Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 218 The Emergency Situation in the Baal Galaxy (Subscribe)

Accompanied by a beam of transmission beams.

The imperial forces pierced the heart of the Dalova capital's defense system like sharp knives.

Calgar came to fight in person.

When he walked out of the transmitted light.

The sky has gradually dimmed.

The light of the star gradually dimmed.

The night was hazy, and traces of a large rift appeared in the sky.

The eerie sound wafted through the planet Dalova like a breeze.

From time to time, bright flashes of light lit up in the sky.

That's the light from low Earth orbit.

After seizing control of the planet Dalowa.

The imperial fleet's orbital bombardment of the surface has lasted for three full hours.

The artillery fire ran over over and over again at the scheduled transfer location like a torrential rain.

Everything within the covered area was completely destroyed.

Even stones are vitrified at high temperatures.

The fleet led by Calgar is not small.

Even if you want to fight multilaterally, you can easily crush the enemy.

In order to complete the cleanup task as quickly as possible, Calgar divided the fleet into two parts.

A part of the fleet is responsible for cleaning out all non-imperial forces in the Dalova system.

Aliens, traitors, and the Dark Mechanicus are all cancers that the empire must clean up.

A part of the fleet is suspended in the low-earth orbit of the planet Dalova to carry out saturation bombing.

The fleet's sensors were scanning non-stop, locking on to ground targets.

Carry out saturated bombardment of ground anti-aircraft artillery positions, fortifications, and firepower points.

Open up the situation for ground combat by Imperial forces.

Three hours of bombing made the sky brilliant.

The smoke and water vapor scattered the laser light, forming halos of light.

The flames brought by the physical bombs, engulfed in thick smoke, billowed up.

From time to time, beams of light would pierce the clouds, making it look like the gods were angry in the sky.

"Go ahead and catch that damned traitor." Calgar gave the other troops an order for a full-scale assault in the communication.

The Mandeker Knights will pay for their treason to the Empire.

Facing the imperial attack, the Dalova defense forces were tenacious.

Before the Great Rift, the world of Knights of Dahlova enjoyed considerable military autonomy.

The High King's authority runs deeper than that of the High Lords of Terra.

At one time, the people of Dalova only knew about the Knight High King, but they didn't know about Terra.

The mobile artillery appeared behind the fortifications camouflaged in camouflage. The barrel was almost parallel to the ground, shaking endlessly under the action of recoil.

Even larger, fully armed walking mechs also slowly stepped out from the shadow of the city wall.

They are wielded by knights and serve as defenses for the High King's palace.

Massive laser cannons and cannons, wheel ion pulses and other weapons are fired at the Imperial forces.

The battle situation was once in a stalemate.

The will of the Dalova army to resist is very tough.

They continue to invest in various deadly weapons.

Deflagration Assault Fire Systems, Heavy Bolters, Plasma Cannons, Pulse Beam Bombs, Ion Concussion Mines, and more.

Even after being upgraded by Primal Forge, facing such ferocious firepower, Calgar's troops were struggling to advance.

The Mandelker family has the support of the Dark Mechanicum.

They used all kinds of weapons banned by the empire.

No scruples.

Obviously, the High King has gone mad.

Not afraid of the subsequent liquidation of the empire at all.

In the face of such ferocious firepower, a large number of ordinary troops were killed.

Corpses were torn apart by enemy fire, and there were wreckage and broken arms everywhere.

Calgar fought in the front, commanding the battle while fighting bloody battles.

The defense system of the capital city of Dalova is very strict, and there are intricate underground passages.

The rebels use a complex network of caves to elude them.

Often, the empire took great pains to seize a defensive position, and the enemy somehow attacked the imperial troops from the rear, causing the position to fall.

The intricate underground passages have caused the forces of the enemy and the enemy on both sides to intertwine, turning into a brutal war of meat grinding.

The palace wall position on the east side of the capital of Dalova.

Natal 502 regiment.

Captain Hawk opened the protective mask of the exoskeleton armor, and spit on a dead Dalova soldier.

"These bloody Chaos traitors are like rats. Running around."

After experiencing so many wars, Hawke has also matured a lot.

There are more and more prosthetic limbs modified on the body.

