The stone of the empire still bears its weight, but the iron of the empire is rotting.

These words are uttered by a chronicler who lived through the Great Crusade and Horus' Heresy.

The implication is that one Primarch is still silently bearing the burden of protecting the human empire, while the other Primarch has deviated from the original path, thrown himself into the arms of the gods, and surrendered himself.

In the chaotic battlefield, a lost imperial hero reappeared in front of the world after ten thousand years.

He is Rogg Dorn, the Primarch of the Seventh Legion-Fists of the Empire, also known as the Lord of the Mountain Formation, the Unyielding Man, and the Emperor's Blade.

There are many titles belonging to him, and the stories belonging to him are even more legendary.

Even though it disappeared for a long time, it is still sung and sung by countless people.

He was one of the founders of the Imperium, the savior of the Imperium, protecting the Emperor and the Defenders of the Palace at the last moment.

It was his persistence and hard work that made Horus and others fail.

All primarch stories begin the same way.

Betrayed by the Emperor, the Chaos Gods secretly hatched sinister plans.

They unleashed a storm of madness and, with the help of those seemingly wise but foolish, stole the nascent Primarch from the Emperor's laboratory.

And casually sprinkled them across the Milky Way, letting them meet different fates.

Like other brothers, Roger Dorn also fell on the ice and snow world-Inwitt because of the warp space storm.

The world is bound to the gravitational tides of an aging, withered red star.

As a result, Inwitt has a hot and eternal day on one side and a cold and eternal night on the other.

The living environment is very harsh.

Lost the help of Iron Man and Stone Man, and experienced the technological fault of the Long Night Era.

Life in Inwitt is tough.

The Primarch who fell here was taken in by a local family named Dorn.

That's how Donne got his name.

Dawn has no parents, only a grandfather who depends on each other.

Grandpa is the old patriarch of the Dorn family.

It was he who discovered Dorne and brought him back to the enclave.

Under the education of the old patriarch, Donne became an upright person.

He never lied, even if that lie would save him a lot of trouble, he wouldn't lie.

Stubborn, unflexible, like a rock.

Dorne became the patriarch when he grew up, and then completed the unification of the planet and became the emperor.

With the powerful charm of the original body, he conquered all the Inwitt families, united them to develop technology, and designed spacecraft to allow the Inwitts to re-enter the starry sky.

He also discovered a giant space station left over from the golden age and not fully completed in Inwitt's low-Earth orbit-Mountain Array.

During the Great Crusade, the Emperor learned of Dorn's story and came to the Inwitt system.

The father and son recognized each other without any trouble.

Dorn swears allegiance and presents the Mountain Array to the Emperor as a welcome gift.

Delighted by this, the Emperor handed over command of the Seventh Legion to Dorn.

He also returned the Shanzheng to Dawn and made it his base camp.

From that day on, the Shanzheng became the mobile fortress base camp of the Imperial Fists.

Dorne has always been loyal to the Emperor, and in many things, he is basically a brainless supporter. For this reason, conflicts often broke out with many Primarchs who have doubts about the Emperor.

Donne has a tenacious character, and he also agrees with the Emperor's ideas, and believes that human beings should be united, and individuals should sacrifice their interests for the collective.

In many battles, even though it was very difficult, he never asked the Emperor for help, not wanting to delay the progress of the Great Crusade.

Every Primarch is excellent, but they also have special strengths that make them superior to other Primarchs.

Magnus's witchcraft, Perturabo is known as the master of attack, Lorgar is good at inciting emotions, each Primarch has its own specialties, and those specialties allow them to occupy different positions in the Great Crusade.

Donne is very good at defense.

Before the rebellion, Fulgrim had asked Dorn at the Primarch Council if he could build an impregnable fortress on Perturabo.

In front of Perturabo, Dawn said very frankly that he could.

This incident annoyed Perturabo very much.

Later, Donne was called back to build the Imperial Palace, which also caused the relationship between the two to plummet.

