Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 225 Why Betray Us, Horus (Subscribe)

The Blood Warbands are all waiting for Dante's arrival.

They filled the crimson halls of Angel Castle.

The engine oil exhaust from the power armor mixed with the smell of spices from the brazier, permeating the hall.

All gathered here are the sons of Sanguinius.

The noblest and most troublesome Adeptus Astartes in the empire.

They wear armor of various colors such as black, red, white, and gold.

There are also different styles of decorations on the armor.

These warriors come from different worlds, have different customs, and fighting beliefs.

However, none of these things can hide the fact that they have a common blood.

Their blood comes from a great hero.

Baal is holy to them all, and home to all.

From the moment they merged into the blood, they had a bond with Baal.

Grim Guards, Bloodletters, Holy Angels, Crimson Fortitude, Sons of Gold, each Chapter is a loyal protector of the Empire.

They have their own legends and achievements.

Running around the galaxy, fighting in the name of Sanguinius, fighting as the Emperor's people.

They are far apart, but their blood is connected.

Time has changed their temperament and traditions.

Let them converge over time.

They have the same white, tough skin.

Also has fangs.

have the same flaws.

These things all represent that they are of the same kind.

At this moment, the wandering son of Sanguinius returned home.

They came back for sacrifice.

No warrior felt that he would be able to survive the terrifying bug swarm.

The Empire and the Tyranids fought so many games.

The fearsome name of the Zerg has long spread.

The Sons of Sanguinius were ready to be killed.

For the glory of Sanguinius, for that slim victory, they were willing to die.

The host's blood slaves were beside them, waiting to serve the meal.

There are mulled wines spiked with vitamins, Baal's specialty meats, and other treats.

The warriors talked to each other in muffled voices, and drank the fine wine brought from the cellars.

Space Marines must fight like heroes and drink like heroes.

This is an Astartes tradition.

It is also the fate of a hero to die on the battlefield like a hero.

The Sons of Sanguinius never feared such a fate.

It's like Sanguinius doesn't fear his own death.

They inherited the courage of the Father and the fearlessness to defy fate.

The hall resounded with heavenly and beautiful notes.

Everyone stopped talking or eating to listen to the music.

A group of mechanical angels in the shape of children flew in through the main entrance, singing over the heads of the space marines.

The Holy Blood Guard came in through the gate, they held up flags and divided into two columns.

Dante, wearing the mask of Sanguinius, enters.

On the forehead of the mask is a blood-red gemstone containing a drop of Sanguinius' blood.

It was extracted during the Great Crusade and sealed in gemstones to increase the majesty of the mask, so that the mask has the majesty of Sanguinius.

Behind Dante is the company champion holding a sacred object.

Many are the relics of Sanguinius, his former weapons, former armor, fallen wings and so on.

Every piece is so divine.

The Sons of Blood stared at the relics and fell silent.

Dante walked to the high platform, watching through the eyes of the mask the warriors who flowed the same blood as him.

"My brothers." Dante said with sadness in his tone, "I'm glad you answered Baal's call."

Many soldiers watched Dante, waiting for him to continue speaking.

Dante looked at the company champion behind him, showing the relics to everyone.

"These relics carried by my warriors and their servants date back to the time of Horus' great treachery against our beloved Emperor. These armors, these weapons date back to the most terrible war of all."

Dante pointed to the crimson chalice and the reliquary containing the Primarch's Feather, "And this, they are the witnesses of our father's death, both of which are containers for his relics. For the Blood Warband, Nothing can cause greater pain than our Holy Father falling at the blade of his odious brother."

"Having experienced the never-ending black rage, all of us have looked back on the death of Sanguinius, and felt eternal pain when the claws of Horus pierced him. Those pains will never Disappeared, it flows in our blood, becomes our defect, and also becomes our nobility."

"Our Lord's sacrifice laid the foundation for the future of humanity. The Emperor was victorious and order was restored. And now, we will walk in our Lord's way, and we will die for greater things and those who need our protection. "

"The blood-red line of defense must not be broken through by the Tyranid Zerg, otherwise the northeastern part of the Milky Way will no longer have the power to defend, the extreme star field will be devastated, the human empire will suffer heavy losses, and hundreds of billions or even trillions of humans will become food for the Tyranids."

