Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 206 Corax is Dead (Subscribe)

The transport boat stopped in a designated open space.

Surrounded by the Scarlet Warrior and several Thousand Sons wizards, Ahriman walked out from the open hatch.

Seeing the arrival of strange creatures, those monsters wandering in the ruins gathered one after another.

They have beast-like bodies, with bone spurs and tentacles all over their bodies, which is extremely weird.

They were still wearing tattered uniforms or battered combat armor. They looked very dirty and even had a disgusting smell.

Most of the monsters' twisted claws were fitted with different battle gauntlets.

It's like a hodgepodge.

Automatic rifles, lasguns, stump guns, and even the black cathar's radiant lance.

Others are armed with power weapons or chainswords of various lengths and shapes.

Fabius is not welcomed by the Black Legion, and no Dark Mechanicus forces cooperate with him.

There is also no fixed source for equipment.

When those chaotic war gangs want to exchange for cannon fodder, they will use all kinds of things to return it.

It also caused his monster army to have different equipment.

Ahriman examined the monsters.

These guys are so hideous, their twisted bodies are enough to make normal humans scream and lose their minds.

The only thing they have in common is that they were once humans, tortured by Fabius's crazy experiments, and eventually deformed into wandering beasts.

Some are curved calcified bony horns running through the forehead and cheeks.

Some stick out slimy tentacles from their eye sockets.

Some have so many limbs that they look like sewn-up centipedes.

Some have no limbs and crawl on the ground like snakes.

Under Fabius' technology, these once normal people have turned into all kinds of indescribable monsters.

Those creatures looked at Ahriman and his party maliciously.

The eyes are full of greed.

They are eager to devour these creatures from afar.

Turn the other party's soul into your own nourishment to satisfy the never-ending hunger and thirst.

Ahriman tried his best to ignore the hostility and saliva from the monsters.

He clutched his staff and bolter emblazoned with faction runes, wary of possible attacks.

"It's hard to imagine that a Thousand Sons wizard will come here."

On the way forward, a giant warrior blocked their way.

The warrior was clad in purple armor, his cracked skull swirling in front of his breastplate, ringed by iron chains.

Many chains criss-cross the giant's torso and arms.

"I'm here to visit Fabius." Ahriman looked at the giant in front of him.

Judging from the other party's attire, it should be the former emperor's son warrior.

Playing with the evil god of Slaanesh, these guys have long forgotten the glory and pursuit of the past, and have become a group of out-and-out drug addicts.

Lost in endless pleasure, slave and plaything.

Even though they claim that they still have their own will, who can believe these addicts who can't even control themselves?

After a brief chat and inspection.

Ahriman followed the warrior past the hideous monsters to the beautiful building.

After completing the security check, Ahriman walked into Fabius' laboratory.

Fabius' laboratory is very humid.

Tumor-like veins of flesh and blood grew everywhere.

The dark corridors and workshops covered with tentacles of flesh and blood were shrouded in a soft amber light.

Hundreds of men and women shuttle in the laboratory doing various experiments or performing guard duties.

Ahriman's eyes fell on the soldiers who were in charge of standing guard.

They wear dirty uniforms and carapace breastplates, belts and ammo pouches that give these guys the image of a ragged planetary militia.

However, the situation is not that simple.

Those soldiers were very muscular, their muscles were bulging, and they were huge, comparable to an Astartes monk.

There are also a series of numbers on the cheeks, representing their origin in Fabius' laboratory.

Seeing these unusually strong reformers, a term emerged in Ahriman's mind.

Gland hunter.

They were designed by Fabius to be hunters for the Astartes and Custodians.

They have extremely terrifying explosive power, even monks Astartes may not be able to guarantee victory.

The first generation was born by implanting part of the gene-seed, and over time the project was perfected.

Fabius invented the gene-seed of his own incomplete form to breed what he called a new human.

These gland hunters are a testament to the other side's success.

A strong, muscular gland hunter watched Ahriman.

It was the look of a hyena in the wild world looking at carrion.

Those busy researchers did not pay attention to the arrival of Ahriman and his party.

They are immersed in the crazy business, and they are indifferent to the affairs of the outside world.

All kinds of disgusting and twisted flesh and blood creations are undergoing experiments and tests under their hands.

They are Fabius' assistants, followers of evil causes.

Guided by the Emperor's Children warriors, Ahriman entered Fabius' chambers.

A large number of undead who have undergone mechanized transformation are working according to the established level, maintaining a large number of biochemical cabins.

The high ceiling is loaded with energy conduits and transmission grids emitting electric sparks.