Perturabo's dream was to build all kinds of exquisite buildings, but the emperor made him a master of fortifications, gnawing at the toughest fortresses like a toolman.

As for the work of building the palace, Perturabo felt that he would do a better job than Dorn.

He will build a palace that no one can break, and it is also the most beautiful palace in the galaxy.

The two sides quarreled many times for this, and both thought that they were the outstanding one.

During the Horus rebellion, one of the important reasons why Perturabo voted for Horus was that his obsession with Dorne made him forget about other things.

During the siege of Terra, Perturabo was only thinking about smashing Dorne's defenses, pressing the opponent's head on the ruins of the Terra palace, and letting the opponent know who is the best architect.

During the bloody siege of Terra and the subsequent battle of the Eternal Fortress where the attackers and defenders reversed, the conflict between Dorne and Perturabo had already become a deadlock.

Perturabo squinted his eyes slightly, watching the huge Donne, who was wearing golden power armor, coming out of the crack.

There was a turmoil in his heart, and then he was suppressed by his steel will.

Dorne was wearing a thick yellow armor with a large number of runes engraved on the surface of the armor, and the emblem of the golden flying eagle can be seen everywhere.

There is also a force field halo of a golden eagle with wings spread behind his head, and in his hand is a huge long sword engraved with strange runes.

Like a mythical giant returning to the present world.

Dorne was also looking at Perturabo, his eyes burning with anger.

Even though 10,000 years have passed, he still remembers the purge of the loyalists and the massacre at the landing site launched by these traitors in Isstvan, and even more remembers the crisis that was launched by these traitors and made the entire galaxy and human civilization almost impossible to recover. .

They are never worthy of forgiveness.

Any act of pardoning them is the greatest betrayal of those who died in that war of yesteryear.

"I thought you were dead!! Unexpectedly, you also survived."

Perturabo raised the weapon in his hand and made a fighting stance.

Dawn's appearance made Perturabo realize that knowing what happened today, it might be difficult to end it.

It is necessary to settle the grievances of the past before it can end.

"You are not dead, how can I die. Of course, today, everything has come to an end, Perturabo, pay the price for your past betrayal and crimes."

Dorn said calmly, holding the weapon tightly in his hand, and staring at Perturabo.

Perturabo smiled mockingly, "You think I'm going to die here?"

"Yes." Don said, "There's no escape for you."

"You can't do that," Perturabo said.

He launched an attack on Rogge Dorn, so ferocious that only people could see afterimages.

And Don didn't hesitate at all, and went straight to meet him.

The battle between the two sides became fierce in an instant.

When they fight each other, they are all doing their best.

The hatred between them can no longer be eliminated by other means, and the only way to end all this is to defeat each other with all their strength.

The power of Chaos flowed through Perturabo's limbs, and his every blow was enough to shatter the armor of the Emperor Titan and tear a heavy tank to pieces.

The two warriors fought with a hatred that only the separation of brothers can unite.

The fierce confrontation made their armor continuously dent, damaged and scorched.

Dorn's power is no less than that of Perturabo, who is ascended to the devil.

Apparently, Dorn has also awakened to his own Warp essence.

Perhaps it was for this reason that he would feign death, leave the Empire, and enter the warp to follow the footsteps of the Emperor and other brothers.

If he didn't pretend to be dead, the Imperial Fist would definitely pursue him desperately.

The ground trembled from their engagement.

Fulgrim is entangled by Ferrus, and Perturabo has his opponent.

Lorgar, who was holding a staff and a baton, looked at the Lord of Ravens-Corax in the sky, and he felt a little bad all of a sudden.

Corax had publicly said he was going to kill him.

Guilliman had a grudge against him again.

You can't beat one against one, let alone one against two.

Originally, he wanted to crush Guilliman, humiliate him severely, and then kill him.

Now, it is a lucky thing not to be humiliated and killed by the other party.

Without other helpers, if he didn't run away, he would really be dead.

Lorgar did not hesitate at all, he raised the scepter in his hand.