Dante's voice became louder and louder, containing the unique anger of the son of Sanguinius, "I'm sorry, the first time you were called back to Baal, it was to make you sacrifice for it. We are the inheritance of Sanguinius' will Or, things to come will test us all. When you look up at the sky for the stars, you find yourself unable to see them because the Zerg fleet has blotted out their light, and the waves of monsters will never end."

"If you talk to those psykers and think tanks, you will know that the subspace has also been enveloped by them. We are alone and helpless, and we will fight alone in the dark. All the information you can understand will tell you clearly, We can't win this."

The crimson anger of Sanguinius radiated from his body, like slow ripples in a pool of blood, and everyone felt its touch.

The desire to fight beats fiercely in the twin hearts of all the warriors in the hall.

They want to roar, they want to fight.

Want to vent eternal rage.

"Even if there is little hope, the darkness is about to consume us. Still I tell you, the Son of Sanguinius will win. By blade, shell, plasma and laser beam, we will cut them apart. By the power of our blood , we'll throw them back into the void. We'll unleash the boundless fury of Sanguinius upon the monsters."

Dante hammers the perfect marble slab on the table, cracking its surface. "We will stop the Leviathan in Baal, and the empire will endure. In the name of the blood on my brow and the blood of this life, in the name of Sanguinius, I swear it will be so."

"In the name of Sanguinius."

"In the name of Sanguinius."

"In the name of Sanguinius."

The warriors beat their breastplates with one hand, growling and shouting.

Their emotions are so strong and their will to fight is so tenacious.

It is difficult for anything to completely destroy them.

It would be a mistake for the Tyranids to choose the Baal system.

The Sons of Sanguinius will not give up this system easily.

Unless the holy blood is shed.

Dante stared at the crowd and smiled.

The Sons of Sanguinius were never afraid of sacrifice.

"Be quiet." Dante stretched out his hand and made a strong gesture, and everyone fell silent. "Now let's discuss what we should do, which is how to destroy the Hive Fleet Leviathan."

A holographic sphere is activated.

Adds a penetrating humming sound to the room noise.

The projection equipment hidden in the ceiling and walls, with the assistance of the computer slave, draws a luminous star map.

A part of the Ultimate Starfield floats in the hall.

Every detail is flawless and clearly displayed in front of everyone.

A broad trace runs through the center of the Limit Star Field, a bloody red scar.

Balor's light shines in the center.

Hades galaxy with binary star system, burning in the southwest.

A terrible battle was fought there.

Dante struck a deal with an undead overlord to use the power of the stars to set that galaxy on fire.

The planets in the scars are all red.

They are still poisoned by old wars.

So far, it has not been recovered.

The mad ancestors induced the power of the stars to create a field of red scars.

Human beings are always tormented by the past that has disappeared.

Bear the sin and hurt for those ancestors.

The world inside the red scar, compared to other parts of the empire, can be said to be sparsely populated.

But it is the most powerful fortress in the northeast part of the Limit Star Field. Once it is broken through by the Zerg, those galaxies will have no barriers at all, and it is self-evident what fate those worlds will meet.

The light flickered and took shape, and planets appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Representatives of the Chapters are like gods of war gazing down from the sky on the kingdoms of mortals.

They stared at those worlds, and got all the information about them from the jumping words and data.

Signs and data appeared after the appearance of the planet.

The first is the name of the galaxy, displayed next to the numerous star lights.

Then there are taxes, population, military strength, and local rulers.

Galaxy orbits, marking the orbits of galaxies, the boundaries of regions, anomalies that highlight borders, and important mining stations and outposts.

With so much data, the map appears disorganized.

Of course, this problem is nothing to Astarte monks.

They have super information processing ability.

In seconds, they can record all the information.

And draw a dynamic picture of the Tyranid Zerg attack in his mind.

This information is provided by the Star Language Court and Mechanic God.

Much of the information is outdated and is for reference only.

The empire is too large, and it takes at least a hundred years to update the star map.

The Tyranid Zerg is coming fiercely, so it is naturally impossible to have time to update the map on purpose.

The Zerg's shadow engulfed the star, spreading its tentacles across the galaxy.

Many worlds have been swallowed.

There are some updates on the star map, and some that haven't been updated.

Communications in the Empire are seriously backward.

Information in many sectors is difficult to communicate.

It may take hundreds or thousands of years for a war to spread to another place.

Even if someone knew something was broken and updated their database.

However, they also could not allow these updated databases to be quickly passed on to other troops.