A string of cables hangs down like grapes in the desert, extending into cabin after cabin.

The control panel and indicator light of the biochemical cabin flickered continuously, which was particularly conspicuous in the dark inner room.

The fighting servants were connected to the energy pipes in the alcove, and the feet of those unlucky ones had been removed and replaced with square bases of gyroscopes.

When Ahriman walked by, the servitors kept pointing their guns at him.

If he moves at all, it will turn into a pile of charred and smoking minced meat in a few seconds

In the huge laboratory building, Fabius' inner room can be said to be the largest.

Here lies the wonder and the horror.

Fabius stood before an operating table, mechanical appendages like spider limbs humming.

A giant in golden armor, whom he had disemboweled, lay on his operating table.

"You caught a forbidden soldier?" Ahriman took a look and recognized the identity of the man in the golden armor.

Besides the bodyguard of the corpse emperor, who would wear such gorgeous armor? ?

"A small harvest." Fabius picked up a towel beside him, wiped the blood on his hands, and turned his head to look at Ahriman, "Their genes are perfectly shaped, it is hard to imagine, how much did the corpse emperor spend?" It takes a lot of thought to shape these guys."

"Don't underestimate the corpse emperor, even the gods are very afraid of its existence." Ahriman said, "Even though I have lived for 10,000 years, I am still terrified of the corpse emperor's spiritual power."

"This is science, not psychic power. If he can master that kind of knowledge, so can I." Fabius looked at Ahriman and said word by word, the arrogance in his tone could not be concealed.

"Think what you will, but I advise you to be as humble as possible."

Fabius stared at Ahriman for a moment before turning around, "Please allow me to get straight to the point, what are you doing here? I remember that the two of us didn't have any friendship. When the empire came to this rat's nest, we didn't have any friendship."

"I have come to invite you to form an alliance," Ahriman said.

"Alliance?" Fabius smiled, "I will not form an alliance with you, you are not reliable."

"This time it is reliable." Ahriman said, "Guilliman is about to enter the Eye of Terror. If he can be killed, the empire will suffer heavy losses."

"It doesn't do me much good to cause the empire to suffer heavy losses. You should probably go to Abaddon. I would rather it remain in its current state of decay and decline. I just want to study my science. For those power struggles and so-called I’m not very interested in the truth.” Fabius was not interested in Ahriman’s suggestion, his tone was flat, and he didn’t even lift his head.

The scepter in Ahriman's hand hit the ground, the power of witchcraft flowed, and a light curtain appeared in front of Fabius.

"Your information is wrong. The Empire is recovering. It is as powerful as the Emperor was then."

Hearing this, Fabius raised his head and looked at the light curtain.

Countless human warships are magnificent and magnificent, and wherever they pass, they are all destroyed.

The huge celestial-class warship swept away everything, and the light beams it released were enough to destroy a planet.

Fabius looked closely at the light curtain, the space warriors had obviously changed, they were stronger and more muscular.

His eyes became serious.

"What are they?" asked Fabius.

Ahriman followed the opponent's gaze, and those powerful Primaris Space Marines were crushing all enemies they saw.

"They are original cast warriors, perfect upgrades on the basis of space fighters, with faster speed, stronger strength, and more terrifying resilience."

"They deciphered the Emperor's great masterpiece?" Fabius' calm tone became a little excited.

"I guess so, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to Primaris upgrade it," Ahriman said.

"It's a very good upgrade. It seems that the empire has finally given up on its pedantic system and started to embrace change. It's a pity that they are still a step behind me."

Fabius is confident in his biotechnology.

He was one step away from unlocking his own secrets and taking full control of the Emperor's technology, and now he was taking the final step.

Soon, he will be able to mass-produce his own genetic warriors.

They would be stronger and deadlier than the Emperor's Angels.

The whole galaxy will be subverted by him.

Those who have scorned him and humiliated him will have to pay the price.

The first is Abaddon.

Fabius vowed to return the humiliation to the brawny fool.

"This is why I want to invite you. In addition to curbing the development of the empire, you can also get more fresh materials. They will help you uncover the emperor's secrets, and even go one step further."

"Very good reason." Fabius said, "You convinced me, Ahriman. Tell me, how many people are in your so-called alliance? Did Abadon call you here? If that trash, I Or refuse, he ruined my hard work and almost killed me."

Fabius once copied another Horus through Horus' body, and wanted to use this method to please the Black Legion and Abaddon.

However, that Horus was killed by Abaddon.

Even Fabius was humiliated.

After that incident, Fabius was no longer involved in the affairs of Chaos and humans.