In war, injuries are common.

A good pair of mechanical prosthetics can better replace the original flesh tissue and make it stronger.

For this reason, Hawke implanted many prosthetic limbs to comprehensively strengthen his own strength.

After these years of hard work, the 502 regiment has also been upgraded from a marginal regiment to a main regiment.

In this group, all are elites from the Natal Galaxy.

Used to take on tough tasks.

Using the special vision of the electronic prosthetic eye, Hawk watched the flames of war in the distance.

The fight between the enemy and ourselves has become more intense as time goes by.

The deaths on both sides were tragic.

The Imperial Astral Army has exoskeletons and automatic shoulder cannons, and it is difficult to counter the terrifying firepower of the Dalova defenders.

The artillery shells bombarded the imperial attacking troops as if they didn't want money.

caused a large number of casualties.

After looking at the battlefield, Hawke turned his head and glanced at the poet Kakar beside him.

The other party was lying in a crater, and was using a camera to capture a memorable historical moment.

After a while, Kakar replied to Hawke's words.

"It's good to know that they are mice, but anyone with a bigger brain will not embark on the path of chasing chaos." Kakar filmed a picture of a Dalova soldier charging towards the imperial army being blown up by a plasma beam .

War is cruel, whether it is against one's own side or against the enemy.

"To be honest, you can observe the battlefield through the servo skull, there is no need to come down in person." Hawke said, "For a narrator like you, the battlefield is too dangerous. If you are not careful, you may die in the here."

"If you can't go to the battlefield in person, you can't feel the blood and cruelty. People are always used to beautifying what they can't see. Look at my colleagues, how romantic they describe the war, and how artistic death is. ...but if they come and walk around the field, they will know that war and death are never romantic, nor are there any arts."

Kakar shrugged, his tone full of mockery.

"It's up to you, anyway, if you die, I'll take one less trouble." Hawke laughed.

Kakar has been with the Natal 502 regiment for a long time.

In the Vitria galaxy, when fighting against the Behemoth Zerg fleet.

Kakar served as a reporter in the 502nd regiment of Natal together with Jon the Elder.

At that time, Kakar was full of enthusiasm, but very young.

Hearing the stories about the men and women's boudoir, he was so shy that he was ridiculed by the big soldiers.

At that time, Old Jon was still there.

The old man will help the awkward Kakar smooth things over.

For the booing bosses, let me tell you a story like [Two or three things the emperor's angel and the noble lady have to say], [That young woman is very rich, you need to pay more].

Unfortunately, in the Vitria galaxy, Old Yon died in the attack of the bug swarm.

After that battle, Kakar, who stumbled in speeches and was almost autistic after being ridiculed by the big soldiers, suddenly matured.

He can eloquently tell dirty jokes that everyone loves to hear.

It can also impassionedly convey the will of the imperial regent and inspire soldiers to fight.

Up to now, Kakar has grown into a reporter who dares to follow the frontline troops deep into the line of fire.

His poems and photos, full of tension and emotion, made him famous and rich quickly.

Many people regard him as an idol.

"I'm dead, who will take pictures of you, do you expect those wastes to dare to go to the front line to take pictures of you?" Kakar said without turning his head.

Hawk raised his middle finger, expressing the deep friendship between himself and Kakar, regardless of each other.

"Captain, the wild wolves have already rushed under the palace wall."

The voice of his subordinates interrupted the communication between Hawke and Kakar.

"Forward, we follow the wolves into the traitor's palace, the victory belongs to Guilliman." Hawke shouted, "May we all return to our thrones."

"Victory belongs to Guilliman, may we all return to our thrones."

"Victory belongs to Guilliman, may we all return to our thrones."

"Victory belongs to Guilliman, may we all return to our thrones."

Accompanied by the battle cry of the soldiers.

The gunboats in the sky, the fighter planes, and the Titans, which are the siege weapons, also launched simultaneous attacks.

The Jiaoyang Legion is no longer equipped with new and old Titans, and has begun to gradually switch to multifunctional Titan vehicles like the Thunderbird.

However, the Jiaoyang Legion is, after all, a well-known Titan Legion in the empire.

