Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 216 Burying All Enemies (Subscribe)

The woman's words made everyone look at each other.

They can feel each other's thoughts.

He became more determined to welcome the empire and overthrow the Holy Family.

New Testament City is known as the holy city, blessed by the Lord of Suffering, and known as the God-given Land in the Mist.

But if you understand it deeply, you will find that the sacred city is not sacred.

Severe class divisions have always existed in New Testament City.

Holy Family\u003eChurch of Suffering\u003eDemon Hunter Organization\u003eCivilian\u003ePoor.

The Holy Family is supported by all towns in the entire fog world.

Enjoy good medical care and food.

In the name of the Lord of Suffering, they plundered wealth and enjoyed a top-notch, modern life.

Even in the dangerous and foggy doomsday era, the years can be peaceful and comfortable.

However, the basic necessities of basic necessities of life cannot be guaranteed, not to mention moving forward with heavy burdens, and they are often discriminated against.

Especially after the Holy Family grew stronger and stronger, as a privileged group, the number increased, reaching one-fifth of the New Testament city.

Other groups are forced to pay more to maintain their lives of luxury and decency.

Girls like to stick to people with the blood of the Holy Family in exchange for their own class promotion.

This also caused many men in the Holy Family to change one young and beautiful wife after another.

And many low-level men cannot win the hearts of women without material protection.

Unable to marry, and unable to have offspring, eventually there will be no future generations.

In addition to these, the Holy Family also frequently used the excuse of the Lord of Suffering to protect the world, requiring people to make sacrifices and not be ungrateful.

Always remember that it is the great Lord of Suffering and the Holy Family who saved the world of the Mists.

Only by uniting with the Holy Family and the Lord of Suffering can people resist the intrusion of the misty world, defeat those evil monsters, and finally usher in the great victory of mankind and realize the great revival of mankind.

In the past, people were forced to have no choice but to suffer silently.

Without the protection of the Lord of Suffering, it is difficult to build a town in the mist.

The monsters in the mist are very ferocious and have incomparably weird abilities.

The town can only survive under the shelter of the Church of the Lord of Suffering.

But when the empire came, the situation changed.

In the beginning, people could still insist on the belief of the Lord of Suffering, thinking that the other party had paid so much, and they could not turn their backs on each other.

But on the one hand, as long as you work hard, you can get a stable and well-fed life. On the one hand, he is being fooled by people like a fool, working hard can only let the members of the Holy Family enjoy a better life, but there is no way to change his class, he is asked to support him unconditionally, and he can't even find a wife.

No matter how much faith there is, there is no way to face such a huge gap.

No matter how gracious the Lord of Suffering is, he has supported him for so many years.

Many people fled to the base of the empire for a better life.

The Holy Family, who claimed to be the savior of mankind, was immediately unhappy when they saw that the common people had a better place to go.

All the while the newspapers raged about the ingratitude of those who surrendered to the Empire.

It is claimed that if it were not for the Church of the Lord of Suffering and the Holy Family, the humans in the misty world would have been extinct long ago.

Later, the Church of the Lord of Suffering promulgated various harsh laws.

Cleanse those at the bottom who want to escape to Imperial-controlled domains.

Because of this, the last bit of awe and gratitude in the hearts of many people for the Lord of Suffering has disappeared.

More and more people have seen clearly the true face of the Lord of Suffering.

Rather than saving mankind, it is better to use the Lord of Suffering's ability to resist the fog to kidnap everyone and support the Holy Family.

It's like a businessman monopolizing the water source, using the precious water source to turn all those who need the water source into slaves, so as to support himself and his family.

He also claimed that he saved everyone, so people should worship him unconditionally.

The other party did not directly and publicly declare that everyone was a slave of the Holy Family, but it was out of the consideration of the traversers, not because they were kind enough.

Most of the traversers come from civilized society and live in a free and equal environment.

If the Holy Family implements slavery, it will inevitably cause some talented and righteous traversers to raise their flags to fight.