Fragmentation, as well as seriously lagging information, made it impossible for the blood battle group to know the dynamics of the will of the hive in time.

Only by placing ships along the way and monitoring them can they grasp the movements of the Leviathan Zerg fleet.

"These are the traces left by the Hive Fleet Leviathan." Dante pointed to the star map, and a trajectory appeared in the projection. "It's been heading in this direction for decades, devouring every world it encounters in its path. Of course, this simulation is sped up thousands of times, with Tyranids devouring a world every few months or years. The world, and continue to separate tentacles. These tentacles devour the world one by one, continue to grow themselves, and then split into smaller tentacles again."

"The Tyranids don't use subspace to advance, they can only fly in the real universe. However, they violate the laws of nature through certain mechanisms, and their ships exceed the speed of light. Their speed allows us to have a small strategic advantage."

"But this strategic advantage does not help us win the war. The Zerg fleet is too powerful. And as it advances, the Zerg grows stronger. Every world swallowed strengthens it in number and kind. "

"The Blood Angels have fought the Leviathan fleet many times and successfully stopped them several times."

A small-scale star map appears separated from the larger-scale star map in a glowing rectangle.

It shows two lanes for the Zerg fleet, one brighter than the other.

"It is for this reason that the Tyranids are actively seeking to destroy the Blood Angels Chapter. Otherwise it will never enter the Red Samba, but will instead turn to those worlds that are densely populated or where natural systems are intact."

"From the initial information provided by the Mechanic Order and the Tribunal, it can be inferred that the Tyranids prefer planets with high-density life. The planets in the red scars do not conform to their characteristics at all, and the worlds are basically desolate and full of toxins. , choosing such a zone is very abnormal for a predator like Tyran. The only explanation is that they are trying to reach a strategy, and this strategy is the Baal galaxy. His behavior is to seek the complete destruction of Barr."

"This kind of statement is really unbelievable. They are animals and will not have the idea of ​​​​revenge." A chapter leader said.

"You're wrong," said Mephiston.

"And what is the truth?" asked another Chapter Master.

"I have observed the Shadow of the Warp created by the Tyranids, and I have seen the body behind that projected it. The Zerg that attacked our galaxy was not an army of individuals, nor even a herd of animals. The Tyranids were a single individual, a being with soul and mind, a fearsome enemy existing in unimaginable dimensions."

"Is it really possible that all those monsters are the embodiment of one consciousness?"

"If so, it might not be too scary, right?? How does it maintain itself over a long distance? If it can't maintain itself, then how can it ensure that every split will will obey itself."

"If the opponent affects the real body through the shadow of the subspace, why don't we transfer the war to the subspace, destroy them spiritually, and let the real body collapse."

"Impossible, the shadow of subspace is too terrifying, no psyker can fight against that terrifying power."

"Indeed, we can only attack from reality, kill them, and weaken that shadow."

The quarrels of the many warbands made the scene chaotic.

Dante held out his hand, motioning for these people to be quiet.

"Stopping the Tyranids is our mission. This battle can only be fought on a realistic level. We will stop the Tyranids in Baal. If we succeed, they will be trapped in red scars with nothing to starve, constantly weakening, In the end, it was completely destroyed. I already have a comprehensive plan, maybe you can give me some new suggestions and additions."

Deafening cheers erupted, and many hands rapped on the table, shaking it.

When the cheers ended, Dante spoke about his plan and star defense.

The Battle of Blood was united tightly by Dante in the name of Sanguinius

As time went on, the remaining Chapters continued to arrive from all over the place.

Before the shadow of the warp cut off warp navigation completely.

Dante got twenty-eight thousand Astartes warriors.

They are from different warbands.

In the low-Earth orbit of the three worlds, there are no vacant berths.

, Every anchorage is crowded with ships.

Battleships, cruisers, etc., are all suspended in low earth orbit.

Many Chapters have gone all out to answer the call of the Mother Chapter.

Their ships formed a metallic line of defense for the Baal system.

Dante hopes that these ships will hold the Void's line of defense firmly for them in the upcoming battle.

That's the key to victory.

Of course, he also knows that this kind of thinking is extravagant.

The orbit around Palladium is packed to the brim.

In response to the call, the blood warbands rushed to the place where Sanguinius first spread his wings.

They pilgrimage like devout believers.

This behavior fills them with power.