There are a large number of Titan machinery in reserve.

These machines can no longer adapt to the rapidly developing military combat system of the empire.

But those titans are not useless, and they can still play a huge role in attacking the capital controlled by the Mandeker family.

"Go on, wolves," Jace growled.

His Primaris Space Marines emerged from the rubble and followed the Priest closely.

The Heart of Guilliman endows them with great resilience and fighting ability, allowing them to quickly weave between boulders.

Looking up, the high wall stands upright like a dangerous peak.

All kinds of artillery are placed in the tunnel made of thick reinforced concrete.

The firepower is so powerful that it is daunting and disturbing.

Even steel would melt in front of those artillery fires.

The banner belonging to House Mandelkerr fluttered against the wind, hunting in the smoky air.

The red laser light never stopped like a shower, and the blazing light that could blind the retinas tore through the sky from time to time.

Under the billowing black smoke, it seemed that even the night sky was screaming in pain.

Jess and the others propped up their alloy shields and personal protective shields, and rushed towards the enemy.

They have to open the gap.

Otherwise, you will always be blocked here.

Fury makes them even more powerful.

Jace broke into a run, over the rubble and wreckage.

His whole body was tense, like a hunting wolf king, waiting for the opportunity to rush to the enemy's line of defense.

A storm of bullets slanted from the overhead ramp.

The charging troops could only hide in scattered stones and metal wreckage, temporarily avoiding the enemy's fire suppression.

Seeing the appearance of the imperial troops, lasers and live ammunition weapons opened fire for a while.

Jace watched the lasers and live rounds hit his shield.

Fortunately, their power armor has been newly upgraded, which can release personal protective force fields.

Otherwise, in such a berserk attack, even the power armor would be smashed to pieces.

Like a pack of wolves, the wild wolves rushed into the enemy's line, turned into sons of slaughter, and wiped out all obstacles with bullets and sharp knives.

"Fire, break through," Jace yelled, pulling the trigger on his bolter, shooting everything he could see.

The impact of the massive bombs flooded the ramp leading to the palace.

Flames blazed everywhere, blood and flesh splattered.

Steadily advancing, the Wolves do not need to aim, yet maintain astonishing and deadly precision.

Hundreds of explosive bombs, accompanied by deafening bangs, tore enemy soldiers to pieces.

The wild wolf's offensive was very powerful, with such force that it broke through the gate very quickly, and even the city wall was blown away by the explosives installed.

They swept in through the gap and charged at the enemy.

Jace put the blanked bolter on his magnetic lock, then activated his scepter, and rushed towards the panicked enemies.

Inside the high walls of the palace of the Mandeker Knights was a clearing.

It is full of firepower points and barbed wire.

Fortresses made of heavy concrete and blast-proof steel sit in the clearing.

Dalowa's soldiers hastily retreated from the ruined city wall and entered the already completed fortifications.

Unfortunately, they underestimated the strength and speed of Primaris warriors.

The wolves outpaced the retreating Dalova soldiers.

They use activated melee weapons or bolters to reap fleeing enemies.

Jace lunged at a group of Dallowan soldiers, waving his mace.

Those mortals are simply powerless against the mighty scepter.

The bodies of the traitors were beaten alive by Jess. The scene was once very cruel, and it is difficult to describe such a bloody scene.

It would be even more cruel if Jess's scepter fell on his head, the whole head would explode with a bang like a watermelon.

Those panicked soldiers saw the Imperial troops marching into the city, causing panic on a wider scale.

At this time, they had no hope of holding on to the pre-built fortifications.

The only way to survive is to throw away the weapon and kneel on the ground begging for life.

Many people have done that.

I can't fight anymore.

Wolves are not in the habit of slaughtering captives.

They jumped over the captives who were kneeling in the rubble with their heads in their hands, and rushed towards the enemy soldiers who had not dropped their weapons.

Until no one resisted, or those who resisted died, the wild wolves could barely stop. "

Calgar led his personal guards into the palace wall and entered the palace of the High King.

On the battlefield outside, there is no trace of pollution.

And inside the palace, traces of chaos' pollution can be seen everywhere.

The darkness squirmed in the corner as if it was alive.

