Warhammer: Opening is a Crisis of Doom

Chapter 229 Who Can Guarantee His Loyalty? (seeking subscription)

Aldameier watched the troops coming out of the light.

The huge golden double eagle emblem is shining, full of sacred aura.

The suspended anti-gravity tank rumbled.

Huge railguns unleashed fire.

Shred everything in its path.

Dozens of huge, streamlined fighter planes flew across the sky.

They roared past, and countless shells fell on the ground, making a huge roar.

Then, they transformed into heavy titans in the air.

The artillery beam in his hand roared and fell, sweeping across a large area.

The power weapon, shining with cracking brilliance, sent out a bright arc, swept across, and smashed most of the Tyranid creatures to pieces in one blow.

In just a short moment, the entire ground was covered with fragmented skeletons.

Ground infantry wear heavily armored exoskeletons.

The shoulder cannon on the back continuously bombarded the enemies within sight.

The pulse laser gun in his hand shot at the small Tyranid creatures.

The strength of this force surpassed Odameier's imagination.

He couldn't help guessing that if this army was the opponent of the Blood Angels.

How long can the Sons of Sanguinius last?

Odameier has no idea of ​​defeating this army.

He had never seen those weapons before, and they were much stronger than the weapons used by the Blood Angels.

The gap cannot be erased by courage and sacrifice.

The war goes on with the sound of trumpets.

When the trumpets reached their peak.

A team of extraordinary warriors wearing various armors stepped out of the light.

The only common decoration is the golden double-headed eagle on their thick battle armor.

Each of them is so powerful, they are the same kind of Odameier.

It is a super soldier created by gene seeds and transformation surgery.

Odameier could intuitively see that those fighters were bigger and more oppressive.

Obviously, they have been improved.

Stronger and bigger.

Those Zerg are not their opponents at all.

Gaunt was crushed mercilessly, and the Bug Saint Titan fell under their onslaught.

Those heavy behemoths howled in despair one after another.

Soon, they cleared a large open space.

These mighty fighters form a team.

At the end, with the sound of war horns, a hero recorded in mythology appeared.

He is as tall as a god, and his eyes reveal endless majesty.

A golden double-headed eagle was etched on the azure power armor, glistening in the light of the cannon fire.

The halo of the Iron Cross behind it flows with holy light.

So majestic.

so divine.

So awe-inspiring.

Aldameier watched the appearance of the son of myth.

The other party didn't wear a helmet, but only wore a beautiful laurel crown carved with pure gold on his forehead.

He showed his noble face,

All the miracles and lights of this world gathered in one piece are enough to make everyone present their eternally loyal faces the moment they see it.

Human beings have lasted until now, and there is only one supreme monarch who is worshiped and admired wholeheartedly.

And now, mankind is about to usher in another equally great figure.

Time passed, and after thousands of years of struggling in despair, mankind once again gained a king who could be trusted and loved by the world.

Odameier was shocked and surprised.

As the priest of the Blood Angels, he naturally knew the identity of the opponent.

Lord of Ultramar, Primarch of the Ultramarines, King of the Five Hundred Worlds, Sword of Unity, Ruler of Armies.

Now, he is also the Regent of the Empire, the Savior of Mankind, the Redeeming Light of Darkness, the Leader against Chaos, and the Heir to the Will of the Emperor.

He has so many titles.

Each one represents his distinguished status and ability.

On the battlefield, humans slaughtered those Zerg monsters one-sidedly.

No force can stop Guilliman's will, those loyal warriors will smash everything, without exception.

"Who is it, is it Horus?" The former blood angel hero, the fearless who was tortured by endless rage, roared through the sounder, "Taste my wrath. Listen to the shameful traitors, I am still standing Instead, the Emperor is laying his hand on my shoulders, and I am death incarnate."

"The Blood Angels never evolve. We are the embodiment of loyalty. We are eternal rage. Take your punishment, traitor."

The Dreadnought was so loud, the heavy mech holding a heavy bolter on one side, and claws that arced on the other.

The bestial growls of the other Death Company fighters echoed the roar of the Dreadnought.

Those strong original cast warriors had to control these lost people after clearing out the Zerg, so as to prevent them from accidentally injuring friendly troops.

"Don't try to control me, traitors." Faced with the kindness of the friendly forces, Dauntless, who was lost in rage, roared, and he raised his weapon.