Being able to make them feel that Sanguinius is with them.

On the other hand, at Castel d'Angelo, Dante also met each of the newly arrived warbands, arranging their place in his plan.

It is worth mentioning that these warbands brought some brand new news for Dante.

The Empire is at war with Abaddon on Vigilius.

It is said that one, or two Primarchs have returned, and they are leading their troops into battle.

This event excited Dante.

If it is true, it means that the empire still has hope.

If they can get the support of the holy father brothers, then they may be able to get more chances of victory.

It is a pity that the information obtained by these blood battle groups is also incomplete.

The terrifying subspace storm shattered the Astronomical galaxy.

People can only guess the truth from limited information.

Some say the Emperor is revived and has walked Terra, dethroning the incompetent Highlord.

Some people also say that Guilliman and Ryan have recovered, and they have reopened the Great Crusade, and human beings will declare war on chaos and aliens.

There are many powerful and fearsome human armies sailing the galaxy.

News of war is everywhere.

There was some news of victory.

There was also bad news.

No one can tell whether it is true or not.

Warp storms are terrible.

The Great Rift cuts through everything.

Dante is quite concerned about this. If he can get the help of the empire, the situation will be much better.

Unfortunately, the chorus of the astropaths couldn't pierce the storm.

Even with the help of Mephiston and the think tanks of many battle groups.

Very difficult.

As time went by, the shadow caused by the Zerg became more terrifying.

Astrocall can no longer resist Hive Mind's Roar.

The warp has become utterly peaceful throughout the galaxy.

Even the etheric currents stopped.

Information can no longer be transmitted, and it is difficult for psykers to absorb power from the subspace, and instead are tortured by the shadow of the subspace to the verge of collapse.

The Great Devourer was getting closer.

Nightmares haunt everyone.

Control is also getting stricter.

Barr's defenders were all busy.

They ran around, reinforced the last fortifications, and sent the produced weapons and ammunition to the designated locations.

Soon, the floating satellite released in the dark void of the Baal galaxy was triggered, sending a message to everyone.

Here comes Tyron.

Tyranid ships travel faster than light.

This means they are outside the light cone.

If the explanation of mysticism is used, it means that they are outside of fate.

Light travels along the time axis in a conical shape, which Scholars of the Mechanicus call light cones.

People outside the light cone cannot understand what is inside the light cone.

The Leviathan fleet runs faster than light, and their positions can only be observed through subspace, and it is difficult to find their traces in the real universe.

When they are close to the target, they will reduce their speed and use biological engines to propel them.

When the first biological ships appeared on the outskirts of the galaxy.

Plasma gas gushed out from the weapon platform, converging into a light beam and hitting the thick biological chitin.

Blank shells exploded in the deep, writhing wound.

The biological turrets and sharp corners were destroyed by intensive firepower.

Thick tentacles snapped off from the bottom by gunfire.

It became the first victim.

Nothing can withstand such a high density of attacks.

The hull became fragmented, being pushed forward by inertia.

Air and moisture poured from the exposed hull, condensing in the void.

Sleeping in the hull, waiting to be awakened, the Zerg individuals who went into battle were frozen in the cryogenic temperature.

At this time, the Baal galaxy is densely covered with weapon platforms, torpedo silos and booby traps.

They are connected into a giant spider web.

Extending from the edge of the dark universe to knowing the orbit of the Baal galaxy itself.

Ships flicker in the defense grid.

Fast gunboats and probe ships, nothing but weapons and engines.

They are quickly constructed in the ports of the void, then dragged to the battlefield.

Ships from various battle groups were assembled and divided into several battle groups, cooperating with each other, trying to control the entire sky domain.

There are a large number of biological ships in the dark universe, and they are different.

Some resemble slugs, others resemble void whales.

Some have a slight resemblance to marine life, but are a million times larger.

Some biological ships have huge blades on their heads and thick biological armor on their bodies.

A boat with tentacles, a boat with a spine, a boat with a tail.

Many of the boats had unusually long tails, like jellyfish in the deep sea.

Every way in which organisms assemble is presented before one's eyes.

These combinations originated from the evolution of different races, and are now integrated and absorbed by the Tyranids.

Forced to bend to the hive's will, they possess a terrifying consistency.

The servitor responsible for processing detection data was twitching.

Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands.

The number keeps rising, and the massive amount of data makes the detection machine slaves almost crash.