The Holy Family can only achieve invisible slavery by controlling various infrastructures, industries, commerce, power, etc.

After the rise of the empire, some theories also circulated among the common people.

The founders of the Holy Family were traitors. They killed the first batch of traversers, stole the power of the Lord of Suffering, and colluded with the mist.

The emperor's faith promoted by the empire is actually the true belief of the Lord of Suffering.

The despicable ancestor of the Holy Family seized the fruits of the struggle of the first batch of traversers and took it as his own credit.

At the very beginning, the Holy Family was furious when they heard such rumors. In addition to publishing newspapers and angrily denouncing such lies that slandered the Holy Family, they also organized several bloody suppressions, and hanged many people who confuse the public with false rumors.

As the power of the empire grew stronger, such rumors increased and became uncontrollable.

Especially when some traversers can seamlessly switch between the beliefs of the Lord of Suffering and the Emperor, and thus get blessings, this statement becomes more and more true.

The woman looked at the poor people who had been incited by her, and showed a satisfied smile.

She performed a sky eagle salute and silently recited the Holy Emperor.

In fact, she is an undercover agent.

In the past, she was also a devout follower of the Lord of Suffering.

Feeling capable of giving everything to the Lord of Suffering.

After being captured, she met the civilians living in the Imperial base.

The empire did not kill those people viciously, but accepted them as citizens of the empire. Enjoy a normal life.

While captive, the woman also learned a great deal about the Lord of Misery.

The Lord of Suffering and the Faith of the Emperor point to the same great being.

Those demon hunters who can draw power from the Emperor's faith are the most powerful proof.

The Holy Family has always been in collusion with the mist creatures, artificially creating an external crisis, forcing people to give up the idea of ​​​​resisting the Holy Family, endure their exploitation, and thus compromise and unite.

After all, many people feel that being alive is the most important thing, and they can only endure in silence when transferring some power.

Unexpectedly, these are just the Holy Family in order to better control them, colluding with the fog, and artificially creating a crisis to control them.

These statements once made women collapse.

She couldn't believe that all this was true.

The belief for which one would give one's life turned out to be a complete lie.

A despicable family is fooling them in order to stabilize their regime.

After the woman accepted these things, she vowed to join the team to overthrow the Holy Family.

She returned from the empire, entered New Testament City as a refugee, and worked with other people who were determined to overthrow the Holy Family. She attracted many people who were dissatisfied with the Holy Family, and prepared to revolt.

New Testament City.

In the square in front of the cathedral.

Many believers were summoned to the square by the Church of the Lord of Suffering.

Two generals from the Holy Family are holding the final swearing-in meeting, encouraging believers to resist to the end.

A man is tied to a raised platform with a noose around his neck and his feet stand on a movable plank, ready to bring a sacrificial flag.

"You have all been deceived. The Holy Family is the biggest lie. They deceived and fooled us. They are the greatest enemies. They are the minions of the mist." The people who came shouted.

But after he yelled a few words, the executioner next to him flipped the switch of the live plank with quick eyesight and hands.

The man's feet were empty, and the noose wrapped his neck to death, making him unable to breathe. His legs kicked wildly, trying to find a support point.

After a while, the man became silent.

A general with a slightly fat body and a belly came out and stood in front of everyone.

"Look, this is the fate of disobeying the Lord of Suffering and spreading rumors. Those shameless people who were confused by the empire and took up arms against their benefactors will be hanged. Don't forget, what a miserable world the original fog humans lived in , it is the efforts of the great Lord of Suffering and the heroes of the Holy Family to create a new era of mankind."

"With the Holy Family, there is a new era of human beings. All human beings should be closely united around the Holy Family, firmly implement the will of the Lord of Suffering, and resist those damn invaders. Great believers of the Lord of Suffering Is invincible, we will finally win the final victory, those damned enemies will be defeated by us, and then run away with their tails between their legs."