A terrifying force erupted from the scepter.

A beam of light flew out, opening a huge teleportation light hole.

Just about to rush towards the portal, a wolf howl resounding through the sky came from nothingness.

A giant wolf with thick, long and soft hair jumped out of the illusory world.

The earth was covered with frost.

Many Chaos warriors felt a chill from the soul.

Their hands trembled at the appearance of the giant wolf.

Lorgar looked terrified, looking at the anger in the eyes of the giant wolf.

He immediately recognized that the opponent was the Primarch of the Sixth Legion, Leman Russ.

Wolf King of Fenris, Eater of Gods, Lord of Winter and Destruction.

In the event that the Primarch was stolen by the Cthulhu and thrown across the galaxy, Russ' life capsule was thrown on the planet Fenris.

It is a harsh planet full of violence.

Little Ruth landed on the polar land known as Asaheim.

A passing she-wolf found and adopted the baby Primarch.

Until a king heard the legend and brought him back to the human world.

Ruth made rapid progress, and soon mastered excellent fighting skills and mastered leadership skills such as war strategy.

When the old king died, he was adopted as the new king.

Russ quickly completed the task of unifying the planet and became High King.

Speaking of which, the story of the emperor letting Russ return to the empire is quite special.

The emperor came to Fenrisjo dressed as a wanderer, walked into the banquet hall on the top of Russ, said that he was the savior of all mankind, and asked Russ, the supreme king, to pay him homage.

This remark succeeded in angering Ruth.

He and the vagabond set three challenges.

If the vagabond can overcome himself, then submit, otherwise the vagabond will submit to him.

In the first game, the emperor ate three ribs at a speed that won the applause of countless people, but Russ ate three pigs in the same time.

The emperor was stunned.

The second game also ended in Ruth's victory.

In the second round, it was more about drinking. The emperor drank six barrels in one go, and his stomach was already enlarged by himself, but Russ stuffed the entire wine cellar in one breath.

There is no doubt that Ruth wins.

In the third round of the martial arts competition, the emperor kicked Ruth into the air with one punch, grabbed him, and threw him dozens of meters away.

Emperor wins.

According to the rules of the three-game two-win game, Russ expressed his surrender to the emperor, after all, one to two.

Russ took over the Sixth Star Legion, renamed it the Space Wolves Legion, and entered the battlefields of the Great Crusade.

The Space Wolves had a bad reputation during the Great Crusade, being called the Emperor's executioners.

In the Battle of Randan, he and the First Army carried out a ten-year genocidal operation against Randan.

That tragic war cost the First Legion heavy losses, and it was no longer the largest Space Marine Legion.

The Space Wolves are even called by other Primarchs to be unfavorable in combat and have a reputation for being good at slaughter.

Russ didn't care about the evaluation of the outside world, but faithfully fulfilled the emperor's order.

After the events of the Webway, the Emperor sent Russ to bring Magnus back.

The communication was intercepted, and Horus, then Warmaster, took the opportunity to falsely transmit the Emperor's order to have the Space Wolves execute Magnus directly.

Russ wanted to surround rather than fight, and took Magnus back to make amends to the emperor.

But Magnus has not spoken, nor responded.

in the absence of communication.

Russ can only attack Prospero.

The Wolf Legion burned all kinds of knowledge collected by the Thousand Sons Legion, and spent a lot of time building exquisite buildings.

A primarch-level battle broke out between Russ and Magnus.

Magnus, whose spine was crushed by Russ, wailed and led the Thousand Sons survivors away from Prospero.

Russ did not have any joy of victory, especially when the news of the Isstvan massacre came, that the Horus rebellion, Vulcan disappeared, and Ferus died in battle.

This news made the Wolf King realize that it was a foolish thing to launch a war in Prospero.

Fooled by Horus, instead of facing the real threat with his loyal brothers, he wasted his time fighting Magnus.

The renegade Alpha Legion also dispatched to attack the Wolves, preventing them from returning to Terra.