Bells and sirens kept ringing, beeping and shouting.

Although the Tyranid weapons are not as powerful as those of the Empire, they are much more numerous.

Void shields are twisted or pierced by torpedo spines and living missiles.

Fast-flying stalkers galloped past in green flames of bioplasma jets.

Squirt stingers from wriggling orifices.

Those behemoths and imperial battleships with a length of more than 20 kilometers are not inferior.

Huge biological carrier, covered with thick black pipes.

Huge, knobby teeth are spit out of the duct by a peristaltic movement of muscles.

The teeth fly in space, and when they hit the hull, they burst, releasing swarms of metal-eating creatures.

The fighting in the void battlefield was extremely brutal.

Communication between human fleets is very noisy.

Each captain is issuing orders loudly to complete the maneuver, save his ship or find an angle to kill the enemy.

They rely on the void defense system built by weapons platforms, torpedo silos, nuclear missiles and other weapons.

A steady stream of killing and wounding the Tyranid Zerg fleet.

A large number of Zerg ships shattered into pieces, suspended in the void.

However, in the face of overwhelming advantages.

The Tyranids still passed through the void defense system, and the huge biological ship crashed into the three planets.


Mephiston walked deep in the bloodstone mining field with think tanks selected from various warbands.

Bloodstones are a badge of honor for an Astartes monk of the blood of Sanguinius.

Krull Mountain in Bawei is the only place where blood stones are produced.

The decorations polished by bloodstone are not only symbolic.

Each piece can resonate slightly with the host spiritually.

Individually, these ores are too small to have any effect on the bearer.

But where there is a large amount of ore, they can amplify the spiritual power.

It can help psykers better control and drive the power of the warp.

When they stood in the bloodstone mine.

The light emitted by the soul in the warp will be brighter.

Mephiston chose this place for a reason.

Here, think tanks can ignore the shadow of the subspace caused by the invasion of the Tyranids, and get rid of the horrible sense of suffocation and pressure.

From here they draw their strength, thus rejuvenating their weary souls.

Mephiston and others walked into a hall made of bloodstone crystals and filled with bloody light.

Psionic tentacles spun out of their heads as they walked in.

Every think tank can feel the deep subspace through the Scarlet Hall, which is countless times easier than usual.

They can feel the fullness of power.

If they wish, they can easily invoke the more terrifying subspace power.

There are many special things in the bloodstone mine.

The most special point is that the bloodstone crystals here will heal and grow automatically, just like a living silicon organism.

Mephiston and others found a flat open space.

They formed a circle.

share each other's blood.

Use this ritual to get closer to your relationship.

They then lent their psychic powers to Mephiston.

The ruby's light became extremely intense. Takes on a quality beyond what light should have.

He was chanting an ancient mantra.

With the help of other Librarians, Mephiston's soul was sent into the inscrutable, incomprehensible Warp.

Through this ritual, Mephiston saw terrible things.

Two demon armies, one black and one red.

They fought on a plain of white bones.

An angel-shaped portal of red light opens from the world of demons and connects to a real world.

There are stars next to that world, and a curved line of a red world.

Its two moons are surrounded by ships in battle.

That's Barr.

The demon was watching Baal.

Whoever wins will gain access to Baal's Gate.

Mephiston's eyes became firm, he did not allow failure.

He must protect Baal in the disaster of angels.

If he can repel the blood god's servants, he can use this mine to leverage the power of the warp and repel the Zerg.

The dark sky was lit up with lasers and explosions.

The light of war illuminates the panicked faces of the Baal people.

They stood on their own line, trembling.

A strange roar came from a distant place.

Thunderhawk, Stormbird, Valkyrie and other fighter planes roared past.

The flames formed by the explosions they create can be seen from far away.

Tyranids are gathering and they will attack soon.


Looking at the artillery fire and the dark shadows in the sky.

The boy made a crying sound.

He is holding a weapon.

The body shivered in the cold wind mixed with the smell of gunfire.

Yuji was also trembling, and he touched his son's face rarely, revealing the tenderness he once had.

He knew that he was likely to die here.

It is useless to criticize the poor child any more.

He resented his fate.

I have been working hard all my life, but I always fall back to the bottom and become a humble water seller who is bullied.

His beloved woman died of illness in his arms.

His child became a fool in the selection.

This world is so cruel.

Deprive him of everything he has, and trample him underfoot.