"Those despicable traitors betrayed the Lord of Suffering and betrayed the Holy Family under the temptation of the enemy's small favors. They will eventually usher in liquidation. New Testament City will bury all enemies. Let us wait and see, watching those traitors and enemies meet Their final fiasco."

The general's speech made all the believers shout excitedly.

"Long live the Holy Family."

"New Testament City will win."

"Excellent, my Lord of Suffering."

"Down with the evil empire, down with the dictator."

"The empire is a paper tiger, and the Holy Family must win."

Zhou Chen, who was on guard duty, came here on patrol and smiled when he saw this scene.

The Holy Family has managed New Testament City for thousands of years, and has long been integrated with the majority of New Testament City citizens.

Behind the Holy Family are the people of New Testament City as a whole. They will firmly and unconditionally support the Lord of Suffering, the Church of the Lord of Suffering, and the Holy Family.

That bullshit dictatorship is a paper tiger, and it will definitely fall in the vast ocean war of the people of New York City, and finally fail and flee.

The sound of the horn sounded long and far, like an ancient giant beast disappearing in ancient times.

Zhou Chen heard the sound of the horn and hurriedly led the team back to the city wall.

The war horns of New York City are the trophies of the heroes of the past who slayed strange creatures and possessed special abilities.

When the enemy approaches the city of New Testament, it will make a sound.

Everyone is staring at the fog, ready to fight.

The clatter of horseshoes sounded, and a seriously injured Holy Family knight was holding a battle flag.

Riding out of the mist on horseback, with the last of his strength, he shouted.

"The enemy is coming."

"The enemy is coming."

"The enemy is coming."

The knight's words made the defenders all alert.

All the infantrymen on the wall held their breaths.

He raised his weapon and took aim at the billowing mist.

The manual Gatling gun was also tucked into its belt, ready to fire.

The artillerymen stuffed the shells into the barrel, ready to fire as soon as they saw the enemy, and completely crushed all incoming enemies.

"The great Lord of Suffering will win." An officer from the Holy Family shouted, "All enemies will be destroyed."

As soon as the words fell, a beam of light shot out from the mist with incomparable precision, and directly shot the officer in the head.

The smell of burnt flesh and hair came out, making people feel extremely stench.

Mechanical hums and sharp whizzes came from the mist.

Flashing red light one by one, the hovering servo skulls flew out like a swarm of bees.

Those skulls were all equipped with red electronic prosthetic eyes and free-moving metal prosthetic limbs.

Some of the prosthetics are equipped with laser weapons, others are equipped with chainswords and bayonets.

[Giving up your weapon and covering your head with your hands can be regarded as a surrender. Any resistance will be regarded as an enemy and killed directly. 】

[Giving up your weapon and covering your head with your hands can be regarded as a surrender. Any resistance will be regarded as an enemy and killed directly. 】

[Giving up your weapon and covering your head with your hands can be regarded as a surrender. Any resistance will be regarded as an enemy and killed directly. 】

The sound emanates from sound generators suspended below the levitating servo-skull.

Constantly repeating the broadcast, it hit the morale of the defenders from the psychological level.

"Don't listen to them, shoot, for the sake of the great Lord of suffering, we will be embraced by him after death." Another officer picked up his pistol and fired, with the sound of bang bang, the bullets were fired from the muzzle , aroused bursts of sparks.

But in the next second, he was killed.

The laser shot through his skull, leaving a red, thumb-sized hole in both his bulletproof helmet and his head.

The servo skull is loaded with the advanced thinker database, and the automatic locking function is very advanced. With the help of the laser, it can hit any target within a kilometer, and achieve a gunshot headshot.

Like a pack of wolves being sent to the sheep pile, the defenders of New Testament City didn't last long before they were completely defeated and fled.

Even if some traversers work hard to maintain the situation, in the face of the crushing situation brought about by technology, any wisdom and strategy will be of no avail.

Before formal contact, it has already been defeated.

Just when the front line was about to collapse, a ray of light shot from the direction of the cathedral in New Testament City to the sky, forming a huge light shield that enveloped the entire New Testament City.