The short-sightedness of the Empire of Man is disgusting.

So did those in Abaddon.

They are blind to the truth, shutting it out like savages.

"No, the Black Legion led by Abaddon is still fighting Calgar in the Nachmond Corridor. They are powerless to stop Guilliman. Our only allies are Perturabo, Lorgar, and you, and the Free Several forces outside of the Black Legion."

Fabius nodded, "If that's the case, then I don't have any worries. I will join you and provide you with some powerful sources of troops. Come with me and let you see my great masterpiece."

Ahriman followed Fabius to the deeper part of the laboratory with curiosity and desire for knowledge.

After passing through a locked gate, Ahriman saw a shocking sight.

The inside is very clean, even the air has been specially purified.

There are no hooks hanging from human flesh, jars storing organs, and various blood-stained surgical tools like outside.

Such an environment is very rare in the Eye of Terror.

Apparently, this room is a sacred sanctuary that holds the works of mad scholars.

When Ahriman stepped into that room and saw the rows of storage jars, he realized how far Fabius had come on the horrific path of genetic modification.

Servants and mindless slaves shuttle among the machines, taking care of the corrupted beings that have taken shape.

The entire room is filled with horrific genetically engineered creations built from the Emperor's old technology and the daemon's lore.

Row after row of survival pods housed mutant children and ugly teenagers.

They are sleeping in the living cabin, waiting for the day when they will be awakened by the creator.

And in the center of the room, a quivering cheek pouch of flesh hung there.

On either side are rows of mysterious machines humming.

In addition to the humming main machine cores of these devices, there are also standing crystal columns and tempered glass columns, as well as a network of flesh and blood like human blood vessels covering those huge devices.

Those bulging nodes are beating like life.

Through a piece of transparent glass, Ahriman saw the teenager sleeping in the fleshy cheek pouch.

His body is flawless, like a piece of art carved out of rough jade.

Ahriman felt the majestic power inside that body.

Ahriman was horrified and disturbed by what Fabius had achieved.

This guy has gone farther and farther on the road of biotechnology, and various twisted creations have been born in his hands.

And now, he has already stepped into the final step.

"It's shocking." Fabius's face covered with tumors and mutations showed a smug smile, "My most perfect masterpiece in ten thousand years. I robbed several barbaric Eldar worlds, and used those sleeping in the world circuit I traded my soul with the demons in exchange for enough materials. I also used the copy of my former genetic father to exchange some knowledge from the hands of the Necrons. For the past ten thousand years, I have been running around for his birth."

"He is the most perfect, able to carry the power of the gods without limit. If he can be successfully born, he will be stronger and more perfect than all the original body, and the gods will go crazy for him."

"You're crazy," Ahriman whispered.

"In this universe, everyone is lunatic." Fabius said mockingly, "And I am the most powerful lunatic. When you are fighting for your so-called gods, I created a brand new legion, and this The Legion will accomplish what we have always wanted, which is to overthrow the dictatorial empire that the corpse emperor built."

Ahriman looked at Fabius solemnly, considering whether to turn his back on him and destroy his masterpiece.

Who knows what this guy created! !

But he still chose to be patient.

Various taboo runes are engraved near the life support cabin.

Even if he used all his strength, he might not be able to destroy it.

That would actually offend Fabius and bury himself here.

"Is he able to fight?" Ahriman pressed his own thoughts and asked.

Fabius shook his head, "It's still close, I need to make sure it is safe. However, these soldiers who use him as a template can already be awakened, and they will become powerful helpers for this plan."

Ahriman stared at the young man sleeping in the nutrient solution through the glass, and nodded, "Then wake them up, I will continue to persuade the Word Bearer Lorgar, presumably with his hatred for Guilliman, he Will be happy to join our camp."

"Go, I can't help but want to hunt Guilliman, the original cast space fighters in his hands may allow me to improve my genetic technology." Fabius said in that weird voice, " These creations will bring us fresh surprises, and empires will crumble under their wrath, falling in blood and fire."

Eye of Fear.

A temple belonging to the gods is being built on a demonic planet.

Numerous bony, ragged slaves are herded by Word Bearers warriors, carrying materials, chiseling stone walls, and building foundations.

The Word Bearers have shown no mercy to these slaves.

As long as the progress of the project makes them dissatisfied, the whip in the hands of the supervisor will fall on those who don't seem to work hard enough.

Those slaves who fell would be hung up directly to warn other slaves what would happen if they didn't cooperate.

There are also some that are thrown to demons as a reward for their obedience.

Just when the project is in order.