Formless monsters are entrenched everywhere, making whispering sounds.

The monsters would come out of the darkness, screaming piercingly, and attack Calgar's forces.

However, Calgar's troops are elite, all Primaris warriors.

Several of them also activated the Emperor's Angel Engine and embarked on the path of demigods.

Those disorganized demons were powerless to stop Calgar and the others.

They cut into the interior of the palace with the precision of an industrial jackhammer performing heart surgery.

The sound of fighting is everywhere, echoing in the dark palace.

As night fell, the corridors and rooms were not lit.

It was very dark, very dark, and I couldn't see anything.

The further Calgar led the troops, the sound of the battle became weaker and weaker.

Those defenders who were unwilling to surrender were massacred to death.

In the end, they achieved their goal.

A grand and spacious hall.

It is also the seat of the High Kings of House Mandelkerr.

Its furnishing layout is luxurious and beautiful, which fully matches the noble status of the owner.

The guards broke open the gate, raising their weapons vigilantly, guarding against possible attacks.

Calga strode toward the middle of the hall.

The layout of the hall is very special.

A long corridor connects many rooms.

At the end is a vault about thirty meters high, inlaid with the emblem of the Mandeker family.

Under the vault, there are two jet-black thrones.

The culprit of this battle sits on it.

High King Lygius and his wife High Queen Caligia.

"It's over." Calgar walked up to the throne, looked at the two bastards who had betrayed the empire, and said furiously.

"I thought it would last for a while at least. I didn't expect it to end so soon." Supreme King Ligius sat on the throne calmly.

Seeing Calga standing in front of the throne, those dark eyes with deep sockets turned slightly, and his eyes fell on Calga.

"Do you think with such strength you can stand against the wrath of the Empire?" Calgar said. "If you think so, I can only laugh at your stupidity. Take it with you, traitor."

"I recognize your strength." Ligius said, "but don't think that you have won the final victory. This universe is about to be reduced to the realm of the gods. The age of the emperor has passed. I feel sorry for you, you Living in a deception that never had freedom. Being fooled and swinging swords at innocents.”

"Shut up, idiot, who betrayed the empire like you, what right do you have to say innocent." Calgar said angrily, he raised his weapon and aimed at the throne, "Surrender, all your stubbornness is inappropriate of."

"Before the corpse emperor arrived in Dalowa, the Mandelker family had already led the people of Dalowa out of the Long Night Crisis. We have been living very well and free. Until the arrival of the empire, we were forced to sacrifice Send out your own soldiers and food to satisfy those gluttonous bureaucrats and a never-ending military machine."

"I hate this kind of life. The people of Dalowa are entitled to enjoy more and don't have to deal with those bureaucrats. We are capable of living well on our own. We didn't get any benefits from joining the empire, but we were deeply burdened by it."

Ligius stared at Calga, his thin lips half parted, showing his yellowed teeth.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you." Calga didn't want to listen to the other party's sophistry.

There are thousands of reasons for betrayal.

And loyalty is loyalty.

Kindness to traitors is injury to loyalists.

Every human being suffers from the threat of the gods.

If the rulers of every world are so short-sighted, they feel that war is far away from them.

The extinction of human beings is only a matter of time.

Karius smiled, "I'm really sorry, you are stubborn." While speaking, he reached out to press the button next to the throne.

But he underestimated Calgar's speed.

After the second primary casting upgrade, Calgar has mastered various special combat skills.

With a bang, Calgar disappeared on the spot, leaving only a cloud of fog that slowly dissipated.

Reappearing next to Ligius, the activated power fist swung out with a punch.

The entire throne couldn't bear Calgar's power, and it was shattered into countless pieces with a crackling sound.

The High King of the Mandeker knight family also became shattered along with the throne, and the flesh and blood mixed with fragments were scattered everywhere.

The High Queen screamed in horror.

Two Primordial Warriors stepped forward and restrained her.

"Take her away." Calgar scanned the empty hall.

The battle is over, and he has cleaned the world of traitors in the name of Imperial Regent.

But there are more battles waiting for him.

At this time, a reminder sound came from Calgar's communication channel.

The communications director sent him a message.

Calgar turned off the force field of the power fist and turned on the communicator.