Then, a group of church guards armed with cold weapons and large-caliber pistols and wearing trial uniforms rushed out of the church. Each of them was engraved with runes blessed by the Lord of Suffering, and their movements were extremely flexible. Weapons, quickly destroy those servo skulls trapped in the city.

These are guards who have received secret blessings, and the ancestors have always used them as cards.

Now, as soon as he made a move, he showed great strength and easily prevented the invasion of the empire.

The mask is the backhand of the former Lord of Suffering who has not been backstabbed by the ancestors.

At that time, humans and the creatures of the mist were like fire and water.

Leaving this backhand is to protect human beings.

It's a pity that the ancestors backstabbed the Lord of Suffering, and also stole the opponent's power to cooperate with the fog creatures.

Instead, this backhand was used in the human civil war.

The fog was rolling, and the troops of the empire walked out of the fog and walked towards New Testament City.

Their scale is so large that they stir up the mist.

Those muscle slaves, equipped with mechanical prosthetic limbs, armed with various strange weapons, armed with cannon guns and heavy laser guns, began to bombard New York City.

Beams of light pierced through the fog and landed on the mask, causing waves of ripples.

At the same time, the roar of the artillery also sounded in the mist. The heavy shells fell on the mask, and the booming explosion sounded like the wrath of God. Even if there was a mask, it would shake the city of New Testament.

Seeing the fierce firepower of the empire, Zhou Chen's complexion became ugly.

Those damned strangers.

Such a scale, even the blessing of the Lord of Suffering, can't last for too long.

In the church, the ancestors who were regarded as myths also came out of the church, preparing for the final battle.

The ancestors all held cold weapons and wore exquisite armor, like ancient generals.

Each of them had cold eyes, and a golden light surged all over their bodies.

A terrifying aura flows from the strong and powerful body.

After retreating for thousands of years, today they want to kill and let the so-called empire know that there are some people they can't afford.

Behind them are heavily armed soldiers.

After operating New Testament City for thousands of years, the ancestors have been accumulating strength to guard against the betrayal of the traversers and the riots at the bottom.

The appearance of the ancestors shocked the defenders of New Testament City.

For a long time, the ancestors of the Holy Family have long been deified.

Now that it reappears in front of the world, it is immediately called a miracle by those ignorant people.

One by one knelt in front of each other with great excitement, shouting words such as long live the ancestor.

The ancestors walked towards the city wall step by step, the terrifying aura was enough to make people feel depressing, and the wind and clouds in the world were surging.

The leading ancestor is named Ye Qingchen, and it is said that he is the strongest among the ancestors.

In the history of New Testament City, in the last battle, Ye Qingchen fought against the eight lords in the strange mist at the cost of all his internal organs, narrowly escaped death, and finally repelled them, leaving behind a great reputation.

Since then, it has left a famous saying handed down from generation to generation.

Those who offend our human race will be punished even if they are far away.

In this way, Ye Qingchen became famous in the first battle and was recorded in the annals of history.

Ye Qingchen walked towards the city wall step by step. Today, he will fight bloody enemies and ruin everything.

In fact, Ye Qingchen already bore blood and deep hatred before crossing over.

Before crossing over, he was the eldest son of a family who was framed and his family was ruined.

After crossing, he vowed to become the strongest man in the world.

Whoever dares to insult him will die.

He wants the sky to no longer be able to cover his eyes, and he wants all living beings to surrender under his feet.

Walking up the city wall, Ye Qingchen stared at the mist, groaning softly with the long sword in his hand, longing to accompany his master to fight the enemy.

Ye Qingchen looked lonely and indifferent, standing there upright, like a long sword piercing the sky.

Exuding the aura of being invincible in the world, unparalleled in the world, unrivaled, and sweeping away all enemies.

Today, he wants to fight bloody battles in all directions, one man guards the gate, and ten thousand men are not allowed to open, and create another glories.

After this battle, the empire will know his name, Ye Qingchen.