Oldamere rushed over, trying to prevent this from happening.

Just when the tragic scene of brother-in-law killing was about to take place, Guilliman spoke.

His voice is sonorous, powerful, and extremely penetrating. Even on a chaotic battlefield, he can accurately reach everyone's ears.

"Lost people, recognize the enemy and yourself, don't be fooled by the fury, don't be fooled by the gods."

The voice pierced the black fury like light, giving these lost souls a chance to breathe.

Ka Suo, who was buried in the sarcophagus, stopped attacking.

He gazed at Guilliman and recognized the legendary hero.

"My lord, Lord Guilliman of the Thirteenth Legion? Has our reinforcements arrived?" Ka Suo twisted his heavy mech body and looked at Aldameier who was rushing towards him, "I My blood brother, behold, our reinforcements have arrived. We are victorious, and Horus will be defeated. Our walls stand, and our Father will soar again. Reinforcements are coming, as they promised .”

Ca Suo's tone was full of excitement, like a child who got the candy he wanted.

Aldamar grieved, knowing that Guilliman had awakened some of these people's sanity.

But they were already lost, lost in the phantasm of ten thousand years ago in the endless rage.

They believed they were still fighting on Terra, facing the loathsome traitors.

"Yes, we won. Caso, we won." Odameier said.

"We have won, the Gate of Eternity stands firm." Ka Suo roared, as did the other soldiers of the Death Company.

Guilliman's voice steadied the Death Company fighters, and Aldameier and several other priests were able to guide them away from the battle.

The soldiers of the Death Company are a terrible nightmare to the enemy, but they can also be a nightmare to the friendly army if left unchecked.

The war is over.

At the moment when the great man arrives, it has come to an end.

Guilliman walked towards the Castle of Angels, and Dante was also shocked by the appearance of this son of myth.

But he can still keep his composure.

He hurried down with the Holy Blood Guard, saluted the Primarch, and welcomed him into the Castle of Angels.

Tiers watched the noble man in the crowd, and he walked towards Angel Castle accompanied by countless powerful warriors.

The other side showed a smile to all the civilians.

That kind of smile is very sincere, without any adulteration.

Tiers had only seen that kind of smile on his mother's face, it was the infinite pampering for the one he loved.

From that smile, Tiers drew an absurd guess that was impossible to convince anyone.

The great man loved all men as he loved himself.

Most of the area outside Angel Castle has been reduced to ruins.

Dante only guarded the most core buildings.

If Guilliman had been slower, Dante felt that the last buildings might have been reduced to ruins.

Guilliman chose to spend some time alone with Dante before holding a formal meeting.

For this legendary imperial hero, he needs some time to understand.

They were talking in the highest hall of Angel Castle.

Here you can overlook the wilderness with a radius of hundreds of miles.

Imperial forces are still cleaning out the last Zerg.

Millions of hooves and claws moved the dunes to level ground.

The desert is full of deep pits, which were formed by the Tyranids hitting the surface.

The outlines of these deep pits will remain clearly visible for centuries to come.

A large number of Zerg corpses fell in the desert, and the alien blood exuding a corrosive smell soaked every corner.

This blood stops the sand from moving.

On the deserted planet of Barr, there will be no large-scale rainfall, which means that the blood will stay there for a long time.

The dunes will recover again in a period of time to come.

However, Tyrann's invasion will not be erased, and will leave a permanent mark on Baal.

The buildings built around Fort Angel became ruins.

They bear the brunt of the Tyranid attacks. crushed by that heavy beast.

Many of the decorated statues have collapsed and been broken beyond repair.

Even on the Bastion of Angels, the Tyranids had left their mark, the cathedral was badly damaged, and not a single window of the Hermitage was intact.

Guilliman stood at the top of the Angel Castle, calculating how much time and resources it would take to transform Baal into a livable world.

This approach was not advocated before.

The rulers of the empire prefer to invest resources in enjoyment and war, and they have never been keen on things like changing the living environment.

Guilliman didn't care what those idiots thought.

He has his own point of view.

In a war that does not know how long it will last, the most important thing is to develop the basic market.

Don't be led by the nose by the enemy.

Don't try to use blitzkrieg to achieve any strategic victory.