"Is there anything you want to report to me?"

"Lord Calgar, we have received several astronomical messages."

Calgar frowned slightly, "What kind of astronomical message?"

"The most important one is that the Primarch has resolved most of the war at hand, and is currently rushing to the Vigilante, and he will join us soon." The communication director's tone was filled with excitement.

It's a good thing the Primarchs are here, and they'll be fighting alongside a great man.

Calgar also showed a smile.

The failure of Vigilante made him feel very frustrated.

The Nachmond corridor was being closed, but he had nothing to do, he could only watch it happen.

"But there is one more bad news." The communications director said in a low voice.

Calgar pressed: "What bad news?"

"The Baal galaxy has summoned the descendants of the angels. An unprecedented Zerg fleet is heading towards the Baal galaxy. They are likely to fight the Zerg."

The Baal galaxy is the home planet of the Blood Angels.

The Blood Angels, along with the Space Wolves, Dark Angels, Ultramarines, Salamanders, Iron Hands, Raven Guard, Imperial Fists, and White Scars, are the founding parent regiments of the Imperial Chapters.

The Primarch of the Blood Angels is Sanguinius.

Sanguinius is known as a perfect person. He has a pair of white angel wings, a handsome appearance, and powerful combat power.

Primarch's stories all begin the same way.

Sanguinius was stolen from the Emperor's laboratory by the Chaos Gods and thrown on Baal.

It is a very cruel planet.

The legacy of the Golden Age of War haunts Baal.

Radioactive dust is suspended in the air, tormenting the local people all the time.

With his wisdom and strength, Sanguinius became the leader of the local tribe, repelled the mutants, and finally completed the unification of Baal.

After the emperor arrived in Baal, father and son recognized each other.

Sanguinius thus took over the IX Legion.

Baal became a recruiting ground for the Ninth Legion.

After the Horus Heresy, the Codex Astartes was released.

The Blood Angels Legion was split, and the sub-corps left Baal to find a new home planet elsewhere.

The Blood Angels stayed in Baal as the mother group, guarding the relics and various books.

The Baal system is significant, as it is where Sanguinius, the genetic father of the Blood Angels, grew up.

The Blood Angels will never allow any accidents to happen in the Baal galaxy.

Tyranid Zerg menacing, ready to revenge the Blood Angels.

Because the Blood Angels have repeatedly interfered with the Great Devourer's feeding.

After coming and going, hatred was formed.

Out of blood honor, the Blood Angels will not allow the Zerg to invade Baal no matter the cost.

That is trampling and provoking angels.

The move of the Holy Blood Angels to summon those subgroups to return showed an attitude that they wanted to fight the Tyranid Zerg in the Baal galaxy.

Calgar was deep in thought, whether to continue to protect the slowly closing Nachmond Corridor, or to go to the Baal galaxy to support the Blood Angels! !

This is a very important question.

Neither the Blood Angels nor the many Chapters on the dark side of the Empire have received Primaris upgrades, new ships and weaponry.

They are absolutely close to death against the Zerg.

It is very likely that the blood of the angel will be cut off.

"We need to give the Blood Angels some support."

Calgar turned and walked out of the court.

Now, the situation is more complicated.

He has to do as well as possible.

When the Primarch arrives, he will not be so disappointed.

He messed up the matter of the Vigilante. If he refused to save Baal, the Blood Angels would also be wiped out.

The primarch's anger can be imagined.

With a flash of light, a Kroot battleship rushed out of the warp.

In addition to the Kroot tribe, there are also heroes such as Shadow Sun and Yong Lan from the Tau Empire in the battle ball.

The omnic rebellion that occurred in Damocles Bay wiped out the entire expeditionary force led by Shadow Sun.

What a fiasco.

Before seeing the enemy, there were already heavy casualties.

Considering the omnic rebellion, Yingyang and the others did not dare to allow the battleship A. Luo to use the highly intelligent star tide hub.

Can only fly at sublight speeds.

That speed was too slow, so Yingyang and the others had no choice but to carry the Kroot battle ball and quickly return to the world of Dar Iss's family to report the root cause of the omnic rebellion.

