothing happens, they may really have the possibility to replace the human empire.

Compared with the human empire, which is constantly infighting, the Tau Empire is united and very eager to learn. Even if it is a race conquered by them, the other party will sincerely learn the knowledge and advantages of the other party. If possible, they will accept it. Those races became their vassals.

For this reason, the Tau also consider themselves to be the destiny of the galaxy, and often promote it like this.

However, the battle in the Havers galaxy made the Tau Empire, which has always been pretentious, realize that it is not a fluke that the human empire can stand in the dark universe.

They have a sufficiently powerful army and terrifying technological power.

In the past, these forces were suppressed.

The upper echelon of the empire does not allow those forces to appear, let alone those technological forces that get out of control. They must be controlled within a certain scale and within a designated path.

But a resuscitated king has lifted those restrictions and revived the Imperium of Mankind.

The human empire is like a towering tree that has survived the winter, looking decayed and crumbling.

However, its roots and essence have not been altered.

Humans are a greedy race, an intelligent race, and a race that despises everything.

They are smart, full of desire, and possess all the evil essence of demons, but they are loyal, brave and fearless enough.

When it is suppressed, it is soft like a harmless sheep, but once it releases its nature, its terrifying side is revealed.

The Battle of Havers suffered a disastrous defeat.

Whether in tactics or technology, the Tau Empire was completely crushed.

An ether is unknown.

Many of the Tau Empire's elite commanders were declared dead.

This is a huge loss.

It was also a heavy blow to the Tau Empire.

When the news reached the Tau Empire, countless Tau clan clamored for revenge.

Let human beings know how powerful the Tau Lords are, and taste the invincible iron fist of the Tau Empire.

Humans, however, strike first.

The huge fleet crossed the Damocles buffer zone and began to attack the home world of the Tau Empire.

The Tau Empire is fearless, and they want to let humans be smashed once again in Damocles.

The tau's confidence is not their arrogance.

It was their past achievements that convinced them that they could beat humans.

Like the first battle of Damocles.

When the Tau Empire expanded far and wide for the third time, humans and the Tau Empire had a head-on conflict.

For the Imperium of Man, it was a disaster.

Imperial armies, exhausted by the Zerg, rushed from one battlefield to the next.

The local world has betrayed the Empire, preventing them from building enough defenses and getting enough supplies.

Nor were the Imperial commanders at the time aware of the emerging threat to the Tau Empire.

Think of them as insignificant aliens.

Under the superposition of various unfavorable conditions, the empire suffered a lot in the Battle of Damocles.

Finally the power of the Tau Empire had to be acknowledged and the threat faced.

Then, the resurging Zerg threat forced the empire to abandon that extremely bad expedition, withdrew from the Damocles campaign, and burned many worlds controlled by the Tau Empire, creating a very large buffer zone.

The Battle of Damocles was undoubtedly a very failed battle.

A large number of astral troops were abandoned, a large amount of armaments were left in place, and even the space soldiers suffered heavy casualties.

Many worlds have betrayed the Imperium, leaving the expeditionary force at the mercy of enemies.

Many commanders of the Tau Empire felt that they would be able to repeat the glory of the battle of Damocles and let mankind go back in despair.

The Star Tide Hub is the latest research and development of the Tau Empire, an important technological device for subspace navigation.

It is huge, like a giant space station, helping the battleship open the subspace entrance, allowing it to quickly connect the two places.

Of course, this technological device has consequences.

The fleet of the fourth expansion suffered heavy casualties due to the star tide hub, and the surviving Tau tribe revealed an important message.

In the continuing faith of the Tau Empire, the warp gave birth to a Being of the Greater Good.

Although it is still very weak, its power cannot be underestimated.

It helped the Fourth Expansion Fleet escape from the crazy subspace, and helped the Tau Empire establish a stable channel in the chaotic subspace, allowing them to go to the dark side of the empire and shuttle between various worlds within the Tau Empire, faster than It used to be much faster.

The appearance of this subspace existence of the Supreme Good Dao once caused panic among the high-level people.

Many high-ranking Tau people believe that it is the vassal races, especially the worship of human beings that lead to the birth of the Supreme Good.

Especially the people who expanded the fleet for the fourth time, they are even more convinced of this.

They also massacred the vassal forces of the Fourth Expansion Fleet, and were finally ordered to stop by the ethers, and concealed this incident, continued to maintain their belief in the superior good, and continued to unite the entire Tau Empire.

With the decision-making of the ethers, the panic gradually disappeared, and the Tau people gradually accepted the existence of the higher good. The fleet of the Tau Empire also sailed in those stable subspace passages, and sailed quickly in the interstellar space.

Having obtained superior superluminal technology, the confidence of the Tau Empire expanded even more.

The Battle of Havers is a manifestation of this inflated confidence.

It's a pity that it failed.

But the Tau tribe didn't think they were inferior to humans, they were just caught off guard.

Now, many high-level officials of the Tau Empire have put away their contempt and are ready to get serious.

"Here they come."

In the Startide Nexus, a Tau scientist of the Qi clan looked at the flickering screen in front of him, on which countless symbols emerged.

The human empire crossed the long interstellar distance and came to the buffer zone of Damocles, heralding the beginning of a battle.

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