Yuji's cruelty to children stems from his helplessness towards fate.

He is not those angels, he does not have the courage to fear death, nor does he have the decisive action.

But he is really working hard to live his life well.

But fate teased and tortured him again and again.

Let him lose what he loves, let him lose everything.

Now, he is going to die.

Those Zergs will come and kill everyone.

He was so weak, he would die with just a slight swipe of the jointed limbs of those bugs.

"Don't be afraid, Tiers, you will be accepted by the emperor, you are so kind." With tears in his eyes, Yogi said to his child in the gentle tone of the past.

In those days it didn't get so bad.

in the days when his wife was still alive.

In the days when Tiers was smart and strong.

His tone is so gentle.

Lost Tower.

Countless shrill howls came from it, crazy and full of pain.

They want blood and fights.

When the Tyranids appeared in the Baal system, the prisoners made their voices heard.

The sixth sense possessed by this depraved beast is even more terrifying than the psychic power of the think tank.

Their anger was the first to be ignited.

The moment the war came, the prisoners were the first to howl,

Blood thirst and black rage are eternal pain.

If a blood scion seeks blood, clerics know they are haunted by visions of themselves, which is bloodthirsty.

If a Son of Blood sang, the clerics would know they had been invaded by the memory of Sanguinius, and when Sanguinius' pain overwhelmed them, black rage would arise.

Every child of the Holy Blood cannot escape the fate of being tortured by blood thirst and black anger.

With the opening of the war, except for the original prisoners of the Lost Tower going crazy.

There is also a part, the holy blood children who were originally normal are also out of control.

This time, it was no longer a few people out of control, but hundreds of fighters out of control.

As Tyron gets closer, this number may rise linearly.

Even Dante felt an uncontrollable rage.

The blood god's servant chose this time to come to Baal and had his own plans.

It is very likely that the Holy Blood Children will lose control in this war.

If Mephiston can't stop the blood god's servant, then the holy blood descendants gathered in Baal will become the blood god's slave.

Those brothers who were out of control were chained up and gathered in the cathedral.

Here they will be incorporated into the Death Company.

Priests sing ancient war songs to them to soothe their souls.

"|May Sanguinius watch over you as you enter your last judgment, may the Emperor keep you faithful while your arms remain strong, and may your wrath burn in your last battle, you His soul shall be reborn in wrath to be with the great Father and Emperor."

The powerful concealment of the priests, calming the runaway warrior, was replaced by the grief of Sanguinius' death.

But these are short-lived.

The blood slaves quickly affixed the death black cross to the soldiers of the death company and checked their weapons and equipment for the last time to ensure that they could fight heartily in the last battle.

After final prayers and arming.

These fighters will be sent to the dungeon of the Lost Tower.

They will be released at the last minute.

Dante watched as the warriors were sent into the Tower of Lost.

They were chained to their rooms.

As the priests turned away, the lost warriors were once again filled with rage.

They yelled and said a heartbreaking thing.

These words were first uttered aboard the Vengeful Spirit 10,000 years ago.

Since then, it has been repeated countless times.

"Why?" a voice yelled maniacally, full of pain and sorrow, "Why did you betray us, Horus."

Priests closed the gates of the Lost Tower.

Cut off the words of the warrior who was trapped in the illusion.

There is no answer to give.

Dante under the mask looked sad. After this battle, how many Sons of Sanguinius can remain normal? ?

Perhaps he too will be one of the lost.

"Sail us, Sanguinius. Protect us, Holy Emperor."

Dante said in his heart.

A piercing siren sounded.

The sirens of the Zerg invasion resounded throughout the entire Angel Castle.

The fighter planes fled back from afar, and behind them was an endless sea of ​​insects.

They come, with destruction, with death.

The defense line outside Angel Fort.

Countless Zerg howled.

Blot out the sun.


Those terrifying behemoths trampled on the surface, making a rumbling sound, and the whole earth shook.

The soldiers drew their weapons and activated them one after another, shouting slogans such as for Sanguinius and for the Emperor.

They face their fate without fear.

The civilians swallowed, trying not to turn around and run away in fear.

Yogi, the water seller, hugs his baby for the last time.

"I hope you live, Tiers. If not, I bless you to return to the embrace of the Emperor. I love you, child."

The boy looked at his father, he was a little dumbfounded.

"I... also... love you, Father."

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