He will once again establish the name of Ye Zhanshen.

Make the Empire freak out at the mere mention of his name.

in the mist.

The troops led by Titus have not yet entered the designated position.

He and his men were still slaughtering the swarming monsters.

The march of the troops was very slow.

To stop the Empire, the Primordials teamed up with the creatures of the mist.

A dense mist shrouded the path of Titus' troops.

The land became rotting, and there was foul-smelling sewage everywhere.

The weird blood-colored plants spread and grew, attacking the soldiers as if they were intelligent.

In the dim fog, even with advanced detection equipment, it is difficult to see a distance of a hundred meters.

In the dim fog, it is difficult to find anyone.

Therefore, each unit maintains frequent and regular communications and exchanges to prevent troops from getting separated.

Titus was displeased with the incompetence of this force of natives and timetravers.

Given him a company of Ultramarines, the heads of every member of the Holy Family would have dried on the walls by now.

But now, he is still on his way to the battlefield.

Considering that the empire will not send regular troops to the outpost for a while, it is necessary to train locals to become soldiers.

Without sufficient military power, there is no way to control the entire planet.

Chaos will not consider a territory that cannot be defended as an empire.

Even though Titus was dissatisfied, he could only endure it.

Keep the team as complete as possible, and let them learn valuable experience against the fog in this battle.

Eerie groans and hisses came from the mud below and the roiling mist.

All kinds of hazy shadows shuttled and flashed in the dense fog.

Those damned monsters would attack Titus' forces from all sorts of unimaginable angles.

The tumbling fog suddenly thickened, and spiky monsters jumped out of it.

Countless black sticky arms protruded from the mud, frantically trying to grab any living thing that could be grabbed.

There are also twisted trees wriggling their roots, which will suddenly open a bloody mouth and swallow the soldiers in one gulp.

The way those monsters appeared was so strange that Titus' soldiers suffered a lot.

The hazy yellow fog thickened at an unnerving speed, gradually engulfing the entire army.

Titus turned on the Emperor's Angel engine at full power, maximizing his senses.

Massive amounts of data kept pouring into his mind, allowing him to grasp the situation.

Waves of monsters followed one after another, making the originally slow-moving troops squirm like snails.

Titus crazily slaughtered those monsters, venting his dissatisfaction.

Soon, his performance attracted the attention of powerful monsters in the mist.

[Scanned too powerful strange organisms, the target is approaching with the help of fog, please be careful with the host. 】

[The target is being analyzed, the target belongs to the subspace entity demon. 】

[The target has the property of being immune to physical damage: ordinary physical strikes can only cause 20% of the damage. 】

[The target has the characteristic of ether blessing: it can perform witchcraft at an extremely fast speed. 】

[The target has the characteristic of accelerated recovery: it can quickly restore damaged limbs when the damage is not full. 】

[The target has the characteristics of fear creatures: it can cause mental oppression to real creatures, making them dominated by fear. 】

The information kept coming, and Titus read the enemy's information from it, watching his surroundings vigilantly.

Accompanied by the howling of wild beasts, a monster that looked like a rotten hound with several fangs and tentacles appeared in front of Titus.

The two soldiers were pierced by their fangs on the spot and were eaten in one bite.

Then, the monster pointed its head in the direction of Titus.

The five eyes on the rotting, festering skull gleamed cruelty and malice, and the mouth was open, and the stinking sharp fangs gleamed coldly.

"Such a delicious soul, what a pleasure to look forward to eating one bite at a time." The monster spoke in a special tone.

This tone does not belong to human vocabulary, but it can be understood by all humans.

This is the language of the Warp, and it works on the soul.

"Disgusting subspace crawler." Titus activated the long sword in his hand.

The monster roared angrily at Titus' words.

"Stupid mortal, do you know who I am? I am one of the eight lords of the mist, the hell dog. If you know my power, you will be afraid to cry. Surrender to me, mortal, and I will give you Supreme power and strength, you will get everything you dream of. Kneel before me and regard me as your master."