Khan led the Fifth Legion - White Scars because they could not get news from Terra, and they were not sure who the opposition was between the Space Wolves and Alpha.

He had no choice but to give up the rescue of the Space Wolves who had been beaten by the Alpha Legion, and returned to Terra alone.

If it weren't for the rescue of the Dark Angel Squadron, I'm afraid the Space Wolves would have suffered a disastrous defeat at the hands of the Alpha Legion, or even wiped out the entire army.

The Space Wolves returned to Terra, and Russ, furious at being tricked by Horus, decided to make Horus pay.

He returned to Fenris to seek a way to defeat Horus with the help of ancient sorcery.

Under the guidance of the Soul of the World, he activated the Spear of Dionysus given to him by the Emperor, and fused part of the power of the Soul of the World.

Then, with the news of going to the Modo task force, he entered Horus' flagship - the Spirit of Vengeance and severely injured the opponent.

Of course, the price is also very high, and I almost died.

His blow made a gap in the container of the four gods, Horus.

The ambitious Horus came within a hair's breadth of death.

For this reason, Hezi had no choice but to stab their genetic father again, completely killing the kindness of Horus.

This injury caused Horus' situation to get out of control in the following days, and in the end he couldn't even control his own body, completely becoming a slave of the gods.

At the end of the Horus Heresy, Russ was too seriously injured to make it to Terra in time.

When he arrived, he saw only Terra, which was devastated, full of dead people and ruins, Sanguinius who died tragically, and the Emperor sitting on the golden throne.

For this reason, he blamed himself very much, and had a conflict with Ryan, who was beaten into a coma by the opponent.

After waking up, he and other Primarchs made an oath that brothers would never fight.

He led the Sixth Legion to hunt down the traitors all the way, until the Eye of Terror stopped.

Five centuries after the end of the Horus Heresy, Russ left Fenris with the Wolfguard and promised to return at the Last Battle to continue fighting for the Empire and humanity.

In the following time, no one knew where Ruth went.

Every once in a while the Space Wolves go on a hunt to find Russ and take out those enemies.

The running giant wolf turned into a tall, sturdy giant wearing heavy armor and holding a long sword.

His hair was extremely messy, and his eyes were full of menace like a wild wolf.

The wolf head decoration on the shoulders is daunting, the sharp rivets are inlaid on the shoulder armor, and a thick white wolf cloak hangs behind him, hunting,

Behind Russ, two huge wild wolves also jumped out, they were his pets.

It is also a manifestation of the will of the wolf.

Behind the two wild wolves is a group of soldiers who are different from the Legion of the Damned.

Armed with weapons, they poured out of the cracks and rushed into the battlefield.

If historians are here, they will definitely be surprised to recognize that they are all those imperial heroes who mysteriously disappeared in the history of the empire.

The former gray knight's great mentor, Kaldor Diego.

From Catachon, with a mortal body comparable to a demigod, known as the legendary Sly Marbo.

Everyone is a character who has left a story.

They are extremely mysterious and will only appear on the most dangerous battlefields.

But this time, they followed the wolf master and joined the battlefield.

The appearance of these powerful figures caused the traitors and demons who were already at a disadvantage to suffer heavy losses again, causing them to flee.

"Where are you going?" Ruth looked at Lorgar and asked, "Traitor, do you think you can get out of here alive?"

"Russ." Lorgar repeated the opponent's name with a horrified expression.

"Yes, it's time for you to pay the price. You ruined everything and caused innocent people to suffer in this universe. Human beings could have escaped from this abyss of suffering."

Ruth raised the long sword in his hand, with threats and hatred in his eyes.

"I revealed the truth for the empire, you should be grateful to me, not hate me." Lorgar said in a deep voice.

"The truth of the Emperor is a lie. Isn't the truth of the gods a lie? They claim to be gods, but they are nothing but disgusting and disgusting predators. They are extremely hungry for human soul and flesh. The so-called Destiny is just a way of fooling an idiot like you." Russ rushed up, slashing at Lorgar with the long sword in his hand.