The reformed planet can continue to provide him with resources, troops and talents.

The resources obtained from various worlds should be fed back again to improve human survival and increase the number and quality of the population.

A man who gives everything to choose once and a man who can choose countless times.

The odds are different.

The former cannot be so lucky forever.

The latter can always be trial and error.

It is a smart strategy to let the empire grow like a snowball.

Guilliman wanted to run the entire galaxy.

He wants the entire universe if necessary.

and even other universes.

As long as the development can keep up, the more backups, the more opportunities for fault tolerance.

Dante stood behind Guilliman, and he didn't speak.

He gazed at the primarch's tall form.

He had heard the story of the Primarch countless times since he was a child.

He always believed that those stories exaggerated certain attributes of the Primarch, so as to make people more religious.

But when you really touch it, you will find out.

In fact, those legends do not exaggerate anything.

Primarchs possess charisma and leadership abilities, and they can make people surrender to them from the heart.

The legend that hangs over Guilliman adds a touch of divinity to him.

At this moment, however, it is Guilliman's humanity that Dante sees.

It was as if the human essence had been distilled a hundred times and injected into the giant's body.

Beyond human, also become more human.

Guilliman is the perfect example of divine humanity in every way, save for a huge scar running across his throat.

After a moment of silence, Guilliman broke the silence.

"My team of narrators have worked hard to create a brief history of your illustrious career, which is too numerous to list."

Dante said: "Those are my duties, and it is not worth mentioning them specifically. As long as there is an enemy of the empire alive, I will continue to fight to the last moment."

"Your loyalty is unquestionable, Dante." Guilliman said with a smile, "You must continue to maintain such excellent qualities. The crisis of the empire is still going on. The imperial fleet is everywhere to put out fires, but those enemies always come after us. Turning back again, I need the help of every loyalist."

"It is my honor, my lord," said Dante.

"Dante." Guilliman's tone became serious, "There are some things, maybe I should give you some buffer time. But that's impossible. The human empire doesn't have that much time, every day Waste is bought at the expense of innocent people."

"The High Lords Council was disbanded by me, and the old bureaucratic system was destroyed by me. Half of them died, and half were thrown into the punishment camp by me. They are unwilling to give up their power, so I can only help them give up."

"The old system was inefficient and bloated and no longer met my needs. For this reason, I chose a new system. Many people call this behavior a rebellion. They say I am trying to take my father's position." Kiri Man didn't shy away, he stared at Dante.

The identity of the opponent is the spiritual pillar of the Blood Angels.

The radical idea of ​​abolishing the High Lords Council and overhauling the Empire has made many people dissatisfied.

This kind of opposition stems from not adapting to the new era, and there are also some original vested interests.

Dante is a hero of the old age, possessing almost unlimited glory and power.

Guilliman had to make sure the hero didn't side with the opposition.

There was surprise in Dante's eyes, but he didn't speak.

He had seen the terrible army outside.

It is by no means an easy task for the Primarch to control such a powerful army.

The intensity of the reform is probably far beyond his imagination.

A lot of old things have been abolished.

The stagnant empire was revived.

This is a very incredible thing for an empire that looks like a walking dead.

To bring a dead tree back to life, it is necessary to cut off the dead parts and let the good parts grow again.

The same goes for Empire.

Dante can imagine how many things Guilliman had to cut down in order to have a technologically advanced and powerful army.

He guessed the will of the Primarch, if the Blood Angels were unwilling to accept those reforms, what kind of tough measures would the Primarch take? ?

Guilliman reached out and slid a few times, and several holographic projections emerged between the two of them.

Dante stared at these holographic projections, which displayed brand-new warships and Primaris warriors, as well as various weapons.

"I admit that what I have done is almost a rebellion. I have abolished many traditional prohibitions and asked those people to make changes so that I can get a strong enough army. The gods are laughing in the dark universe, and the aliens are eroding mankind territory, everything is going from bad to worse."

"In such a dark universe, there is no means that should not be used. As long as the survival of mankind can be guaranteed, I can do anything. Dante, it is time to make a choice, embrace change or maintain tradition. I I don't force you to be loyal to me, I just hope that you don't become an obstacle, you can become a neutral person, and then live a happy life of an ordinary person with my efforts."