A Word Bearer warrior yelled in horror as he saw a black shadow approaching in the distance.

"Run, the Raven is coming."

Following the sound, the Word Bearers scattered around the construction site, like frightened rabbits, left the slaves behind and ran towards the portal.

It's like seeing something horrible.

It's hard to imagine what could scare the followers of Chaos in the Eye of Fear to such an extent.

A Word Bearer feels a terrifying sense of oppression.

He turned his head in horror and shot at the empty air.

But that was useless.

The place he was in quickly dimmed and turned black.

Like boiling asphalt overflowing from the pool, a sticky black shadow emerged from the depths of the ground, wrapped around his feet, and quickly covered his waist.

The Word Bearers warrior fired desperately at the black swamp that trapped him.

But the explosive bomb was like a mud cow entering the sea, without the slightest sound, nor did it bring any kills.

The thick black shadow continued to spread upwards, completely crawling up his arms and throat like a snake.

The black shadow ball became bigger and bigger, rising higher and higher, until the legionnaire left the ground and was controlled in the air like a puppet.

There was a scream, and the soldier's elbow joint snapped under the tremendous pressure.

The bolter he was gripping fell to the ground.

The next second, one of his legs was broken again.

The whole person twisted into an unbelievable shape.

The other Word Bearers had no intention of rescuing them, they just ran to the portal on their own.

Let the unlucky guy be tortured by the black shadow into an inhuman shape, and turn into an abomination made of broken bones and pottery steel.

The shadows hunted the fleeing Word Bearers like butchers at tamed sheep.

The Word Bearers had no courage to resist.

They know who Sombra is.

For ten thousand years, the other party has been fulfilling the promise he made, hunting and killing the Word Bearers everywhere in the Eye of Terror, trying to force Lorgar to show up.

Wait until the Word Bearers die, and flee.

Countless black shadows gathered together to form a majestic figure, several times as tall as a space warrior.

It bears a pair of steel flying wings, shaped like the wings of a raven.

His bony face was as pale as snow, his eyes were as black as liquid, and his black hair, like a ghost, fell down to his shoulders.

"The Raven Lord." A Word Bearer who fled to the other side of the teleportation revealed his identity in horror.

"You can't keep running." Corax whispered. "One day, I will hunt you all down."

His words struck fear into the faces of many of the Word Bearers.

They knew that the Raven Lord's threats were not empty words.

Over the past ten thousand years, the opponent will be active in the Eye of Terror again every hundreds or thousands of years, hunting demons and Chaos Warriors.

After hunting for a period of time, it will disappear again.

As Corax's number one hunting target, the Word Bearers suffered heavy casualties every time.

He could only hide and wait for Corax to leave.

Corax stood in front of the portal, knowing full well that he could not pass through the barrier.

Lorgar has been hiding inside for ten thousand years and dare not come out.

He couldn't get in either.

The two sides can only remain in a stalemate.

But he will not give up, Lorgar must die.

If it weren't for this idiot who thought he wanted to bring the truth to the empire, why would brothers fight ruthlessly and father and son draw their swords as enemies.

The Raven Lord turned into countless dark flying ravens, ready to leave this planet.

He knew Lorgar would not come out.

That cowardly scum dared only hide inside his temple.

One day, I will find a way to pry open the opponent's turtle shell, and let that idiot know that the god he believes in cannot save him.

At this moment, the planet suddenly vibrated.

Countless huge fire meteorites fell from the sky and landed with a loud bang, shaking the earth.

Like the roar of a wild beast, it resounded throughout the world, and those slaves who hadn't escaped in time were all paralyzed by the terrifying sound.

Angron, covered in flames, stepped out of the rising flames.

His rage is enough to set the world on fire.

He is one of the blood god's favorite champions.

I don't know how much blood and killings the battle ax in his hand has been stained with.

His coming is nothing but destruction and war.

Seeing Angron's sudden appearance, Corax's face became serious.

And the Word Bearers on the other side of the portal yelled excitedly.

Allies who belong to Chaos, even if there is a gap, they still believe that Angron will give priority to dealing with Corax.

"Kill the Raven Lord, great Lord Angron," one of the Word Bearers shouted excitedly.

Another Word Bearer ran to the palace to tell Lorgar the good news.

If the Primarch can also be dispatched, it means that the two Demon Primarchs have besieged Corax. Cooperating with them will definitely make the Lord of the Ravens suffer, and even keep the other party behind, so that there will be no future troubles.

"My lord, Corax, the death of the Raven Lord has come, my lord."

Shouting, the Word Bearer ran toward the temple where Lorgar was.

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