"Can a dog call itself a lord?" Titus looked at the monster in front of him with an extremely disdainful tone.

Labor and management dare to attack a big devil with a knife, but you, a bum, still call yourself the lord.

Enraged by his contemptuous remarks, the monster pounced on him, "I'm going to tear..."

Before finishing speaking, Titus split it open with a sword.

The monster split into two, and foul-smelling blood spurted out, turning the rotten ground black in a short while.

Amazement came to those five eyes.

The monster's vitality was very tenacious, even if it was split open, it did not die immediately.

Instead, he looked at Titus unwillingly.

"Trash, what gave you the courage to challenge me." Titus walked to the side of the monster, raised his steel boots, and stepped on them fiercely.

There was a cracking sound, and the monster's entire head was trampled to pieces.

With the death of this so-called hell dog, the other monsters obviously showed timidity.

It was beaten to pieces under the crazy firepower, and after a while, there was only a pile of charred pieces of meat left.

Having dealt with the sudden onslaught, Titus led his troops across a rotting forest.

Those trees are very twisted, revealing a kind of pain like tortured humans.

Titus ordered that all those trees be cleared away, so that the soldiers would not be swallowed by the woods again.

After passing through the forest, Titus' army came out of the mist and saw the city of New Covenant shrouded in light, and the rest of the empire's army was attacking.

The dense light beams and shells all fell on the mask, causing waves of ripples, and soon, the mask would disappear without a trace.

"I thought you were asleep somewhere, Titus."

The voice of Agman, Captain of the Ultramarines, rang through the Titus comm.

"I met some obstacles," said Titus. "A monster claiming to be the Eight Lords of the Mist blocked my way, and I was delayed for some time."

"What a coincidence, I also encountered a monster claiming to be the eight lords." Inquisitor Grey heard the communication between the two, and also intervened.

"Eight Lords? It should be the Chaos Lords occupying this planet. How did they appear to stop us?" Agman asked.

"Does it need to be said? It should be that someone is unwilling to fail and wants to use the power of the devil to make a comeback." Judge Gray said.

"That's really crazy." Agman sighed, "For his own rule, he is so desperate."

"We have to be prepared. Those guys may prepare some vicious witchcraft and release it at the last moment."

Clovis, the gray knight mentor who has been taciturn, warned everyone in a dignified tone.

If it is an ordinary city, it is not worth dispatching so many of them.

The key is that this city is the base camp of the Lord of Suffering.

Valyrian revealed some information from his investigation.

The Suffering Place is likely to be one of the Emperor's Shards.

This is why some witchers are able to borrow power from the Emperor's faith.

Their contract with the Lord of Suffering is essentially the contract between the Emperor and them.

It's like a large commercial company is responsible for providing basic ingredients, and one of its branches is playing dirty tricks and does not accept the jurisdiction of the company's headquarters. Those merchants have always used the ingredients from the branch to launch dishes.

But after the original customers of that branch left the branch, they could still cooperate with the headquarters to obtain the same ingredients and maintain their original dishes.

The same is true for the contract between the time traveler and the Lord of Suffering.

They offered sacrifices to the Lord of Suffering in exchange for power, and gained their own unique supernatural abilities.

And the power of the emperor and the power of the Lord of Suffering have the same root, so they can naturally maintain their original extraordinary abilities.

Valyrian didn't tell the whole story what happened, only that there was a special reason for the fragment to enter the world.

Those who traveled through gained power from the fragments and established the so-called Church of the Lord of Suffering.

His mission is to recover the debris.

As for what to use for recycling, it is the secret of the empire, and no one has the right to know.

It's about the emperor, in order to be safe, the imperial vanguard can only be dispatched in full force.

It took Titus a lot of effort to see New Testament City.

He had his troops ready to attack the city.

After deliberation, everyone agreed to use powerful artillery to break the defense of New Testament City.

Let these new troops learn how to use these advanced weapons properly.

Let them know how small the role of the individual is in the face of overwhelming firepower.

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