Lorgar swung his baton, feeling as if his baton was hit by a high mountain.

With just one blow, the whole hand was shaking.

Russ swung out another blow, and the battle stick in Lorgar's hand was released, only the staff was tightly held in his hand.

Lorgar's expression turned extremely ugly. He knew very well that his combat power could not be compared with Russ.

"You have to believe me, Russ. Look at everything now, isn't it just to verify my point of view? The Emperor is a god."

Hearing this, Russ became even more furious, and his offensive became more and more violent, attacking like a mad wolf.

"That was not his intention, Lorgar. Your ignorance and stupidity made us suffer." Russ growled loudly.

Ahriman's face darkened even more when he saw Ruth's appearance on the battlefield.

Guilliman, Corax, Ferrus, Dorne, Russ, and those heroes who disappeared in the empire but have been active in the subspace, and the appearance of the Legion of the Damned.

The originally dominant situation disappeared in an instant, and it became the side that was crushed.

The battle between the Primarchs was horrific.

They each showed their true nature and fought together.

Empty flames and bursting thunder continue to emerge.

Alimansung chanted the mantra, seeking the help of that power again.

The terrifying coercion resurfaced again, making it difficult to breathe.

The ancient will resurfaced again.

It longs for more flesh and blood, more souls, longing for guidance to come to this area.

Booming and whistling sounded, and the space let out an overwhelmed groan.

The universe has existed for more than ten billion years.

The 10,000 years of the human empire is just an insignificant 10,000 years in this long river.

Even the Spirit Race Empire is just a drop in the ocean, insignificant.

This is just the birth of a universe.

The universe is born, prospers, and destroys, and the cycle repeats itself without end.

The subspace, and even everything is like this.

But there are always some strange creatures who can find a way to survive in this eternal change.

Their power is beyond the imagination of the world.

And the power Ahriman summoned belonged to such a will.

Ancient and mysterious.

Only by knowing how to find the galaxies carried by the etheric ocean currents in the subspace, and finding the ancient names and taboos of the other party in the extremely chaotic emotional images, can they be summoned.

A huge storm is raging, and the planet in the Eye of Terror is shaking like a lonely boat in front of the waves of the ocean.

A low, suppressed growl sounded.

It longs to establish a connection with this world with the help of Ahriman's strength and guidance.

Located in low-earth orbit, a terrifying crack was opened.

The psykers following Guilliman screamed in agony, blood streaming from their eyes.

Even the Wizard of the Thousand Sons howled.

That terrifying will was inserted into their brains like an awl, stirring crazily.

A tentacle larger than an imperial battleship hangs down from the torn crack, exuding a faint black mist.

The mist seemed to be alive, wrapping around the tentacles and circling.

Countless blood-colored eyes stared at everything, and there was another mouth rubbing and chewing in the gap between the eyes, as if to swallow the whole world.

Those eyes revealed hunger, twisted greed and bottomless desire.

Those mouths made all kinds of sounds, crying, howling, excitement, pain, and so on, all inclusive.

Ahriman showed a smile, ready to step up his efforts to summon an evil god.

Maybe it can't compare to the existence of the Four Gods, but it is enough to turn the tide of the battle.

No one can look directly at a god, even if it is lost in the past and forgotten.

Guilliman's army would be crushed by the presence of that evil god.

Even if they can't win, they can retreat without dying here.

But in the next second, another ray of light emerged.

Originating from Guilliman's body, blue and golden flames intertwined and merged into a ray of light.

It's like snow being melted under the scorching sun.

The tentacles were also melting, the mouths screamed in agony, and the mist poured out like a flood that broke a bank.

Guilliman stared at the huge tentacle, the will of the entire race and the power of the emperor were on him, even if he faced an evil god directly, he would not be defeated.

"Go back to your world, abominable thing." Guilliman's voice pierced the battlefield, and the flames of the Emperor's Sword rose as if to burn space and time. "Human beings are not your prey, and this is not your territory."