"Your father's bloodline is very strong, they occupy an important space in my plan, Sanguinius' bloodline will be strengthened, get new battleships, new technologies, new weapons and equipment, with those, you can crush Crush those worms like crushing ants. You are very important to them, Dante. You are their belief and the embodiment of Sanguinius they think. If you stand against me, everything will not come true. "

Dante stared at Guilliman, his eyes were very deep, hiding the wisdom of the entire universe.

He had seen how powerful Guilliman's army was.

Sweep everything.

Nothing can be their enemy.

The dreadful Tyranids were shattered.

It was smashed to pieces like a piece of mud.

The shadow formed by the will of the hive was defeated, truly defeated.

This was something Dante had never seen before.

Empire has never achieved anything like this.

In the past, there have been very few successful campaigns against the Zerg.

Not to mention repelling Tyron.

After hesitating for a moment, Dante made his own decision. He looked at Guilliman and said sincerely, "I am very confused and tired, but I will not be stingy in serving you. The universe is changing, and human beings have stagnated For too long, like a pool of stagnant water, I agree with you, my lord. The empire needs some changes, and mankind needs some changes."

Guilliman put his hands on Dante's shoulder armor and smiled in relief.

"Thank you, Dante. You saved me a lot of trouble and distress. After talking about this matter, we have to talk about a more secret matter. Turn off all the equipment here and restore it to its original state."

Dante hesitated for a moment, but he did anyway.

As the final buzz slowly disappeared, the highest level of Angel Castle was isolated in the wasteland without technology.

"This time, I came to Baal. Besides saving you, I have another more important purpose. My brother, your holy father, Sanguinius was killed in the Battle of Horus. But that kind of killing It wasn't that easy to die, his soul was broken."

"As Primarchs, we have the essence of the subspace, are immortal, and can be resurrected like demons. Some people will take a long time to resurrect, and some people can be resurrected quickly. My brother, fire Vulkan, Primarch of the Lizards, he can regenerate in just a few days, while others take much longer."

"In any case, we shall be resurrected and walk the world again. The other Primarchs have begun to return slowly, and they will gather on Terra in the last days of declaring war on the gods. However, your father appeared some The problem is that his soul is fragmented, and only by finding his soul can he be resurrected."

When Dante heard this, he immediately stayed where he was.

After a while, he spoke, hesitating in tone, unable to believe what he heard.

"Can it really be resurrected?"

Guilliman nodded, "If there are no accidents."

If there is an accident, Guilliman will have to consider cloning Sanguinius.

After all, the system task is there, if there is no way to get Sanguinius back to Terra.

What about his mission?

The second stage gave him the technology and knowledge reserves to build a subspace firewall.

But these are just defenses.

Humans need the means and strength to attack.

"Then what can I do about it?" Dante asked excitedly.

"The only fragments known so far are the Vengeful Spirit, and this Sanguinius mask on your head, I need to get it." Guilliman said, "This is the only one, know that Sanguinius I'm still looking for other words, and I believe there will be results soon."

"The layout for the Spirit of Vengeance has already begun on Scarlet Earth. The Glory of Macragge will stay in Baal. The will of the blood god is watching here. Chaos will notice my arrival, but they will not notice my departure. Abaddon will get the wrong information, and when he attacks Crimson Earth, that's when he falls into a trap."

Dante couldn't hide his excitement.

Hearing that Sanguinius could be resurrected made it difficult for him to remain calm.

He took off the mask, revealing an old face, the years have left traces on his face.

Dante handed the mask to Guilliman, and he watched Guilliman expectantly.

"Bring him back by all means, my lord."

Guilliman nodded, and he turned his head to look outside Baal, looking at the desolate places and the panicked Baal people.

"In addition to letting the son of Sanguinius accept the reform. Dante, I have a secondary task to give."

"What mission?" Dante asked.

"These planets are hell. For 10,000 years, you have recruited the strong and abandoned the weak. Maybe you think this will make the warriors of the empire stronger. But I don't think so. My brother's depravity stems from their cruelty to mortals. Arrogant, they forget what they are fighting for. Honor and victory in battle prevail, and they ignore the voices of mortals."

"This is the source of their depravity. We must know what we fight for, Dante. We fight to protect those who suffer, and honor is just a by-product of the process. No one will willingly fight for someone who is not happy." It is wrong for people to send their children to battle to be ravaged by the empire. We must do our part, and when we ask those people to give more, we do You have to give them more first."