In order to do the best, Yingyang vowed that he would bring his troops back and give the humans a hard blow, letting them know how powerful and terrifying the Tau Empire is.

After leaping out of the subspace, Yingyang subtly sensed something was wrong.

The closely guarded world of Dar Essie's family didn't send inquiries and warnings to them and his group immediately.

Just when Yingyang wanted to discuss with Yonglan and the other high-ranking legions who had escaped.

There was a piercing scream.

The Duchess standing by the porthole pointed out the porthole and yelled in horror.

Yingyang walked over and was stunned.

She finally knew why Dar Iss's family world didn't intercept and inquire about the Kroot battle ball in the first place.

In the void, countless metal wreckages floated.

Slowly rotating, pulled by the gravitational pull of a star or celestial body, into a world in low-Earth orbit.

The space defense stations of the Tau Empire and the Ring have been destroyed.

A large number of wreckages of the Tau Empire warships are suspended in the void, and a large number of Tau corpses are floating in the air.

Flames were faintly visible on the planet, and the atmosphere was obscured by billowing smoke from burning cities.

It's all over.

Looking at the floating corpses, Yingyang's body trembled slightly, his legs went limp, and he almost fell to his knees.

"We are late." A burst of despair emerged in Yingyang's heart.

"My lord, we have received a message." Yong Lan at the side showed a hint of joy, "It seems to be a message from an ether."

Hearing this, a glimmer of hope appeared in Yingyang, and she hurriedly played the message.

It's a message for help.

The location was not determined, and I was afraid of being intercepted.

It seems that one ether and a group of survivors escaped the omnic's pursuit by chance.

"We have to save them," said Shadowsun. "Get ready, we're going to the surface, rescue the survivors, rescue the ether."

The Huo's warriors who lost their combat uniforms were terribly weakened in combat effectiveness.

Only with the help of the Human Auxiliary Army and Kroot and other alien races can they go down to the surface to fight.

Otherwise, just because of Huo's lack of a battle suit, he would not be an omnic opponent at all.

After going down to the surface, everything on the surface is so shocking.

The prosperity of the past has been reduced to wreckage and ruins everywhere.

There were dead bodies everywhere, it was horrible.

Absolutely a brutal massacre took place here.

The world of Dar Yis's family has always been famous for its interstellar, lively, and fast-moving free trade.

This home world welcomes interstellar friends and outsiders.

Hundreds of extraterrestrial and allied races have answered the call of the gate world of Dal Iss to stand against the Empire.

Thousands of Thrai, Mu Jia and many other alien races live in the world of Dal Iss, creating an ideal world where the galaxy races coexist.

In the past, Shadowsun felt that this was also the superiority of the Tau Empire.

The Tau Empire is so broad-minded, accepting every race, and creating a true era of great galactic harmony.

The human empire is too narrow-minded, stubbornly centered on its own race, and unwilling to accept other races.

This is the gap.

Now, Yingyang no longer has the slightest joy and pride in the past.

The mutiny of the omnic turned this place into a dead city.

She didn't know how far these terrifying omnics had reached, and where they had spread? ?

If the omnic spread to the entire Tau Empire, Shadowsun couldn't help shivering! !

In that case, it would be really terrible.

"I have detected a special signal." A human auxiliary whispered.

Hearing this, Yingyang quickly walked over to check the signal detected by the other party to see if it was from the ether.

Yingyang has already made a decision.

Once the aether is rescued, she will travel to the capital of the Tau Empire.

Go find the ether council in person, explain the ins and outs of this matter to the ethers, and accept the punishment.

At this time, the sound of humming mixed with whistling suddenly came.

The machine bees flashing red light roared towards them, and the machine guns shot at the crowd crazily, starting the berserk killing mode.

There are some omnics who hate all organic life, and they would like to kill all life.

Yingyang and the others had no choice but to turn around and evacuate. Once they fought, it would only be a waste of time.

Their task is to rescue the ether, leave Dar Iss, and go to the capital of the empire to warn the entire Tau Empire, not to stay here and destroy these drones.

"Quick, run in the direction of the signal source." Yingyang yelled at the others, "Don't start a war with these machines, we can't destroy them, it will only attract more."

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