There was a terrible crash, and the monster on the other side of the chasm howled.

It tries to push through.

The prey is rebelling.

It needs to put more power into it.

Guilliman swung his sword at the void, and the Power of Domination and the Power of the Emperor sank into the void, severed the tentacle, closed the rift, and expelled each other.

The monster was roaring, crazily hitting the other end of the crack.

A bloody eye was pressed against the rift, full of hatred, as it watched Guilliman banishing him.

"One day, I will step into your world and stab a sharp knife into your body," Guilliman said without fear, staring at him.

The secret joy and complacency in Ahriman's heart disappeared with the closure of the rift.

Guilliman's power was beyond his imagination.

The opponent has reached a level where they can confront those ancient existences.

No matter what method is used, it means one thing, that is, they are no longer worthy of being Guilliman's enemies.

His enemies belonged at least to the level of the gods.

Realizing that there was no chance of turning the tide of battle, Ahriman crushed the teleportation amulet.

Crazy voices flooded into his head.

Ahriman felt a terrifying dizziness, as if the whole world was upside down, or as if he was falling in an endless tunnel.

This world suddenly disappeared, replaced by the utter darkness of the end of the universe, when all living things were reduced to dust eons ago.

Talismans are forged using the knowledge of Magnus.

It can allow Ang Aliman to break through all restrictions and escape directly.

However, even he couldn't bear the power contained in it.

The terrifying darkness is not silent, but full of all kinds of strange sounds and the sound of war.

It's as if the Emperor and the gods forged a war that lasted until the end of the universe.

Then, the impenetrable void of nothingness was replaced by a surging vortex of light and color.

Those blinding visions of hellish webs and unbound bliss.

Countless strange images flooded into his mind, and Ahriman felt that his sanity was overwhelmed, and he finally fell into a coma.

Thankfully, he has escaped.

Fabius and the others had no escape and could not break through.

Each of the lost heroes of the Empire possessed superhuman strength, and the blessings they received were not inferior in the slightest.

Fabius thought of his masterpiece, that perfect creation was about to be born.

And here he will die.

He suddenly hated Ahriman very much. If it wasn't for the other party's advocacy, he would never put down his masterpiece and come here.

I originally wanted to fight the autumn wind, encircle and suppress Guilliman, and seek to seize the other party's genes and technology, so that I can go further on the road of genetic research.

Now it's all right, not only did it fail, but it was also blocked by the Loyalists.

I hope that the clones that have been set up can complete the established tasks according to the procedures, teach the perfect creation, defeat the corpse emperor, and end the opponent's tyrannical rule.

Master Manjago saw Kaldor Diego's happy expression, and was just about to lead the other gray knights to kill him, but saw Fabius.

Considering this traitor's genetic career is blasphemy to humanity, a bastard who must be killed.

He could only temporarily suppress the idea of ​​talking to Kaldor Diego.

Order the soldiers to attack Fabius first.

The other traitors who were invited by Ahriman to join the alliance against Guilliman all ushered in a disaster.

The Imperial Loyalists are far more powerful than they are.

Their end was dead, and the captive was captive.

Even though Lorgar, Perturabo, and Fulgrim have been ascended, they have the blessings of the gods and chaos, and they contain powerful power.

But the Primarchs of the Five Loyalists possessed no less power than them.

Guilliman has power comparable to that of the gods.

Absolute suppression of strength and quantity, soon, the battle was settled.

Lorgar was slashed by Ruth, stepped on the head with one foot, lost and captured.

With the help of Corax, Ferrus chopped off Fulgrim's four arms and his snake's tail, turning him into a human stick who could only rage and growl impotently. Put it into a prison that depicts countless runes of trapping demons.

Perturabo would have been able to fight back and forth with Donne.

After the other Primarchs joined the battlefield, they lost quickly, were pushed to the ground, and were punched by Dorn a few times, and their whole heads were buzzing.