"The Church of the Mechanics assists you in changing the climate of Baal to make it habitable. People deserve happiness, not misery, and that is why we fight for it."

"I'll do it," Dante said.

Guilliman nodded, "Then let us go out now, those fighters and commanders are waiting for us, after that, I have to leave secretly and return to Red Earth Star. When Abaddon thought I was still in Baal Sometimes, he will show his arrogance and flaws, then he will fail, and we will get the soul fragment of Sanguinius."

In the shelter of Angel Castle, the rising sun injected a bit of warmth into this cold place.

The surviving mortals are housed here.

Everything experienced during this period is enough to overshadow the first half of their lives.

They held weapons, manipulated cannons against the Zerg, and witnessed the space warriors rushing to death.

It also witnessed the occurrence of miracles.

A living Primarch saved Baal.

He is as perfect and powerful as the myths and legends.

The armies that obeyed him were invincible, crushing the Tyranids that Baal despaired of.

People were talking to each other, and the noisy voice echoed in the corridor of the hall.

When several angels walked over with the servants, they became quiet.

The armor of those angels shone like there was no war.

Their emblems are simpler and more primitive than those of other angels.

They move carefully among the poor refugees, afraid of stepping on them.

The power of the battle armor is powerful, even an accidental injury is enough to disable a person.

Behind them, uniformed human servants assisted them.

Younger children were singled out and taken away.

"What are you doing?" a man asked.

An angel stopped in his tracks, "I was ordered to conduct a comprehensive assessment of them. The blood war regiment suffered heavy casualties, and we need a batch of new blood. The imperial regent brought brand-new technology, and he lifted the ban. expansion in order to defend other human worlds."

Tiers was also singled out, and a white robed angel saw the scar on his forehead.

"How did this come about?"

Tiers was a little scared, "One, one, old, old injury. I participated in the selection of angels, fell down, and there is, I have an old injury."

The angel stretches out his left arm.

A device caused the armor to inflate, and small light-transmitting devices popped out of the armor.

The angel pressed Tiers' head, and purple light emitted from his fingertips.

The equipment hums.

Tiers wanted to be brave, but his lips trembled uncontrollably and his eyes were filled with tears.

"Son, you have some flaws, but it can be repaired, and you will have the qualifications to become an angel. In the past, this is an impossible thing. The bloody battle group is broken, and they need a lot of new blood. Kid Master Liman has brought a new technology, which can minimize the risk of becoming an angel, congratulations."

Tiers' face showed astonishment, and his frightened eyes lit up.

"This, is this true?"

"Yes, child, don't question it," said the angel.

Tiers shed tears. It would be great if his father was still there, so that he could share the joy of the moment.

It's a pity that what is lost will never come back.

This is the cruelty of fate.

Everything can only move forward.

At the meeting, Guilliman announced a number of reforms.

Many commanders who survived were shocked.

Some people think it couldn't be more perfect.

Others feel that this is an act of abandoning the way of the empire.

Dante stood for Guilliman, which left many warbands with no choice but to accept.

But there were also several battle groups who chose to leave on the spot as a protest against Guilliman's actions.

Seth, leader of the Flesh Tearers, is one of them.

He roared angrily in the underground chamber of Angel Castle, as if he wanted to summon those sleeping heroes to put pressure on Guilliman.

When Dante came down, he was still very angry, roaring that this was a betrayal, a betrayal of the empire, of the emperor.

"He brings salvation." Dante tries to convince an enraged Seth.

"Today, he can change the system left by the emperor. After a while, what will you use to guarantee that he will not take the position of the emperor."

Seth growled, "He changed the Adeptus Astartes, he changed the Mechanicum, he changed the empire system, everything changed, the traces of the emperor were erased, he became the only voice in the empire people."

"Lord Baal, can you guarantee that he will never ascend the golden throne of Terra? Can you guarantee that he will never become the new Lord of Mankind?"

"Seth, your words are too radical, anger should not dominate you, use your reason to think about this matter." Dante said.

"This is my reason, Lord Baal." Seth roared, "He will take the position of Emperor of Mankind, and he will become the new Lord of Mankind. Just watch, Lord Baal, my words will one day will become a reality."

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