"A group of shameless people who have lost their honor, can you only bully the few by relying on the number of people? You are extremely shameless, and you have the ability to fight me one-on-one." Perturabo howled.

"That's right, shameless traitor, capable of single-handedly fighting." Fulgrim was indignant. If it wasn't for the sneak attack of Corax, the Raven Lord, he would not have lost to the revived Ferrus so quickly.

"That's not what you said on Planet Isstvan 5. When you besieged Vulcan and Corax, you were so excited." Ferrus stood between the prisoners of Fulgrim and Perturabo. Said outside the cage, "It is a real fool to use integrity and morality to deal with despicable people.

Corax laughed and said, "Only a truly shameless person would be outraged that the same method was used against him."

When Captain Breher rushed back with the imperial fleet, the battle was over.

Guilliman wasted no time in ordering all troops to board the ship.

The purpose of this trip has been accomplished, and there is no point in staying any longer.

It's time to return to the Human Empire and start the Webway Project.

At that time, the gods will definitely increase their offensive.

It's even possible to do it yourself.

The existence of the big rift not only allows demons to better enter and exit the real universe.

The power of the gods will also increase.

There is an even tougher battle to fight.

After evacuating the Eldar planet, the fleet re-entered the Webway.

After confirming safety, on the Glory of Macragge, Guilliman cleared the strategy hall and prepared to hold a meeting with Corax and others.

The gathering of the five Primarchs was rare even during the Great Crusade.

This has aroused the excitement of the people in the fleet.

Once the Primarchs waited aboard, none of them had much chance of seeing each other.

This meeting will allow them to witness the majesty of the Primarch, and even have the opportunity to chat with them.

The venue was very large, and all military officers and generals who were qualified to participate in the discussion were invited.

The battle nuns, the star army, the chapter master, the admiral, the priest of the Mechanic Church, the leader of the knight order, etc., all attended the meeting.

Out of the overall consideration of the empire, Corax, Ferrus, Leman Russ, Dorn and others acquiesced in Guilliman's position and leadership.

At this stage, Guilliman is the only Primarch who can lead the empire to fight against the gods in the real universe and stabilize the situation.

Experienced the Horus Heresy and the long warp war.

They have already understood how dangerous the crisis facing mankind is.

The gods have already begun to advance towards the real universe. If they can't stop each other, the territory of the human empire will also be swallowed up.

All human beings would be reduced to each other's slaves and playthings.

When the meeting started, the whole venue was very noisy.

Guilliman's forces included many Chapters from other Primarchs.

They chatted excitedly, seeking enlightenment from the father of genes from time to time.

And those narrators who followed the fleet were trying their best to squeeze into the sides of the primarchs, wanting to record this exciting moment.

It can be predicted that when the news of the gathering of the five Primarchs reaches Terra, it will inevitably cause a sensation.

Whoever can record this great moment will surely be remembered.

Even if you can't remember it, it can be the talk of the rest of your life.

"His fleet is the same as the fleet of the Great Crusade in the past." Leman Russ looked at the narrator who was stopped by the guards, and shook his head, "I don't understand why Guilliman and the Emperor like to let these mortals do it so much." This kind of thing."

"Maintaining an empire is not only about war, but also the support of the people. The news of victory can boost people's confidence, and active propaganda can make the world unite." Corax sees it more thoroughly, "Guilliman is a A very good ruler, no less talented than our father in this respect."

While several Primarchs were chatting, the horn sounded, and the noisy venue became quiet.

The noisy narrators all remained silent, and they all looked in the direction of the horn with expectant eyes.

The personal guards of glory separated the crowd, and Guilliman walked through the passage maintained by the personal guards.

The tidied armor is even more eye-catching under the light.

Guilliman's image as ruler was crucial, maintaining the confidence of those who followed him.

The four Primarchs watched Guilliman's appearance, they did not joke or say anything else.

Leman Russ is very impulsive, but he also understands.

The former brother has become the ruler of the empire, and any ridicule is a potential blow to his stalwart image.

There will be another chapter later, also a big chapter

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